Stats - Character Gender Ratios
News has been slow and we've been looking at building random stats to keep you interested! We're still working on the juicy stuff but let's start with character gender ratios!

You might think that Female Dwarves are player's least favorite female model, but you would be mistaken! Female Orcs take the lead by a few percent margin in our poll of Level 85 characters.

Race Male Female
Human 66.48% 33.52%
Orc 89.34% 10.66%
Dwarf 86.72% 13.28%
Night Elf 56.2% 43.8%
Undead 77.4% 22.6%
Tauren 85.82% 14.18%
Gnome 69.43% 30.57%
Troll 74.24% 25.76%
Goblin 72.44% 27.56%
Blood Elf 55.05% 44.95%
Draenei 47.73% 52.27%
Worgen 80% 20%

Blue Posts
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Tier 11 Shoulders and Head for Justice Points
Sometimes raids don't go our way. Sometimes drops don't go our way. I think anyone who has ever farmed for a mount or a particular piece of gear has had a similar experience and, while not getting a drop can be frustrating, one hopes that delayed gratification adds a little savor when you finally do obtain the object of your desire. Good things really do come to those who wait, or at least, exercise persistence and patience.

I should add that, unlike the olden days, you aren't leaving empty handed from any boss encounter, and you can spend the Valor Points you're obtaining to acquire even more powerful gear. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

We Want Your Comics!
We’ve spent 8 years adding awesome community comics to our Comics section, but we’re far from finished. We’re looking for the best new World of Warcraft comics to become front page news on our site, and we’d love to have your help, whether you’re a seasoned contributor or a first-time cartoonist. If you’d like to have your comic displayed on our website, submit it here. (Blue Tracker / Official Blog)

API - HTML scraping no longer allowed
This is important to anyone who is still scraping the new Armory HTML, as it will break anything that relies on doing so.
Originally Posted by Osundir (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Now that the API is live, we want to make you all aware that HTML datamining (via or any of the other regional wow sites) is not acceptable. Within the next 7 days, we will start to blacklist users that are making excessive requests to our regular community sites.

If you are currently in the process of porting over to the API and have not requested a key yet, please do so. We do not want to interrupt service for community sites that are following that path.

Unless you're making 1000s of requests a day, its unlikely you'll get caught up in this. This is highly unlikely to apply to blue tracker sites (Assuming they are doing it sensibly), or personal guild sites.

New World of Warcraft Fan Wallpaper
The World of Warcraft Fan Wallpapers section has been updated with a new wallpaper titled "Cataclysm" by Shock.

Trading Card Game Art Gallery Update
The Trading Card game art gallery has been updated with ten new pieces.

NVIDIA Drivers
A quick note for those of you that keep your drivers up to date. There are some significant bugs in the 280.26 drivers that were recently released, including a bug that makes cards run warm. Avoid upgrading until a fixed driver is released.
This article was originally published in forum thread: Character Gender Ratios, Blue Posts, Fan Wallpaper, TCG Artworks started by chaud View original post
Comments 173 Comments
  1. twinkleblur's Avatar
    wow really? i would have thought the male to female ratio of both elves was a bit different than that. and i understand draenei. the females have the best looks in the seriously that tail litterally can hypnotize.
  1. Karrotlord's Avatar
    And it seems like a lot of guys are turned on by the horns and hooves.
  1. Arnoldlayne's Avatar
    needs more female undead what the shit
  1. conversekitty's Avatar
    I am the 10% of females that plays a pretty orc with real curves! (also the 22% with an undead and the 14% with a tauren) I bet my b/f is proud...
  1. Melilithia's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Karrotlord View Post
    And it seems like a lot of guys are turned on by the horns and hooves.
    Eh... horns yes, hooves not really. It's more of the fact that they have epic curves.
  1. Sy's Avatar
    so... cute! ^_^
  1. Blockygame's Avatar
    Aw god dammit, I just this second finished installing those Drivers... ah well, time to roll em back lol.
  1. Arnoldlayne's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by sac View Post
    wow really? i would have thought the male to female ratio of both elves was a bit different than that. and i understand draenei. the females have the best looks in the seriously that tail litterally can hypnotize.
    it also doesn't help that males look straight up retarded
  1. The Ogdru Jahad's Avatar
    I cant take the name Chaud seriously....Chaud...come on.
  1. Zanardam's Avatar
    in fact the Nvidia driver problem only happen to people who still have old 512 mb video card who dont have direct 10 x or 11...because they dont care about direct x9 now. A good advice for old card users, get the driver patch 266.58, it is the more stable.
  1. Baphomette's Avatar
    The Draenei ratio is less a matter of the ladyfolk being particularly sexy than the simple fact that the males look absolutely DOOFY. I would be very interested in seeing further breakdowns based on class. I don't see many other femme tauren DKs or warriors; I imagine most of them are shamans and especially druids. Ditto orcs and shamans.
  1. greyghost's Avatar
    Woo, thanks for the heads up on the nVidia driver bug. I just now got the notification that a new driver came out -- I'll wait till the next version arrives.
  1. savvasp's Avatar
    Belf males more than Belf females D: . Draenei should be 5% male and 95% Female aswell
  1. conversekitty's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by savvasp View Post
    Belf males more than Belf females D: . Draenei should be 5% male and 95% Female aswell
    True horde don't like BEs :P
  1. Simca's Avatar
    /waggle representing.
    I approve of female Draeneis everywhere.

    Quote Originally Posted by seeings View Post
    Damn and I just upgraded to new drivers :S
    Same D:
  1. seeings's Avatar
    Damn and I just upgraded to new drivers :S
  1. Static's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by savvasp View Post
    Belf males more than Belf females D:.
    This just can't be right. I mean, sure, I can believe the rest of the parse, but not this one.
  1. FireBorne's Avatar
    Boub you noob, you forgot to say First!
  1. balatro's Avatar
    You use the word poll in your descriptor of the graph. So, is this in fact a poll and not data pulled from data-mining? My point - This information may not reflect the actual distribution of gender among races.
  1. mmoc4f7a735ed2's Avatar
    One day, all the female draenei did /waggle at the same time. This was more than Azeroth could endure, and thus began the Cataclysm. True story.

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