1. #9941

    Photo-manipulation, but still gief as mounts!!!

    No...just NO!...


    In me dreams...

    NIIICE sculptures! http://locasciodesigns.deviantart.com/

    Last edited by mmocced9c7d33d; 2011-05-12 at 05:41 AM.

  2. #9942
    *pokes the page to move* My own little "fan art" , as you will. Judgement Gauntlet made from leather, resin and my blood and sweat >.< Each bit of scroll was tooled into the leather. The gem was originally clay, molded and cast in resin, and finished off with gold on the edges for the "settings".

    My first leather work, so I'm proud
    Edit: sorry for gritty pic.. that's leather dust/scraps on the work sheet

  3. #9943
    @Aranela - I met you at Blizzcon '10 for like a few minutes during the big ass line Recognized your work right off the bat then your icon. Where'd you get the leather and how much did it cost you? I'm thinking of cosplaying this upcoming Blizzcon if I can get the tickets again.

  4. #9944
    hey Zaebral ^_^ !! Nice to hear from you! I wish you could have seen the non busted shoulders, lol. I'm redoing those.. I was so unhappy that my wonderflex didn't come in on time I plan to remake a lot of it.. I was really pressed for time with this costume, as I lost months of work time due to the car wreck

    In regards to leather, I buy my leather from Tandy leather locally. You never want to order leather online, as 99% of the time, they will ship you stuff that has all kinds of imperfections, scarring, tears, marks, etc. I use veggy tanning leather, a medium weight to get a good carve..

    edit: forgot the cost. The leather alone was 150, cause I bought a full side (that's leather speak..) It's pretty much half a cow..
    I had to measure many times, draw out patterns on how to cut theleather to get the most out of it, while also going with the grain.. it was hard.. @@
    Don't get me on the leather dyes, sealing agents, tools, hammers, hammer boards... I think JUST to start up this costume ( tools and stuff ) was well over $300. It's not so bad now, cause i have the tools, but there is still more I need to buy if I wish to continue leather work.. a little bit at a time.. @@
    Last edited by Aranela; 2011-05-13 at 06:35 AM.

  5. #9945
    Yeah that's what I hear. Really hard to find leather stores here near where I live in So. Cal. I know where one is in Arizona but driving about 4 hours all the way out there from Cali would have to be for something I can reaaaaaally work with. I might improvise though. My idea is a Worgen Female based off the Alpha model in a pally type outfit, and for kicks and giggles a horde symbol. I've got the face prosthetic in mind and the leg design. Just need to figure out the armor really with cost, time, and material.

    Don't feel too bad with the malfunction A lot of the cosplayers I photographed were having one or two. I think it's bound to happen D:

  6. #9946
    Yeah I know.. My belt broke early in the con. I had my tools with me so I was able to repair it at the hotel room, but it didn't hold for long. I hadn't even been at the con 15 minutes when some idiot ran into me and broke the shoulders and harness.. people need to watch out for the little people! (Being I'm only 5'3..) That guy nearly knocked me on my arse..

  7. #9947
    Field Marshal Inashne's Avatar
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    Nor Cal
    Quote Originally Posted by Aranela View Post
    Yeah I know.. My belt broke early in the con. I had my tools with me so I was able to repair it at the hotel room, but it didn't hold for long. I hadn't even been at the con 15 minutes when some idiot ran into me and broke the shoulders and harness.. people need to watch out for the little people! (Being I'm only 5'3..) That guy nearly knocked me on my arse..
    People have no respect for costumes.
    My characters -
    Furrfettish - Rivendare (Tauren Blood DK) - http://us.battle.net/wow/en/characte...fettish/simple
    Inashne - Rivendare (Tauren Survival Hunter) - http://us.battle.net/wow/en/characte...Inashne/simple
    Furreals - Crushridge (Worgen Protection Warrior) - http://us.battle.net/wow/en/characte...urreals/simple

  8. #9948
    When worlds collide...

    Scythen/Sarin - Elune, Ruin (formerly Damien Sarin - Frostfell - Asheron's Call)
    PM Requests: Closed. Sigs / Guide / Wallpapers

  9. #9949
    Aranela, that glove is awesome good luck with your costume, hopefully you'll finish it as you want it to be till this Blizzcon.

  10. #9950
    High Overlord kinreal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scythen View Post
    When worlds collide...

    Sesame Street meets wow pic
    Why is that a Lot more creepy than i was prepared for? Still though Very Clever, not badly done either i suppose.

  11. #9951
    cool stuff here!!

  12. #9952
    A quick post. World of Warcraft Comic colorist Tony Washington colored one of my pieces:


  13. #9953
    Immortal Luko's Avatar
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    Danger Zone
    ^I love this.

    Great keyblade design, too.
    Mountains rise in the distance stalwart as the stars, fading forever.
    Roads ever weaving, soul ever seeking the hunter's mark.

  14. #9954

    Deathwing, think it's a changed Sindragosa pic (artist says its a changed pic), still pretty awesum!

    Made this for fun yesterday, my ideal Tier 12 Shaman set that I haf been whinin about for months (Volcano shoulders).

    Collage of T12 Shaman, Lava Elemental, Blizz concept art, lost isles? Volcano

    It's not perfect proportions, colors n what not, I just wanted to get down the basic concept of Volcano shoulders, maybe gloves are a bit too much...I was thinking instead of ordinary chains, they should be red hot. A darker more reddish set overall I tried to make without making the green orc too red...yeah, I don't have computer graphics skillz..

    I liked the idea of Shaman Tier 10 where the Shoveltusk sometimes appears, likewise Volcano shoulders could haf an animation that spouts lava n smokes.. anyone likes this concept at all or hates it or something? Couldn't get a reaction on the other threads, dunno if people will only comment on official stuff there..

  15. #9955
    Stood in the Fire Senedra's Avatar
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    that actually looks pretty badass

  16. #9956
    A drawing of my Druid when she was still a night elf. Gone Troll now. o.o I made everything except the armour, which I couldn't bother with at the time.

  17. #9957
    Quote Originally Posted by Senedra View Post
    that actually looks pretty badass
    Ty! Mixing pics can be fun

    Never liked Fandral... alternative dr00d T12 (helm didn't work out too well, flaming lion it should be though

    If set was orange, that would have been nice

    What's with T12 n logs...logs are for fires to make some Marshmallows! Like these feral dr00ds do!^^

    My 2nd T12 Priest & doggie pic!!

    set due soon?^^
    Last edited by mmocced9c7d33d; 2011-05-14 at 06:05 PM.

  18. #9958
    Quote Originally Posted by Aranela View Post
    *pokes the page to move* My own little "fan art" , as you will. Judgement Gauntlet made from leather, resin and my blood and sweat >.< Each bit of scroll was tooled into the leather. The gem was originally clay, molded and cast in resin, and finished off with gold on the edges for the "settings".

    My first leather work, so I'm proud
    Edit: sorry for gritty pic.. that's leather dust/scraps on the work sheet
    Never tried anything like costume making but I can appreciate the level of detail and time it must go into making an entire set, much less one piece of it 0.o
    Quote Originally Posted by Immamoonkin View Post
    A quick post. World of Warcraft Comic colorist Tony Washington colored one of my pieces:

    Line art and colouring are impressive =D
    Quote Originally Posted by Summerdrake View Post
    snippity snip.
    Nice finds as always!

    I like the Tier set you came up with, though maybe the helm is a bit to warlocky...
    Still, would love to see that in game ^_^

    I like this one, by Ouiji
    Last edited by Renagade Raven; 2011-05-14 at 09:07 PM.

  19. #9959
    Quote Originally Posted by VixenWicca View Post
    A drawing of my Druid when she was still a night elf. Gone Troll now. o.o I made everything except the armour, which I couldn't bother with at the time.
    (night elf here)
    Now I find that truly amazing, pity you left her for a troll but at least the painting itself is great!

  20. #9960

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