Character Level Boost to 90 priced at $60
The US servers went back online after the maintenance and for a few minutes people could access the interface to upgrade their character. Unless announced otherwise by Blizzard, upgrading your character to level 90 will cost you $60 on live servers.

Thanks to Zheo for the screenshot!

This article was originally published in forum thread: Character Level Boost to 90 priced at $60 started by Boubouille View original post
Comments 1379 Comments
  1. mmocceca20d1fe's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Zell the Malefic View Post
    And even then, the fanboys will wail that it's still not pay to win because "omg u still hav to kill boss urself lol".
    Of course not. The complaints would finally be justified.
  1. grexly75's Avatar
    I find this hilarious people were QQing like mad because of the buy a level 90 boost.. Now that we know the price of the level 90 boost people are QQing like mad because of the price.. I for one am glad it is this price for as was said by others in this thread it may put people off abusing by fotm rerolling and what not..
  1. Repefe's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by hiveNzin0 View Post
    Once again : nobody is forcing you to use this service and it won't affect you in any way if other people use this service or not.
    Leveling is boring, but at the end you get a reward = leveled character. By introducing this service the reward is severely diminished. It's no longer a leveled character, it's saving $60. That's not a very exciting reward in a game.
  1. waddlez's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by dolfke View Post
    So we (EU) will pay 83 dollar for this. That's 17 euro's more then usa. Rly why do they keep f**king us and why do we still let them do it ?

    - - - Updated - - -

    because blizzard policy is 60 dollar = 60 euro
    But in practice 60 euro is 83 dollar
    Every American company has that policy.

    Also I doubt Europe is downgrading your salary to match USD, meaning a software dev making 80k USD is making 80k EUmonies. If you end up with less after tax income because of where you live, well then, change where you live.
  1. evertonbelmontt's Avatar
    Should be more.
    This shouldn't even be in the game as an option, only as last resource. They make the right call, IMO.
  1. ushuimama's Avatar
    They are making this game so easy it's stupid! Next they are going to play for you for $100 lol, I'm glad i quit playing when i did because it's not worth my time or money any longer!
  1. Supercool's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by hiveNzin0 View Post
    Does anybody force you to use this boost ? No.

    That's the complete opposite of what you guys are trying to do : force the leveling process to other people because you want to experience the leveling process.
    I think that's a silly argument. Leveling is the most basic form of the incremental power increases that all RPGs are built upon. It's ridiculous to complain about "forcing" someone to play the game as it was designed. Was it wrong for Blizz to "force" players to level for all those years?

    And to anyone who makes the argument that Blizzard HAD to do this because otherwise people would just buy extra copies of Warlords and account merge, there's a simple fix for that: Flag every character that gets to 90 via the boost and only allow one such character per account.

    The problem with that solution however is simply that it is less lucrative.
  1. rowaasr13's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by deef View Post
    I consider this the same as buying gold, aka pay to win, I wont be using this service. But more $ for Blizzard is a good thing, means more content for us.
    Good joke! Did you consider professional comedy?
  1. mmocceca20d1fe's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Repefe View Post
    Leveling is boring, but at the end you get a reward = leveled character. By introducing this service the reward is severely diminished. It's no longer a leveled character, it's saving $60. That's not a very exciting reward in a game.
    Isn't that selfish ?
  1. Boogums's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Axethor View Post
    Hot damn. I guess it makes sense though. Pay full price for all the expansions to not play the game.
    I've "played the game" 9 times now. Starting to get tired of it.
  1. mixerii's Avatar
    Price does not matter, option of paying to skip content (instead of fixing the content) is really sad in my eyes.

    Than again, i am not wow's target audience for a while now.
  1. Klingers's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by clevin View Post
    Sigh. No. The price is because *enough people will pay it*. More might pay $15 or something but they likely don't want to flood the game with 90s AND they probably aren't confident that they'd sell significantly more than 4x the number at that price.

    The price isn't about the database query anymore than the price of server or faction updates are about that.
    If you actually read my post past the first paragraph, you'd notice I actually made note of the deterrent factor. Christ sake, nobody can even read three short paragraphs anymore. We need to put Ritalin in the water supply or something.

    All I was trying to illustrate that when you have even a basic understanding about some of the mechanics behind something like WoW's web services then it all becomes a bit funny and the price tag takes on a different dimension of insanity.
  1. jellmoo's Avatar
    This was brought up earlier in the thread:

    Some people have more time than money.
    Some people have more money than time.

    For some people, they've played through the levelling content many, many, many times already. They've seen it all and done it all. This gives them an option to skip the days of levelling so that they can enjoy endgame content with their friends on a new character that they never would have had time to level. They look at those hours of time investment and decide that yes, they would gladly pay $60 to avoid doing something that at this point is boring, they've done a dozen times before, and doesn't offer them anything of value.
  1. mmocceca20d1fe's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by jellmoo View Post
    This was brought up earlier in the thread:

    Some people have more time than money.
    Some people have more money than time.

    For some people, they've played through the levelling content many, many, many times already. They've seen it all and done it all. This gives them an option to skip the days of levelling so that they can enjoy endgame content with their friends on a new character that they never would have had time to level. They look at those hours of time investment and decide that yes, they would gladly pay $60 to avoid doing something that at this point is boring, they've done a dozen times before, and doesn't offer them anything of value.
    This. Impact on others ? None.

    They should even feel more rewarded because they did the leveling part the hard way.
  1. Klingers's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Boogums View Post
    I've "played the game" 9 times now. Starting to get tired of it.
    I know the feeling. I got something like eleven 85's in Cata, but I only got one of them from 85-90 in MoP. Really enjoyed it the first time, but had no stomach for repeat servings.

    I'm looking at that $60 fee and thinking "Damn, that's only two hours pay. It'd take me 40-odd hours to level from 85-90! That's a good deal!"... But of course then I think "Shit. That's 60 bucks. That's a tank of petrol. That's a week's lunches at work."

    I'd like to see the price point shift depending on the level boost range personally, but I know it won't. It makes sense as a deterrent to over-use.
  1. mmocb8215096a5's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by waddlez View Post
    Every American company has that policy.

    Also I doubt Europe is downgrading your salary to match USD, meaning a software dev making 80k USD is making 80k EUmonies. If you end up with less after tax income because of where you live, well then, change where you live.
    ?? why would eu downgrade my salary ??? Not al countries are having the same salary settings. It's normal for shipping stuff from US to EU and a lot is from TAXES. But for a DIGITAL upgrade EU have to pay more then US ???

    There are a lot of countries in EU that would love to have the same salary of the normal US worker.

    PS : an example , if i would want to get drunk in norway i would have to work a week for it
  1. mmoc8f4699d2dc's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by dolfke View Post
    So we (EU) will pay 83 dollar for this. That's 17 euro's more then usa. Rly why do they keep f**king us and why do we still let them do it ?

    - - - Updated - - -

    because blizzard policy is 60 dollar = 60 euro
    But in practice 60 euro is 83 dollar
    You haven't seen the comparison of the Blizzard Shop in the US and EU lately, have you? They aren't like how you say it is, a mount for example is 25 dollars there and it costs in Europe 20 euros. Do a bit more research.
  1. Austilias's Avatar
    So...unless i'm wrong, US servers have the option for free/paid Level 90 and EU servers don't? I can't find the option anywhere.
  1. Repefe's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by hiveNzin0 View Post
    Isn't that selfish ?
    No it's a fact. The reward is diminished. Selfish would be if the community was singling ppl who use this service out, refuse to play with them like it happened with the transmorg gear from cash shop.
  1. mmoc82dcf0488d's Avatar
    So they are charging the Price of a Full Game, so you don´t have to play the Full Game? That is kinda... I dunno.

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