Gear Changes in Warlords of Draenor
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Now that BlizzCon is over and Warlords of Draenor has been unveiled, we’ve been getting some additional questions about the gear changes currently planned for the expansion. To help shed some more light on what you can expect, we thought we’d take a bit of time to clarify a few things.

Keep in mind that as with anything still in development, the information we share now will likely change as we progress, but this should help give you a good understanding of our goals and thinking.

Armor Pieces: Head, Shoulders, Chest, Legs, Gloves, Belt, Boots, and Bracers

Primary Stats

One of our main intents for primary stats is to make sure that higher Item Level (ilvl) pieces from new content are almost always superior to items from older content. Further, the changes we’re making to primary stats will help make pieces more universal, so groups will find gear drops more useful more often. This means you’ll be disenchanting less Intellect plate (only usable by Paladins today) or Agility mail (only usable by Hunters and Enhancement Shamans today). As we discussed at BlizzCon, we’re accomplishing this by making it so primary stats for a given piece of gear will change based on your current spec, though it’s likely that only new gear added in Warlords will work like this, as it might be impossible to implement this for all existing gear. Here are some additional points to know regarding the changes to primary stats:

  • Armor pieces will always have some amount of Stamina and Armor value.
  • Armor pieces always have Strength, Intellect, or Agility as a primary stat. Plate has either Strength or Intellect. Mail and Leather have either Agility or Intellect. Cloth has Intellect.
  • In the cases of Plate, Mail, and Leather, the primary stat will change depending on your current spec. Specifically, casters (including healers) will get Intellect, and melee or tank specs will get Strength or Agility.

Secondary Stats

Our intent for secondary stats is to differentiate pieces that occupy the same slot, allow for player customization, and to further differentiate specs within a class. Here are a few important points regarding the changes that are currently planned for secondary stats:
  • Secondary stats don’t change based on spec on armor pieces (or any piece).
  • Secondary stats on armor pieces can still include Haste, Crit, and/or Mastery.
  • Secondary stats on armor pieces will no longer include Hit, Expertise, Dodge, or Parry. These are being retired in Warlords, and will likely be removed even from existing gear.
  • Secondary stats on armor pieces will also no longer include Spirit, nor will they include Bonus Armor, which are reserved exclusively for non-armor pieces (which are explained below).
  • In addition, secondary stats on armor pieces may include several new stats we are exploring such as Readiness, Amplify, and Multi-strike. Technical Game Designer Chadd “Celestalon” Nervig has been sharing more details about these on his Twitter account.

Additional Properties

Armor pieces may have three other properties at random. First, items may be higher Item Level than normal. For sake of this discussion, we’ll call these items Warforged for now.

Second, items may have gem sockets. Unlike gem sockets today, gem sockets in Warlords of Draenor will be rarer but more powerful. There will be no socket bonuses, but we are strongly considering requiring the right color gem for the socket. All gems will grant secondary stats, including Spirit and Bonus Armor (see below).

Finally, items may have tertiary stats. These include things like a bonus to Movement Speed, Sturdiness, Life Steal, Avoidance (less AoE damage), and Cleave. Because of the rarity of tertiary starts, stacking them to produce (for example) a Movement Speed set will take enormous effort.

The design intent of these additional qualities on items is to make itemization more exciting and to give it more longevity. Rather than waiting weeks to get a breastplate, you might get one pretty quickly—but to get a true “best-in-slot” item will take much more effort and a bit of luck. Here are a few more points to consider for these properties:

  • We haven’t decided on exact numbers yet, but for the current discussion, assume something like a 10% chance for an item to have an additional property. It’s possible for one item to have all three of these properties, but the chance of that is very small.
  • The properties are determined at the time an item is looted (and possibly even includes crafted gear). For example, if an ogre boss drops two copies of the Bracers of Crithto, one might be a normal version, while another might have a tertiary stat.

Being Warforged, having a socket, or having a tertiary stat do not count against the stat budget of the item—they are strictly bonuses. The item will not have reduced primary or secondary stats in order to have these additional properties.

Set Bonuses

Similar to primary stats, set bonuses will also change depending on your current spec. This means a Paladin may only need one tier set rather than one for Holy and one for Retribution. It also means that set bonuses can be more tailored towards a spec. For instance, Marksman Hunter set bonuses can have different bonuses or different numbers than a Survival Hunter set. Like today, not every helmet, chest piece, or other piece of armor that drops will be part of a tier set.

Non-Armor Pieces: Weapons, Rings, Cloak, Necklace, and Trinkets

Primary Stats

In general, most of these pieces will not have Strength, Agility, or Intellect. Instead, they may have Attack Power or Spell Power to make sure they are more universal. However, our current thought it to keep primary stats on weapons so that they continue to feel iconic and special. Many of the items will have Stamina as well.

Secondary Stats

The information about secondary stats on armor above also applies here. In addition, Spirit and Bonus Armor can appear on these items. Spirit is only useful for healers. Bonus Armor is generally only useful for tanks. A Spell Power piece without Spirit may be attractive to healers or may be attractive to DPS casters instead.

The intent of including Spirit and Bonus Armor on these pieces is to make sure some items are still valuable only to healer and tank specs, helping to make sure they don’t have too much competition for gear against the more numerous DPS players in a given group. These are also stats we consider interesting, because how much of each of these stats a tank or healer might want is more subjective. For example, one tank in a group might prefer more Bonus Armor while another might prefer more Haste.

In the case of Spirit, imagine that stacking Spirit on every non-armor slot will give you more mana regeneration than you would reasonably need. That is to say, you likely won’t need Spirit on every single spot in order to function as a healer.

In the case of Bonus Armor, this stat fills the niche that Dodge and Parry fill today. We like tanks avoiding attacks as a mechanic, but it hasn’t proven to be a particularly interesting gearing strategy. However, we still want a dedicated damage-mitigation stat, and Bonus Armor will be it.

Additional Qualities

These items will also have a chance to have one of the additional qualities discussed above (Warforged, gems, and tertiary stats), and the information related to these qualities on armor still applies here.


A Holy Paladin has a raid tier set from the Blackrock Foundry. If she switches to her Retribution spec, the tier set is still functional, as the primary stats and set bonuses change. However, if she prefers Haste for her Retribution spec and Crit in her Holy spec (and is someone who enjoys the min-max game), then a single set of armor may not be optimal.

For her healing set, let’s assume this player also has one ring with Spirit, a shield with Spirit, and a trinket that procs on heals. The trinket is almost useless in her Retribution set. The shield is also useless, since Retribution is designed to wield a two-handed weapon. The ring will be sub-optimal because Spirit is useless to a Retribution Paladin, but if it has another valuable stat (e.g. Haste), it may still be worth using—again depending on how min-max-focused the player is.

A more casual player would probably be fine just using the trinket anyway and using a lower Item Level two-handed mace when she plays Retribution. A more min-max player would probably want separate rings, cloaks, trinkets, neck pieces, and weapons to use in the different specs. A very min-max player—such as someone competing in world-first Mythic raid progression—might even want different heads, shoulders, chests, and so on depending on the mix of secondary stats. This player might even swap out gems between the two specs.

This may seem like a lot to take in now, but we’ll continue to watch feedback and answer any additional questions where we can. And again, keep in mind that as with anything still in development, this information or some of the details will likely change as we progress.

As always, we welcome your constructive feedback, and we look forward to reading what you think.
This article was originally published in forum thread: Gear Changes in Warlords of Draenor started by chaud View original post
Comments 395 Comments
  1. Pickwickman's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Torne View Post
    I can already see pro guilds post:

    "Sorry guys, we were not able to claim world first this time. Last week, our dps got no procs on their drops, and the other guild had 12% reduced aoe damage and a socket on most of their DPS. Guess they outplayed us."

    The tertiary stats are utter bullshit, how can they even think of something like that? Either the numbers will be so small that they don´t matter at all, or you are forced to give the same loot to your cores week after week until they get the stat they need. If those stats also come for PvP gear the rage will be incredible. "Oh, can´t chase this healer because he has 15% increased movement speed on his gear. I only have some AoE reduction..."
    "B-but weapons are a bigger difference maker between raid groups." -SpectralCrustacean

    For most of us it's going to be a new experience, but boy.. They did fuck Hc raiding before WoD even released.
  1. JoeShmo's Avatar
    I'm rather torn on this change.

    It's something I have been asking of blizzard for years, to be able to use a single set of armor for all 3 specs (because its unfair for hybrids to need 3 sets of gear). I'm happy with that change whole heartedly, but I feel that they may have gone too far with the addition of tertiary stats and how it works in conjunction with secondary stat changes.

    While this speeds up the process of filling out each slot with an upgraded iLvl piece of gear, I feel that its going to create a lot of frustration and loot drama because of how RNG its going to be. I understand they are taking a page back from Vanilla WoW , and with how well the Diablo itemization has evolved over the years (minus some of the D3 woes), but I dont see how having the RNG of Diablo-like loot (like how vanilla was initially) is going to make anything better. They've just substituted one frustration for another, and in the process it took the responsibility out of blizzards hands with having to intricately plan out loot in raids / dungeons.

    This will go beyond just "min/maxing" gear; it will create a whole new breed of item disparity and rage, just like how it is in D3. People will fawn over a certain setup of stats with ferocious enthusiasm, not just because of "min/max" ability, but because they want/need those particular stats. There isnt going to be a single pvp player that wont be going for runspeed stats, or life leech, or other utility like stats. Having just 1 piece of gear with those wont be enough, especially for OCD folks. Those that want a "complete set" of a particular stat arrangement will find this situation dire. I get that blizzard wants these to be "rare bonuses" but its just setting things up for failure and trouble.

    I can just imagine the guild/raid drama over someone wanting a particular stat on his/her gear, and having it get passed to someone else because "he/she already has a piece of that tier already". The "stars aligning just right" to get a single item is bad enough to drive some people loot crazy, imagine trying to do that again for 2-8 pieces.

    In the same process, it might create the "loot trifecta" situation like in D3, which is going to be its own can of worms. I dont see the crafting economy doing any better in that regard, and its only going to make players mad when they dont create an item with "trifecta" stats that people will actually buy (whether they include crafting in these changes or not, they will be hugely affected by them).

    I also worry that blizzard is going to have to take a D3 approach to item balance, where they dont realize that certain item stacking ends up being "too much" in their eyes, and nerf it; only to piss off peole who spent countless runs/hours getting a large set of items with said stat (because RNG will be killer), only to have their hard work swiftly crumbled. Or on the other side, blizzard cant just change stats because of how much it will affect everyone.

    Its a very, very tight rope they are walking on; both with such a drastic change/addition to the loot system, and because of how much its going to affect progression and time spent in the game.
  1. KCguy's Avatar
    I do feel that currently the gear, gems, stats and reforging of gear has gotten out of hand, so this is an interesting change. By removing stats like hit, that makes things even better. No more having to worry about having to get to the hit cap or having to take a hit (pun not intended) to get to the cap.
  1. mmoc414535b0a7's Avatar
    it could spark the final spontaneous combustion event in the already fragile WoW community ;p I know and have seen loads of people (and I mean looooads) who go ape shit over gear etc lol...
  1. Glaziola's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Torne View Post
    I can already see pro guilds post:

    "Sorry guys, we were not able to claim world first this time. Last week, our dps got no procs on their drops, and the other guild had 12% reduced aoe damage and a socket on most of their DPS. Guess they outplayed us."

    The tertiary stats are utter bullshit, how can they even think of something like that? Either the numbers will be so small that they don´t matter at all, or you are forced to give the same loot to your cores week after week until they get the stat they need. If those stats also come for PvP gear the rage will be incredible. "Oh, can´t chase this healer because he has 15% increased movement speed on his gear. I only have some AoE reduction..."
    I don't give a fuck about the top guilds, but I'm not a fan of this either. We only need the core stats for this game to work. Why the hell would i need lifesteal as blood dk?
  1. mmoc414535b0a7's Avatar
    and for a moment there I was getting slightly excited for WoD... Hmmmm.. don't think I want this kind of drama.
  1. Spiralphoenix's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Of-the-horde View Post
    I don't give a fuck about the top guilds, but I'm not a fan of this either. We only need the core stats for this game to work. Why the hell would i need lifesteal as blood dk?
    Because blood dks are the only class in the game and lifesteal is the only option, am I right? And because loot never drops right now that you, a Blood DK, find less desirable to use, or cannot use at all, am I right?
  1. mmocc0a31611b9's Avatar
    With this change, it is statistically accurate to say it will be impossible to get BiS for every slot over the course of a tier.

    I think its a good change, as there will always be some incentive to dive into the raid.
  1. DrMcNinja's Avatar
    This will go beyond just "min/maxing" gear; it will create a whole new breed of item disparity and rage, just like how it is in D3. People will fawn over a certain setup of stats with ferocious enthusiasm, not just because of "min/max" ability, but because they want/need those particular stats. There isnt going to be a single pvp player that wont be going for runspeed stats, or life leech, or other utility like stats. Having just 1 piece of gear with those wont be enough, especially for OCD folks. Those that want a "complete set" of a particular stat arrangement will find this situation dire. I get that blizzard wants these to be "rare bonuses" but its just setting things up for failure and trouble.
    You forgot that Blizzard intends to make these tertiary stats rare to the point that it will be remotely impossible to get a full set consisting of 'just' speedboost gear. Sure people can min/max it but the chances of them hitting that absolute MAX is going to be so small that it's almost not worth it. They're stats that are meant to give a very small bonus and nothing more.
  1. iperson's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Of-the-horde View Post
    I don't give a fuck about the top guilds, but I'm not a fan of this either. We only need the core stats for this game to work. Why the hell would i need lifesteal as blood dk?
    You don't, that's why it's a bonus stat and doesn't count against the item budget..
  1. Nitrax's Avatar
    There is probably going to be a 0.00000001% chance that the "other" guild is going to be able to build up a 12% aoe resistance before next tier of loot. Just imagine that a tertiary stat drop is 10%... getting the right item takes it down to 5% and reduces as you get more complete set. Add the chance to get the right tertiary stat and you are down to 1%. So... the raid has maybe a max of 3% chance each boss to get the right tertiary stat item. I'd imagine you need to kill every current boss 100 times to get even a nearly complete "aoe resistance" set. That is two years of raiding...
  1. Wafffles's Avatar
    I like the sound of these changes, at least at this point. What's amazing, though, is that the majority of people here also like them. These posts support a Blizzard decision? Most people aren't whining about the hyperbolic ramifications of this change? The community sounds like it actually has some foresight and an average age over 11? Good lord, this is refreshing.
  1. Katchii's Avatar
    The primary stat changing to meet your spec is awesome, means I can focus on my main spec and use a second spec to be "functional" while I level. Like Leveling as DPS spec but gearing for healer. However, I am not really a fan of the whole random bonus thing. Sounds a lot like Diablo gear randomization, which I honestly don't like all that much due to the random nature of the gearing.

    I like knowing and planning out my gearing, like which dungeons I need to run what bosses to use bonus rolls on, which gear to spend my Valor/Justice points on, which I'll still be able to do, but then possibly having to run the same dungeon 1000000x or buy the same item from a vendor to get the same item I already have, but with a gem slot or tertiary stat? I don't like that all.

    Best in Slot isn't going to be as straight forward as simply getting the item anymore, now you have to factor in the possibility of having to get that SAME ITEM 100x over and over until you get the bonus stats you want. The more I think about it, the more I hate it.
  1. nekobaka's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Synche View Post
    That is precisely their objective, it will now take longer to get full BiS items (truly BiS I mean, with the exact secondary stats you are looking for) and thus players will keep logging in and playing.
    I am wondering how many players really do get full BiS. All the way from my progression raiding days in BC to now with things like LFR and such I have not obtained a full BiS. Even with a year of ICC I did not complete my BiS due to RNG of an item like trinkets dropping. The assumption would be that the core of the changes would result in reducing RNG and the developers trying to bring RNG back up. The question would be is the randomness going to keep the bulk of the players subscribed or will the majority just think pretty good is good enough and stop playing anyways, but possibly at a faster rate. Those who seek out BiS in my experience tend to already be fairly consistent players and those who dont care are usually the ones that dont stick around for long periods of time.
  1. mmoc414535b0a7's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Nitrax View Post
    There is probably going to be a 0.00000001% chance that the "other" guild is going to be able to build up a 12% aoe resistance before next tier of loot. Just imagine that a tertiary stat drop is 10%... getting the right item takes it down to 5% and reduces as you get more complete set. Add the chance to get the right tertiary stat and you are down to 1%. So... the raid has maybe a max of 3% chance each boss to get the right tertiary stat item. I'd imagine you need to kill every current boss 100 times to get even a nearly complete "aoe resistance" set. That is two years of raiding...
    so what is the actual point of this change anyway then? isn't the chance of your piece of gear dropping enough anyway without adding another "oooh please please please this time drop, ive killed you 10 times now you fukker" situation? if the chance is soooo low then why?
    fail to under stand this for only a tiny increase in something as some said.
  1. Asphyxiate9's Avatar
    I think everyone missed the part where they said it would be extremely unlikely to get a full set of tertiary stats
  1. nightfalls's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by orangelemonrain View Post
    I think everyone missed the part where they said it would be extremely unlikely to get a full set of tertiary stats
    I think people actually read that part more closely than anything else. If it was common it wouldn't be an issue.
  1. JoeShmo's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by DrMcNinja View Post
    You forgot that Blizzard intends to make these tertiary stats rare to the point that it will be remotely impossible to get a full set consisting of 'just' speedboost gear. Sure people can min/max it but the chances of them hitting that absolute MAX is going to be so small that it's almost not worth it. They're stats that are meant to give a very small bonus and nothing more.
    10% chance for the first stat, and yet it still doesnt matter. Its the potential and RNG of getting these stats thats going to drive the wedge between the "have and have nots". My very point was that because of how hard its going to be to get an even partial set of these items, that its going to drive obsession through the roof. Blizzard may "intend" for these to be semi trivial bonuses...and are there just to "add flavor" but they know better after all these years (or at least they should know), that this kind of a system is the very reason why theyve worked on making things LESS RNG , and much more controllable. Its a complete reversal of years of work, and its going to follow in the same mud holes as the D3 system.

    They can have all the intentions in the world (which they do every month) but they have a very poor record of actually being able to deliver on their dreams and ideals. This is what makes the changes that much more worrisome.
  1. mmoc414535b0a7's Avatar
    id prefer the firelands upgrade system over this. a crystal drops that will give the upgrade but can be rolled for etc...
    2nd thoughts nah I wouldn't ;p
  1. mmoc85ef4e5ce5's Avatar
    ...and how is Blizzard dumbing down WoW again? The system sounds quite random, but I still see much place für min-maxing here.

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