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  1. #1

    Where do i need to increase my champion pool?

    Hey guys, i'm a fairly experience league player (circa 700 games) and want to increase my champion pool strategically. I'll post who i play the most for these lanes and add anyone i own that you suggest, where does my pool need to be increased?

    Top lane:

    Lee sin
    Xin Zhao

    (i'm looking for more traditional casters to take up into this lane , suggestions?)

    Lee sin
    Xin Zhao
    (i'm looking towards more tanky junglers to play.)


    Last edited by mmocc49146a575; 2013-04-27 at 09:27 PM.

  2. #2
    Orianna and Lux are great for mid.

    Soraka is absolute trash for a support; could look to pick up Thresh, Sona and Taric. Some untraditional supports such as Zyra could be a great tool to have aswell.

    Cait and MF are both beast ADC. Otherwise your collection is great there.

    Junglers: J4, Xin Zhao, Nasus, Volibear, Cho'Gath, Hecarim, Zac, Nautilus.

    Top: Renekton, Riven, Diana too, Elise.

    This is pretty simple stuff... Just look at what's strong and then what you want to learn to play... And to be honest, it'd be much better for you to just have 3-5 champs that you absolutely know by heart instead of having 10 champions that you play subpar.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Sivalion View Post
    Orianna and Lux are great for mid.

    Soraka is absolute trash for a support; could look to pick up Thresh, Sona and Taric. Some untraditional supports such as Zyra could be a great tool to have aswell.

    Cait and MF are both beast ADC. Otherwise your collection is great there.

    Junglers: J4, Xin Zhao, Nasus, Volibear, Cho'Gath, Hecarim, Zac, Nautilus.

    Top: Renekton, Riven, Diana too, Elise.

    This is pretty simple stuff... Just look at what's strong and then what you want to learn to play... And to be honest, it'd be much better for you to just have 3-5 champs that you absolutely know by heart instead of having 10 champions that you play subpar.
    In bold i own. I know that i could forget about the 1350's easily, but hecarim. how did i forget o.o

    i also own vi.

    I'll add them to OP now. Cheers.

  4. #4
    Those are only my ideas and might not necessarily be the best options:

    Lux, Ryze, Karthus, Twisted Fate (not all the best but casters that came to my mind)

    Caitlyn, Miss Fortune, maybe Ezreal (nice escape)

    Sona, Thresh (both very common picks and in case of Thresh also bans in tournaments, if you play support often you might want to look into them), Lulu
    Zyra can also be awesome, but you have to like the playstyle.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Scaeva View Post
    Those are only my ideas and might not necessarily be the best options:

    Lux, Ryze, Karthus, Twisted Fate (not all the best but casters that came to my mind)

    Caitlyn, Miss Fortune, maybe Ezreal (nice escape)

    Sona, Thresh (both very common picks and in case of Thresh also bans in tournaments, if you play support often you might want to look into them), Lulu
    Zyra can also be awesome, but you have to like the playstyle.

    If the champion costs 1350 or less, i have it!

  6. #6
    Most champions that come to mind are already mentioned, one thing that boggles my mind is how Varus has slipped through until now. His only weakness is the lack of escapes, but his ultimate is rather strong, he does not have the bad earlygame of other ADCs and with his %-health-damage remains relevant for the entirety of the game. In my eyes definitely a must-have if you play ADC regularly.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Elendoil View Post
    Most champions that come to mind are already mentioned, one thing that boggles my mind is how Varus has slipped through until now. His only weakness is the lack of escapes, but his ultimate is rather strong, he does not have the bad earlygame of other ADCs and with his %-health-damage remains relevant for the entirety of the game. In my eyes definitely a must-have if you play ADC regularly.
    I generally main top or jungle. I've heard varus is a death sentence(heh) when combined with thresh or leona ( at level 6)

  8. #8
    The Lightbringer Isrozzis's Avatar
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    i'd say your support and adc needs some love.

    I'd grab thresh and sona, and maybe janna if you want her for supports.

    For adcs i'd add varus, ezreal, caitlyn and mf.

    The rest of the champs on your list seem like they do the job fine for the other lanes.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Isrozzis View Post
    i'd say your support and adc needs some love.

    I'd grab thresh and sona, and maybe janna if you want her for supports.

    For adcs i'd add varus, ezreal, caitlyn and mf.

    The rest of the champs on your list seem like they do the job fine for the other lanes.

    I also own janna.

    I feel like i have too much passive/ aggresive supports, and not much middle ground

    Like, who can fill that role? Janna can? and Sona?

  10. #10
    You could pick up Mundo and Shivana for your jungling, both can get tanky and it's always good to at least have the option for good counter jungling - if your opponent chooses a slow jungler like Amumu, for example.

    You should add Cait, MF and Varus for ADCs (FotMs, but still . . . it's not my favorite role, so take it with a grain of salt.)

    Your toplane looks fine, could go with Kennen for AoE utility or Vlad for shoving, or Malphite in certain match-ups (not my favorite toplaner, though).

    Support - Blitz and Tresh could be great, also Zyra - again, not my favorite role.

    Your jungle looks fine, not really much to add, maybe Maokai.

    Mid needs the most work, I think.
    Karthus and Kassadin (who is easy to learn if you successfully play Akali), definitely, also Ryze and Anivia - also doesn't hurt to add Morgana to your roster.

  11. #11
    What is the point of this? Are you looking to go further into ranked play or just play more champions?

    (I'm not trying to be a dick I know it sorta sounds dickish, but a response to those questions will help me give you an answer.)

  12. #12
    Playing a bit of devils advocate here. But you have a massive champion pool, why not just try to get better with current champions? My mid champion pool consists of Eve and some troll champions (nocture mid ftw). Yet I have a massive win rate even vs Eve hard counters just due to understanding the champion very very well.

    That aside Sona support. Learn to take advantage of her level 3 burst and you will destroy must lower level players. Also her R is imo the best ulti in the game due to all the places you can use it.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Thegenuinebuzz View Post
    I also own janna.

    I feel like i have too much passive/ aggresive supports, and not much middle ground

    Like, who can fill that role? Janna can? and Sona?
    Too much agressive? You should truly get Zyra, Lulu or Sona. Amazing addition to any team really and they bully the fuck out of you in lane.

  14. #14
    I would suggest Teemo, Olaf and Ashe. Teemo can go top, Olaf is top and jungle, and Ashe is a pretty decent adc. If you have the IP or RP, might also look into Graves, Ezreal or MF for adc as well.

    Blitz and Tresh are also good choices for Blind pick I'd wager. I always see both of them banned in Draft, and imagine it carries into ranked pretty normally.

    Your mid would probably benefit from Fiddle as well, if you're looking for a more "normal" mid champion.
    <-- That is otterly adorable.

  15. #15
    I am having a blast playing Kassadin, Thresh (only support I've played thus far), Volibear (free week, but going to buy him) and Vi (previously my most played champion, I think she's a bit too weak now after her nerfs).

    I only play once every few day, and my account is only level 23, but I own a lot of champions. I would have suggested a handful more, but you seem to own them already.

    I probably going to buy Lissandra next time I'm going to play. If I am lucky enough to get to play her in an ARAM (I don't play a lot of SR, mostly Dominion and now ARAM), I can come back and write how she is.

  16. #16
    Rule of thumb here is that if they cost 3.1 or less i have it . Why does no one mention trundle or sejuani(both i own) ?

    Also, could i have suggestions on more traditional casters for mid lane?

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Thegenuinebuzz View Post
    Rule of thumb here is that if they cost 3.1 or less i have it . Why does no one mention trundle or sejuani(both i own) ?

    Also, could i have suggestions on more traditional casters for mid lane?
    Most likely because Trundle and Sejuani were very unconventional pick at the time the thread was still recent (2 weeks ago) because it was prior to their rework. Some popular picks have been mentioned in the thread already, and if you have every 3100 IP or below champion, you have a very solid championpool. Just try out free week champions or watch some streams and if you like a champion, buy it.

  18. #18
    Get Ezreal/Caitlyn at least, your ADC Champion pool is quite... lacking.
    Nautilus for jungle would also be a good choice. He's quite nice now after the buffs he's received. [Currently 8/3 in ranked with him, also first Quadra kill ranked]
    For top I'd suggest picking up Elise. She's crazy strong right now and I don't get why Riot still hasn't nerfed her to the ground yet.
    Quote Originally Posted by Thegenuinebuzz View Post
    Also, could i have suggestions on more traditional casters for mid lane?
    Karthus/Orianna are still being picked in LCS. I'd say start with those if you don't have them allready. Not sure what you define by "caster" but I'm assuming AP Carry here so you could play Diana (Melee AP Assassin) or Ahri (Ranged AP Assassin). Diana is also still being played in LCS and Ahri is a bit of a situational pick.

  19. #19


  20. #20
    Sorry for being lazy, but:
    Quote Originally Posted by Umchilli View Post

    Quote Originally Posted by Thegenuinebuzz
    Rule of thumb here is that if they cost 3.1 or less i have it .
    That being said, I think there should be a champion for everything in this champion pool. Not really sure what to suggest anymore.
    Last edited by mmoc57f2e09b5b; 2013-05-13 at 03:11 PM.

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