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Armory Stats - Patch 6.2 Class Representation
It is time to look at Class Representation once again, before everyone becomes a Demon Hunter in Legion! This time we are only including characters that have been active since June 1, 2015. We last looked at this data during Patch 6.1, but did not only include recently active characters then, so the data isn't directly comparable.

This sample includes 5.9 million characters for all item levels, 3.4 million for 655+, 2.4 million for 665+, 1.7 million for 675+, 677k for 690+, 205k for 700+, and 51k for 710+. Keep in mind that the higher the item level, the smaller the sample size, which means a less than perfect reflection of the actual class balance at that item level range.

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Ghostcrawler Tweets
Ghostcrawler still occasionally talks about WoW and game design. Remember that he no longer works for or speaks for Blizzard.
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Player Feedback
What is your process at Riot for reviewing feedback? Sometimes I feel we can't get rito attention without a huge post on reddit with a bunch of stupid memes, but every once in a while, someone will post a real discussion to no avail. It is frustrating that we feel like our feedback never matters.
There isn't a formalized process because as you can imagine the discussion itself is nuanced. We need to evaluate sentiment in all regions, evaluate potential changes against work already in flight, and try and understand if we are hearing from a vocal minority or someone being the spokesperson for a whole bunch of players.

We don't think the long red post on Reddit really scales well. We are trying to figure out some other options to get our feedback to your feedback out there. A suggestion we hear a lot is some kind of regular state of the game blog.

I have been talking to players on social media for nearly two decades now and I have experienced this sentiment a lot: that you guys don't feel heard. It's a challenging problem to solve in the absence of an announcement from us that says "we are making the change you suggested in the next patch." To be clear, sometimes that is going to happen. But there are many reasons that may not happen. If you're asking for a new feature and we are going to announce that feature in a big way in a few weeks, we aren't going to answer on social media and you may feel ignored. As I said we are exploring options for how to make sure you guys understand better what it is we value. We have gotten that message loud and clear.

Game Design
now i know you don't work for blizzard anymore but can you explain why they seem so threatened by new mmos or expansions for current mmos releasing?
I'm not sure if you are refering to a specific incident or something, but when I was there, there wasn't an excessive focus on what competitors did. It's actually pretty challenging in the game industry, and especially in the MMO space, to tactically respond to competitors. If they announce a new feature, you're probably 4 months away from being able to ship a competiting feature. If they want to launch on a certain day, you have very limited ability to pivot, because you probably locked into your own launch day 6 months ago.

So you are saying that Blizzard and Valve are reckless for implementing features that LoL doesn't have like voice chat?
I'm not qualified to talk about how Valve makes decisions. I would just be guessing. Blizzard is generally a very deliberate, almost cautious decision-maker, or at least they were two years ago. I would point to their voice chat as a rare misstep though (they would be the first to acknowledge that it isn't very good compared to third party alternatives, and isn't frequently used) so maybe that's not the strongest example to make your point.

This also doesn't mean adding voice is always a reckless idea. I just mean you need to be really careful about how you roll out some features that risk having more problems than benefits.

Do you feel like you're currently making the exact same design mistakes that you previously made at Blizzard? Specifically regarding caring more about new players than old?
Almost everything we do on League is for existing players. In fact, our new player experience is in pretty desperate need of being updated. We will get to it someday.

On WoW we did focus more on new players. They are just different companies with different priorities. I try to align my priorities to the company I'm at. But I will point out that I annoyed some players by focusing on more challenging dungeons on WoW.

How does it feel to have completely screwed up WoW, only to get hired at Riot and do the same thing again?
In both cases, I'm just one person on a large team. I have no problem if you want to hold me accountable for design decisions you don't like on either game, but it's pretty unfair to hundreds of people at Blizzard and Riot to imagine that any one person could steer the direction of either game so dramatically.

Wildstar - Cosmic Tiers
The Wildstar team announced the system that will unlock game features and cosmetic rewards once the game goes free to play. Players will unlock tiers by purchasing things in the in-game store. The more they spend, the more tiers will be unlocked. Players that don't want to spend any money on the game can still unlock things by using C.R.E.D.D. (Wildstar equivalent of the WoW Token).

WowCraft #24 - ShipRekt
WoWCraft takes a look at Shipyards in this episode.

This article was originally published in forum thread: Patch 6.2 Class Representation, Tweets, Wildstar Cosmic Tiers, WoWCraft #24 started by chaud View original post
Comments 69 Comments
  1. Sensa's Avatar
    Chaud, I don't know if its my browser (safari) or the way you code your charts but the bar colors never match the chart's "legend". For me, all the lines for each group are the same color (all DK lines are red etc)

    that being said I can put my mouse over each line and get the info about what the line represents but it would be nice if the colors from the chart legend were represented / displayed in each sub-group (so instead of seeing all red for dk's the line colors would match the "legend".
  1. Holywraths's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Skulltaker View Post
    Why are there so many hunters...? I reall don't get what people see in that class, other than it being easy.
    Class in fun to play and saying it's easy still doesn't cut the crap they get to do mechanic wise because they are the most mobile class.
  1. davidcryix's Avatar
    I don't understand the hand wringing and consternation about the class representation graph. It's maybe mildly surprising that hunters make up 15% of the population (I would have guessed 12-13) but there are 11 classes so perfect "balance" numerically would be 9% for each. Each class except the newest one is very close to that baseline with the ones that can do 3 roles and/or have cool mechanics (druids) or strong iconography (paladins), plus the old stalwart warriors pulling in more of the pie.

    Basically, all the classic tanking classes (plus hunters who have cool mechanics (pets which are mini-tanks) and cool iconography (bows, guns)) make up the top slots and the newest class is struggling to find a place in a very crowded field.

    There is no universe of perfect class balance where druids, paladins, and hunters do not have more representation than other classes. They are too versatile and have too much built in cool.
  1. davidcryix's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Shambulanced View Post
    If other classes got more utility/cool stuff to make up for the lack of versatility, things would be more balanced.

    Monks..well. We didn't need another melee dps, we didn't need another leather class (hi, DH...), as a tank they're one of the more perplexing and demanding to play effectively. I can't speak for them as healers--don't have experience. I will say, though--right now the queues wait on healers, not tanks, and I think that has to do with the challenge new players/alts have swapping to heals from dps/tanking. It's an entirely different skillset/playstyle, and honestly demands quite a bit more in general than tanking or dpsing imho.
    You're right about monks and i think you're right about the issue with healing. I main shadow and while i had a lot of fun healing 90-100 dungeons, the heroics were a slap in the face to my skills and the groups i was with were VERY unfriendly about it, especially given the short amount of time the game had been out. I suppose its fair to say i jumped in too soon but i had to pass the ilvl check and get silver healing so its not like i was a complete scrub either. You can't be an average healer with a group of soft dps and a new tank though.

    As far giving other classes cool, i'm not opposed to giving out more love but seriously, what could you possibly give rogues that compete with a class that transforms into animals and can tank/heal/dps/dps (druids) or a class that tanks/dps/heals (paladins), or hunters who get cool animals and can solo stuff easier and such. Its going to be tough.
  1. mmoc63c331f4e8's Avatar
    I'm willing to bet that if the other casters like mages, spriests etc aswell as the more squishy melee classes got some kind of boost to their "solo experience" the graph would be a lot more evened out, hunters might even drop lower than most other casters.

    For A LOT of us playing this game we like the idea of having "one main character" that we do everything on. Besides raiding that's stuff like PVP (if that's to your liking), collecting pets, mounts and other various items, questing, doing world events and holiday events, soloing old content for whatever reason and the list goes on and on and on. If your main is a fire mage or an elemental shaman you might have fun while raiding with your friends but you also might find yourself gimped while attempting to do stuff on your own. This is a big turnoff for a lot of people. Hunter just fits a lot better into the fantasy of that one hero where you don't need to have alts do certain stuff. It's the main reason why I can't see myself maining anything else.

    I had hoped that the addition of bodyguards in WoD would solve this issue but well.. we all know how that turned out

    I also think the fact that hunters feel so superior in raids right now is that encounters are getting more and more complex, and more often than not this means a lot more movement, making a hunter feel smooth where you have high to infinite movement with slight to no DPS loss. Sure you could keep tuning hunter damage down and static caster dmg up but all that would do in the end is break the game outside raids or simply make hunters useless at the end of tiers. Making all classes equally desirable for the content outside raids seems like a much better option.
  1. papajohn4's Avatar
    I will also add another reason why some classes are lower...i love playing a rogue but always gave up because was hard for me to find 2 good weapons...it was tons easier to get a bow or a gun than getting 2 swords with agility...not only this, but many times i was forced to change my spec because i got a good dagger drop and would be better to go assassination or subtlety..

    Same on my DK...I like the dw frost but always found myself playing with a 2 hand..artifacts will solve this issue..finally your spec will not depend on the rng.
  1. mmocfd328e0b6e's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Muadiib View Post
    I forsee a time in the not too distant future where Ghostcrawler either decides he's sick of talking about WoW or Blizz quietly asks him to stop talking about the game, either way he will stop talking about WoW, mark my words.
    I don't care what is he speaks about WoW. JUST DON'T REPOST IT! it is that simple... He can live in his barbie world with his dreams, who cares? He was "removed" from the company and the project. He is just a random man who says his own crap.
  1. splatomat's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Dhru View Post
    I don't care what is he speaks about WoW. JUST DON'T REPOST IT! it is that simple... He can live in his barbie world with his dreams, who cares? He was "removed" from the company and the project. He is just a random man who says his own crap.
    "Just a random man who says his own crap" describes every commenter on this website (with appropriate respect for the boys, girls, and women).

    ...and yet, these people feel validated in their own thoughts and feelings, believing that others will care to read them.

    Just get over it already. I don't give a shit about the Sports section of my daily newspaper but I don't complain about it every day; it's obnoxious and immature.
  1. morreant's Avatar
    Is it weird that I'm mildly excited about the Wildstar Warpig mount after all the WoW Boar mounts in WoD?

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