Calculators Updated
All of the calculators have been updated with the changes from today's build.

New Models
Lots of new models were added in the latest alpha build!

1/13 Alpha Build Design Notes
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
There’s a new Alpha build today, which includes a number of new additions and changes. We’d like to provide some additional context and info, and also focus discussion on the topics that will provide the most useful feedback at the moment.

  • Tank and Healer Abilities and Cooldowns - Tanks and Healers will notice significant changes to the tuning on many of their defensive abilities. These may appear to be “nerfs” at first glance, but are actually part of a widespread adjustment to improve overall tank (and tank healer) gameplay, that includes reducing the strength/frequency of defensive cooldowns, and adjusting creature tuning to compensate. We’ve made a separate thread to give full context about these changes here:
  • New Logging Feature - The Advanced Combat Log now includes additional data that will be of use to developers and users of data analysis sites and tools. We’ve made a separate thread to provide the data structure for the new COMBATANT_INFO log event here:
  • New Specializations Unlocked – There are 7 new specializations ready for testing! Several additional specializations have been unlocked for testing. We’d love any and all feedback about their gameplay, artifact quest lines, abilities, etc.
    • Vengeance Demon Hunter – NOTE: Vengeance abilities, talents, and artifact traits are still preliminary and are being heavily iterated on.
    • Guardian Druid
    • Restoration Druid
    • Marksmanship Hunter
    • Discipline Priest
    • Enhancement Shaman
    • Elemental Shaman
  • Honorable Medallion – This build includes our solution for the “CC break trinket” for low level classes. Upon entering a battleground or arena for the first time, players will learn the “Honorable Medallion” (temp name) spell. This spell removes all movement impairing effects and all effects which cause loss of control of your character while in PvP combat and has a 3 minute cooldown. Players can learn this spell at any level and it resides in the General section of your spell book. The first row of PvP talents then modifies the Honorable Medallion. This will provide the “CC break trinket” mechanic for all levels of PvP player. Feedback on this solution would be appreciated!
  • Talent Design Status - We’ve reached a ‘first draft’ level of design for talents for all specializations. There are some that we still have outstanding plans to revise or replace, but the vast majority are ready for feedback. Tuning has not been done, so you’ll have to imagine that numbers are adjusted such that talents are balanced, but we’d love to hear feedback about what talents you like or dislike. Especially useful is feedback on particular talent rows, and whether they feel like interesting choices or not (again, assuming numbers will be balanced).
  • Artifact Trait Design Status - More artifacts are available, and you’ll be able to unlock further traits on existing artifacts. At this time, feedback is welcome on artifact traits, but we still have much work to do on them, and have many revisions planned. Expect significant change to many of the artifact traits in the future.

Thanks, and we look forward to your feedback!

Tank & Healer Ability Tuning
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
In the latest Legion Alpha build, tanks and healers will notice significant changes to the tuning on many of their defensive abilities. These may appear to be “nerfs” at first glance, but are actually part of a widespread adjustment to improve overall tank (and tank healer) gameplay, that includes reducing the strength/frequency of defensive cooldowns, and adjusting creature tuning to compensate.

Over the course of Warlords of Draenor, tanks have been mostly self-sufficient, providing the vast majority of their own survival, with only minor direct assistance required from healers. Encounter design has unfortunately reinforced this, focusing tank damage into more and more bursty moments in an attempt to challenge tanks. This has made long-cooldown defensive ability usage more and more important, while also further trivializing direct healing requirements.

For Legion, we want to return the overall tank gameplay to a more stable environment. In that, we have laid out some specific goals that we aim to hit:

  • Tanks will require more direct healing. This will also improve on healer gameplay, as it’s more engaging when there’s a mixture of the types of healing that need to be used on any single encounter.
  • Active Mitigation abilities for tanks (such as Shield Block or Death Strike) should feel rewarding, allowing an experienced tank to meaningfully reduce damage taken.
  • Healers should care about the time and mana required to heal tanks, so that taking less damage as a tank is considered valuable.
  • Tanks and healers’ long-cooldown defensive abilities (such as Barkskin or Shield Wall) should feel like a valuable resource. These abilities should be strong, but not necessarily available for every danger during a specific encounter.
  • Tanks should have much more survivability than a non-tank. However, they don’t necessarily need to be extremely more sturdy. If the difference in ‘tankiness’ between tanks and non-tanks becomes too much of a gap, we then risk having situations such that if any one add gets loose, it’s likely to instantly kill any poor healer or damage dealer they hit–as the damage that these creatures deal would need to be exponentially higher to offset the sturdiness of the tank. This also brings a risk that tanks would opt to ignore enemy abilities that are designed to be dangerous to non-tanks, just taking those relatively minor blows rather than trying to avoid them as intended.
  • In raid encounters, tanks should spend more time tanking, and less time waiting for their turn to tank.
  • Tanks should be able to handle solo content quite effectively. They need to do less damage than dedicated damage dealers, but that difference can be moderate. It doesn’t have to be a massive difference.

Looking at these goals, we’ve made the following changes for tanking in Legion. We hope that these explanations will help you understand the bigger picture, in that these should be viewed as an overall improvement to the style of tank gameplay, rather than nerfs.

  • In order to ensure that tanks require direct healing from healers, we’re increasing the amount of damage that makes it past a tank’s mitigation. This will include reducing or removing passive defensive abilities, along with the below changes.
  • We’re toning down how frequently you’re able to use Active Mitigation abilities. This change will generally affect the length of their cooldowns, and not necessarily the strength of the ability. We believe these abilities are important to tank survival; but, when the uptime on these abilities gets too high, skill in knowing when to use them strategically matters less.
  • There are many long-cooldown defensive abilities that will be able to be used less frequently, and, in some cases, these abilities may be weaker. Many of these abilities are currently either too numerous or usable too frequently, resulting in a strong cooldown for almost every threatening moment of every encounter.
  • Encounter design will be adjusted to account for these changes. Overwhelming burst damage will be toned down, in favor of more steady and consistent damage on tanks.
  • The damage of creatures that are intended to be tanked in group content will be reduced overall, in order to ensure that tanks can still perform their role just as well as before.
  • Damage output by tanks will be increased, and their scaling with gear will be improved. This is being done so that tanks can stay in-line with damage dealers as a group gears up together.

Please note that many of these changes are preliminary, and we’ll be tweaking our changes based on testing and feedback. We’ll continue making adjustments as the Alpha moves along, until classes are in a more balanced state, and we look forward to hearing your thoughts throughout this process.

For more info on the latest Legion Alpha changes, see our summary thread: (Will edit in a moment!)

New Logging Feature: COMBATANT_INFO
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Today’s Alpha build includes a new logging feature when Advanced Combat Log is turned on. Whenever an ENCOUNTER_START event occurs, a new “COMBATANT_INFO” log line will also be printed for each player in the instance. The current data structure for COMBATANT_INFO is as follows, but is subject to change based on feedback and technical needs:

COMBATANT_INFO,playerGUID,Strength,Agility,Stamina,Intelligence,Dodge,Parry,Block,CritMele e,CritRanged,CritSpell,Speed,Lifesteal,HasteMelee,HasteRanged,HasteSpell,Avoidance,Mastery ,VersatilityDamageDone,VersatilityHealingDone,VersatilityDamageTaken,CurrentSpecID,(Class Talent 1, ...),(PvP Talent 1, ...),[Artifact Trait ID 1, Trait Effective Level 1, ...],[(Equipped Item ID 1,Equipped Item iLvL 1,(Permanent Enchant ID, Temp Enchant ID, On Use Spell Enchant ID),(Gem ID 1, Gem iLvL 1, ...)) ...],[Interesting Aura Caster GUID 1, Interesting Aura Spell ID 1, ...]

Some clarifications about a few of those elements:
  • Stats – Those are the current stat values at the time of the log line. Secondary stats are in terms of the Rating amount, not a %.
  • Talents – A list of the selected talents. Today’s build will print this ID as a TalentID, a record type that is not dataminable. This will be fixed in a future build to be the SpellID of the talent.
  • Artifact Traits – This will be a list of the selected traits for the character’s current specialization’s artifact (even if it’s not equipped). The Artifact Trait ID is an ID to a new record type to 7.0, which should be dataminable already. Trait Effective Level is the number of points placed in that talent. Note that some Relics will allow this to go beyond the max.
  • Equipment – This is a list of all equipped gear on the character. The first ID is the standard Item ID of the item, followed by its ilvl. After that is a list of enchants on the item, one of each of the 3 possible enchantment types (using the ItemEnchantment ID).
  • Interesting Auras – This is a list of interesting auras (buffs/debuffs) that we have manually flagged to be included in this log line. We’ll welcome feedback about what should be included here but currently plan for set bonuses, well fed, flasks, combat potions, and Vantus runes. Nothing has been flagged for this yet, so you won’t see anything here in the current build.

The easiest way to test this is likely via dungeon bosses. Give it a try, and let us know how it works for you, whether there’s any key information that you think is missing, what other interesting auras you’d like to see, etc. There are certainly technical limitations involved here, so we may not be able to fill every request, but we’ll do what we can! Thanks!

The Legion Alpha Test Is Back
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Our gnomish engineers have returned from their adorable little Winter Veil vacation to bring the Legion alpha test back online—and they’ve made a few updates in the process!

In addition to all of the content that was previously included in the alpha, testers can now explore the new Val’Sharah zone and delve into the new Darkheart Thicket dungeon. The Shaman Order Hall is also now available, and the new Demon Hunter Vengeance (tank) spec is ready for testing. The raid boss Ursoc has also made an appearance . . . and he can bearly wait to meet you. Character copy is currently disabled, but testers can create high-level characters using templates we’ve provided.

As a reminder, there’s no NDA (non-disclosure agreement) for the Legion alpha test, so participants are free to stream the game and share screenshots or movies. Please keep in mind that Legion is still in development—we’ll be making changes as we continue to prepare for the upcoming beta test, and what you’ll see during the alpha test is not necessarily representative of the final game.

Players selected to participate in the alpha test will receive an email invitation directing them to download and install the alpha client directly through desktop app. As always, please be aware of phishing attempts—if you’re unsure whether your invitation is legitimate, please log in to to verify whether you can install and play the Legion alpha.

Getting Started
1.If you’ve been selected to participate in the Legion alpha, your account will already be flagged for access.
2.Make sure your graphics drivers are up to date.
3.Run the desktop app—it may need to update itself if you haven’t run it recently. If you don’t have it installed, get started here.
4.Once is installed and updated, select World of Warcraft from the list of games on the left.
5.In the Region/Account drop-down menu above the Play button, choose Alpha: Legion (listed under In Development), then click Install.
6.Allow installation to complete, and click Play.
Once you’ve launched the game, use the Legion alpha template to create a character. This is located near the Enter World button.

Providing Feedback
We’d love to hear about your experiences on the Broken Isles, so once you’ve had a chance to play, please send us your feedback.
  • For general feedback, use the in-game Feedback interface.
  • For crashes, please use the Crash Reporter feature that appears when the client crashes.
  • For general game bugs, use the in-game Bug Report interface.
  • If you’re getting a wrong version error, please uninstall and reinstall the client.
  • Discuss the alpha with your fellow testers in our Legion alpha General Discussion and Bug Report forums.

How do I opt in?
Once you’ve set up a account and have attached at least one Blizzard game, you can choose to opt in to future beta tests from the Beta Profile page—just check the box next to which games you’re interested in testing. Once that’s complete, it’s simply a matter of waiting for an invitation.

Legion Alpha Test Information
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
We're keeping this infographic updated throughout Legion testing to update you on which zones, dungeons, and specs now available for testing.

For Azeroth!
This article was originally published in forum thread: Legion Alpha Design Notes, Tank and Healer Tuning, Logging Feature, New Alpha Content started by chaud View original post
Comments 68 Comments
  1. Ruzan's Avatar
    Making tanks squishy. Sound plan Blizzard!
  1. Antermosiph's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Tromage View Post
    Wonder if that Orc model is for Drak'thul.
    Even when Drak'thul was green in WC3.

    HulkedGuldan_Super is the name of it

    So yea, guldan beefed up.
  1. mmoc743b654a14's Avatar
    Nothing that special to see here.
  1. smokii's Avatar
    it worries me that MMO-champion is front-paging Alpha builds of the new expansion.

    when is the beta due? april? release in november to tie in with the movie? (if thats even when the movie is released)
  1. SkyTides's Avatar
    woah that druid set rocks!

    Also FOX MOUNT The rat is kind of an odd choice though.
    The fish one is interesting....underwater naga zone?
  1. Woa's Avatar
    Elemental shaman talents are shit. Ascendance lvl 100 talent. really? Gee thanks for letting us choose to have something weve had for 4+ years. Level 90 talents are shit also. Welcome to getting shit on in pvp for another expansion.
  1. TheTaurenOrc's Avatar
    Whats with the PvP talents? Are there instead of or in addition to the regular talents?
  1. davidcryix's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by smokii View Post
    it worries me that MMO-champion is front-paging Alpha builds of the new expansion.

    when is the beta due? april? release in november to tie in with the movie? (if thats even when the movie is released)
    I don't understand your comments. What else would MMO-C be talking about? It's a playable build of the game whether they call it alpha or beta. It's not like they are dumpster diving for info of things no one can see right now. Those of us with access can log in right now and see legion content.

    The movie comes out June 10th. The expansion is dated for on or before 9/21/2016.
  1. Sansasyon's Avatar
    Gul'dan: "This isn't even my final form!"
  1. ChaosWolf's Avatar
    Am I the only one who thinks the vrykul female is... kinda hot?
  1. effs's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Woa View Post
    Elemental shaman talents are shit. Ascendance lvl 100 talent. really? Gee thanks for letting us choose to have something we've had for 4+ years. Level 90 talents are shit also. Welcome to getting shit on in pvp for another expansion.
    No need to worry yet. We've still got a number pass to go through plus changes. Although saying that they might ignore us again
  1. Thrackerzod's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Nairesha View Post
    Ugh. Hunter Marksman changes.

    1. No Lone Wolf anymore
    MM can't have pets anymore so the Lone Wolf talent would make no sense. As I recall they said the damage increase would be baseline now.
  1. Mazzic518's Avatar
    I WANT a sable corgi!!!
  1. Paviginger's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Woa View Post
    Elemental shaman talents are shit. Ascendance lvl 100 talent. really? Gee thanks for letting us choose to have something weve had for 4+ years. Level 90 talents are shit also. Welcome to getting shit on in pvp for another expansion.
    I actually hate that I agree with this. Ele shaman must have gotten the worst end of it all. EQ is a totem now? Fist of Raden has sweet lore but not one trait on the tree even sounds cool. I wish it was more of a fist and hope the animations make it look like lightning is jumping out of something. Ascendancy being moved to 100 with only a duration increase and no additional redesign is insulting lol..... Reduce the cd recently only to make a talent... None of the new talents impress me. I'm actually upset not angry.

    Now on the other hand, enhancement looks pretty awesome. It's refreshing seeing those new abilities.

    Praying blizzard revisits else shaman before the beta....don't wanna level any other character before my shaman, so I'll probably stick with it anyway lol.
  1. Issalice's Avatar
    Stupid question, but whats up with the 4 Druid versions of the tier? Normal, Heroic, Mythic and? I haven't raided at all in WoD and honestly have no idea how it works anymore. I know they removed tier from LFR which is why I am surprised to see 4 versions.
  1. Aerisot's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Antermosiph View Post
    HulkedGuldan_Super is the name of it

    So yea, guldan beefed up.
    Kind of annoying really, why can we never fight anyone without them "beefing" up..this is fucking Gul'dan god damn it.
  1. arthar77's Avatar
    I so hope this is a new skin for the artifact of fury warriors, or at least a boss' loot ... it will make me so hyped

  1. Arvandor's Avatar
    a fox mount!

    that is fantasy!

    that is a reason why i play this game!
  1. smokii's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by davidcryix View Post
    I don't understand your comments. What else would MMO-C be talking about? It's a playable build of the game whether they call it alpha or beta. It's not like they are dumpster diving for info of things no one can see right now. Those of us with access can log in right now and see legion content.

    The movie comes out June 10th. The expansion is dated for on or before 9/21/2016.
    well, thanks for clarifying the movie release date, i'd forgotten. but with that knowledge, i just don't see the expansion releasing anywhere near the movie.

    but anyways...

    alpha's are usually a closed door, internal test, that have very specific stability test goals in mind, especially for new features.

    beta tests are when you invite members of the community to come and help test things on a larger scale and ensure that the server hardware is capable of running the new features - take garrisons at WoD launch as a prime example of failure to load test properly.

    before you question my statement, do some research -

    the fact they are inviting people to test alpha and that mmo-champion is posting alpha updates on it's front page should worry you. it implies that blizz either have such grand plans for the expansion that they are months behind in development, or they're just months behind anyway and as such, the only way to keep the hype train rolling is to attempt to publicise through community websites - aka the curse network, all the exciting things that are happening in ALPHA. not beta. not release. ALPHA.

    Warlords of Draenor was designed, and the content release schedule for it, was paced around the idea of yearly expansions - a promise blizzard have been trying and failing spectacularly to keep to for the last 5 or 6 years. there's no more content patches due for WoD and players are pushed through each tier of content so fast you can reach endgame within a couple of weeks, which is not conducive to a MASSIVELY multiplayer online game - in fact, it's shrunken the relevance of anything outside the current expansion into obscurity, which makes for a very short player experience.

    whilst there's a world of content out there for any new players (lol) to explore, for anyone else who has already played through that content, the game is no longer worth the price of the subscription.

    i imagine sub numbers will spike again once legion is released, then drop off again soon after. player retention is at an all time low. hate to say it, but WoW is entering it's final days, it's not dead and will probably thrive on a low population for a long time (if they handle server populations better), but it's heyday is long gone.
  1. arthar77's Avatar
    I read a lot of butthurt over WoD, yet the new expansion hasn't even been released. It's no surprise content surface gradually over time before beta, there is nothing new here. The amount of crap people write these days for the sake of it ...

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