Update - Patch 4.1 - PTR Build 13750
A new PTR build is being deployed on test realms.
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Dungeons & Raids
  • Here, Kitty Kitty... Successfully feed Temple Rats to 4 of Bethekk's Pride during the High Priestess Kilnara encounter.
  • Heroic: Zul'Gurub Defeat Jin'do the Godbreaker in Zul'Gurub on Heroic difficulty.
  • Heroic: Zul'Aman Defeat Daakara in Zul'Aman on Heroic difficulty.

Feats of Strength

Guild - Dungeons & Raids


  • Lifeblood now has a 2 min cooldown, up from 20 sec.

Hunter (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents)
Beast Mastery
  • Feed Pet now instantly restoring 50% of its total health. Cannot be used while in combat.


Mage (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents)


Priest (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents)



Warlock (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents)

Patch 4.1/4.2 - Winged Lion Mount?
I spent a couple of days debating if I should post this model or not since it seems to be an early beta of the model and I'll assume that at this point my readers are smart enough to understand that the things they see can be a work in progress, so there you go!

One of the latest beta build of Patch 4.1 on PTRs added a new mount model, the Winged Lion Mount! We don't have any information on this mount for the moment, and as I said it looks like a very early version of the model but ... IT'S A LION WITH WINGS!

Patch 4.1 PTR Notes Update - March 15
The Patch 4.1 PTR Notes have been updated once again with a couple of class changes and more raiding nerfs.
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker)
Classes: General
  • Several persistent ground effects now display different visuals for hostile and friendly players. The following spells have the same visual effects for friendly players, but new alternate visuals for hostile players: Ring of Frost, Consecration, Desecration, Wild Mushroom, Flare, Ice Trap, Power Word: Barrier, Smoke Bomb, and Hand of Gul'dan. As a general rule, the alternate effects have a red tint or hue indicating they are created by an enemy player.

Druid (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents)
  • Efflorescence has been redesigned. It creates a healing zone at the feet of a Swiftmend target, but this healing zone now restores health equal to 4/8/12% of the amount healed by Swiftmend to the three most injured targets within 8 yards, every 1 second for 7 seconds. This periodic effect now also benefits from spell haste, but the individual ticks cannot be critical effects. In addition, Living Seed is no longer a prerequisite talent for Efflorescence.

Mage (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents)
  • Improved Arcane Explosion now also reduces the mana cost of Arcane Explosion by 25/50%.

  • Ice Barrier base damage value has been increased by approximately 120%. In addition, the benefit from spell power has been increased by approximately 8%.

  • Glyph of Frost Armor (new glyph): Frost Armor also causes the mage to regenerate 2% of maximum mana ever 5 seconds.

Warrior (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents)
  • Colossus Smash now ignores 50% of a hostile player's armor (PvP), but continues to ignore 100% of a non-player character's armor (PvE).

Dungeons & Raids
Blackwing Descent
  • Atramedes
    • Searing Flames now causes a 6-second cooldown on Modulation.
    • Searing Flames no longer increases Sound on players.
    • Players should no longer be able to avoid the first period damage tick of Searing Flame, and Searing Flame now ticks every 2 seconds. The damage of Searing Flame has been increased to compensate for it ticking less frequently.
  • Nefarian's End
    • The damage of Shadowflame Barrage has been reduced by 15% (10-player normal and Heroic difficulty only).
    • The damage of Tail Lash has been reduced by 20% (10-player normal and Heroic difficulty only).

Bastion of Twilight
  • Dragon Siblings
    • Blackout can now be dispelled on Heroic difficulty.
  • Cho'gall
    • The health of Blood of the Old God on 10-player Heroic difficulty has been lowered by roughly 20%.
    • The health of Darkened Creations on 10-player Heroic difficulty has been lowered by roughly 20%.
    • Corruption: Accelerated on 10-player Heroic difficulty has been lowered slightly.
    • Knockbacks and Deathgrip can now be used to interrupt players that are converted by Cho’gall.

Arathi Basin
  • Arathi Basin is now available as a 10v10-player rated Battleground.

Botting in WoW
This comment by Bashiok follows a giant banwave of people botting Archaeology and PvP earlier this week. That's why you shouldn't cheat if you want to keep your WoW account and that's why pointing to any exploit or cheat on our forums will get you banned, hard.
Originally Posted by Bashiok (Blue Tracker)
We’re in the process of stepping up our detection and tracking to log and action players that are botting, or habitually AFKing in the Battlegrounds. We’ll be taking aggressive action and removing earned items, Honor Points, and ultimately suspending or even banning accounts of those that are found to be botting or habitually AFKing. It’s a sophisticated level of monitoring we’re undertaking. No one actively playing in the Battlegrounds normally should be concerned that they’ll be actioned.

Blue Posts
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Warrior (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents)
Heroic Leap
Perhaps I should elaborate further. Heroic Leap should work on flat surfaces, and in a great many places, actually. We've had players telling us that it fails constantly, but without providing more specific information regarding where and how; hence the requests for more reports. There are very specific situations where we have purposefully stopped it from functioning to help prevent exploitation, which I've covered in more detail below.

Plus it causes tons of exploit issues, due to the elevation of the leap.
Exploitation was indeed a concern, and some of the Heroic Leap failures you’ve seen might be because of the restrictions we put in place to prevent exploitation. If you’re in an area where flying is restricted (like a Battleground) and your leap would cause you to gain more than about 4 yards of altitude, then the spell should fail -- though the cooldown shouldn’t be wasted. It should otherwise generally work on flat terrain and succeed much more often outdoors.

It wasn’t an ideal solution, but we added this limitation because players were able to use the targeted jump to exploit terrain to reach inaccessible areas or even leave the map. This wasn’t a knee-jerk reaction either; we received literally hundreds of documented cases where warriors could exploit the ability. The short term alternatives, such as disabling it in Battlegrounds completely, felt worse. Ultimately, we want to remove the height restriction in Battlegrounds and other restricted areas when we have a more robust technical solution. (Source)
This article was originally published in forum thread: Winged Lion Mount, Patch 4.1 PTR Notes March 15 Update, Blue Posts started by Boubouille View original post
Comments 272 Comments
  1. Sorry's Avatar
    What a plain texture on the Lion...
  1. Boubouille's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by sorry View Post
    what a plain texture on the lion...
    oh god the first comment had to be someone who can't read "work in progress". Why do you hate me sorry? Why? Why???????????
  1. Dragonwing's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Sorry View Post
    What a plain texture on the Lion...
    Yeah...It is as if it is an unfinished model
  1. orderschvank's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Boubouille View Post
    oh god the first comment had to be someone who can't read "work in progress". Why do you hate me sorry? Why? Why???????????
    a work in progress??

    more like a .... work in.. degress??? tehe??

  1. Pud'n's Avatar
    I want it!
  1. baerkin's Avatar
    While the lion looks awesome(but obviously isn't finished) and IMO the armor reminds me of some of the gear on the NPC's in Uldum. Maybe there is another raid for that zone coming in a future patch
  1. Isolyphic's Avatar
    Aslong as they change that tail tip...
  1. Jademist's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Boubouille View Post
    oh god the first comment had to be someone who can't read "work in progress". Why do you hate me sorry? Why? Why???????????
    Don't mind those people who never understand PTR stuff that are in progress...for some reason, EVERYTHING in PTR is regarded as final. >.>


    Moving on...

    I AM EXCITED! This mount...looks gorgeous.
    I hope there's a Horde variation because winged lions are very Alliance...
  1. taufmonster's Avatar
    The tail kinda reminds me of the Wind Rider's.

    Looks like it might be something that eventually comes out of Uldum. That'd be a bit weird for me since it kinda feels like the Uldum storyline is done.
  1. Linry's Avatar
    god that lion looks so cool even unfinished! i can't wait!!!
  1. Danzoo's Avatar
    I'm going to throw this out there and say this is the 'Glory of the Firelands Raider' reward. Heard it here first folks!
  1. ceelion's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Boubouille View Post
    oh god the first comment had to be someone who can't read "work in progress". Why do you hate me sorry? Why? Why???????????
    Coulda been worse. He coulda said "FIRST!!!!11!!!ONE!" like everyoe else.

    I like the huge amount of mage buffs

    time to... REEROOOOOOOLL!
  1. mmoc8efa32ae7c's Avatar
    Even after just seeing the beta model I already know I want that winged lion.
  1. apepi's Avatar
    Don't we already have a loin like flying mount,wyrvens?Btw <3 you boub.
  1. Belize's Avatar
    More mage buffs
    But it will suck when it all comes crashing down : / oh well might as well enjoy it while we can!
  1. mmoc8f7617e93a's Avatar
    So... Plate gonna be unkillable again as a warrior? oO Anyone on the PTR that can update on that? Are pallys undying now?
  1. mmocddab580ec1's Avatar
    Now we can maybe get som nice Battlegrounds while levling new toons whitout powerlevelers got 10 man afking, on 10 different accounts.
  1. toychristopher's Avatar
    The lion looks terrible. Hire a new texture designer please. It looks like it's made of chalk or something.
  1. mmocb78c8f6d53's Avatar
    NOOOO.. don't buff the frost armor T_T
  1. mmoc89633d1f57's Avatar
    Oh C'mooon !! Stop putting in these stupid mounts, give us something real to chase, give me a real dragon ! No drake or something like that, I want a real dragon
    And shit, a winged lion ? Where did you get that idea ? -.-
    It's just stupid and shouldn't be put into the game, keep to the main story which is a freaking dragon, so give us that, and not some stupid looking thing with some armor on it and doesn't work properly -.-
    Dumbasses -.- I'm sorry, but seriously

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