Update - Added Cataclysm Hotfixes - Updated Jan. 3 at the bottom of the post, keeping the Tol Barad announcement on top a little more because of how ridiculously important it is.

Tol Barad Honor Change + Bridge Exploit
The good old days are over, sorry guys!
Originally Posted by Zarhym (Blue Tracker)
As you’re probably aware by now, an update was applied to Tol Barad shortly before the holidays which granted the attacking side 1800 Honor Points for a victory. While the goal with that change was to provide more incentive for the attacking forces to claim victory, it ultimately led to an undermining of the spirit of competition in Tol Barad. We’ve just applied a hotfix which has lowered the attacking faction’s gain to 360 Honor Points for a victory. The defending faction will still earn 180 Honor Points for a victory.

We appreciate all of your feedback regarding this change. We'll continue working to make Tol Barad a fun and engaging PvP environment.

Whats the word on the bridge exploit?
We're working on a fix for this right now.

Update Cataclysm Hotfixes - Updated Jan. 3
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker)
Here you will find a list of hotfixes that address various issues related to the release of patch 4.0.3a and World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. While many have already been deployed on all realms, some may not be implemented until the next time your realm is restarted. We will continue to update this thread in the days ahead as additional hotfixes are applied.

January 3
Mage (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
  • Flame Orb and Frostfire Orb no longer break any version of Polymorph.

Paladin (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
  • Righteous Fury is now unable to be dispelled.
  • The Strength bonus from the Retribution version of Guardian of Ancient Kings now applies its bonus based on total Strength instead of just base Strength.

Dungeons & Raids
Bastion of Twilight
  • It was sometimes possible for Arion to instantly Chain Lightning the targets affected by Lightning Rod, with no time for them to react. This has been corrected.
  • If one of the three most distant targets from Ignacious was 20 or fewer yards away and Ignacious picked that target for Inferno Leap, the spell would fail entirely, but the cooldown would be consumed. Inferno Leap can now be cast on players 20 yards or fewer away from Ignacious.
  • The Elementium Monstrosity will now prefer ranged targets to melee targets with its Electrical Instability beams. If there are more beams active then there are ranged targets present, then the beams will start hitting melee targets.
  • Flame Destruction cast during the Cho'gall encounter now does approximately 30% more damage per stack on Heroic difficulty.

Blackwing Descent
  • Sonar Pulse is now spawned on top of Atramedes' current location and will spawn regardless of where Atramedes is tanked. In addition, Sonar Pulse now idles for 1 second after being cast before they move away from their spawn location.
  • It is no longer possible to use immunities to reset a player's sound bar while fighting Atramedes.
  • Atramedes' Sonic Breath now properly ignores line of sight.
  • Spirit of Ironstar's Shield of Light was taking too long to break and now absorbs less damage.

  • Divine Shield prevents all damage from the Sparks in the Mechanical Nightmare.
  • The Foe Reaper 5000 will not cast Harvest on players more than 70 yards away.

Grim Batol
  • Trogg Dwellers which cannot be reached by players via legitimate means no longer award experience or drop loot if killed.

Lost City of the Tol'vir
  • Lockmaw's Frenzied Crocolisks have learned how to swim! In addition, Vicious Poison was doing too much damage and has been reduced slightly.

Throne of the Four Winds
  • Players now receive credit for the achievements Heroic: Conclave of Wind or Throne of the Four Winds if they are dead when the encounter is defeated.
  • It is no longer possible to fully resist Wind Burst from Al'Akir, avoiding all damage and knockback.
  • Al'Akir's Static Shock has been changed from a damage-over-time spell with interrupts on ticks (10-second cooldown), to a direct-damage interrupt spell (5-second cooldown).

  • Bloodthirsty and Vicious Gladiator's Chain Gauntlets had incorrect bonuses attached. Their bonuses now correctly reduce the cooldowns on regular traps and launched traps by 2 seconds.
  • Bloodied Wyrmhide Gloves no longer have any expertise rating on them, and now grant Spirit instead.

  • Select Archaeology nodes and dig sites have been updated to ensure the Map listings are correct and the nodes properly spawn within the dig sites.

  • The cooking daily quest Chef's Awards no longer have a limit to how many players can hold at one time. Please note that the user interface will still say a maximum of 10 Chef's Award currency can be possessed until a client-side patch can be applied, but players can accrue more than 10.

  • Tailors with 400 skill or higher should now receive additional cloth drops 50% of the time from anything that drops cloth, up from 25%.

  • Baradin Guards now correctly attack Horde players which enter their aggro radius or attack them.
  • Tol Barad now awards 360 Honor Points for winning as the attacking faction, down from 1800. Further details can be found on our forums.
This article was originally published in forum thread: Tol Barad Honor Change + Bridge Exploit started by Boubouille View original post
Comments 259 Comments
  1. Shortsheep's Avatar
    They should hot fix the alliance or horde guards too. alliance guards won't attack horde and horde guards 2 shot alliance.
  1. tacosmasher's Avatar
    I like thaT bg it forces team work and coordination. Im glad the 1800 honor is gone, bc i could never get in to that bg ever bc of it. BLUE POSTER: is there a way to add a stats tracker in TB like in the other BGS or is it too many players to track? i would love to know how much dmg, kills, and Killing blows im putting out. Let me know plz!!!!
  1. Nest's Avatar
    Lawl at people who didn't see this coming.
  1. Donald Hellscream's Avatar
    hurray for that win trading is pretty lame im glad that you actually get some competition then signing for TB.
  1. Zokten's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by IgneousPrime View Post
    Relax guys -_- The extra honor was just temporary, they've said this many times. Sure people started win trading, but it wasn't exactly their fault. Also, I'm not sure if you noticed, but it's the holiday's and I'm sure a lot of dev's were out of the office which -may- explain why there hasn't been a fix yet. They also stated they're going to be working on making some changed to Tol Barad and will update us through blog posts and whatnot.
    You must be new to WoW.

    If you don't like it, don't play it. Simple as that. And stop getting so damn mad about a video game.
    So I guess you don't get mad if you go to the movies and your movie is half off screen huh
  1. Doddilus's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Scot View Post
    TB is a joke. At least with 1800 honor it was an amusing joke.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spl4sh3r View Post
    I want to point out that wintrading still gives more honor to each partner.

    Two defends in a row = 360 honor (180 honor each)
    One loss and one win = 410 honor (50 for loss and 360 for win)
    50 extra honor is not incentive enough to give up the dailies and BH for 2hours every other battle
  1. Orodoth's Avatar
    figures... I never once got in, and got ported back to my hearth 8 times... oh well. At least now TB will be fun and full of actual pvp
  1. tjanson's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Lightfist View Post
    If they honestly didn't see this coming, and if they honestly thought the reason it switched so rarely was because of 'motivation', I've GRAVELY overestimated Blizzard.
    I'm sure that they hotfixed it because of the free honor from the bridge haxing - the initial honor hotfix was to encourage wintrading. There's no other way to interpret it, Blizzard isn't that stupid. The honor isn't the real problem though.

    The honest truth is that Tol Barad sucks - the battleground is both boring and imbalanced, the area itself is visually unappealing as hell(compare it to the other non-flight daily hub of Quel'Danas), and the daily quests are some of the most painful I've ever seen. Even with the reputation faction having one of my best trinkets, I have a hard time summoning up the motivation to go grind out another thousand rep each day.
  1. IgneousPrime's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Zokten View Post
    You must be new to WoW.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zokten View Post
    So I guess you don't get mad if you go to the movies and your movie is half off screen huh
    Nope, never happened to me. If it did happen, I'm sure they'd fix it or give everyone a refund. I'm sorry you have that mindset in an MMO though.
  1. zombiechild's Avatar
    I guess TB is going to be like WG on my server... every lose and never win now.... horde would do TB bc we would win... but since the honor is getting taken down... i guess they will stop now
  1. Scratchee's Avatar
    Good. Now we'll stop intentionally losing and having to listen to people crying in general to stop standing at the flag and arguing about wanting dailies. Here's to hoping they balance attackers vs defenders now.
  1. Zkomp's Avatar
    how is this a fix? it will get back to being worse now.. one faction can rule TB for days..
  1. Zokten's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by IgneousPrime View Post

    Nope, never happened to me. If it did happen, I'm sure they'd fix it or give everyone a refund.
    and you missed it.

    I'm sorry you have that mindset in an MMO though.
    Nice assumption.
  1. HikariOblivion's Avatar
    Unfortunate. At least with win trading Tol Barad was fairly in the hands of both factions. Look like it's back to the good old days of spending entire days with a single faction.
  1. Cornstarched's Avatar
    OK this is how u do it blizz. u make money in the process. Reset everyones toons to have no faction. SO u choose which faction your already 85 is when u log. Oh yeah and if u are to slow after the change happends, and u find yourself not able to be horde with the rest of your guildies cause u were slow, and now u HAVE to play alliance..To bad for you.

    Sure blizz wold loose oh a million playerbase, but then everything would balance, and after a year players would come back.

    OR HEY another idea!!
    use the login system the same as TB, so that only an even base of alliance and horde can log on to a server at one time. If only 1 alliance player plays tonite only 1 horde can.

    Man that would be horrible but talk about balance.

    Besides my nice little rant thats gonna get anhiliated from spelling errors and trolls a like OVIOUSLY the system is broken, and as we all remember wintersgrasp it took them over a year and a half to fix it. SO GL DOnt bother, and Blizz answer for everything now? If u dont like random dungons or random battlegroups group with a guild. DUR u cant everytime. sorry
  1. superstargoddess's Avatar
    Looks like we are back to nobody going to TB again.
  1. Draknalor186's Avatar
    and i missed it the last 8 times or so... either i failed on the bridge or i came online a few minutes too late -.- and now the 1800 honor gain is no more R.I.P
  1. Ryme's Avatar
    Heh, I just managed to get a win in today for 1800.
  1. Xenion's Avatar
    Not happy with this at all...

    The real imbalances are still present and nothing is being done about it.
    At least when we were win trading everyone got their honor and equal time for the new VoA, now whoever has control will keep it 90% of the time.

    Very disappointed....
  1. mmoccc0b2dd691's Avatar
    how about fixing tb.. that would be the biggest incentive to join tb.

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