April Fools Wrap-Up
It seems that most of the news posts posted yesterday were fake! What a surprise! See you in a year for more stupid stuff!

Winged Guardian Video Preview
It's time for the video of the Winged Guardian promised earlier this week! The mount will be available from the Blizzard store at some point after the release of Patch 4.1 and includes a very nice light effect on the wings, check out the video!

The Daily Blink - Warriors: Now With Healing Spec
TheDailyBlink finally found an use for all these warriors we have laying around ...

This article was originally published in forum thread: April Fools Wrap-Up, Winged Guardian Video Preview, The Daily Blink started by Boubouille View original post
Comments 176 Comments
  1. mmoc8e6aaf0c2a's Avatar
    Oooo.. I was one of those who swore I would not spend more cash on wow than the sub. but that mount.. holy hell, I want it..

    Also veeery cool that when he's lifted off first time and starts to rotate, the lion turns to the camera and follows it a bit. "hey.. hey you, what are you looking at?" :P
  1. Notos's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Pantelija View Post
    Daily blink was pure win

    On topic about mount , Celestial Steed = Invincible (they just changed skin and applied different color)

    Winged Guardian = Gryphon with Lions head (same as above , they just changed skin and applied different color) there is nothing unique here i dont know why people see it that way
    Its running animation is different from a gryphon's. It's the only cat mount in the game that can fly, so it is unique.
  1. Critterbot's Avatar
    Hmm, it does look quite magnificent, but...no.
  1. Cairm's Avatar
    It'll be cool for week 1. Then it'll be all the same as 50 other persons will have it, leaving you with 25$ less in your wallet...
  1. Culexus's Avatar
    Like the mount. But i dont think i will buy it
  1. Tchernobyl's Avatar
    I'm shocked no one commented on the music :P Very fitting!

    (globus - lacrimosa, or preliator. Two similar versions of the song. However, I had not heard this version without vocals... is it a different name, Boubouille?)
  1. wanax's Avatar
    Daily Blink is SOOOOOOOOO funny. I WISH warriors could heal like that.
  1. Ovacor's Avatar
    Haha, it's hell of funny seeing what people will say to convince themselves it "looks like shit". I respect your guys' opinion, but come on. Really? It looks like a very nice mount, I will be buying it. I have tons of rare mounts in which not many people have, the fact of the matter is I like this mount. I will ride this mount, I will eventually get tired of this mount and I will move on to something else. Everyone having this mount will kind of suck, but I do not care. I promise you the moment I get a whisper "haha nice mount newb" I will proceed to mount my Zulian Tiger, Anzu mount, Scepter, etc., mounts that most of you who are bitching probably do not have. I like this mount and I just so happen to have an extra $25 thus I will be buying it.

    Also; for all of those who are buying it (which most of you are or will eventually i'm sure) I say the day it comes out we all mount our Sparkle Kitties and Sparkle Ponies and /follow the lifeless trolls who insist on harassing others.
  1. Keosen's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Pantelija View Post
    Daily blink was pure win
    Winged Guardian = Gryphon with Lions head (same as above , they just changed skin and applied different color) there is nothing unique here i dont know why people see it that way
    Wrong it's actually a goblin.
    They added some height and some length, 2 mores legs, a tail, 2 wings, a lion head, recolor it and got the winged lion.
  1. Brienna's Avatar
    I'm really excited about this mount just like I was excited about the celestial steed. I really would've liked to have seen the ground animation too though. The celestial steed looks so dumb when it's running on the ground that I never use it. I hope this one isn't a let down in the same way.
  1. Zaizo's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by istheshiz View Post
    Oh god I really want that mount so bad. I vowed never to purchase a mount off of the Blizzard store..but....*drools*
    I actually said to myself if they add a winged lion mount id buy it lol I could care less about the Horse.
  1. mmoc657df7e136's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Notos View Post
    Its running animation is different from a gryphon's. It's the only cat mount in the game that can fly, so it is unique.
    Except...you know...the manticore based windrider mounts that you can buy at lvl60 if you are Horde. Lion's head and body, wings, tail with a sting at the end...
  1. mmocba4f7a59a4's Avatar
    This looks like it could have been a ramhaken mount...just shows how much effort Blizzs puts when into it when there's more money involved.

    For christsake this looks better then invincible,better then almost any mount in game,and how do you get it?Through Blizz's online silly store...
  1. Zaizo's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Literaltruth View Post
    Except...you know...the manticore based windrider mounts that you can buy at lvl60 if you are Horde. Lion's head and body, wings, tail with a sting at the end...
    I hate wind riders who cares if the winged lion has the same flying animations as a gryphon the skin is the cool part
  1. Halstinavos's Avatar
    This Daily Blink is absolutely hilarious. Maybe more funny to me than others because I play a warrior.
  1. Athinah's Avatar
    @ Literaltruth your name is very appropriate and i agree with you. I mean i like them, but 25$? if it was less maybe but i just don't see why you would spend that much money MORE money on a game that you already pay for. I mean i can understand 10$ maybe, as a maximum but above that? And that is added to the common place thing, now anytime i see a celestial steed i die a little inside because they were EVERYWHERE that was ALL you saw EVER!.

    on a more funny note, even though i like (untill ^ sets in) the design, there were several times in the video that this when through my mind "Why aren't you capturing the boy!" "Because i have a big head and little arms!"
  1. mmoc8b7a14d456's Avatar
    If everyone would just not buy it, it might get implemented in the game from an achievement or something instead, but no no, people are fucking willing to throw cash at Blizzard for this - No bloody wonder they're so greedy, their community lets them be so. The world today.. urgh. And no, I am not butthurt that I can't afford to buy it, I can, and even if I couldn't, I'd still feel the same way. Way to waste money guys!
  1. Duster505's Avatar
    That store mount is exactly why Im leaving WOW. Blizzard is letting the game rot with stagnant content and zero innovation in design work. And they make up for it by selling a store mount...

    I think alot of ppl see where WOW is going atm. I just hope they realise that there are new and fresh ideas going on in other games and many of those games have a really strong crews of designers that will take the genre forward. BLizzard WOW team is now... not even the second best...

    For me TRION could be making one of the gems of the MMO world atm. If they handle things correctly - they will be able to evolve RIFT into exactly what WOW devs ignored. But They still need to improve quite a few things.

    I love RIft atm. Its like beeing back in Vanilla where everyone is learning... not reading on websites what you are supposed to do..
  1. Araxie's Avatar
    Meh, I'd still rather have the wings.
  1. Eleveneleven's Avatar
    The comic was almost perfect if it wasn't the terrible term "Deepsing" makes the warrior look like trash too. Keep it within the walls fellas

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