Patch 4.1 Preview -- Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker)
In patch 4.1 we'll be introducing Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms, a new system intended to lower queue times. Call to Arms will automatically detect which class role is currently the least represented in the queue, and offer them additional rewards for entering the Dungeon Finder queue and completing a random level-85 Heroic dungeon.

Any time the Dungeon Finder queue is longer than a few minutes for level-85 Heroics, the Call to Arms system kicks in and determines which role is the least represented. In the case of tanking being the least represented role, the "Call to Arms: Tanks" icon will display in the Dungeon Finder UI menu where class roles are selected, and will also display on the UI when the queue pops and you are selected to enter a dungeon. Regardless of your role, you'll always be able to see which role currently has been Called to Arms, if any.

Call to Arms is meant to lower wait times by offering additional rewards for queuing as the currently least represented role. To be eligible for the additional rewards you must solo queue for a random level-85 Heroic in the role that is currently being Called to Arms, and complete the dungeon by killing the final boss. Every time you hit these requirements (there is no daily limit) you'll receive a goodie bag that will contain some gold, a chance at a rare gem, a chance at a flask/elixir (determined by spec), a good chance of receiving a non-combat pet (including cross faction pets), and a very rare chance at receiving a mount. The pets offered come from a wide variety of sources, and include companions like the Razzashi Hatchling, Cockatiel, and Tiny Sporebat, but the mounts are those specifically only available through dungeons (not raids), like the Reins of the Raven Lord from Sethekk Halls, Swift White Hawkstrider from Magister's Terrace, and Deathcharger's Reins from Stratholme.

This system is meant to address the unacceptable queue times currently being experienced by those that queue for the DPS role at max level. The long queue times are, of course, caused by a very simple lack of representation in the Dungeon Finder by tanks, and to some extent healers. We don't feel the tanking and healing roles have any inherent issues that are causing the representation disparity, except that fulfilling them carries more responsibility. Understandably, players prefer to take on that responsibility in more organized situations than what the Dungeon Finder offers, but perhaps we can bribe them a little. While this system gives tanks and healers something extra, the incentive is being provided so that we can help players in the DPS role get into more dungeons, get better gear, and continue progressing.

While the gold, gems, flasks, and elixirs are OK incentives, we knew we needed something more substantial. We had briefly considered Valor Points and epics, but decided that wouldn't be working toward the goal of helping DPS players progress, and ultimately wouldn't keep tanks and healers in the Dungeon Finder system for very long. We settled on pets and dungeon-found mounts as they’re cosmetic/achievement items that players tend to try to get on their own, so why not change that up and offer them a chance to get some of those elusive pets and mounts in a way that also helps other players? Even if they don't get a pet or mount, or get one they already have, the gold and other goodies still feel rewarding enough that it won't feel like a waste of effort.

We think it's a pretty solid incentive to get tanks and healers queuing, give max-level players another way to collect the pets and mounts they so desire, and above all, to improve wait times for DPS players sitting in queues. In the case of lower level dungeons, it's actually not uncommon for DPS to be the least represented role, and so if this new system works out and we're pleased with the results, we may consider applying this same mechanic to lower level dungeons as well.
This article was originally published in forum thread: Patch 4.1 Preview -- Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms started by Boubouille View original post
Comments 1855 Comments
  1. mmoc30d0ca58bc's Avatar
    They drop rewards for Leaders on lfg coz it was unfair. This isn´t fair since 3ppl (dps) in a grp of 5 will never ever will got a chance to the goodies. This will only work 6 months until all tanks or healers get their mounts. After that ppl will not qeue anymore back to the same problem. What next ?? May be give more mounts (ICC, Ulduar, may be even long removed mounts) and after that some titles or even legendaries weapons. Why don´t blizz give them pets and mounts from blizz store they deserve it.
  1. Rokmarr's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Skippert View Post
    100% true. People need to straighten the fuck up. It's a win for all: bigger reward for the roles with most responsibility/requiring most focus -> shorter queue times for the roles with the least responsibility.
    Brutallus says Hi. There are tons of fights that require DPS to be their absolute best or it's a wipe. It's not that you have to focus more. (unless you enjoy Cho'galls balls in your face.) Tanks are just boring man. That's why they have less representation. Honestly your point is totally invalid. Hard Modes depend on EVERYONE to be totally focused. Not just tanks and heals. It's not like I could get up in the middle of Nefarian and grab a beer and come back doing amazing damage. In heroics, maybe. But think back to when we all had 333 loot at best, Heroics were much harder then. Meaning we all had to focus and work as a cohesive unit rather than say, oh well I took all the hits meaning I'm superior, or even hey I healed you meaning I'm superior. How about, hey I ripped that boss' face off lets all be equal and not segregate the classes because blizz can't think of a way to make tanking and healing more fun.
  1. Skippert's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Facepalmer View Post
    guess what mister nerdrage.

    the whole point of forums is to read, watch, observe, respond (if need be). If after all of this, your conclusion is to ppl to STFU, GTFO and to reroll a palladin, then surely, YOU are the one who needs to be moderated.
    Yes, my opinion is that people bitch and cry too much ,because they only think about themselves, their own character, instead of all characters, the game as a whole, and the policy that works. This is a win win policy. DPS: shorter queues, responsible roles: bonus for their responsibility. Apparently, many people (DPS) can't handle the fact that people with a higher responsibility (healer/tanks) get more rewards.

    It's like crying that your co-worker with more responsibility gets paid more. It's stupid.
    More responsibility/ work that requires more focus and preperation etc.: more rewards.
    That's how it works in many reallife situations as well.
  1. kharma's Avatar
    This will make all the LFD thing worse.
    You will only get dps tagging tank role and wipe a lot more than today.

    Well instead of chillin in SW you'll be chilling in a dongeon.
  1. biglookdog's Avatar
    People who are saying this "fix" being ok has some serious issues, let me put them in this way:

    1. to save the starving people, we over fed the ones who are already well fed so they have more to spare the starving ones

    2. By Helping poor people, we give more money to the rich ones so they are more likely to give doniations

    3. To lower the unemployment number, we give more jobs to the ones who are already employed so that they can spare these chances to others

    To the people who agree on this crap, really, wtf is the logic????
    aim is helping group A, do it directly. Buffing group B so that group A might get a slight advantage is a failed logic

    Oh and to those who still thinks tanks have a harder time in heroics...really, no
  1. Frozenbeef's Avatar
    I find this a bit mean to dps. Once the tanks and healers get all the pets and mounts they won't bother doing instances anymore so dps wil be even more left out than before....
  1. Elizaelrama's Avatar
    Would be fine with this if the bag or its contents were bind on account/equip. With a lock main i tend to heal or tank on all my alts just to o something different than my main role, but without the ability to do anything but dps as a main it'll be irritating that there is a much higher chance of me obtaining these pets/mount on alts than on my main.

    If its going to be BoA stuff then itll be a brilliant change.
  1. Claritin's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Imhullu View Post
    Chance at cross faction pets.
    If that goes live it does sound like a loss to me.
    I rarely see it being dps to be honest.
    it will never be a call to arms for dps, there will never be a dps shortage when it comes to the dungeon finder..
  1. mmocc76da9ebc4's Avatar
  1. Rokmarr's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Bucky Mclachlan View Post
    Equal rewards for everyone is NOT the same thing as equality, contrary to the beliefs of some young people today with no real life experience. Not everyone has the same responsibility as everyone else or puts out the same effort.

    Also it's not Blizzards fault that the vast majority of players only roll dps toons. Try branching out. Surely it can't be that fun doing the same god damn thing every time.
    Now see, old men ruined America by signing us over to the federal reserve causing a never ending debt. Remember that next time you get all high and mighty with your "life experience". And since when does life experience have f*ck all to do with a video game there grandpa? Equal rewards would be equality, unless the almighty tanks can solo heroics now? Heroics are equally easy for you just as they are for DPS. How about Blizzard make tanking more fun?
  1. Skippert's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Rokmarr View Post
    Brutallus says Hi. There are tons of fights that require DPS to be their absolute best or it's a wipe. It's not that you have to focus more. (unless you enjoy Cho'galls balls in your face.) Tanks are just boring man. That's why they have less representation. Honestly your point is totally invalid. Hard Modes depend on EVERYONE to be totally focused. Not just tanks and heals. It's not like I could get up in the middle of Nefarian and grab a beer and come back doing amazing damage. In heroics, maybe. But think back to when we all had 333 loot at best, Heroics were much harder then. Meaning we all had to focus and work as a cohesive unit rather than say, oh well I took all the hits meaning I'm superior, or even hey I healed you meaning I'm superior. How about, hey I ripped that boss' face off lets all be equal and not segregate the classes because blizz can't think of a way to make tanking and healing more fun.
    IN GENERAL, and in dungeons, tank and healing roles have more responsibility. If that was not the case, I think we would not have this big a tank/healer problem. I've played all three roles, and I play the DPS role currently, accepting the fact that I need to queue longer, knowing that I -at all times- have the option to reroll/relog another char or dual spec. Again, bigger responsibility: bigger rewards, it's how the world works.
  1. Fatpob's Avatar
    A really poor solution, and brought about by a thorough lack of planning with regards raids.

    example of the dungeon to raid disparity:

    You need 1 Tank for 5 man dungeon, 1-2 Tank for 10 man raid and 1-3 Tank for 25 man raids.
    You need 1 Healer for 5 man dungeon, 2-3 Healer for 10 man raid and 5-7 Healer for 25 man raids.

    Quite simply there is no real call for tanks at end game to the same level as the other 2 roles.

    If blizzard truly wanted more tanks, they would increase the need for them in the end game raids. Why spend time and effort to gear up a tank to only be benched or end up playing offspec in raids.

    This is a terrible idea, and will only further anger DPS who will still have excessive waiting times. It would have been much better to have "Auto Tank NPC" if players have waited more then 10 minutes.
  1. Gremlon's Avatar
    This seems like a poor hotfix in my eyes. What i would like to see is more flexibility for pure DPS classes. Its in a sense unfair for a pure class to be only able to dps. Why cant you have rogue tank for example, with active dmg reduction abilities, abilities that do dmg, cause threat and increases your avoidance for a small duration? Why cant a hunter for example be some kind of Bard, with abilities that heal while he is dpsing, small duration buffs that reduce dmg taken and increase healing/dmg or whatever. Such specs could even be introduced as support specs. The shadow priest is a great a example of what a support class "could be" (im not saying that a shadow priest is a support spec now). A spec that can provide both dmg AND something else (healing, dmg reduction, buffs, reduce threat for healers and dpsers etc). This way you introduce a new role in the 3 dpsers/1 tank/1 healer setup (it would be tank/healer/2 dpser/support). This way not only you provide a flexibility for pure dps classes, but you also make healing and tanking "easier" or less stressfull if you like. For example, all the healing required wouldnt SOLELY come from the healer, but the support role aswell, thus making the healer's job less stressfull or "fun". Same think would apply for the tank, if the support role can provide abilities that boost the tank's threat, reduce the dmg taken etc.

    Ofc i know that something like this is a lot of work to finetune, but then again for me it should be in the game. Look at what RIFT is doin for example with each classes. You have rogues that can tank/dps, mages that can dps/heal, priests that can tank/dps/heal and warriors that can tank/dps. NO Archetype is stuck in one specific role.
  1. Renowned's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Rokmarr View Post
    Shortened to lower spam, click the View Post button or scroll up to read
    Still don't get how people think tanking is more boring than DPS. You have a rotation, just like DPS, you have interrupts/stuns/etc., just like DPS. You try to do as much damage as you can, just like DPS. The only difference usually is that your DPS is lower on single-target fights, and there is nobody else in the group performing the same role that you can compare yourself to while stroking your epeen. Coming from a Vanilla/BC mage who converted to tanking for LK/Cata.
  1. Tatiana's Avatar
    Please tell me they're going to make these rewards account-bound? Otherwise people who play a dps as their main character will never, ever, benefit from them. With 4 classes as pure dps only (mage, warlock, rogue, hunter) plus dps specs from hybrids, dps at end-game level will never be the least represented.
  1. mmoc111cf32091's Avatar
    will go one month, maybe two, then every tank ingame will have all rewards and wont que again tho.
    and all starts over, wont be many enough that will roll a tank or healer to make it all good.

    will be so many dps needing on tank healing gear from now on just to
  1. Skippert's Avatar
    I actually don't understand why I get angry on people that cry about this change. It's gonna happen anyway. One of the problems with healing is that it's still the same and another game. 80-90% of the time, you watch some bars and you fill them up. How to solve this problem in an MMORPG like WoW, that's a very hard question. I think more manual-aim healing or something like that will make it more action RPG like, more exiting, more watching the actual fight than the health bars.

    But that's probably the whole problem with WoW. The whole combat system is really static and passive. To chance that, you'll need a whole new game.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tatiana View Post
    Please tell me they're going to make these rewards account-bound? Otherwise people who play a dps as their main character will never, ever, benefit from them. With 4 classes as pure dps only (mage, warlock, rogue, hunter) plus dps specs from hybrids, dps at end-game level will never be the least represented.
    I agree. Especially for pure DPS classes, the account bound rewards are a big plus (for some people a must) in getting them to tank/heal.
  1. Dunefire's Avatar
    So the real question is WHEN IS THE DAMN PATCH COMING? FFS Blizz stop adding stuff and roll it the hell out. /end rant
  1. Lucapa's Avatar
    I only see two problems with that:
    1) giving an incentive to tanks not to run with their respective guilds / friends and to use the anonymous LFD tool instead
    2) dps queuing as tanks.

    Dear Blizzard, please make it impossible for non tank specced people to queue as tank.
  1. Darckie's Avatar
    Give the tanks gold for queing, not rare mounts!

    Let them farm thoose like the rest of us did... This is a step in the right direction thou, it should really become more appealing playing a tank.

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