Update: Clarification about realm grouping, initial zones, and zone splitting added.

Cross-Realm Zones Coming to Beta
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
In the World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria beta, we’re introducing a new technology that will enable players to meet up and group with other players in under populated areas of the world such as low level zones or areas that other players may have outleveled or moved on from. This technology will allow players to form a group with other players from within a select pool of realms in order to quest just like they normally would while still allowing the social structures of their home realms to remain intact.

During the initial phase of testing we will be sharing the following zones between the available beta realms: Northern Barrens, Ashenvale, Azshara, Darkshore, Westfall, and Silithus. We are also able to split over-populated zones and will be testing this new technology on the Pandaren starting area (turtle zone).

For beta testing purposes, we will be matching up all realm types whether they are PvP or PvE. This is different than what we plan to do for the live realms, however. For the live realms we will be matching realm types: PvP with PvP, PvE with PvE, RP-PvP with RP-PvP, and RP-PvE with RP-PvE. As always, we plan to keep an eye on constructive feedback while in testing of this new technology.


Q. Why cross-realm zones?
For many years now, the significant majority of the player population online at any given time has consisted mostly of characters at or near the level cap. This has resulted in an environment where characters that are leveling up experience a world that has fewer other players to interact with than what the world was designed for. Cross-realm zones give us the capability to ensure that level-up zones retain a population size that feels more like the high level areas of the game, leading to a more fun play experience for characters of all levels.

Q. How do cross-realm zones work?
When you’re in a zone that is set as a ‘cross-realm zone’ you’ll notice that in addition to the players you’d ordinarily see from your realm, you’ll also see (and be able to play with) players from other realms. This will happen seamlessly, and players will be able to group and quest as they normally would with players from their own realm.

Q. How will this work on boats or zeppelins?

Usually transitions will occur on area boundaries (think moving from Darkshore to Ashenvale).

Q. Can I form groups with the people I meet in the zone?
Yes! You can group and talk to others within the cross-server zone normally though trading will be restricted much as it is within raids, dungeons, or battlegrounds.

Q. Will my cross-realm group be disbanded if we move on to an adjacent zone together, like from Goldshire to Westfall or from Thousand Needles to Feralas?
Much like how cross-realm groups currently work, your party won’t be disbanded when you move through different zones, though if you’re not in the same home realm, you won’t be able to see each other if you’re in separate zone instances.

Q. Will I be able to group with my friends?
Yes, you will be able to group with your Real ID friends, provided they are within the same faction. The functionality works the same as it does for cross-realm dungeons, raids, or Battlegrounds.

Q. What level range do my friends and I have to be within in order to group?
There is no restriction on level ranges. You’ll be able to group with anyone you would normally be able to.

Q. Can I go into main capital cities while grouped with others?
Capital cities and areas with regularly high populations will not be set as cross-server areas/zones so you will not be able to enter into the same instance of a city as someone who is from a different realm.

Q. Will I be able to trade with others I meet?
Trading restrictions are in place much the same as they are in cross-realm dungeons, raids, and battlegrounds.

Q. How is group loot handled?
Group looting will function the same as it would with any group you would create through normal play.

Q. Who will I be playing with?
You’ll be able to interact with players from within a select pool of realms which will make it possible to run into a player in Redridge that you already ran into within Westfall.

Q. What areas will be shared?
This can vary from realm to realm and relies on how densely populated (or underpopulated) an area is. Capital cities and areas with regularly high populations will not be eligible for area sharing.

Q. What about resources or gathering nodes, will those be shared too?
Resources and nodes will be available to all parties within the shared area the same as always. We will be keeping a close eye on the impact of area sharing and should an area become too populated, we are capable of adjusting how many realms are able to connect to a shared area.

Q. Does this mean that Auction Houses will be merged?

No, when any player access an Auction House, they will be only able to access their home realm’s Auction House.

Q. What about zones that are already overpopulated, like new race starting zones?

With this technology, we can also flag zones to allow for more than one copy of that zone per realm. Players on that realm will be split among those copies in order to alleviate problems due to overpopulation. Players won’t normally see or interact with those on a different instance of their zone, although joining a party will relocate all party members to a single instance of that zone.

Q. How will this work for PvP vs. PvE realms? Will these realm types be shared?
No. Realm types will be matched with like realm types. So if you’re on a PvE realm, you’ll only be matched with other PvE realms. The same rules will apply for matching RP realm types and will be restricted to matching RP-PvP with RP-PvP and RP-PvE with RP-PvE. We plan to keep an eye on constructive feedback while testing this new technology.

Q. How will RID groups work? Which realm type would we play on?
If you group up with somebody from a different rule type (via RealID for example) and go into a cross-realm zone you’ll be on the ruleset for that player’s realm type. So, if you’re on a PvP realm and a friend joins your group from a PvE realm and enters a cross-realm zone, the group will be in one of the PvP realm clusters and will use the PvP realm ruleset.

Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Q: I really don't see any reason to group with others when everything is so easy to do at the lower levels. All these other people will be doing is killing my mobs and taking my resources.
The game is specifically designed with variable respawns, and huge influxes of players on launches. Having very few people in a zone is actually not what the game is supposed to be.

Q: Will be have to zone to every zone from now on then?
No, it's as seamless as it is today.
This article was originally published in forum thread: Cross-Realm Zones Coming to Beta started by chaud View original post
Comments 596 Comments
  1. Kickbuttmario's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by crazyterran View Post
    Blood Elf
    What the hell? Did Moon Guard US make the same thing with blood elves instead on their starting inn? Oh goD! The troll horror!
  1. Ellixen's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Kickbuttmario View Post
    Yeah, questing with this system is useless but.... Actually you may have not noticed this but I think this will definitely fix the pvp world issues people have been having for a long time in wow.

    Think about it. Some groups of people can make a designated server (PVP of course) where tons of people can do pvp. Imagine that zone (forgot what its called) where people can do pvp against tarren mill and (forgot alliance town there). It can basically get groups of people to feel like vanilla again. It could actually work. If people organize it on mmochampion/pvpforums, im sure it will work without a doubt.
    As fun as that sounds, it doesn't change the fact that blizz killed town raiding by having 85+ guards spawn the moment an npc dies
  1. TrueProphecy22's Avatar
    I'm going to have to say, this sounds pretty interesting. Perhaps it'll get rid of that feeling that the world in WoW is dead when you're leveling an alt.
  1. zshikara's Avatar
    This is quite possibly the most awesome thing I've heard in a long time. GG Blizz!
  1. cpillow's Avatar
    I cant wait to fire arrows into all the ally ^-^
  1. Soeroah's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by SeaKitten View Post
    only down side to this is rare spawns.. makes things like the time lost drake 1000% harder but oh well.
    ...Ah, shit. And I was just leveling a hunter.

    Come oon, Black Market being a way to trade rare spawn pets and mount drops....
  1. Caiada's Avatar
    I would've never expected this. Good move, Blizzard.
  1. Wubby's Avatar
    So since Storm Peaks is a leveling zone does this mean that the Time-Lost Proto Drake will become even more rare, harder to get than it is now?

    Better farm up stashes of low level mats before this hits.

    I admit it does sound interesting, but for someone who's stuck on a dead server it does nothing for me at 85. My AH is still dead, & there's still no one to group with
  1. Karnige's Avatar
    this will make questing more enjoyable. I love the old days when there was people everywhere and you saw tons of people spamming the chats to group up. the AH will be better also. love it.
  1. Shokzman's Avatar
    I love this Idea blizz... Thanks

    1 Problem however (They say capital cities are usually populated... However only 2 are populated... SW and ORG, the rest are as dead as most world zones)
  1. Alayea's Avatar
    Seems like a good idea. Will have to wait until it's had some iteration before anyone can tell for certain, though.
  1. Kindahuge's Avatar
    I always loved how lower level zones actually offered some quiet and peace of mind, especially later at night, it was cool to actually have a more "single player" or at least quiet, low key experience to balance out all the derp-heaviness of battlegrounds, lfg, lfr, and even guild raiding to an extent. Now it's going to be harder than ever to play the game without being surrounded by dipshits no matter what you choose to do. Save the "it's an mmo" comments, it was just something that I felt was actually nice about WoW at this stage, that is being done away with. The 2004-2007 community, I would have welcomed this absolutely. THIS community (wow not mmo-champ) no thanks.
  1. Vaultnishi's Avatar
    "Q. What about resources or gathering nodes, will those be shared too?
    Resources and nodes will be available to all parties within the shared area the same as always. We will be keeping a close eye on the impact of area sharing and should an area become too populated, we are capable of adjusting how many realms are able to connect to a shared area.

    Q. Does this mean that Auction Houses will be merged?
    No, when any player access an Auction House, they will be only able to access their home realm’s Auction House."

    I like this idea, but if this is the only fix blizzard was talking about low pop servers, than I'm disappointed. Still has a chance of adding more though since it isn't out yet.

    Also, when i heard the Black market AH wasn't a multiple server AH it disappointed me. If the gathering nodes stays multiple servers, than this has a potential on making already bad AH's on low pop servers even worse.

    Doesn't do anything for end game pugging or guilds as well. If this does end up being the only thing (Not saying its 100% the only thing right now), then it just seems like a cop out from server merging.

    EDIT: Didn't even think about the rare spawns for mounts/hunter pets. This could make those waaay more annoying to get.
  1. Frazzle.d's Avatar
    Suspected something along the lines like this as a best case solution, but after things like phasing I would imagine this would have certain problems.

    Not to mention that there are considerably less RP serves on EU side to pool together in terms of population size. RP-PvP wise that is; only two notable population ones to speak of.

    Nonetheless, I am intrigued and even a bit excited.
  1. manybadgers's Avatar
    This will be great for cross realm world pvp, cross realm dueling, and cross realm pokemon battles.
  1. Nnyco's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Kumashy View Post
    Transfer to a high-pop server perhaps? You DO have the option, you know?
    ohhh yes smart idea lets pay 200euro to transfer to another realm and leave my friends behind OR make em pay 20-200euro aswell

    you do realize people dont leave low pop realms because they dont want to start new with friendships and dont come now with "but u still can do xrealm" ... its not the same + its not even workin for dragon soul


    dont get me wrong i like the idea, ALOT! but to fix empty low lvl zones, not to fix low pop realms, since we will have then a full barrens but still problems to get a 10man started
  1. mmocd853c8f1c4's Avatar
    obviously a step so they don't have to have bad press of merging servers when wows subs go down more
  1. WoRsT's Avatar
    Awesome! Ganking is BAAACK!! .

  1. Mekh's Avatar
    Interesting idea and pretty unexpected. I like it.

    This is an exciting opportunity for struggling RP communities too.
  1. Bahska's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Sarahstrasza View Post
    i'd rather they took off level caps on dungeon requirements.. So when i'm bored at 90 and want to cycle through old dungeons, I can queue and help 4 lower levels through without them getting a penalty.
    That's actually coming as well, they said probably not at launch but by the first major patch level scaling will be in the game.

    Was said during the press tour.

    ---------- Post added 2012-05-11 at 12:43 AM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by slackjawsix View Post
    I can't believe people are complaining PVp and pve realms are going to merge u have to give blizzard some credit do you really think they would be that dumb
    Yeah that's not happening here, only way you can get on a pvp realm from a pve realm is to group with a real id friend on a pvp server.

    ---------- Post added 2012-05-11 at 12:45 AM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Dordric View Post
    Cross-Realm Zones Coming to Beta: Also know as "we don't have any players"
    10.2 million people say hi

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