Reminder - MLG Dallas is this week-end! No WoW this time, but the Starcraft 2 tournaments and the other games are always nice!

Cataclysm - Heroic Raid Loot List
Recent datamining yielded interesting results, and we now have a pretty much complete list of heroic raid loot! This is the list of the most powerful items you will get in the first tier of raid in Cataclysm, including the loot table of the Heroic only Lady Sinestra in the Bastion of Twilight.

Armor models aren't implemented yet (pretty please, Blizzard?) but all weapons should have screenshots.

Lady Sinestra Loot Table (Heroic Only)

Level Type Spec Slot Name
379PlateMeleeWristBracers of the Mat'redor
379PlateSpell SpiritWristBindings of Bleak Betrayal
379PlateTankFeetWar-Torn Crushers
379MailPhysical DPSLegsTwilight Scale Leggings
379MailSpell SpiritFeetBoots of Az'galada
379LeatherPhysical DPSWaistBelt of the Fallen Brood
379LeatherSpell SpiritFeetNightmare Rider's Boots
379ClothSpell DPSHeadCrown of the Twilight Queen
379ClothSpell SpiritWristBracers of the Dark Mother
379FingerMeleeFingerDargonax's Signet
379NeckTankNeckCaelestrasz's Will
379TrinketSpellTrinketShard of Woe
379BackSpell DPSBackShroud of Endless Grief

Cataclysm Heroic Raid Loot

Level Type Spec Slot Name
372AxeMeleeTwo-HandShalug'doom, the Axe of Unmaking
372AxePhysical DPSOne-HandCrul'korak, the Lightning's Arc
372BowPhysical DPSRangedThemios the Darkbringer
372CrossbowPhysical DPSRangedDragonheart Piercer
372DaggerMeleeOne-HandOrganic Lifeform Inverter
372DaggerSpell DPSMain HandBlade of the Witching Hour
372DaggerSpell DPSMain HandIncineratus
372Fist Weap.Physical DPSMain HandClaws of Torment
372GunTankRangedCrossfire Carbine
372MaceMeleeTwo-HandAkirus the Worm-Breaker
372MaceSpell DPSMain HandTwilight's Hammer
372MaceSpell SpiritMain HandAndoros, Fist of the Dragon King
372MaceTankOne-HandMace of Acrid Death
372Off-HandMeleeOff-HandClaws of Agony
372Off-HandPhysical DPSOff-HandMaimgor's Bite
372Off-HandSpell DPSOff-HandBook of Binding Will
372Off-HandSpell SpiritOff-HandScepter of Ice
372StaffPhysical DPSTwo-HandMalevolence
372StaffSpell SpiritTwo-HandChelley's Staff of Dark Mending
372SwordRandomMain HandStormwake the Tempest's Reach
372SwordRandom SpellMain HandStormwake the Tempest's Reach
372SwordMeleeOne-HandLava Spine
372SwordMeleeOne-HandSoul Blade
372SwordMeleeTwo-HandReclaimed Ashkandi, Greatsword of the Brotherhood
372SwordPhysical DPSOne-HandFang of Twilight
372SwordSpell DPSMain HandMaldo's Sword Cane
372WandSpell DPSRangedTheresa's Booklight
372WandSpell SpiritRangedFinkle's Mixer Upper
372ShieldSpell SpiritOff HandKingdom's Heart
372ShieldTankOff HandAkmin-Kurai, Dominion's Shield
372PlateRandom MeleeLegsSky Strider Greaves
372PlateRandom MeleeWaistSky Strider Belt
372PlateRandom HealingLegsTempest Keeper Leggings
372PlateRandom HealingWaistTempest Keeper Belt
372PlateRandom TankLegsThunder Wall Greaves
372PlateRandom TankWaistThunder Wall Belt
372PlateMeleeChestBattleplate of Ancient Kings
372PlateMeleeFeetMassacre Treads
372PlateMeleeFeetTreads of Savage Beatings
372PlateMeleeHandsGravitational Pull
372PlateMeleeHandsPlated Fists of Provocation
372PlateMeleeHeadDragon Bone Warhelm
372PlateMeleeHeadHelm of Maddening Whispers
372PlateMeleeLegsTerrastra's Legguards
372PlateMeleeShoulderPauldrons of the Great Ettin
372PlateMeleeWaistBelt of Absolute Zero
372PlateMeleeWristElectron Inductor Coils
372PlateSpell SpiritChestBreastplate of Avenging Flame
372PlateSpell SpiritFeetLife Force Chargers
372PlateSpell SpiritHandsFlash Freeze Gauntlets
372PlateSpell SpiritHeadGlaciated Helm
372PlateSpell SpiritLegsLegguards of the Emerald Brood
372PlateSpell SpiritShoulderBurden of Mortality
372PlateSpell SpiritWaistBelt of the Blackhand
372PlateSpell SpiritWaistCorehammer's Riveted Girdle
372PlateSpell SpiritWristShackles of the End of Days
372PlateTankChestBattleplate of the Apocalypse
372PlateTankFeetMolten Tantrum Boots
372PlateTankHeadDaybreaker Helm
372PlateTankLegsLegguards of the Unseeing
372PlateTankShoulderHeaving Plates of Protection
372PlateTankShoulderPauldrons of the Apocalypse
372PlateTankWaistJumbotron Power Belt
372PlateTankWristBracers of Impossible Strength
372MailRandom SpellLegsLightning Well Legguards
372MailRandom SpellWaistLightning Well Belt
372MailRandom Phys.DPSLegsStar Chaser Legguards
372MailRandom Phys.DPSWaistStar Chaser Belt
372MailPhysical DPSChestTunic of Failed Experiments
372MailPhysical DPSChestVoltage Source Chestguard
372MailPhysical DPSFeetBoots of Vertigo
372MailPhysical DPSHandsProto-Handler's Gauntlets
372MailPhysical DPSHeadArion's Crown
372MailPhysical DPSLegsLeggings of Lethal Force
372MailPhysical DPSShoulderSpaulders of the Scarred Lady
372MailPhysical DPSWaistCoil of Ten-Thousand Screams
372MailPhysical DPSWristChimaron Armguards
372MailSpell SpiritChestCircuit Design Breastplate
372MailSpell SpiritFeetTreads of Flawless Creation
372MailSpell SpiritHandsGloves of Cacophony
372MailSpell SpiritHeadHelm of the Nether Scion
372MailSpell SpiritLegsKilt of the Forgotten Battle
372MailSpell SpiritLegsPhase-Twister Leggings
372MailSpell SpiritShoulderFeludius' Mantle
372MailSpell SpiritWaistLifecycle Waistguard
372MailSpell SpiritWaistWaistguard of Hatred
372MailSpell SpiritWristChaos Beast Bracers
372LeatherRandom Phys.DPSLegsWind Stalker Leggings
372LeatherRandom Phys.DPSWaistWind Stalker Belt
372LeatherRandom SpellLegsGale Rouser Leggings
372LeatherRandom SpellWaistGale Rouser Belt
372LeatherMeleeHandsDouble Attack Handguards
372LeatherMeleeHeadMembrane of C'Thun
372LeatherPhysical DPSChestSark of the Unwatched
372LeatherPhysical DPSFeetStorm Rider's Boots
372LeatherPhysical DPSLegsAberration's Leggings
372LeatherPhysical DPSShoulderPoison Protocol Pauldrons
372LeatherPhysical DPSWaistDispersing Belt
372LeatherPhysical DPSWristParasitic Bands
372LeatherSpell SpiritChestScorched Wormling Vest
372LeatherSpell SpiritFeetTreads of Hideous Transformation
372LeatherSpell SpiritHandsHydrolance Gloves
372LeatherSpell SpiritHeadHelm of the Blind Seer
372LeatherSpell SpiritLegsLeggings of Consuming Flames
372LeatherSpell SpiritShoulderHide of Chromaggus
372LeatherSpell SpiritShoulderPassive Resistor Spaulders
372LeatherSpell SpiritWaistBelt of the Nightmare
372LeatherSpell SpiritWristManacles of the Sleeping Beast
372ClothRandom SpellLegsSoul Breath Leggings
372ClothRandom SpellWaistSoul Breath Belt
372ClothSpell DPSChestShadowblaze Robes
372ClothSpell DPSFeetEinhorn's Galoshes
372ClothSpell DPSHandsHands of the Twilight Council
372ClothSpell DPSHeadPower Generator Hood
372ClothSpell DPSLegsFlame Pillar Leggings
372ClothSpell DPSShoulderMantle of Roaring Flames
372ClothSpell DPSWaistBelt of Arcane Storms
372ClothSpell DPSWristBracers of the Bronze Flight
372ClothSpell DPSWristBracers of the Dark Pool
372ClothSpell SpiritChestRobes of the Burning Acolyte
372ClothSpell SpiritChestShadowforge's Lightbound Smock
372ClothSpell SpiritFeetTreads of Liquid Ice
372ClothSpell SpiritHandsBrackish Gloves
372ClothSpell SpiritHeadCrown of Burning Waters
372ClothSpell SpiritHeadHelm of Eldritch Authority
372ClothSpell SpiritLegsLegwraps of the Greatest Son
372ClothSpell SpiritShoulderMantle of Nefarius
372ClothSpell SpiritWaistX-Tron Duct Tape
372ClothSpell SpiritWristBracers of the Burningeye
372FingerRandomFingerCloudburst Ring
372FingerRandomFingerMistral Circle
372FingerRandomFingerPermafrost Signet
372FingerRandomFingerPlanetary Band
372FingerMeleeFingerRing of Rivalry
372FingerPhysical DPSFingerLightning Conductor Band
372FingerSpell DPSFingerSignet of the Fifth Circle
372FingerSpell SpiritFingerSecurity Measure Alpha
372FingerTankFingerBile-O-Tron Nut
372NeckMeleeNeckRage of Ages
372NeckPhysical DPSNeckNecklace of Strife
372NeckSpell DPSNeckValiona's Medallion
372NeckSpell SpiritNeckWyrmbreaker's Amulet
372NeckTankNeckIronstar Amulet
372TrinketHealingTrinketJar of Ancient Remedies
372TrinketHealingTrinketFall of Mortality
372TrinketMeleeTrinketCrushing Weight
372TrinketMeleeTrinketHeart of Rage
372TrinketMeleeTrinketDONTUSEFury of Angerforge
372TrinketPhysical DPSTrinketDONTUSEUnheeded Warning
372TrinketPhysical DPSTrinketEssence of the Cyclone
372TrinketPhysical DPSTrinketPrestor's Talisman of Machination
372TrinketSpell DPSTrinketBell of Enraging Resonance
372TrinketSpell DPSTrinketHeart of Ignacious
372TrinketSpell DPSTrinketTheralion's Mirror
372TrinketTankTrinketSymbiotic Worm
372TrinketTankTrinketVial of Stolen Memories
372BackMeleeBackGlittering Epidermis
372BackPhysical DPSBackCloak of Biting Chill
372BackSpell DPSBackShadow of Dread
372BackSpell SpiritBackDrape of the Twins
372BackTankBackIronstar's Impenetrable Cover

Cataclysm Heroic Raid Loot - Tier 11

Level Type Spec Slot Name
372PlateMeleeChest Magma Plated Battleplate
372PlateMeleeHands Magma Plated Gauntlets
372PlateMeleeHead Magma Plated Helmet
372PlateMeleeLegs Magma Plated Legplates
372PlateMeleeShoulder Magma Plated Pauldrons
372PlateMeleeChest Reinforced Sapphirium Battleplate
372PlateMeleeHands Reinforced Sapphirium Gauntlets
372PlateMeleeHead Reinforced Sapphirium Helmet
372PlateMeleeLegs Reinforced Sapphirium Legplates
372PlateMeleeShoulder Reinforced Sapphirium Pauldrons
372PlateMeleeChest Earthen Battleplate
372PlateMeleeHands Earthen Gauntlets
372PlateMeleeHead Earthen Helmet
372PlateMeleeLegs Earthen Legplates
372PlateMeleeShoulder Earthen Pauldrons
372PlateSpell SpiritChest Reinforced Sapphirium Breastplate
372PlateSpell SpiritHands Reinforced Sapphirium Gloves
372PlateSpell SpiritHead Reinforced Sapphirium Headguard
372PlateSpell SpiritLegs Reinforced Sapphirium Greaves
372PlateSpell SpiritShoulder Reinforced Sapphirium Mantle
372PlateTankChest Magma Plated Chestguard
372PlateTankHands Magma Plated Handguards
372PlateTankHead Magma Plated Faceguard
372PlateTankLegs Magma Plated Legguards
372PlateTankShoulder Magma Plated Shoulderguards
372PlateTankChest Reinforced Sapphirium Chestguard
372PlateTankHands Reinforced Sapphirium Handguards
372PlateTankHead Reinforced Sapphirium Faceguard
372PlateTankLegs Reinforced Sapphirium Legguards
372PlateTankShoulder Reinforced Sapphirium Shoulderguards
372PlateTankChest Earthen Chestguard
372PlateTankHands Earthen Handguards
372PlateTankHead Earthen Faceguard
372PlateTankLegs Earthen Legguards
372PlateTankShoulder Earthen Shoulderguards
372MailPhysical DPSChest Lightning-Charged Tunic
372MailPhysical DPSHands Lightning-Charged Gloves
372MailPhysical DPSHead Lightning-Charged Headguard
372MailPhysical DPSLegs Lightning-Charged Legguards
372MailPhysical DPSShoulder Lightning-Charged Spaulders
372MailPhysical DPSChest Cuirass of the Raging Elements
372MailPhysical DPSHands Grips of the Raging Elements
372MailPhysical DPSHead Helmet of the Raging Elements
372MailPhysical DPSLegs Legguards of the Raging Elements
372MailPhysical DPSShoulder Spaulders of the Raging Elements
372MailSpell DPSChest Hauberk of the Raging Elements
372MailSpell DPSChest Tunic of the Raging Elements
372MailSpell DPSHands Gloves of the Raging Elements
372MailSpell DPSHead Headpiece of the Raging Elements
372MailSpell DPSShoulder Shoulderwraps of the Raging Elements
372MailSpell SpiritHands Handwraps of the Raging Elements
372MailSpell SpiritHead Faceguard of the Raging Elements
372MailSpell SpiritLegs Kilt of the Raging Elements
372MailSpell SpiritLegs Legwraps of the Raging Elements
372MailSpell SpiritShoulder Mantle of the Raging Elements
372LeatherMeleeChest Stormrider's Raiment
372LeatherPhysical DPSHands Stormrider's Grips
372LeatherPhysical DPSHead Stormrider's Headpiece
372LeatherPhysical DPSLegs Stormrider's Legguards
372LeatherPhysical DPSShoulder Stormrider's Spaulders
372LeatherMeleeChest Wind Dancer's Tunic
372LeatherPhysical DPSHands Wind Dancer's Gloves
372LeatherPhysical DPSHead Wind Dancer's Helmet
372LeatherPhysical DPSLegs Wind Dancer's Legguards
372LeatherPhysical DPSShoulder Wind Dancer's Spaulders
372LeatherSpell DPSChest Stormrider's Robes
372LeatherSpell DPSChest Stormrider's Vestment
372LeatherSpell DPSHands Stormrider's Gloves
372LeatherSpell DPSHead Stormrider's Cover
372LeatherSpell DPSShoulder Stormrider's Shoulderwraps
372LeatherSpell SpiritHands Stormrider's Handwraps
372LeatherSpell SpiritHead Stormrider's Helm
372LeatherSpell SpiritLegs Stormrider's Leggings
372LeatherSpell SpiritLegs Stormrider's Legwraps
372LeatherSpell SpiritShoulder Stormrider's Mantle
372ClothSpell DPSChest Firelord's Robes
372ClothSpell DPSHands Firelord's Gloves
372ClothSpell DPSHead Firelord's Hood
372ClothSpell DPSLegs Firelord's Leggings
372ClothSpell DPSShoulder Firelord's Mantle
372ClothSpell DPSChest Mercurial Vestment
372ClothSpell DPSHands Mercurial Gloves
372ClothSpell DPSHead Mercurial Hood
372ClothSpell SpiritChest Mercurial Robes
372ClothSpell SpiritHands Mercurial Handwraps
372ClothSpell DPSChest Shadowflame Robes
372ClothSpell DPSHands Shadowflame Handwraps
372ClothSpell DPSHead Shadowflame Hood
372ClothSpell DPSLegs Shadowflame Leggings
372ClothSpell DPSShoulder Shadowflame Mantle
372ClothSpell SpiritHead Mercurial Cowl
372ClothSpell SpiritLegs Mercurial Leggings
372ClothSpell SpiritLegs Mercurial Legwraps
372ClothSpell SpiritShoulder Mercurial Mantle
372ClothSpell SpiritShoulder Mercurial Shoulderwraps
This article was originally published in forum thread: Cataclysm - Heroic Raid Loot List started by Boubouille View original post
Comments 75 Comments
  1. Nathiest's Avatar
    Wow gear I won't bee seeing for a very long time.
  1. Harith's Avatar
    tanking trinkets look nice if they add some armor or stam on Symbiotic Worm

    and the tanking P4 looks weak will only pick it upp if needed for a boss (most likely) or if it turns out that the tier is good balenced in expretise and hit with mastery and dodge and parry wise
  1. Swizzle's Avatar
    Ummm, mind taking the tier sets off the list? Slightly annoying looking for good off-set items only to find out it's a warlock tier piece.
  1. mmoc7055f9f47f's Avatar
    and I thought this time the Game would be more skill oriented and not that much about the players gear, AT LEAST AT THE BEGINNING OF THIS ADDON (sorry, but i'm 100% enrage at the moment). But there you have it folks, 379(!!!) 20 point more than normal mode, thats almost the same as when you fight a full ICC 25 HC geard player in ICC 10 gear. Blizz? - great job...

    ./no cheers for today
  1. mmoc5f2b8de45d's Avatar
    Looking nice!
    And I gotta say that the website is awesome!

    One question tho.. Why is some items named "DONTUSE"
  1. Velvet's Avatar
    I saw the tanking stuff and I jizzed in my pants ...
  1. mmocb59a31a43d's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Boby View Post
    and I thought this time the Game would be more skill oriented and not that much about the players gear, AT LEAST AT THE BEGINNING OF THIS ADDON (sorry, but i'm 100% enrage at the moment). But there you have it folks, 379(!!!) 20 point more than normal mode, thats almost the same as when you fight a full ICC 25 HC geard player in ICC 10 gear. Blizz? - great job...

    ./no cheers for today
    I don't think it will scale like that. Sinestra is a special boss much like Algalon. If you remember the difference between 10 Man Naxx and 25 Naxx KT gear was 26 item levels (i200-i226), so going from i359-i379 for a single boss fight isn't as bad as your thinking. I'm hoping however that 372 will be the iLevel on the next tier of normal raiding gear, or 379, so that players can't just skip the Heroic mode's and get better gear. They said it would involve progression and not skipping this time.
  1. rainCZ's Avatar
    screenshots :/
  1. High Times's Avatar
    1 dps dagger.......................
  1. steamrice's Avatar
    Were item stats so predictable as this?

    There's literally no difference in the gear other than what stat you need... because they're all the same values. I could just look at one piece of gear from chest and pretty much know what other chest stats will have already.
  1. Harith's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Boby View Post
    and I thought this time the Game would be more skill oriented and not that much about the players gear, AT LEAST AT THE BEGINNING OF THIS ADDON (sorry, but i'm 100% enrage at the moment). But there you have it folks, 379(!!!) 20 point more than normal mode, thats almost the same as when you fight a full ICC 25 HC geard player in ICC 10 gear. Blizz? - great job...

    ./no cheers for today
    379 is from a HC only boss dude and the normal HC is 372 when ppl are talking about tiers it is: a tier is 13 ilvls so half a tier is 6.5 ilvls and normal mode gear is ilvl 359 so dose this make sens for you

    normal 5-man 333 gear > HC 5-man gear 346 > normal mode raids 359 > HC mode raids 372 > HC mode only last boss 379

    so can you see the line here the path or progersson that is intended every tier jump has 13 ilvl beween them and once the next tier is out it is gonna be 372 norm or 385 for norm gear

    p.s. i think blizzard has calculated what ilvl they are gonna end upp and is not gonna break that line this time like the did in WotLK (we where intended to get ilvl 252 originaly from ICC 25-man bosses)
  1. Aldyth's Avatar
    'X-Tron Duct Tape'
    "It's the stuff that keeps it all together."

  1. Creed86's Avatar
    I seriously hope that shield kingdoms heart is a joke.

    Not because it's a reference to the game but because of the fact the heroic version has no socket. Combined with the fact it supports no haste, i cannot see it being majorly desireable for anyone when the stats are simply " spell hit + crit " and " mp5 + crit " then again this is just my opinion, i'm sure there's hastes whores out there who will agree it sucks.
  1. ShadCroly's Avatar
    Awww, isn't that cute? Holy Paladins are forced to use a single weapon and shield combination, 'cause exactly ONE of each has Spirit on it.

    I'm gonna go throw up now... as much as I love Kingdom's Heart and Andoros, I really wish we had more options. Sucks Blizzard doesn't like the idea of Holy Paladins wielding swords.
  1. Madarame's Avatar
    original ashkandi looked better imho.
  1. mmocfccb6e2de1's Avatar

    372 Trinket Melee Trinket DONTUSEFury of Angerforge
    372 Trinket Physical DPS Trinket DONTUSEUnheeded Warning

    Those are some awesome trinkets dude

    I would soooo use them.
  1. Ciah's Avatar
    Sinestra's trinket...

    BiS for the entire expansion? Sorta like the ilvl 200 libram for holy pallies? Also, kind of an amazing trinket for Arcane mages too...
  1. mmoc433ceb40ad's Avatar
    I'm getting bugged mouse-over tool-tips on a few items.
  1. Kaneiac's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Begpo View Post
    Loot from Sinestra is boring. Nothing for "Look at me, i Killed Sinestra".
    Who cares about loot?

    You kill Sinestra, you get the "Dragonslayer" title, which is a pretty fucking good "look at me."
  1. mmoc7055f9f47f's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Tikita View Post
    I don't think it will scale like that. Sinestra is a special boss much like Algalon. If you remember the difference between 10 Man Naxx and 25 Naxx KT gear was 26 item levels (i200-i226), so going from i359-i379 for a single boss fight isn't as bad as your thinking. I'm hoping however that 372 will be the iLevel on the next tier of normal raiding gear, or 379, so that players can't just skip the Heroic mode's and get better gear. They said it would involve progression and not skipping this time.
    hopefully :>

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