Update - Added the translation of the original article, thanks to Treeston!

Patch 4.3 - Deathwing, Transmogrifier, Void Storage
Tom Chilton (Kalgan) answered a couple of questions from Gamona.de on Patch 4.3, and we got a bunch of very interesting news out of it. Patch 4.3 will feature:

  • New Raid - The Deathwing raid, making it very likely to be the last patch before the next expansion.
  • 3 new 5-man instances - Including one in the Caverns of Time. (War of the Ancients was mentioned as a cataclysm instance a few years ago, but a lot of things have changed since then, who knows!)
  • The Transmogrifier NPC, which will let you change the appearance of any armor piece on you, while retaining the stats of your current gear. (= T12 stats, but with the Tier 2 look!)
  • Players won't be able to change the appearance of their armor into another armor type or class armor set, and you might have to own the armor before you can use it to swap the appearance of your existing armor.
  • The Void Storage is a new type of bank where players will be able to store their old armors in order to free up space in their regular bank.
  • The Abyssal Maw dungeon is gone for the moment, the storyline wasn't convincing enough/fitting.

If someone feels like adding information or even translating the article completely, post in comments!

Translation of the original article on gamona.de
We're at GamesCon in Cologne, Germany, and just did an interview with Tom Chilton, Lead Game Developer and Chris Robinson, Lead Art Director, in which they revealed a lot of details regarding patch 4.3 - and it seems that the announcement of it being huge was no joke:

Patch 4.3 will bring us the Deathwing raid instance! This means it's likely that we'll be able to fight the Aspect of Death in an epic encounter within this year. The raid that was originally expected for this patch, the "Abyssal Maw", was cut from the schedule because, as Chilton states, the setting and the story were not convincing enough.

Furthermore, 4.3 will also bring three entirely new 5-man instances - Chilton assured us that these won't contain any re-vamped content, but instead be brand new with unique design and models. Chilton also hinted at one of those being within the Caverns of Time, allowing players to experience another great moment of Warcraft Lore first-hand.

The interview also revealed the purpose of the "mystery ethereals" in Stormwind (and likely other cities, too). The "Transmogrifier" NPC will allow players to change the displayed model of equipment to that of another item while keeping the original attributes: Transmogrification is only possible within an armor class - Plate armor can only assume the looks of other Plate armor, for example.
  • Class restrictions apply to Transmogrification - Warriors cannot transmogrify their armor to look like Death Knight tier sets.
  • The developers are considering whether they should only allow using the models of equipment that has already been obtained

The "Void Storage" is a very large bank-esque storage which allows old equipment to be stored, freeing up inventory/bank slots for players. The developers aren't sure yet about the definition of "old equipment". The cost of the storage (and whether there even is one) is another thing that is not yet decided

Another possible feature that was hinted at is the possibility of "void stored" equipment being available to other characters on the account (NOTE: That part might be speculation from Gamona, not cross-server transfers actually confirmed. Hard to tell.)

Overall, it seems that we've got a huge patch ahead of us - a new raid, three brand new instances, Transmogrification and Void Storage.

This article was originally published in forum thread: Patch 4.3 - Deathwing, Transmogrifier, Void Storage started by Boubouille View original post
Comments 493 Comments
  1. akts's Avatar
    Deathwing? Too soon
  1. Stefanish's Avatar
    Too son for Deathwing....
  1. videotape's Avatar
    Thanks, we can finally put this Deathwing silliness behind us and move on to more interesting developments.I expect at least one full raid tier after Deathwing. Seconding N'Zoth, along with the gradual introduction of Pandaria lore.
  1. Eximess's Avatar
    Can't Wait!!!
  1. Priestshot's Avatar
    So excited, doing pvp in t5 priest gear is gonna be legendary. A raid and 3 new 5 mans? bring it on, can't wait. 100% pumped for this patch.
  1. Teru's Avatar
    Only 3 tiers in Cata? This seems too soon to be hearing about the end tier.NO OLD GOD BOSSES? WTF BLIZZ?!
  1. videotape's Avatar
    "Release content faster"

    "Deathwing too soon"

    *head spinning*
  1. Malcho's Avatar
    This would've been nice to know before I vendored my wildheart set.
  1. Korwian's Avatar
    Hmm, not too sure what to make of this though ..Void Storage = awesome, but about the Transmogrifier - even though old tier sets are indeed epic, I'd rather loot something from a boss that is unique and tells the world "I downed ___ bad boy for this epic armor". I guess the amount of inspects might explode now: "So is he wearing the REAL T12 armor set or a T10/11/etc. transmogriffed to .. idk.. T2 paladin set or even worse a T12 set .. At least, I hope they make it so you have to have obtained the original item before you can transmogrif another item to that particular model
  1. mmoc66ee887288's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Reufio View Post
    There's no justification to think they won't continue to evolve gear...by your logic the new gear could simply make every player appear naked until they transmogrify it..
    Wait. In what way is anything past tier 2 and 3 an evolution of gear (with a few exceptions). You can't actually be serious.
  1. huldu's Avatar
    Another disappointing day in WoW... So basically you just borrowed some ideas from other mmo's yet again... while adding nothing new.
  1. HeavensDemise's Avatar

    Here are some direct quotes from the kotaku article that went up a little bit ago.
    "We have a wealth of armor sets we created that people no longer use," said Tom Chilton, lead World of Warcraft game designer.
    Worse still, Chilton said, as players start to top out they begin to look very similar because many players seem to stick to the high level, epic gear.

    The hope is that players will use transmogrification not just to mix and max their favorite armor, but that this new ability will encourage some players to go back through the game on the hunt for some of the armor they may have passed up because it was under-powered".

    "Chilton said Blizzard hadn't added the ability before now because it comes with a shifting philosophy about how the company views their game. It used to be that high level characters looked like high level characters, he said. It was a point of distinction, but as more and more players have topped out it's become sort of the opposite and too many players look the same."

    "Anything stored in the void is stripped of its enchantments and gems and the name of the person who crafted it, Chilton said. That's not a stripped tied to the lore of the game, rather a technical issue that makes this new storage system possible in the game."

    "Finally, Chilton and Chris Metzen, vice president of creative development at Blizzard, explained a new feature coming with the patch called Raid Finder. The raid finder essentially operates like a dungeon finder, automating the search for fellow players on the hunt for a good raiding party. It will be built into the game's updated user interface when the patch hits, they said.

    The bulk of the patch, though, will be a lot new content, Chilton said.

    "it has a whole bunch of content," he said, "three dungeons for five player instances and a new raid instance culminating in the Deathwing fight."

    This will be the last patch that includes new raid content for The Cataclysm expansion, Chilton said. But there will be another expansion, he added, he's just not ready to talk about it yet."
  1. Deadmedic's Avatar
    so lets count this out, for raids.

    Classic WoW, all outdoor, 10, 20 and 40 mans included 73 bosses, you can even boil that down to 50 if you just count the Tier raids.
    BC, all outdoor, 10 and 25 mans included 52 bosses.
    WotLK, not counting heroics, had 53 bosses

    Cata, not counting heroics, 21

    that means if Deathwing really is the last boss of the expansion, and that if he truly is coming with 4.3, that in order to be on PAR with other expansions in terms of just numbers of baddies to kill, his raid will need roughly 30 bosses...

    yeah.. no chance in hell.

    if this is the end of cata with 4.3, then yes, it really has had the SMALLEST amount of content in a expansion to date, and that ultimately i think is what alot of ppl will be upset about.

    also, am i going to be the only one who will just use transmogrify to make his belt match his tier? cause thats really my biggest issue most of the time, cool shadow priest tier set, belt that looks like the mages or warlocks
  1. Maelstrom51's Avatar
    too soooon!
  1. Gurbz's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Teru View Post
    Only 3 tiers in Cata? This seems too soon to be hearing about the end tier.NO OLD GOD BOSSES? WTF BLIZZ?!
    Because the fact that Wrath had 4 tiers means that all expansions MUST be the same, even though vanilla and TBC only had 3?

    Wrath had raid content that lasted 5 months, 4 months, and 4 months then 1 year of ICC hell. So far Cata will have T11 at 6.5 months, T12 will likely be about the same, then Deathwing for 6-8 months before the expansion. This feels almost perfect.
  1. Ealyssa's Avatar
    Void Storage is AWESOME, can't wait to free half my personal bank /love Transmogrifing is nice, but I would have preferred changing colors than complete skins.
  1. mvaliz's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by HeavensDemise View Post
    This will be the last patch that includes new raid content for The Cataclysm expansion, Chilton said. But there will be another expansion, he added, he's just not ready to talk about it yet."
    Well, this is rather big news and should be somewhere up on the front page.

    So, no N'Zoth?
  1. Durendal's Avatar
    Goodbye what is left of immersion.
  1. Lochton's Avatar
    3 new 5-man instances - Including one in the Caverns of Time. (War of the Ancients was mentioned as a cataclysm instance a few years ago, but a lot of things have changed since then, who knows!) The Transmogrifier NPC, which will let you change the appearance of any armor piece on you, while retaining the stats of your current gear. (= T12 stats, but with the Tier 2 look!)
    These are what I look forward to. *bites table* GIEF PATCH NAO!
  1. Sw1tch's Avatar
    Wow this is crazy. Literally everyone thought we had another tier before deathwing. I wouldn't be surprised if they are timing it so the next xpac is around the time of GW2 and SW:TOR.

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