Dungeon Finder Call to Arms - Clarification
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker)
We’ve been following discussions and reading feedback on the Dungeon Finder Call to Arms feature, and appreciate everyone’s opinions on the topic. We wanted to share a few items though that supplement the recent announcement:

The additional reward for completing the Dungeon Finder Call to Arms (called the Satchel of Exotic Mysteries) will be Bind on Account; able to be freely sent to other characters on your account once you receive it.

An error existed in the announcement regarding flasks and potions being picked based on your spec. This is not the case. If someone earns a Satchel of Exotic Mysteries, and if it rolls the random chance to provide a potion or flask, it will be a randomly selected. This helps ensure a broad array of available flasks and potions for all characters.

We also wanted to clarify, mounts that have a possibility to be found in a Satchel of Exotic Mysteries are found with the same rarity as if you had slain the dungeon boss that normally drops them.
This article was originally published in forum thread: Dungeon Finder Call to Arms - Clarification started by Boubouille View original post
Comments 467 Comments
  1. Madmarv's Avatar
    First! oo yeah again
  1. Matchu's Avatar
    Using my tank to grind rare mounts for my alts. So long, Stratholme.
  1. PlatedPriest's Avatar
    no matter what blizz ppl will still qq till there eyes bleed.
  1. Moropo's Avatar
    Hope the QQ stops now.
  1. mmoc6af618f320's Avatar
    Holy cow, BoA
  1. ProphetNoata's Avatar
    This still screws people over who only have pure dps classes.
  1. Zagnaphein's Avatar
    Well seems now that everyone has an alt/main healer/tank so no more qqing i guess!
  1. Azutael's Avatar
    I bet they saw all the complaints, and went with this as a fix afterwards
    Love the fact that it will be account bound nontheless.

    Someone will likely still complain though... :P
  1. Eixel's Avatar
    Well done Madmarv... can a mod block him plx?
  1. Cryoh's Avatar
    Sweet, now will people stop their bitching about only having a hunter/mage/lock/rogue? Roll a DK alt already.
  1. Strafer's Avatar
    I'm happy as a pig right now.
  1. Papabull's Avatar
    At least they are attempting to fix the problem. I commend them for it. Blizzard will never be able to make everyone happy. People complain when they try to fix things and if they just stopped fixing things people would complain that they stopped.
  1. Granyala's Avatar
    This still screws people over who only have pure dps classes.
    WAYNE. You chose the role that has the least amount of responsibility ... there HAS to be a downside to that.
  1. Notos's Avatar
    That's awesome! We'll be rolling in tanks in no time.

    Quote Originally Posted by ProphetNoata View Post
    This still screws people over who only have pure dps classes.
    People who have not suffered the horrors of tanking and healing don't deserve nice things :P
  1. reverendball's Avatar
    O_O thats awesome

    i wonder if that means they will make the dungeon drop versions of them boa too
    cant see why not....
  1. Rethys's Avatar
    In other news, druids and paladins now represent 90% of the dungeon finding population.
  1. firadesunna's Avatar
    oh my god!!! how DARE they change something in the game *complains*

    nah jk :P loving this so far even if im a DPS lots of people say that being a tank isnt worth it because everyone always blames them adn the healer first so this will hopefully persuade a few people to return to tanking ^_^
  1. Afakaz's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by ProphetNoata View Post
    This still screws people over who only have pure dps classes.
    How, exactly, does it screw them? They will have absolutely nothing less than they do now, except maybe for queue times. Lack of reward != punishment.

    Also, maybe they could learn to heal or tank instead of qq'ing.
  1. bloodwine77's Avatar
    I don't understand how this is a major improvement ... unless I am the only 85 that doesn't have a level 85 tank alt.
  1. Dominating's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by ProphetNoata View Post
    This still screws people over who only have pure dps classes.
    Then roll a tanking/healing class. If you don't like not having a chance at the satchel, just roll a DK and spec Blood.

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