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PvP Gear in 5.2 and Beyond
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Change is coming to PvP gear in the relatively near future, and we wanted to provide a not-so-brief update on the improvements we’re planning, while pulling the curtain aside a bit so you can see the thought processes that motivated the coming changes. We also thought this would also be a great time to get the World of Warcraft PvP community involved in the discussion.

The Challenges
There are a few main issues that we’re working to address within the next couple of patches:

Early Advantage
Currently, it’s very common for players that have a head start at the start of the season to earn the best gear quickly and gain a dominating position on the ladder with a very high Match Making Rating (MMR). It’s then pretty common for those players to only participate on the ladder in a minimal way before reaping their rewards at the very end of the season. That’s not particularly good for competition, and we don’t think that it’s a very fun way for a competitive ladder to work. We would like to see the ladder remain active, and for high ranking players to earn their positions throughout the season, instead of just blitzing early and camping a spot above a certain threshold.

Mid-season Start
Players getting into PvP mid-season face a very significant challenge to gear up and become competitive because players that started earlier in the season are so far ahead in terms of gear. We want to make it more reasonable for a player to join in on organized PvP mid-season, while still rewarding the commitment of players that have remained invested in PvP throughout the season.

Rating Requirements
The current rating requirements on PvP gear create an artificially sharp division between players over 2200 rating and those below that rating threshold, which is unduly difficult to cross. We’d prefer that teams progress up the ladder on a curve against gradually more difficult opponents, instead of running into a wall at a certain rating.

Gear Advantage
Over time, the gap in power between Honor and Conquest PvP items has widened. This happened, in part, because it’s necessary for us to preserve the balance in power between PvP and PvE gear so that one doesn’t become the most obvious path to victory for the other. Right now, there are four tiers of PvE items, but only two tiers of PvP items. To keep Honor items from being the best choice for entry into PvE, they needed to have a lower item level than equivalent Raid Finder items. At the same time, Conquest gear still needs to be better for PvP than Heroic raid items, which puts it way over on the opposite end of the power scale from its Honor counterpart. While there are items that bridge the gap between Raid Finder and Heroic Raid loot, there really haven’t been any PvP items to bridge the gap between Honor and Conquest gear. We plan to solve that problem by introducing new tiers of PvP items, changing which currencies it takes to buy items and when, and by making PvP weapons more readily available in general.

While the item upgrade system has the benefit of allowing players that have “finished” their PvP set to continue to progress their character’s power, because there’s built-in pressure to continue upgrading their main set, it also means that players don’t always feel comfortable spending those points on alternate sets of gear for different specs (though it’s worth mentioning that the upgrade system will be disabled for patch 5.2). We’d like to make it easier for players in this position to experiment with alternate specs and stats.

Moving Forward
Meeting these challenges will mean that some changes are coming to MMR, PvP gear, and how gear is earned and paid for:

Team Rating Inflation
As we’ve mentioned previously, we want to see the ladder rankings decided toward the end of a season, and not a foregone conclusion dictated by what happens at the start. As discussed in the PvP in Mists of Pandaria Dev Watercooler, as of patch 5.2 Team Rating will gradually increase as players participate in PvP over the course of the season. We expect the new system to help ensure that the ladder remains active at all ratings and that the competition stays fierce from start to finish.

Gear Changes
To accomplish the goals of making PvP more accessible and less punishing, gearing more consistent and flexible, and flattening the power curve out over the course of a season, there are some significant changes in the works:
  • 2200 rating requirements removed from all PvP gear. (5.2)
  • Gear will be available in four tiers:
    • Dreadful Gladiator’s gear will be crafted. (5.2)
    • Malevolent Gladiator’s gear, including weapons, will be purchased with Honor Points. (5.2)
    • New tier of PvP items: Tyrannical Gladiator’s gear will be purchased with Conquest Points. (5.2)
    • Tyrannical Gladiator’s gear can be purchased for Honor after 27000 Conquest Points are earned for the season. (5.3)
    • Elite Tyrannical Gladiator’s gear can only be purchased with Conquest Points after 27,000 Conquest Points have been earned for the season. (5.2)

The 2200 rating requirements on gear will be removed in patch 5.2, and when that happens, the only barrier to acquiring top of the line Elite gear will be the 27,000 Conquest Point seasonal currency requirement. While highly rated players will still earn gear more quickly, there won’t be an invisible wall to progression at 2200 rating.

As of patch 5.3, patches that don’t include the start of a new season will offer players the opportunity to purchase Conquest Point weapons without first meeting the seasonal currency requirement for them. We’re relaxing these restrictions because, by the mid-point of the season, the restriction has served its purpose and is no longer necessary. It’s worth noting here that the 27,000 Conquest Points earned requirement must always be met to buy Elite armor and weapons in every season.

In terms of relative power, we’re tuning the item levels, PvP Power, and Resilience on the new set of PvP items so that the difference between Malevolent and Elite Tyrannical Gladiator’s gear is similar to the relationship between this season’s Dreadful and Malevolent Gladiator’s gear. This helps accomplish the goal of smoothing out the power curve by adding a tier in the middle of the PvP gear spectrum. Also, to add choices and flexibility, once the seasonal currency requirement is met, players will have the option to purchase Tyrannical pieces for Honor, which should allow players to more easily experiment with alternate stat loadouts and specs.

Mid-Season Catch Up
Players who are starting their journey into PvP mid-season start significantly behind the gearing curve. While we want to avoid invalidating the effort of players that have competed for the whole season, we agree with the feedback we’ve received that the starting gap is too large, so a new Conquest Point catch-up cap will be implemented using the following formula:

(Current week of the season) * 1000 – (Conquest earned thus far this season)

Here are some examples of how this will work:

Player A is starting PvP for the first time in week 10 of the season, and hasn’t earned any Conquest Points at all that season. He will have an additional cap of 10,000 points added to his normal weekly rating based cap.

Player B has already earned 5,000 Conquest Points by week 10, so she would have an additional cap of 5,000 points added to her normal weekly rating based cap.

Player C has been playing all season long, and has earned more than 10,000 Conquest Points by week 10. He only has the normal weekly cap to work with (but should already be on their way to being well geared).

If a player “redeems” their catch up cap by earning all those points, then they’ll begin the next week at their normal weekly rating based cap. Should they miss more weeks, then the catch up cap accrues again.

So, to sum up the planned changes for Patch 5.2:
  • Rating requirements will be removed from PvP gear.
  • Malevolent Gladiator’s gear, including weapons, will be available for purchase with Honor Points.
  • A new tier of Conquest Point gear will be added that becomes available once 27000 Conquest Points have been earned for the season.
  • Team Rating will gradually increase during the season for teams and players that continue to compete in PvP. This system is explained in the Mists of Pandaria PvP Dev Watercooler.

And here are the specific changes that are planned to hit in Patch 5.3:
  • In patches that don’t include a new season (including patch 5.3), the seasonal currency requirement of 27,000 Conquest Points earned will be lifted from weapons. The seasonal currency requirement must always be met to purchase Elite items, though.
  • Once the seasonal currency requirement is met, players will be able to purchase Tyrannical Gladiator’s gear with Honor Points.
  • The Conquest Point catch up cap will be introduced.

Overall, we expect that these changes will create a more active and competitive PvP environment, narrow the gear gap between the highest rated players and those still working their way up the ladder, and open the door for more experimentation in terms of class or spec.
We look forward to hearing your opinions and feedback on these upcoming changes!
This article was originally published in forum thread: PvP Gear in 5.2 and Beyond started by chaud View original post
Comments 264 Comments
  1. mmocbd02567a48's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Totemgarden View Post
    This is the worst update in the game. all the terrible players will be given gear for no reason. way to ruin arenas blizzard and anyone who says im wrong is stuck in the 1500 bracket
    How dare they give players the opportunity to catch up!

    The real prize is getting rankings not gear.
  1. JhanZ's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by valcrist View Post
    why are you guys bitching about it for being more casual? I love the fact the game is getting more accessable that just means more things to do. Sorry but blizzard cant tune themselves to the idiots that can spend 12 hours a day on the game pvping thinking they are gods.
    I have no idea why either. In PvE it makes no sense to casualize gear. In PvP the only reason you wouldn't want it casualized is to stroke your ego, which is absolutely irrelevant to good game design. PvP should be as accessible as it can be, and let skill factor settle the rest. That's really all there is to it.

    I've been nearly 2700 and achieved Glad 2 times and I fully support giving every player the same gear I have ever had. And you know why? Because I can still trounce them with my skill any day, but their enjoyment in PvP will skyrocket, and that can only be a good thing.
  1. Shampro's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by quikbunny View Post
    How dare they give players the opportunity to catch up!

    The real prize is getting rankings not gear.
    This, pretty much. From ranking, comes the actual incentive. Which is titles and mounts. And those incentives are still 100% in . People who love fair competition and just love a challenge, and prestige, not just lolololol roflstomp people because they started late, will love this.
  1. Doxshund's Avatar
    Woot! No need to game the system by win trading or getting carried by people with elite weapons.
    PvP will be fun for everyone again.
  1. Capers's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by JhanZ View Post
    I have no idea why either. In PvE it makes no sense to casualize gear. In PvP the only reason you wouldn't want it casualized is to stroke your ego, which is absolutely irrelevant to good game design. PvP should be as accessible as it can be, and let skill factor settle the rest. That's really all there is to it.

    I've been nearly 2700 and achieved Glad 2 times and I fully support giving every player the same gear I have ever had. And you know why? Because I can still trounce them with my skill any day, but their enjoyment in PvP will skyrocket, and that can only be a good thing.

    100% agreed. However, I do think they do need to add some more cosmetic piece upgrades the higher rated you are, as it will give more incentive to try for higher ratings. PvP gear should be easy to get, but there still should be rewards for being good. Things like Glad titles and glad mounts are the perfect things to offer. They do not give a cosmetic upgrade, and are really coveted rewards that make people shoot for them.
  1. shamental's Avatar
    So 'pros' bitching about elite gear now for every noob outhere? since when was pvp about the gear? I always thought that all that matter for 'pros' was the ranking and their shiny gladiator title, I mean giving an elite weapon to a noob like me won't make him a gladiator, right?
  1. Imbashiethz's Avatar
    Okay so in 5.2 there will be no different looking gear, no special items, nothing special at all apart from titles for above 2200+ players. Isn't that kinda pointless?
  1. kjeppen's Avatar
    great......... now will evryone run around with elite gear. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  1. Kals's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Totemgarden View Post
    This is the worst update in the game. all the terrible players will be given gear for no reason. way to ruin arenas blizzard and anyone who says im wrong is stuck in the 1500 bracket
    Well if they're all terrible, even if they get free gear you should have no problem killing them. God forbid you don't just completely bulldoze over someone before they can try to put up a fight.
  1. chardicus's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by JhanZ View Post
    I have no idea why either. In PvE it makes no sense to casualize gear. In PvP the only reason you wouldn't want it casualized is to stroke your ego, which is absolutely irrelevant to good game design. PvP should be as accessible as it can be, and let skill factor settle the rest. That's really all there is to it.

    I've been nearly 2700 and achieved Glad 2 times and I fully support giving every player the same gear I have ever had. And you know why? Because I can still trounce them with my skill any day, but their enjoyment in PvP will skyrocket, and that can only be a good thing.
    this man is a gentleman and a scholar!
  1. JhanZ's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Imbashiethz View Post
    Okay so in 5.2 there will be no different looking gear, no special items, nothing special at all apart from titles for above 2200+ players. Isn't that kinda pointless?
    PvP should be about the actual battles vs. other players. Not the different kind of things you can get, that being the main factor is stupid. PvP should have always been a side game. Something you do purely out of enjoyment, and some cosmetic rewards in there for those extra dedicated. PvE has a gear progression system because it makes sense and is a different game altogether.
  1. Arbs's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Shampro View Post
    Yep it is, it may not be the 100% fix, but it is completely better than what we have now

    Also, ahahahahahahahahaha at all the elitis crying that they wont stomp ppl just because they have better gear, now they actually may have to use a bit of skill hahahaha. Like the guy above me for example XD
    PvP will finally take some skill again, Man I picked a excellent time to try PvP again. Let the fun begin !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  1. mmoc9d64d1cc31's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Imbashiethz View Post
    Okay so in 5.2 there will be no different looking gear, no special items, nothing special at all apart from titles for above 2200+ players. Isn't that kinda pointless?
    The thing is, all the time since the introduction of Elite gear, there was this '2.2k' thing going on. 'Need 2.2k to join, need 2.2k this, 2.2k that' as the Great Barrier between skilled PvPers and unskilled PvPers. Players who did PvP fulltime but aren't in for competitive arena to the point where you reach high ranking, didn't get anything for their commitment to the Pvp side of WoW. I myself am not a fan of arena nor will I ever be. And I end up being stuck on CP.

    Now they solved this problem, by rewarding those people with the ability to get by gear much easier, and while pushing them to keep PvPing for the reward it brings: Elite gear, and at the same time you can keep spending those Conquest Points for the majority of the season.

    Overall, this is a good strategy. It means I can do BGs the entire season and still be rewarded like the good old days when you just played PvP for the sake of PvP and ultimately got a nice set of gear out of it. The only ones that are going to be hurt by this is those special snowflakes who go 2.2k for the gear and sit there for the rest of the season. That doesn't make you a PvPer, it makes you somebody who wants to be some special f'in guy who wants to be noticed.
  1. Imbashiethz's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by JhanZ View Post
    PvP should be about the actual battles vs. other players. Not the different kind of things you can get, that being the main factor is stupid. PvP should have always been a side game. Something you do purely out of enjoyment, and some cosmetic rewards in there for those extra dedicated. PvE has a gear progression system because it makes sense and is a different game altogether.
    I dont care if noobs can get t2. But it is kinda lame that there is nothing cosmetic for those 2200, 2400+ whatever players. Nothing extra to spend points on. There is no damage advantage in looking different, its just cool. Whats the problem in letting that stay? Absolutely retarded.
  1. mercutiouk's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Totemgarden View Post
    This is the worst update in the game. all the terrible players will be given gear for no reason. way to ruin arenas blizzard and anyone who says im wrong is stuck in the 1500 bracket
    Point is if the player is terrible you'll still beat them... or is it the fact that the gear advantage you get from being "pro" and pvp focused is removed so if they ARE skilled they'll be able to beat you as your advantage is removed?
    Point is there's been a loooong time of pvpers above a certain rating using that rating as a "I'm awesome, your shit" now if you have a high rating you've continued to work for it and are skilled not just no-life pvp'd at the start of the season and creamed perfect gear to keep you there.

    It's not perfect but it's a hell of a lot better than the previous setup. If PVP is about skill rather than "learning to beat a computer" then surely having folks get an equal shot at gear if worked for is going to better the nature of PVP not diminish it?
  1. CoolHwip46's Avatar
    Been playing since Vanilla Beta and all I've ever done in this game is PvP. From what I've read so far, these are very well thought out changes. I especially like the mid season catch up they're going to implement in 5.3, makes playing alts way easier WOOOOO!!
  1. Bawk's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Totemgarden View Post
    This is the worst update in the game. all the terrible players will be given gear for no reason. way to ruin arenas blizzard and anyone who says im wrong is stuck in the 1500 bracket
    You are wrong and i'm not stuck in the 1500 bracket. So quit complaining. :3
    This is a huge step towards equaling gear, preventing win trading and helping people catch up that join mid-season.

    As someone who just started the season 5 weeks ago (currently), it's been a pain in the butt to catch up.
  1. mmoc448e768bec's Avatar
    Incredible PvP change, I might even play more of it. Couldn't be arsed to cap points each week, so I guess now you can slack some weeks and catch up with ease? However, they should have kept the idea of cosmetic gear for those who are high rated, just like we have now. Otherwise, it's indeed makes PvP quite pointless to do. People always want to show off :}
  1. hplaner's Avatar
    very welcoming change.
  1. mercutiouk's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by mercutiouk View Post
    Point is if the player is terrible you'll still beat them... or is it the fact that the gear advantage you get from being "pro" and pvp focused is removed so if they ARE skilled they'll be able to beat you as your advantage is removed?
    Point is there's been a loooong time of pvpers above a certain rating using that rating as a "I'm awesome, your shit" now if you have a high rating you've continued to work for it and are skilled not just no-life pvp'd at the start of the season and creamed perfect gear to keep you there.

    It's not perfect but it's a hell of a lot better than the previous setup. If PVP is about skill rather than "learning to beat a computer" then surely having folks get an equal shot at gear if worked for is going to better the nature of PVP not diminish it?
    If the ladders stay competitive right till the end then those folks still have to win fights to get their conquest points against increasingly harder teams as their own MMR goes up from winning. They don't just turn up and win them without effort. There's a possibility to game the MMR still by going nuts till MMR is high and teams are hard then deliberately tanking ones rating but a simple "MMR is easy to gain and hard to loose" system will make sure that it's overly painful to do.

    Not sure how I quoted myself to fix it.

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