Update - Since a ridiculous amount of people are asking: No, Ragnaros doesn't look stupid anymore.

Patch 4.2 Items - Build 14002 - Tier 12 and Firelands Loot!
The first build of Patch 4.2 is filled with tons of delicious items and will give you a pretty good idea of what to expect in this patch!

Quest Items

Level Type Spec Slot Name
0JunkSeething Cinder
85QuestHeart of Flame
0QuestBranch of Nordrassil
0QuestTimeless Eye

Mounts and Pets

Level Type Spec Slot Name
40MountAlliance War Steed
40MountHorde War Wolf
70MountCorrupted Egg of Millagazor
1PetFire Lasher
1PetHyjal Bear Cub
20PetFeline Familiar
70PetDragonwrath Whelpling

Professions Patterns

Level Type Spec Slot Name
85BlacksmithingPlans: Emberforged Elementium Boots
85BlacksmithingPlans: Eternal Elementium Handguards
85BlacksmithingPlans: Fists of Fury
85BlacksmithingPlans: Holy Flame Gauntlets
85BlacksmithingPlans: Mirrored Boots
85BlacksmithingPlans: Warboots of Mighty Lords
85LeatherworkingPattern: Clutches of Evil
85LeatherworkingPattern: Dragonfire Gloves
85LeatherworkingPattern: Earthen Scale Sabatons
85LeatherworkingPattern: Ethereal Footfalls
85LeatherworkingPattern: Footwraps of Quenched Fire
85LeatherworkingPattern: Gloves of Unforgiving Flame
85LeatherworkingPattern: Heavenly Gloves of the Moon
85LeatherworkingPattern: Treads of the Craft
85TailoringPattern: Boots of the Black Flame
85TailoringPattern: Don Tayo's Inferno Mittens
85TailoringPattern: Endless Dream Walkers
85TailoringPattern: Grips of Altered Reality

Tier 12 Item Sets

Level Type Spec Slot Name
378PlateMeleeShoulder Elementium Dragon Shoulderguards
378PlateTankChest Elementium Dragon Chestguard
378PlateTankHands Elementium Dragon Handguards
378PlateTankHead Elementium Dragon Faceguard
378PlateTankLegs Elementium Dragon Legguards
378PlateMeleeShoulder Immolation Shoulderguards
378PlateTankChest Immolation Chestguard
378PlateTankHands Immolation Handguards
378PlateTankHead Immolation Faceguard
378PlateTankLegs Immolation Legguards
384PlateTankShoulder Spaulders of Pure Flame
378PlateMeleeHead Nestheart Greathelm
378PlateMeleeShoulder Shoulderguards of the Molten Giant
378PlateTankChest Chestguard of the Molten Giant
378PlateTankChest Flamescarred Carapace
378PlateTankHands Flickering Handguards
378PlateTankHands Handguards of the Molten Giant
378PlateTankHead Faceguard of the Molten Giant
378PlateTankLegs Legguards of the Molten Giant
378PlateTankShoulder Spaulders of Recurring Flame
378MailPhysical DPSLegs Fireflight Leggings
378LeatherSpell SpiritHead x3 Raid - 4.2 - Firelands - Boss 1 Loot 2 - Leather Int Spirit Helm

Firelands Epic Loot

Level Type Spec Slot Name
363AxeMeleeOne-HandElementium-Edged Scalper
378AxeMeleeTwo-HandHeadreaper Greataxe
378CrossbowPhysical DPSRangedCrossbow of Erupting Fury
378DaggerMeleeOne-HandPhoenixfeather Shiv
363DaggerPhysical DPSOne-HandBrainsplinter
378DaggerPhysical DPSOne-HandSpike of the Dread Hunter
363DaggerSpell DPSMain HandMasterwork Elementium Spellblade
391MaceMeleeTwo-HandSulfuras, The Extinguished Hand
363MaceSpell SpiritMain HandLightforged Elementium Hammer
378Off-HandSpell SpiritOff-HandFlamewrought Abilene Shell
363PolearmPhysical DPSTwo-HandWitch-Hunter's Harvester
378StaffPhysical DPSTwo-HandTest Staff
378StaffSpell DPSTwo-Handx3 Raid - 4.2 - Firelands - Boss 1 Loot 2 - Int Versatile Staff
363SwordMeleeTwo-HandMasterwork Elementium Deathblade
363SwordPhysical DPSOne-HandPyrium Spellward
363SwordPhysical DPSOne-HandUnbreakable Guardian
378SwordSpell DPSMain HandVolcanospike
378SwordTankOne-HandMandible of Beth'tilac
378ShieldSpell SpiritOff Handx3 Raid - 4.2 - Firelands - Boss 1 Loot 2 - Int Spirit Shield
378ShieldTankOff HandBulwark of the Gatekeeper
378PlateMeleeFeetArachnaflame Treads
378PlateMeleeFeetWarboots of Mighty Lords
378PlateMeleeHandsFireskin Gauntlets
378PlateMeleeHandsFists of Fury
378PlateMeleeLegsFlightflame Legplates
378PlateMeleeWaistUncrushable Belt of Fury
378PlateMeleeWristEarthcrack Bracers
378PlateSpell SpiritChestClutch of the Firemother
378PlateSpell SpiritFeetEmberforged Elementium Boots
378PlateSpell SpiritHandsGrips of the Raging Giant
378PlateSpell SpiritHandsHoly Flame Gauntlets
378PlateSpell SpiritLegsLegplates of Absolute Control
378PlateSpell SpiritWristBracers of the Dread Hunter
378PlateTankFeetGiantflame Stompers
378PlateTankFeetMirrored Boots
378PlateTankHandsEternal Elementium Handguards
378PlateTankHeadHelm of the Demon King
378PlateTankLegsShannox's Rusted Legplates
378PlateTankWaistGirdle of the Indomitable Flame
378PlateTankWristBracers of Regal Force
378PlateTankWristBracers of the Fiery Path
378MailPhysical DPSChestFlaming Core Chestguard
378MailPhysical DPSFeetEarthen Scale Sabatons
378MailPhysical DPSHandsDragonfire Gloves
378MailPhysical DPSHeadScalp of the Bandit Prince
378MailPhysical DPSShoulderSeared Chitin Shoulders
378MailSpell SpiritFeetFootwraps of Quenched Fire
378MailSpell SpiritFeetTreads of Implicit Obedience
378MailSpell SpiritHandsEgg-Clutch Gauntlets
378MailSpell SpiritHandsGloves of Unforgiving Flame
378MailSpell SpiritShoulderCraterflame Spaulders
378MailSpell SpiritWristCauterizing Wristbands
378LeatherWristFlickering Wristbands
378LeatherMeleeHeadVision of the Flaming Skull
378LeatherPhysical DPSFeetTreads of the Craft
378LeatherPhysical DPSHandsClutches of Evil
378LeatherPhysical DPSHandsTrue-Arrow Grips
378LeatherPhysical DPSLegsSpiderheart Leggings
378LeatherSpell SpiritChestIncendic Robes
378LeatherSpell SpiritFeetEthereal Footfalls
378LeatherSpell SpiritFeetPhoenix-Down Treads
378LeatherSpell SpiritHandsHeavenly Gloves of the Moon
378LeatherSpell SpiritShoulderFlickering Shoulderpads
378ClothSpell DPSChestx3 Raid - 4.2 - Firelands - Boss 1 Loot 2 - Cloth Int Versatile Robe
378ClothSpell DPSFeetBoots of the Black Flame
378ClothSpell DPSFeetEmberskip Sandals
378ClothSpell DPSHandsDon Tayo's Inferno Mittens
378ClothSpell DPSLegsLeggings of Airy Flame
378ClothSpell SpiritFeetEndless Dream Walkers
378ClothSpell SpiritHandsGrips of Altered Reality
378ClothSpell SpiritHeadVision of the Flickering Flame
378FingerMeleeFingerAlysrazor's Band
378FingerPhysical DPSFingerSignet of the Eightfold Eye
378FingerSpell DPSFingerHeartspear Ring
378FingerTankFingerFirestone Band
391FingerTankFingerAdamantine Signet of the Avengers
378NeckMeleeNeckFirebound Gorget
378NeckMeleeNeckNecklace of Fetishes
378NeckSpell SpiritNeckHeartstone of Ryolith
378NeckTankNeckStoneheart Necklace
365TrinketTrinketMoonwell Phial
365TrinketMeleeTrinketDwyer's Caber
365TrinketPhysical DPSTrinketRicket's Magnetic Fireball
365TrinketSpell DPSTrinketMoonwell Chalice
378BackPhysical DPSBackDreadfire Drape
378BackSpell DPSBackLightwing Cloak
378BackTankBackDurable Flamewrath Cloak
378RelicTankRelicDeathclutch Figurine
This article was originally published in forum thread: Patch 4.2 Items - Build 14002 - Tier 12 and Firelands Loot! started by Boubouille View original post
Comments 96 Comments
  1. delage35's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by usiris View Post
    whats up with all the tailoring pattern items so far being bop? I mad
    Why, craft designs/patters/etc from mid-tier raids have been BOP for quite a while... you don't raid it, you cant make it.
  1. Joán's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by delage35 View Post
    Why, craft designs/patters/etc from mid-tier raids have been BOP for quite a while... you don't raid it, you cant make it.
    Ulduar and ToC patterns would like a word with you. Which "mid-tier raid" patterns are you thinking of, exactly?
  1. letzrock's Avatar
    the ilvl 363 ones are most likely trash boe-drops
    and why the hell tailoring crafting gears are bop (the dps ones suck anyway) and other two types are boe?
  1. SinR's Avatar
    and what do you know, engineering gets left in the dust. AGAIN.

    WOTLK and BC all over again. lol gg

    Now I know this is only the first PUBLIC build, but the fact that they have all those other pretty epics for LW/BS/Tailors... yeah...

    thanks for shoving another dagger into Engineering Blizzard, really, THANK YOU.

  1. Tradu's Avatar
    I like how the crafted stuff is so well itemized(tank, leather agi and leather int are the pieces I looked at). And the fact that the previously datamined stuff also has a bunch of sockets everywhere. We all love sockets, especially ones with the correct color.
  1. mmoc14089edcd7's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Drathos View Post
    I like how the crafted stuff is so well itemized(tank, leather agi and leather int are the pieces I looked at). And the fact that the previously datamined stuff also has a bunch of sockets everywhere. We all love sockets, especially ones with the correct color.

    feral tanks say hi ... with all the haste...
  1. Sny's Avatar
    I totally suggested when the first model was revealed that they use the Felguard skeleton for Ragnaros, it looks like this new model might be based on it.
  1. Sammonoske's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Sny View Post
    I totally suggested when the first model was revealed that they use the Felguard skeleton for Ragnaros, it looks like this new model might be based on it.
    The skeleton is a Worgen.
  1. Deployed's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Ranikotar View Post
    They do look a lot better than the ones he had before. Which were out of proportion of the rest of his body.
    "Someone" had also applied the Human skeleton to his model previously, which made it all the worse. Looks more like the Draenei combat stance now, which one they have used for his lower torso, it's much better now.
  1. Facerockker's Avatar
    New Ragnaros... Blech. Looks even worse in my opinion.
  1. Lemons's Avatar
    [Masterwork Elementium Deathblade] = the coolest weapon name ever. That right there almost makes me want to go combat. Almost.

    And what the hell is up with [Spike of the Dread Hunter] and [True-Arrow Grips]? It's almost like they want the nub hunters to roll on my loot.

    "Legolazz, why the hell did you roll on that dagger?"

    "It has hunter in the name.."

  1. Sjerusalem's Avatar
    No healer staff....sad panda
  1. Sephira's Avatar
    weeeee more patterns, pets and mounts
  1. Baroclinic's Avatar
    Rafnaros reminds me of Holocaust from X-Men's Age of Apocalypse, minus the containment suit...
  1. Noradin's Avatar
    Thos categories should be "spell hit", "spell spirit" and "spell" (no hit and no spirit) instead of "spell hit" and "spell dps" since healers would want to use some of the items without hit which are currently called "spell dps" and some damage dealing classes prefer spirit. "Spell dps" and "spell heal" should only ever used for items with procs on damage/healing otherwise people who have ne clue and come here for guidance will get the impression only healers can use items with spirit and only items with spirit - which is false and is not reflected in drop chances.
  1. Snes's Avatar
    10 bucks says Blizzard lets Engineering become obsolete for another entire expansion again.
    Still scraping for something to get me to resub, but no luck so far.
  1. SentinelBorg's Avatar
    Oh look, again no Enhancement weapons, while there are already two agi 1h swords for one hand of one spec of one class in that list!
  1. koimagheul's Avatar
    w.i.p. obviously.
    both agi 1H swords are the exact same item (except for the flavor text) and no axe/mace/fist agi 1h...
  1. mmocee9d117667's Avatar
    If the size of Ragnaros holds up, in comparance to what Blizz said, this might very well be an epic return of a epic boss.
  1. Spray's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Dannz View Post
    did anyone notice this sword here, http://db.mmo-champion.com/i/70164/m...um-deathblade/

    ilvl 363, and Heroic tagged... 5 man heroic loot ? or perhapse those vendors they said they'd open up with the daily quest progression?
    Crossfire Carbine was mistakenly labeled as Heroic until 4.1, so.. I call a visual bug.

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