1. #1701
    Quote Originally Posted by Swiftero View Post
    Well you cant just randomly engage but i guess you know that. Also people just dont like to take unnecessary risks.
    If i had the choice of engaging the enemy because i think that we are stronger as a team or to wait till they make a cruicial mistake id surely pick the latter.

  2. #1702
    10 losses in a row

    I think I will quit this game.

    Last game was the most ridiculous experience ever. Dominion; we win 400 to 10 and we lose 0 to 5

  3. #1703
    Quote Originally Posted by derp singed View Post
    Well you cant just randomly engage but i guess you know that. Also people just dont like to take unnecessary risks.
    If i had the choice of engaging the enemy because i think that we are stronger as a team or to wait till they make a cruicial mistake id surely pick the latter.
    I only engage when I get a good opportunity, aka. when they make a mistake. There's many times when I, as Darius for example, manage to grab people over a ledge and that's a kill right there.

    I'm just mad that people are so good at wasting chances. I basically set up very good initiations, then the rest of my team will go "nope, damage is scary LOL XD" then leave me and usually the only decent guy on my team, to die.

  4. #1704
    11 losses in a row now

    I think I might be the worst player ever

    Finally won. Only took me 6 hours to make the win of the day. I ain't even mad anymore.

    This is me today

    Last edited by StayTuned; 2012-11-25 at 08:04 PM.

  5. #1705
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    What do you play and how do you play?

  6. #1706
    Quote Originally Posted by Swiftero View Post
    I'm so fucking sick of all these scaredy little assholes I get on my team these days.//snip
    Better this way than the other. I don't even remember how many times my lane opponent/me got first blood because apparently diving at lvl 2-5 is a good idea according to my jungler. Seen so many TFs under enemy turrets in midgame, so many double tower dives.... Seriously. Better too afraid than not afraid enough.

    Also, had such an annoying team twice today. Still won both games, but... Game one, I did not get even a single blue until 35 minute mark. Well, can't really blame the jungler for being selfish, as he did not get any of them either - except the first one. It was so annoying... He was nearby, I told him several times to come because they are taking our blue - NOPE WRAITHS. Then our top - picked WW vs Kayle, fed her like fuck, came to my lane after pushing his to steal cs. -.- Good thing our bot did well, because top got demolished and I could not do much vs. Gragas with a permanent blue and got demolished as soon as Kayle was done with top turret.

    Game 2 - there I did rather well, 8/4/11 as Malz. The team, however, was a 3-man premade from Poland + my friend. Those 3 people... Every. Single. Thing. That. Went. Wrong. Was. My. Fault. Darius top fed GP like a boss, every time TF ganked him with his ulti after he overextended - WTF MALZ NO SS NOOB. Every time he went sightseeing alone and got killed WTF MALZ NO HELP NOOB REPORT. When he tried to - and failed - steal a kill I had under my suppression(Why waste his ult at an already dead target anyway? Oo) WTF MALZ KS NOOB. When I decided against trying to dive and kill a nearly-dead Lee and Ez under their turret WTF Malz why didn't you kill him!. When Darius decided diving 2 turrets 1v3 to try and get a wounded TF is a good idea - WTF MALZ NO HELP. GODS. So fucking annoying.

    Moreover, when they ran out of English insults(did not take long) they filled the chat with elaborate abuse in Polish - I kinda have to admire their creativity as well as tenacity, as I pretended to not understand it and only replied to English text.

  7. #1707
    So... I just had a brainwave.

    Chogath - Top
    Malphite - Jungle
    Orianna - Mid
    Lulu - Support
    Ezreal/Twitch - AD Carry

    Seems like it would be an amazing teamfight combo, and the champions aren't even that bad individually, some even being considered "top picks" or "OP".

    Orianna ults to gather them, Malphite ults in for first knockup, followed by chogath rupture for the second, followed by a lulu ult onto malphite for the third. All whilst chogath's AA's with maxxed spikes are hitting the entire team.

    Can't really decide what ADC would go best with this though, maybe EZ for the ult, or twitch for ulted autoattacks passing through units?

  8. #1708
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    Twitch or Varus. Possibly Miss Fortune.

  9. #1709
    had a game we downed like 6 towers, got 2 barons and we still lost because some one on my team just go individually and throw the game, srsly wtf.

    Will be missed ~

  10. #1710
    I should like set up camp in this thread, still it feels good to vent

    Me and my partner decide to take a ranked game...

    First try: we dodge because two of the people on our team know each other from a previous bad game, and proceed to start balls to the wall flaming each other, well thats not gonna end well for any teamplay...

    Second try: champion select... we arrange a decent team but "that guy" who never talks pipes up when it's his pick "oh, I am ADC then?" but he picks graves, so phew. He then says just a second before the game starts "this is draft right?"
    Oh fuck. Too late.
    He never plays, sits in base AFK.
    We lose.

    Third try: Champion select - first pick instalock Sejuani and bans trundle, volibear and karma with revive and promote "OK I TROLL" "I am here to make you lose ELO" "hue hue hue" etc. I dodge again, but damned if I will do nothing, so as I refuse to lose ELO to make a tribunal report in the game, I manually frigging ticket support about the guy. it probably won't do anything, but I refuse to let that stuff go. Screw him. Seriously.

    Forth try: There was no forth try, I have a 1 hour debuff, and I am in no mood to play.

    A productive 2 hours all told huh

  11. #1711
    Quote Originally Posted by Duilliath View Post
    What do you play and how do you play?
    I only play Dominion or ARAM for fun since quite some time now. The chances to get trolled are the same, but the time you get humiliated is usually lower so I avoid Proving Grounds.
    I usually play Jayce or Lux and I turn out to be useless most of the time. God knows why... how should I explain what I do wrong? There is also nobody to tell you what you do wrong. Usually you just get OMG TARD msgs... my ignore list is extremely full already.

    I've been playing video games for around 15 years now... I've been playing games like LoL since ever and I get the game, and the tactics and everything. But playing alone or with friends who got no clue is so little fun in this game that I seriously consider quitting it completely.

    I don't even think about playing ranked. I think that would only make me quit even faster. And you really can't say I am not dedicated. I used to be a world top 30 wow player. I know how to get my shit done
    Last edited by StayTuned; 2012-11-26 at 01:30 AM.

  12. #1712
    Fucking cunts who cant smite properly. My jungler just got outdamage'd by a fucking LeBlanc @50minutes into the fucking game. We've stomped them all the way until that point. Every fight. He gives baron and throws the entire game because he cant look at the HP of a fucking mob before he presses his fucking smite. HOLY FUCK.


    He got outjungled by a Galio. BY A FUCKING GALIO. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Outfarmed. Outleveled. Galio ganked more. HE WAS PLAYING VOLIBEAR. How hard is it to fucking jungle the basics? NOT HARD AT ALL. NOT EVEN THE FUCKING SLIGHTEST IS IT ANY HARD WHATSOFUCKINGEVER.

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhh. All better.

  13. #1713
    Just had a game, where i ping the pantheon to bait their mundo jungle and cho to his tribush where I'm waiting. Chases till mid shows up, then proceeds to bring them back to tri brush and get myself and him killed with mid having both my buffs. I just quit the game.

  14. #1714
    Dreadlord Kenai's Avatar
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    Getting SICK of these randoms I get. 4 other people instalock 3 AD melee champs and a ranged carry. Immediately "bwaaaah we need a tank or a jungler, bwaaaah". Let's see. Np AP at all for mid, no support so I'm clearly gonna be the only one who cares about warding, I hate jungling (literally the one role I will not do unless I am with friends), and I can just tell they are gonna feed the enemy team anyway. I just queue dodge em.

    But it's so freaking common, every damn day, multiple times a day when my time for LoL is extremely limited right now and I am just tired of it. I don't even care that much about the champs, pick whatever FOTM or UP broken champ and I won't care, but the constant blatantly stupid comps are bullsh*t. I really should start just picking whoever i want to play and going afk til SR loads up (or just picking PvE), but for some reason I haven't learned my lesson yet.
    Light or darkness...which are you blinded by?

  15. #1715
    It's been said before, but really, if you want a first win do a botgame FIRST, then do your normal games. You'll lose out on so much frustration because you already got the extra IP so you'll just go "fuck it" if you get bad games rather than queueing on and on because you want the IP.

  16. #1716
    God damn, I'm getting sick of ranked. it's like a mindfuck of stupidity/trolling that makes absolutely no sense... http://i.imgur.com/WggWt.jpg
    I can play support and do, imo, great(Constantly ward, support my ADC well, whilst keeping the enemy zoned the best to my ability, keep timers up on nash/drag and if i see them go down, blue+red buff), but still lose game after game after game :x
    However I play a support top lane with bad teammates and end up winning =/

    So anyway, this is more than just a generalised rant. I got in a lobby last night, as first pick, i'd called support any no one objected, so I locked in a nunu, because y'know, he can do pretty much every single lane, just in case people are afk... turned out to be for the best.
    Well, after i'd locked in(was about the time of our 3rd pick) our 5th pick screams in caps "ME AND 4th pick ARE PREMADE BOT! IM ADC HE SUP"
    So i'm like "dude, you could have said something earlier I kinda said i was supporting and locked in already.
    He just yelled back "STFU NOOB WE'RE PREMADE WE WILL CARRY" etc etc you know how it goes.

    Anyway, I decide to just give up and let him have it, as starting a fight in champ select would not do us any good as a team. Fast forward to his pick, and locks in Brand.
    Everyone except him and his duoqueue friend are like "umm dude... we need an ad carry... we already have 2 AP's and he just screams "SHUT UP I KNOW WHAT IM DOING, WE CARRIED SO MANY GAMES AS AD BRAND THIS IS SMURF". I was quite literally facepalming at this point, but I was fucking tired and couldn't be bothered dodging so I just stuck with it and played top vs Zed.

    I was top of cs until the end of the laning phase.(100@about 14 minutes if i recall with 0-0-0 score, closest being diana on about 80) I downed their tower and began to roam.
    Bare in mind, brand was already 0-5-3 by this point and still screaming in chat about how we're noobs and need to help him when he gets ganked. Worth mentioning, I think taric had placed a total of about 3 wards by this point, and never kept any key map points warded[baron, drag, buffs, tribrushs, jungle entrances].(sidenote, that pinkward was bought at the start of the game and never left his inventory).
    Diana was something like 8-8-0, just constantly trading one for one with their cho-gath, so we both had pretty strong mids... at least cho wasn't getting feast stacked.
    I helped push mid tower down and then just went on a roaming spree with her and nocturne and we pretty much got her 10 kills alone due to out of position players/ganks and towerdives. We followed that up with a bunch of teamfights which ended up with me getting anally raped once i'd BB'd noct, ulted and spammed iceblast on vayne.
    However diana managed to clean up all the kills and got even more fed, pretty much solo'd a baron and pushed to end it.

    They simply lost due to their positioning, and if i'm honest, we should have absolutely lost this 100%.
    I feel like none of us deserved that win at all(maybe nocturne, he was the only player that game who played well and wasn't a complete dick, myself included).

    Unrelated to this game, but I'm thinking of just playing top/jungle until I can get to an elo I would feel comfortable at (1300-1500) where I know ad carries can last hit and trade well, rather than spending 50% of the game typing and ignoring all kills I set up/not poking at all and getting ganked despite seeing me falling back, having river and tribrush warded and retreat pinging/typing care. I guess that 4 extra CS is worth dieing for.
    Last edited by mmoce7a0623b54; 2012-11-26 at 08:47 AM.

  17. #1717
    Coming across a lot of people who insta lock in supports, say they are playing support, and then don't ward at all.

  18. #1718
    Quote Originally Posted by Caine View Post
    Better this way than the other. I don't even remember how many times my lane opponent/me got first blood because apparently diving at lvl 2-5 is a good idea according to my jungler. Seen so many TFs under enemy turrets in midgame, so many double tower dives.... Seriously. Better too afraid than not afraid enough.
    Is it really? The way to win these days, usually, is going all-out on the enemy when they don't expect it. Heck, I would be happy if the rest of the team just died with me, or if they got away at low health. If they run away at full health, then yeah, I'll just say "thanks for the help, guys. Really appreciate it".

    Funny thing is that when the other team went balls-deep, they won. We were doing dragon, Pantheon ultis in, Malphite ultis in (hits no one, but just to get over the wall), Smites the dragon, we die and they live. Not only did we lose dragon, we obviously saw them come and STILL managed to get killed. I was tanking dragon and got the front-load of the damage so I didn't have a chance, but... ugh.

    People either think they are gods, or that the enemy team is gonna fall into their lap if they dance around enough. I hate those games. They're boring. Just for once, I'd like a game where we catch them, crush them and win the game.

  19. #1719
    Enemy team is:

    Teammate comment, "they got a no damage team we can win easy."

  20. #1720
    Dreadlord Kenai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swiftero View Post

    People either think they are gods, or that the enemy team is gonna fall into their lap if they dance around enough. I hate those games. They're boring. Just for once, I'd like a game where we catch them, crush them and win the game.
    I had (finally) a good game like this last night. My teeam was Amumu jungle, Trist mid, me "support" as Zyra with Ashe, and Blitzcrank top. So basically we were the ultimate gank team but little sustain if we didn't catch em off guard. Blitz did fine, Amumu was helping gank a LOT in all lanes, Trist helped when Maumu didn't...but of course something had to give.

    The Ashe was absolutely worthless, even with myself landing my roots to prevent escape/catch a gank and both pseudo warding with seeds and using actual wards as well, Ashe spent half the time sitting at the tower with creeps at mid or lower, then had the nerve to complain about KSing when she couldn't catch up to me and Amumu during ganks (so Amumu and I both got one, they would have gotten away otherwise). My plant AA gave me a higher CS than Ashe by the 8 minute mark so I just left the lane to roam and we quickly pushed top and mid with some uber gankage with a Amumu/Blitz/Zyra combo. Trist was thankfully picking up the slack where Ashe wasn't and ended up pretty fed. I just went tanky AP and they gave up after a sucessfull 4 vs 4 gank in mid.

    Amumu and I went like 8-6-24 and Trist was in the 15-5 range. Ashe was 4-9 and still hadn't caught up to my creep score by the end, even with Bot to herself after the 10 min mark. That's why I have a hard time going passive/defensive support right now, I would have been sad supporting that "carry".
    Last edited by Kenai; 2012-11-26 at 07:14 PM.
    Light or darkness...which are you blinded by?

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