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  1. #241
    Quote Originally Posted by Aang View Post
    Just remind how accomplished I feel when I receive that welfare check.
    I'm sorry, but this is a ridiculous statement. The scenario in question is one in which a paying customer is given the opportunity to catch up to their friends and participate in near-current content without havig to pay for the subscription just to play catch up. This isn't welfare - these are paying customers - and giving them mechanisms to catch up to and enjoy current content is not justifiably harming anyone's experience in the least. The idea of 'you should have to work for it if you want to experience current content' is outdated and just plain wrong - there's a reason the developers have moved away from this model (it's bad game design). And it's not as if the enter game is easy - it's just more accessible. There is a ton of content out there for players anywhere from the very casual (timeless isle) to the very elite (heroic raids), and complaining that the casuals get timeless isle would be the same if casuals were crying for nerfs to normal/heroic raids so they could complete them.

  2. #242
    Quote Originally Posted by Monteverdi View Post
    I'm sorry, but this is a ridiculous statement. The scenario in question is one in which a paying customer is given the opportunity to catch up to their friends and participate in near-current content without havig to pay for the subscription just to play catch up. This isn't welfare - these are paying customers - and giving them mechanisms to catch up to and enjoy current content is not justifiably harming anyone's experience in the least. The idea of 'you should have to work for it if you want to experience current content' is outdated and just plain wrong - there's a reason the developers have moved away from this model (it's bad game design). And it's not as if the enter game is easy - it's just more accessible. There is a ton of content out there for players anywhere from the very casual (timeless isle) to the very elite (heroic raids), and complaining that the casuals get timeless isle would be the same if casuals were crying for nerfs to normal/heroic raids so they could complete them.

    They could have turned the isle into something truly epic instead. And up the drop rate of 5.0 LFR to 100%, and 5.2 to 50%?
    The idea is good, implementation is showing disinterestedness of different player types.

  3. #243
    Quote Originally Posted by Potentio View Post
    Edit: they should rename the Isle to Ephemeral Isle. Would suit it better.
    Pointless Isle.
    "There is a pervasive myth that making content hard will induce players to rise to the occasion. We find the opposite. " -- Ghostcrawler
    "The bit about hardcore players not always caring about the long term interests of the game is spot on." -- Ghostcrawler
    "Do you want a game with no casuals so about 500 players?"

  4. #244
    Accomplished for T14 content maybe lol. I'm stoked that I get to gear up some alts so they're viable without committing huge amounts of time.

  5. #245
    So now that we are at the last patch of MoP, the expansion that promised to provide multiple and various alternatives to raiding, what is there to do besides raiding in the game? That also progressed your character.

    The game has tied itself up.

    It's a RaidONLY game. And more and more single-player oriented at that.

  6. #246
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Spock View Post
    TL;DR: I earned my epics the long and painful way THEREFORE YOU SHOULD ALL DO THAT TO OMG HOW DARE THEY.

    It's the end of the x-pack, it's catch up time, what difference does it make?
    Why not just hand out a full set of epics as soon as you long in then? It's the end of the expansion, what difference does it make?

    This game, by it's very nature, is a carrot on a stick rewards based game. The design is, you put in a little work, you get a reward that makes you feel stronger, then you keep chasing that carrot to the next level. Timeless isle, and catch up mechanics in general, essentially chomp that carrot for you, leaving you with a carrot top on a stick. You only have a little bit left to go for now, not a whole carrot, or expansions, worth of content to explore. It trivializes all the older content from the expansion in the name of ease and laziness.

  7. #247
    The Insane Glorious Leader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Potentio View Post
    So now that we are at the last patch of MoP, the expansion that promised to provide multiple and various alternatives to raiding, what is there to do besides raiding in the game? That also progressed your character.

    The game has tied itself up.

    It's a RaidONLY game. And more and more single-player oriented at that.
    Let's be honest. They weren't gonna provide an alternative to raiding. Talk of alternatives on the part of the developers is LIP SERVICE and the removal of the valor gear this patch is the final death of any alternatives. Raid or die. Raid or die.
    The hammer comes down:
    Quote Originally Posted by Osmeric View Post
    Normal should be reduced in difficulty. Heroic should be reduced in difficulty.
    And the tiny fraction for whom heroic raids are currently well tuned? Too bad,so sad! With the arterial bleed of subs the fastest it's ever been, the vanity development that gives you guys your own content is no longer supportable.

  8. #248
    Timeless gear, it's indeed more interesting approach to gear other mains/alts (depends on your view, i don't have alts, every character is main) and it certainly doesn't step on heroic raiders toes with ilevel being so low, doing new dungeons is fun for like the couple first times, but gearing 9 mains it becomes boring as hell. Time that i can spent doing other things, so many other things the game has to offer pvping, socializing, adventuring, doing old content, gearing top level isn't necessary, but it's nice to for example be useful doing old raids to actually contribute and make the runs faster than just depend on the one full heroic geared dps who joined to carry the group. The thing about the Isle I wonder is who is it meant for? The gear is for alts or lower geared mains, yet the mobs are extreme hardcore even in the lowest scale. Heavily struggling as full LFR ToT geared, where i don't need the gear really, just the other content, the puzzles and vanity items, but the mobs are designed for heroic raiders or even beyond level 90 with 1- and 2-shotting abilities, even the most basic stand on guard by the road mobs. And it also seems that crowd control is useless cause every mob is immune, one of the basic things on soloplay, cc surrounding mobs if you ain't healer or tank.

    Stealth classes are pretty much the only classes able to move on the Isle, yes there are usable items to create stealth etc. But in my eyes the content is just way too hard, 3M+ hp mobs that 100k dps takes forever to take down, and with several corpse runs. The same problem that has followed through entire Pandaria, pulling 1+ mobs means corpse run if you're not a tank or healer( even 1 mob sometimes means it), the corpse runs ain't too long, but it's really really frustrating to keep yourself at 2 minute respawn timer most of the time. Game has become World of Corpserun.

    Yes the mobs are elite, but the whole zone is elite.. why? The rares are rares and should demand a little more effort, but the normal mobs, like the Ordon Berserker, dps warrior in full 496 gear, soloing one brings you to 2-4% hp on your own and you're forced to take on them, mounting and running past is not an option cause they will double charge you and 2 shot you with the charge. Do people really enjoy that scale of a challenge that soloplay is impossible and partner is required, always?

    And the pvp on top of that. I understand it's pvp'ers paradise to gank anything that moves, ele shamans globaling (seriously even with the new base resilience) pve'rs trying to kill the elites, and already wiping on just them. World pvp is what it is, and it's enjoyable when tuned to it, but the fact that I curse and just plain nerdrage on killing a pure pve mob and then get bothered by some high and mighty shadow priest just makes the cup flow over the edge and makes you just see red blood. At that point FUN has left from the building and the game a long time ago. At that point it's time to throw on full pvp gear and send that excuse of a priest to oblivion, spending the next 2 hours on focusing on one moron and forgetting the actual task i was doing in the first place, i bet at that point he/she is next in line to comment on these forums about how weak the pvp is on some classes.

    After cooling off you eventually realise that you've wasted 2 hours on nonsense.
    It saddens me that the nature of the post is so negative, we've gone from the WotLK days where you could gather mobs and aoe them down like bread to MoP days where you can't even run past mobs with your mount without getting insta gibbed, it's like the in between is not an option or any balance on this issue, we've now reached both ends of the extreme. Hard content has it's place and i occasionally enjoy challenge but not with every mob, every day, every single action i take.

    Hard mobs keeps you focused on purely what you're doing while playing, but it also enforces you focus on purely what you're doing while playing. There's a thin silver line, where it stops being fun and keeps on being fun. As we gear up more and level up some more it becomes trivial, but so does all content, as a current state it's just really really challenging. My point on this is, why? Too easy content stops people from playing cause it becomes boring, but content that frustrates players has the same effect. Progression is slow for a reason, to keep people playing till next patch, but constant corpse running ain't the right way.
    Last edited by Redecle; 2013-09-12 at 09:24 PM.

  9. #249
    Mechagnome Sarcon's Avatar
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    Oh, look, another elitist who thinks the color purple means something.

  10. #250
    The Insane Kujako's Avatar
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    My problem is that after you loot the chests on the first day, there seems to be nothing left to really do there.
    It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire shakes, the shakes become a warning.


  11. #251
    Mechagnome Raysz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ManOluck View Post
    Blizzard has reached an all time low with this "catch up" mechanic. Some people may like the fact that you can get 10-20 "epics" an hour on the timeless isle and gear your alts but really do you feel like you earned anything? Do you have any sense of accomplishment?

    The timeless isle feels more like fast food than actual content. Sure it filled that hunger to gear your characters but after you're done the process in as little as an hour or 2 whats next for you? Obviously you're not going to pursue normal modes you missed out on with your alts, no... you need the gear now to get into the next LFR.....

    So by all means run around the little island( that looks like it was made in an afternoon at Blizzard HQ with some editor) and get your "epics" that should be coloured grey/green considering they are rediculasly common (dont believe me? check out the price of sha crystals on your server)

    anyway the Isle will get boring fast when people realize fast food content isn't good for the game.

    Quality over quantity.
    Although I understand where you're coming from, hyperboles are never a good thing. The island is good for gearing alts, and maybe they overdid it a bit, but in the end a lot of people with alts will be happy I assume.
    By the way, if you think the island was made with some editor in an afternoon, perhaps you should develop a game yourself, it seems easy enough.

  12. #252
    I like the island for its intended pourpose. For most casual players, casual raiders, AKA 99.5% of the people who are even doing this it quickly becomes irrelevant. I've literally farmed up enough gear to gear my fresh 90 dk, fill out holes in my priests gear, and gear a hunter or enhance shaman i don't even have. That was literally maybe five hours of playtime on the isle. I managed to snag so many leather tokens that it almost made me kick myself for trying so hard to get my mistweaver to 510+ pre-patch

    I'm just upset on how quickly this place becomes irrelevant, it'll quickly become a world boss farm rush on tuesday, and maybe kill your 20 elites per day for coins. Rep farm if you can get a few people together and have literally hours to waste. Other then that....
    Amazing Signature by Yoni

  13. #253
    I really am enjoying the Timeless Isle. It could offer only vanity items and I'd still love it.

    Its got a little something for everyone. I really hope we see more zones in this format in the future.

  14. #254
    The sense of accomplishment? Why does everything you do in a game, on your free time, for fun.. have to be accomplished? Heroic raid kills are accomplished, maybe even normal kills, pvp victories are accomplished. And those take some effort, but not everything has to be a pain in the ass to do. Life don't hand out lemons is that it, we have to learn that in real life you don't get anything for free why should you get it in a game? Work is work, leisure time is for relaxing from that work. Although sometimes playing already feels like work, so it basicly has lost it's meaning, which is to relax you from the work or school.

    Yes you don't get stuff for free in life, usually, but it ain't living if you don't know how to relax and stop worrying 100% of your time.
    So you worked to get your gear to top notch for the past 12 months, well guess what, so did everyone else (if they chose to), almost.
    And now they catched up some alts or some have catched up mains if they didn't spent the last 12 months on gearing their toon, for what..
    To start the exact same thing over again in another 5 months or so, from scratch.

    Everyone gained gear, but what did people loose? Their pride, that they geared more and longer and harder?
    So who ever invests the most time, wins? Cause that's what it's all about, invested time.
    Last edited by Redecle; 2013-09-12 at 09:53 PM.

  15. #255
    Quote Originally Posted by Cybran View Post
    I didn't, but I had fun raiding.

    There seems to be misunderstanding. All I am saying is that the outrage over the island is not warranted. Back in the day you could buy Black temple quality loot/Weapons for Badges of Justice as a catch up mechanic without ever stepping into a raid. Timeless island gear is not that bad in comparison.
    Shoot, son. Today on my realm people routine advertise services for:

    1. Challenge Mode: Gold.
    2. Heroic raid gear and achievements.
    3. TCG mounts.
    4. Profession kits.
    5. PVP season carries (I'm a little fuzzy on the details, not sure it included a mount)

    And just about anything else you can think of.

    So if you've got the gold or dollars, someone will sell you damned near anything anybody else can get, except for world or server firsts.

  16. #256
    Quote Originally Posted by Cybran View Post
    You can upgrade them to 535 ilvl with Burdens of eternity.
    Which costs 50k coins, do you not realize how much farming that is?

  17. #257
    The Insane Kujako's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by muto View Post
    Which costs 50k coins, do you not realize how much farming that is?
    Or you can get one for 500 coins from the collectors chests. That's where I've gotten mine, fairly good drop rate and more often then not you get the coins back if you dont get one.
    It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire shakes, the shakes become a warning.


  18. #258
    Its only 496 gear. ToT LFR is higher than that.

  19. #259
    Quote Originally Posted by Kujako View Post
    Or you can get one for 500 coins from the collectors chests. That's where I've gotten mine, fairly good drop rate and more often then not you get the coins back if you dont get one.
    Don't be so arrogant as to assume that a good streak of luck on your own translates to a good drop rate for everyone else. I personally went from 15000 coins to 3000 without anything but a few leather tokens to show for it.
    "It's 2013 and I still view the internet on a 560x192 resolution monitor!"

  20. #260
    Quote Originally Posted by ManOluck View Post
    but really do you feel like you earned anything? Do you have any sense of accomplishment? .
    no, and i don't give a fuck, i just want to play my alts with decent gear without spending my entire life in front of a monitor, mission complete!

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