Heirloom Tanking Items introduced in Patch 4.1
New heirlooms have been added in the latest build of PTR 4.1. A tanking set is now available from vendors and should make leveling instances much more enjoyable for everyone. Apparently, these new items are available from your regular heirlooms vendors.

Maelstrom Crystals for Honor/Justice in Patch 4.1
You might hate or love this change depending how much time you spend speculating at the AH, but Maelstrom Crystal will be available from Honor and Justice points vendors in Patch 4.1. Someone pointed out that I never posted the price for those, there, have a screenshot.

Jider (Rogue) Solos C'thun & Twin Emperors
You might remember Jider from his past videos of Grobulus and Patchwerk solo kill a few months ago, he's now back in a new video featuring a very ... interesting solo kill of the Twin Emperors and C'thun as a rogue!

From Jider
Phase 1 of C'Thun is quite simple, damage the Eye of C'Thun until 0% which then triggers Phase 2. This phase is significantly more difficult. To start, C'thun has a shield reducing all damage taken by 99% and various adds will spawn throughout the fight. Shortly after Phase 2 begins you will be eaten by a tentacle which is unavoidable and once you are inside his stomach you must kill two Flesh Tentacles to weaken and bring down his shield. The reason this fight was thought to be impossible to solo is after seven seconds of being in the tentacle room you instantly die if you are attempting the encounter alone. Normally, to get out of his stomach you must reach the platform in the center between the two tentacles inside but seven seconds is not enough time to do this.

So, after some theory-crafting I set out to apply clever use of game mechanics and soon enough had a working strategy. I would now pull Ouro to C'Thun's room. Like most bosses when you attempt to evade them they will port you directly to them so I used this ability to my advantage in Phase 2. Once eaten Ouro would perform the necessary task of porting me out and to increase DPS time on the tentacles inside I changed races to Goblin for the Rocket Jump ability. I also changed my spec to subtlety for shadowstep and finally leveled up Engineering for Tazik Shocker (glove enchant). Combined, these three abilities gave me enough time to do damage to the Flesh tentacles and eventually weaken C'Thun and brought the encounter down to a reasonable two hours.

Twin Emperors Explained : Both Emperors share the same health, When one loses health so does the other. Using good timing i pulled Vek'nilash alone while Vek'lor remained out of combat. There for they would not use teleport. And since they are split up they can not heal. Vek'nilash is immune to magic and can only be damaged by physical damage which is why i chose him. Vek'lor is immune to physical damage and can only be damaged by magic. When Vek'nilash dies so does his brother Vek'lor even though he is out of combat.

The MMO Report
It's time for another MMO Report!

This article was originally published in forum thread: Jider Solos C'thun & Twin Emperors, Tanking Heirlooms, Maelstrom Crystals in 4.1 started by Boubouille View original post
Comments 306 Comments
  1. Venteus's Avatar
    So he exploited an encounter? Why hasn't he been banned yet? Old content or not an exploit is an exploit.
  1. Eduardomsc's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by VanishO2 View Post
    Because making this front page news and claiming world 1st, opens the gates for guilds claiming world 1st kills of new bosses from PTR/Beta.

    I see nothing saying now that those guilds can't ask to be recognized as the correct world 1st killers.
    the key word here being "new". C'Thun is far from being a new boss, you know. And nowhere did Jider claimed world 1st on the kills, he killed them, and that's it.
  1. Paelos's Avatar
    Exploiting old content doesn't matter if it's not repeated and provide any meaningful gain or advantage over other players.
  1. mmocc187c36ff8's Avatar
    Gimme Tankin heirlooms
  1. mmocb9f734426d's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by savvasp View Post
    Good tank with ALL heirlooms - Legs , Head , Chest , Shoulders , Back , Ring , Weapon - 50% increased xp . Imagine that 50% along with RaF . 350% increase xp = 5 hours /played time to 60 ?
    RaF does not stack with Heirlooms. So from 1 - 60 you'll level at 300%, and after that you'd level at 50% (is it 50% considering weapon doesn't give XP bonus and some items give only 5%? are you including the guild perk of +10%? These all stack..). In theory you could get from 60 to 85 in the least /played by letting the character regain a full rest rate, doing a dungeon and then letting it rest again. Rested XP stacks with heirlooms and guild perks...
  1. abb93's Avatar
    Maybe lvl a dk? ^^
  1. Doodely's Avatar
    These 2 fights took place on the PTR servers because i have not played in a year so my gear is bad on live. It is definitely doable in my current gear but i choose epix. I practiced it on live server and this can be done on live servers. If you are willing to put the time and effort into it, you to will be able to solo these ecounters. Also i saved myself 50$ (race changing to goblin then back to alliance) and race changed for free on PTR.
    From the YouTube video.
    I practiced it on live server and this can be done on live servers.
    Not promoting clever usage of <insert term> mechanics, but it was still nifty as far as people need to be specific when they say something
    is impossible (ALA Yogg/etc) by saying "Under regular boss mechanics [void exploits] this "xx-boss" is impossible to solo."
  1. Nathiest's Avatar
    Why no shield? The Dev team is just weird.
  1. Lemons's Avatar
    Oh Jider you so crazy...
  1. Terrafros's Avatar
    Now that is soloing content with your brain. Hats off to you, Jider, well done, let the whiners keep whining.
  1. mmocc385cf68c9's Avatar
    Humans have odd-looking toes.
  1. rojam2's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Tauroon View Post
    Tanking heirlooms are made for warriors. Ofcourse...They look warrior-ish.
    They probably look warriorish since it's warrior T1
  1. Mossmantle's Avatar
    Boub, April Fool's Day was a few days ago -- what's with the joke vids on the front page? Slow news day?

    Soloing an Emperor and duoing C'thun with some help from Ouro (while being 25 levels higher than content and on the PTR!) is laughable. Thanks for the joke a few days late (both in terms of April 1st and how long this has been discussed on the forums)!

    Sarcasm aside, thanks for the notice that we can spend an entire stockpile of points on one crystal, yay!

    Cheering and promoting excessive exploiting and overpriced mats. Gotta love what the community and developers have become...

    Good thing we have gool ol' reliable MMO-Ch-- Wait, can't see what I'm typing, too many adds blocking my screen...
  1. Venteus's Avatar
    Wait. So he did all this crap on the PTR not to mention using exploits? Wow, talk about ridiculous.
  1. Kiro's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by VanishO2 View Post
    Not defending the re-use of old instances, but I guess that a game that was just released, alread getting new content into it... looks like it lacks initial content on the 1st place... well... there should be enough content on it for at least 6 months.
    There was enough content, they just care about their customers and keep adding new things to keep them busy and happy. You know, something a good developer that cares about it's consumer base should do? It's not like blizzard follows said "6-month" rule neither as Wrath and especially the joke that is Cata shows. The major issue is that one is a brand new game, while another is the most successful MMO ever developed by "the leader of MMOs", and while the new guy may have to work harder than the other, there's no excuse, NONE for blizzard to be this incapable. "When it's ready" and "To our quality" are tag-lines followed too heart in hand by blizzard fans. It's time to expect more, not less, not recycled, but more NEW content, faster. If anyone is bored, I'd suggest people check out Rift as once you get into the deep content and play mechanics, you'll find yourself pleasantly surprised like I did. Plus, it was easier to cancel my WoW account until they get their act together.
  1. Skoomapipe's Avatar
    So Jider essentially bugged twin emps? : / would have hoped for a more elegant solution, but a win is a win, well done indeed.
  1. baron1232's Avatar
    ...It's taken them this long to make tanking heirlooms. Sigh. AFTER I leveled my last tanking toon. qq
  1. Boag's Avatar
    The Rogue Video is fake you can not pull vek lor alone the other runs into combat once you pull. I wasnt sure about this until i went and solod the 5 bosses before the twins i attempted this and it was false So the rogues video is a fake =) go try it for yourself
  1. savvasp's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Leodegrance View Post
    So you call cheating and exploiting skill now.

    Maybe it was a good thing I quit when I did when cheaters and exploiters become heroes to the masses.
    You never achieved anything near this . And you've never done any solo that was posted on 1st page . If you call people that use smart game mechanics to achieve something cheating then thank god you stopped . Nobody wants whiners like this
  1. curtyv's Avatar
    Jider is going through the Youtube comments and deleting any that question or call to attention exploits. I wonder what he has to hide?

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