1. #1821
    BADDIES. BADDIES EVERYWHERE. The Season 3 patch has hit and every one is getting used to the new changes. But why is it that people are so bad? Feeders everywhere, people losing lanes so easily. I understand that it takes some getting used to, but it shouldn't mean a total stomp and a lose streak for others. If you know you're going to do bad, not call MIA, not ping, not ward, or HELP THE TEAM, please go play Co-Op or custom. Some of us want to actually learn to play properly and get better through normal/ranked.

  2. #1822
    Bloodsail Admiral Speedy92286's Avatar
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    I had a bad game as Taric on Crystal (the one with the capturing points). Basically, the team was acting as one and we were just spread out. I was trying to help hold the base near ours, and I kept getting hit by Darius and Garen, with no help until after I was basically dead. I haven't gone 0-6-2 since I started playing back in August -_-' Did I do bad? Yes. Was my team bad? Oh they definitely were, but only because we were trying to solo bases. Plus Rammus kept spamming how noob we were when all he did was run AWAY from me when I tried to heal him during a team fight. He was fed and had quite a bit of life left but still just ran and left the three guys he brought with me to pull me in and just destroy me.
    PM me if you ever want to add me for Hearthstone!

  3. #1823
    Quote Originally Posted by Thallidomaniac View Post
    Imagine this scenario. Your team has 3 AD carries in Dominion. And the enemy has Teemo.

    "Imagine this scenario: Your team has 3 AD carries in Domi-"
    Rage no longer validated.

  4. #1824
    Are the preseason 3 changes on EU servers yet. IE new items and masteries ??

  5. #1825
    Yes, u can read about this on the main topic.

  6. #1826
    Quote Originally Posted by StylesClashv3 View Post
    So, I'm a dick because I play Olaf? Is that what you're saying?
    Negative, as long as you don't trash talk playing him. I have no problem playing against a good sport darius or olaf at all. It's the ones thinking they're the shit when they play a face roll champion (you can argue otherwise, but I've rarely seen a bad darius/olaf/vayne which tells me anyone who 1/2 knows what they're doing can easy win most times).

  7. #1827
    Ad Leblanc, WHY

    Thank you.

  8. #1828
    So i went AD Carry as MF. I've been on a roll with her lately. Dominated the last 5 games. But then... Game 6. Everything went to hell. It started with a support orianna not warding river and failing on warding the lane bush. Placing the ward just outside the bush. This happend 3 times over. And so their Lee Sin Jungler had a multiple ways to gank us. Which he did. Obviously i was forced to buy wards to prevent ganks. Then she started to take creep kills so i also fell behind with farm. Let's say i did not have much gold to spend every trip down the fountain.

    Our Jarvan jungle swept in on bot a couple of times. Only managed to kill the opossing AD carry once. And while he was in my lane he also took creep. And after this all they had the audacity to call me bad... i guess i'll be done tonight with LoL

  9. #1829
    All Teemo's can go get eaten by Baron for all i care. Stupid FOTM champ because hes op thanks to the patch.

    "Would you please let me join your p-p-party?

  10. #1830
    Bloodsail Admiral Speedy92286's Avatar
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    I've been fighting a ton a Teemo's before the patch, but you are right. Even several levels lower than me and Teemo can still destroy. Ugh, those darts.
    PM me if you ever want to add me for Hearthstone!

  11. #1831
    Legendary! Thallidomaniac's Avatar
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    Fuck. Lost a game because our AD carry Tristana wouldn't even bother to autoattack in teamfights at all. She just ran around like a headless chicken, and initiates with Rocket Jump. Sucks that you lose due to a reason not in your control, and this was against a team with an AD Teemo for fucks sake.
    Last edited by Thallidomaniac; 2012-12-06 at 06:36 AM.
    Enstraynomic - League of Legends
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  12. #1832
    Bloodsail Admiral Speedy92286's Avatar
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    So last night we lost because super minions destroyed the base. Me and Elise were the only ones really defending while the other guys kept going out and trying to get kills against a really fed team (Me, Elise and Fizz were more skilled than them individually but they moved as one). So once they killed me and Elise one final time, I watched as our last two turrets and base were destroyed through a facepalm.

    I did okay, was being beaten by a great Brand and lots of lag in the beginning, and died once while pressing flash instead of barrier (flashed nowhere). Never fought against him before so it was a learning experience. Went 5-7-8 that game so I am not terribly upset at my score (everyone else died a lot more) I am just embarrassed by the way we lost.
    PM me if you ever want to add me for Hearthstone!

  13. #1833
    The Lightbringer Axethor's Avatar
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    The throws! All my team had to do was play protect the Kog, but instead they played leave Kog alone while we wander aimlessly through the enemy jungle. Clearly the best way to win. -_-

    If I wasn't against a Singed and Rengar I maybe could have carried that solo, but there is no running away from either.

  14. #1834
    My friend goes Jungle Hiemerdinger, i try AP varus towards the end of the game. Im the one that gets bitched out despite hiemer doing no ganks and getting counter jungled by xin Zhou. fuck league

    "Would you please let me join your p-p-party?

  15. #1835
    eveytime my team member picks lux as support it will fail, ends up 0/10/0, tell them to switch to sona taric or leo they just wont listen.

    Will be missed ~

  16. #1836
    Quote Originally Posted by Vvhooya View Post
    eveytime my team member picks lux as support it will fail, ends up 0/10/0, tell them to switch to sona taric or leo they just wont listen.
    I could play Lux for you.
    Or Sona.
    But I will be playing offensively.

  17. #1837
    Usually in normal drafted I love to play lux offensive support and hardly is going bad, but I'm not doing that on ranked. (elo 1150)

  18. #1838
    So what's up with the double jungle I see on daily basis now? Few days ago it was a Shaco completely fucking up Fiddles jungle and botlane, thus making us loose.
    Today it's a premade Blitcrank + Pantheon, which sounds good in theory, but in practice: Massively udnerleveled Panth and Blitzcrank, no farm thus no good ganks, thus fall of late game, thus give our Graves botlane the most terrible laning phase you can imagine as a ADC, thus make us lose the game.

    It doesn't work. Perhaps in a totally guided premade team with the right champs. But not in normals. Simple.

  19. #1839
    Ranked lost...he wanted to play support...with Leona...failed...ad dc for 3 minutes...karthus just flaming and engaging as a tank...

  20. #1840
    I just had 2 games in a row where practicly everyone on my team lost hard to his direct opponent. So friggin frustrating. Q_Q

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