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2016-12-18 10:31 PM

About SixthSaga

Basic Information

SixthSagaTV was engendered from the teachings of Socrates, Democritus, Kripparian, Spinoza, Darwin, Day [9], A_Seagull, and a lifetime of game told tales. Here at SixthSagaTV we believe that games are a story telling medium unique to our generation. They tell the heretofore untold tales of antediluvian evils, sprawling universes, and teach the complexities of the human condition. They bring together people to meaningfully interact over shared interest. They help us logically order our thoughts, and problem solve within a framework. They encourage cooperation and a sense of fairness. They are a place where success is defined by your own terms and if you work hard you will succeed.
At SixthSagaTV we seek to teach because we had great teachers. We think that one day the statement “I don’t play games” will be met with the same derision as the statement “I don’t read books.” We seek to inform and elevate the discussion because there is more to be said not because we must say something. We evaluate information on its merit and always critically think. We are problem solvers, tacticians, sharpshooters, ninjas, humanists, and occasionally out of position.
If you are interested in improving, being apart of insightful discussion, supporting gaming communities, and devoted to the growth of Esports then I invite you to join us.
Come play with us.
Right now SixthSagaTV’s focus is creating quality Overwatch content but like you we cannot be reduced to just one thing. There is much more to come.

You can find all my content at
My youtube is here SixthSagaTV
twitter is
and my twitch can be found here

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