1. #47941
    Quote Originally Posted by StrawberryZebra View Post
    Renekton is your friend here. He's got high enough damage to kill tanks early game, but is tanky enough himself not to be instagibbed by carry laners. Melee assassins, even if they're planning on building tank, are in serious trouble anytime they're close to him, you can expect to remove anything from a third to a half of their health with an empowered W early game. He's also one of the few people that even Riven with Ignite is worried about, with good reason. With a little care, you can keep her in check early game without any major issues at worst, or repeatedly murder her if she starts getting too aggressive.

    I know people always being up that his late game damage drops off, and its true, it does. However the drop isn't anything like as extreme as people make it out to be, and if you had an okay time in lane you should almost certainly be doing enough damage to be relevant come late game. Its worth pointing out that he will get to late game, where the wannabe Tank you've been rolling in lane probably won't.

    Finally, you've also got plenty of build options on him at the moment. He's got great damage options with Hydra and Black Cleaver, makes great use of a Sunfire Cape and Steraks with your ult up gives you a huge shield. You can build more or less whatever stats you need and it'll work out just fine - that includes getting a Zz Top Portal and a Banner of Command and pushing your way to victory.

    If Renekton isn't your thing, you can always go for Trundle instead. Again he's got enough damage to kill tanks, especially with Fervor of Battle, and is far too tanky for assassins and carries to handle. He does have issues in the mobilty department however, but he'll beat the crap out of anyone who has to get close to him and that includes being able to just stand his ground when Riven does her thing and come out on top. With all the tanks running around at the moment his Ult is a great asset to your team too.
    Oh I know, Renekton been my main an favorite champion since I joined in late season 2. I like playing Khazix top, Trundle, Maokai, an occasionally J4 when the group calls for it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Life-Binder View Post
    U6 easily has the best charcters introduce in SUper, aside from Beerus and BLack

  2. #47942
    I am done with this stupid argument now. You two can have fun with the "no advantage of premades" shittalk, and enjoy your game. To me SoloQ is fucking stupid as it is now. Simply because it is no SoloQ anymore, it is DynamicQ.
    Sure, you have fun in your oh so hard silver level solo queue filled with voice chat, premades and professional tactics. I'll enjoy the solo queue with barely any voice com tactics or 5 man premades.

    Just don't come here every other week with another excuse why you don't rank up.

  3. #47943
    What are some safe soloq picks in top mid bot?

  4. #47944
    Quote Originally Posted by pkm View Post
    What are some safe soloq picks in top mid bot?
    Renekton, Maokai
    -Don't know-
    Quote Originally Posted by Life-Binder View Post
    U6 easily has the best charcters introduce in SUper, aside from Beerus and BLack

  5. #47945
    Quote Originally Posted by Led ++ View Post
    Sure, you have fun in your oh so hard silver level solo queue filled with voice chat, premades and professional tactics. I'll enjoy the solo queue with barely any voice com tactics or 5 man premades.

    Just don't come here every other week with another excuse why you don't rank up.
    As I have said, I am perfectly fine being down in Silver/Gold, that is where my skill level is. What my problem is, was the premade group of 4 man. If I wanted to play against teams, I would make a team and queue for 5 man. Not soloQ.
    So thanks for showing me that you have understood nothing of what I've wrote so far. And I don't need excuses, I suck, that is why I am Silver right now. I haven't played the game for 6 months, my reaction time to counter spells/movements are slow compared to what it was, knowing what counters what is out of my head, there is just so much new stuff I got no idea how works.
    And I am fine with it. If I really want to climb, I read up on changes, I read up on what counters what, and most importantly I sit down with one or two champions and play them every fucking game to learn them 100%.
    Climbing in this game isn't "hard", it takes practice, and practice takes time. Which I can't be bothered with right now as I am renovating an apartment for me and my girlfriend, got a job and I am studying Master in Grapic Design.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by pkm View Post
    What are some safe soloq picks in top mid bot?
    Renekton is the early game bully, that snowballs huge if you know your limits with him. Trundle is amazing against pretty much any tank as he steals the tanks stats with his ult, also his sustain is crazy. Nautilus seems rather strong and annoying, I don't play him though, so can't put more input than that here. Ekko tank is just brokenly stupid, but he is banned a lot.

    Azir seems strong, Twisted Fate is always nice for ganking other lanes, Vel'koz have always been a fun and favorite of mine. But midlane have never been my thing.

    By bot do you mean support or ADC?
    Supports - Leona, great tank and engager, if you team up with some early game ADC a level 2 kill/flash is pretty easy, got great peel for your carries later in teamfights with 3 abilities (+actives). Can also do amazing damage if you build some sheen item on her.
    Thresh, always been my favorite as support. But you need to learn how the hook feels, after you get a hang of the hook you need to learn your flay and then you are set in stone. Amazing and fun support for sure!
    Morgana, the counter to most supports that got stuns/roots, also insane damage mid/late if you build her "mage support".
    Soraka, the ambulance. Build some AP on her and watch your heals heal 40% of your ADCs HP, while your Q deals a lot of damage to their carry.

    For ADCs, I rarely play that role.
    Ezreal, great escape, great peel, easy to survive ganks but you need to be able to land skill shots.
    Caitlyn, easy to learn OK to play, poke when you got headshot up and watch as you slowly kill their bot lane. Hard to learn properly though, after the remake.
    Jinx, great dueling power and super fun to play.
    Those are the adcs I play atleast, most likely a lot more viable champions, if not better.

    But most importantly - find a champion you enjoy! Champions are actually rather balanced, sure some are worse than others but that is just how it is in a pool of what, 120 champions? I've seen some off meta picks that dominate, simply because the one playing said champion got 200 games played on it, and decimates anything.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Faltemer View Post
    How often are you getting 3+ people together? And are you often playing with 1-3 people yourself? I've played quite a lot of it and just see duo's at worst. I dont think Ive run in a single 3-4 man group in like 200 games.

    As for the if premade has an advantage of course it does. If nothing else mid-late game it means at least 1 person extra is going to listen and play along with whatever calls are made. I just lost a game because our two intiators (Naut/Blitz) refused to intiate. If I was duoing with one of them, they wouldnt be like that to a premade they queued with. So for every extra person you have it should be 1 extra person who you know will follow along for groups, will go to baron/dragon when needed, will push when ended etc.

    I don't premade pretty much ever but I dont see how anyone could not see the huge advantages it has at pretty much every stage of the game.
    So far I have noticed two enemy teams with 3-4, and once I had 4 man premade on my team. So it is for sure rare, but annoying when it happens. This is out of something around 20 games I believe, might be more.
    Quote Originally Posted by atenime45 View Post
    The 10% reward. It's was unspoken rule that you DONT attack other faction so everyone could enjoy the 10% reward. But now no one cares about that anymore

  6. #47946
    Quote Originally Posted by pkm View Post
    What are some safe soloq picks in top mid bot?
    Safe how? Safe as in "I can pick these any time and it'll work out" or the "I'm going to farm safe and theres nothing you can do about it"?

    Either way, for Top you can try Renekton, Dr Mundo and Kayle. Failing that, any full tank is going to work by simple virtue of being a tank. For Mid, Ahri, Anivia, Morgana and Malzahar are all good at both kinds of safe. Zed never really seems to fall out of the meta either, if assassins are more your thing.

    Fot Bot Ezreal is about as safe as it gets. Lucian has been a solid pick for a long time too. If you're good at him, Draven does too much damage to ever really be pushed out of the meta, though his play style does encourage risk taking. For supports its got to be Thresh, he's always good for something on every team imaginable. Braum is fantastic too, but he's less effective against melee-heavy teams where his E isn't that useful. And it would be remiss not to mention Soraka, she's about as safe (in every meaning of the word) as you can get.

  7. #47947
    Quote Originally Posted by Feederino Senpai View Post
    So far I have noticed two enemy teams with 3-4, and once I had 4 man premade on my team. So it is for sure rare, but annoying when it happens. This is out of something around 20 games I believe, might be more.

    Guess either I am very lucky, you are very unlucky, or I just am not noticing when it does happen.

  8. #47948
    Quote Originally Posted by Faltemer View Post
    Guess either I am very lucky, you are very unlucky, or I just am not noticing when it does happen.
    The club thing makes it obvious at least thats how I know it have happend twice. And once on my side. Maybe it is a lower elo thing? People can't climb alone so they decide to team up and try it?
    Quote Originally Posted by atenime45 View Post
    The 10% reward. It's was unspoken rule that you DONT attack other faction so everyone could enjoy the 10% reward. But now no one cares about that anymore

  9. #47949
    Quote Originally Posted by Feederino Senpai View Post
    The club thing makes it obvious at least thats how I know it have happend twice. And once on my side. Maybe it is a lower elo thing? People can't climb alone so they decide to team up and try it?
    I notice a lot of duo's through their clan tag, havent seen more then 2 though. I'm Gold I atm so not particulary high. Pretty much exclusively solo queueing though so if you duo or more I think they try to put you up against similar teams.

  10. #47950
    Quote Originally Posted by Faltemer View Post
    I notice a lot of duo's through their clan tag, havent seen more then 2 though. I'm Gold I atm so not particulary high. Pretty much exclusively solo queueing though so if you duo or more I think they try to put you up against similar teams.
    Yeah that might be true, have been duoing some with my buddy. Nothing more than two though.
    Quote Originally Posted by atenime45 View Post
    The 10% reward. It's was unspoken rule that you DONT attack other faction so everyone could enjoy the 10% reward. But now no one cares about that anymore

  11. #47951
    We've been doing 5-mans (myself and 4 guiltiest from WoW), and it's been an experience. We're not really close in skill level (three of us were gold last season and were placed high Silver), and the other two are Bronze. One of the two in Bronze is playing for the first time this season, so it's been interesting to see it from the opposite perspective - teaching how the game works.

    We did a single game last night. I play primarily top/jungle, our support was the highest ranked, so he's been playing support for our ADC (she's bronze, but she's been doing really well even without him, all things considered). We've had our newbie rotating in mid, top, and jungle, where we can keep an eye on him and teach him the game really well. It makes things easier, on top of having a really solid bot lane duo.

    But teaching the game was really fun - going back to that game last night, we had a skirmish about 20 minutes in where they lost a 4v5 bot after grabbing drag. Fuzz (our newest) asked me why I hadn't TP'd in. Josh and I explained that I could either get there late or keep hard pushing top. Mundo had been missing for quite a bit, but it was worth it in the end - they killed 3 of us, but we killed 3 of them. And in the midst of all that, since I had committed to hard pushing with that young Rift Herald buff + fed Susan stacks, I had control of the entire top lane. Getting an inhib that early really made it a matter of time for us to win (unless we threw really hard).

    So most of our games have been like this. We don't win every game, but we win most. I do agree voice chat has made it easier, even with as fast as we all type, it's just easier to say it out loud in my mic, I feel. But I think it's mostly been pretty fun teaching as watching them get better the more we play. I just haven't been liking having to make an alt for ranked so we don't get too high on our mains - the division separations were stupid, IMO. Even when I wasn't ranked, I couldn't play with them on my main for my placements, which I found incredibly stupid.

    But I digress. The enemy teams seem mostly around our skill levels usually, so it is what it is. It is a little frustrating to see our new mid go against high silver-low gold players while I destroy a bronze jungler, but in the end, it all evens out.

  12. #47952
    The division separations are still stupid and just got worse, I have to go up 1 more division to be able to play with my friend, and then if we start winning games and he plays without me and goes up a division, he has to wait for me again. The new Diamond changes were fucking stupid.
    All that said, I am actually having fun playing the game again finally after 2 seasons of it feeling like a chore.

  13. #47953
    Banned docterfreeze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pkm View Post
    What are some safe soloq picks in top mid bot?
    top: ekko (iceborn gauntlet-sunfire cape-spirit visage), Kayle, Shen. Or just put on a blindfold, pick a champion, and build those three items I listed with ekko.

    mid: Fizz, annie, malzahar

    bot: sivir, tristana, ezreal. Those last two aren't the best, but they are the safest.
    Last edited by docterfreeze; 2016-04-13 at 03:44 PM.

  14. #47954
    The Lightbringer Toxigen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pkm View Post
    What are some safe soloq picks in top mid bot?
    Top: Vladimir, Chogath, Maokai, Trundle, Yorick, Nasus

    Mid: Orianna, Lulu, Malzahar, Vladimir, Chogath, Annie

    Bottom: Caitlyn, Sivir, Nami, Janna
    "There are two types of guys in this world. Guys who sniff their fingers after scratching their balls, and dirty fucking liars." -StylesClashv3
    Quote Originally Posted by Kalis View Post
    Not finding-a-cock-on-your-girlfriend-is-normal level of odd, but nevertheless, still odd.

  15. #47955
    Quote Originally Posted by pkm View Post
    What are some safe soloq picks in top mid bot?
    Unless you are high elo, Sion top with the buff steal cheese is making a lowkey comeback. Easy way to dominate toplane right away.

  16. #47956
    Quote Originally Posted by Gib Lover View Post
    Unless you are high elo, Sion top with the buff steal cheese is making a lowkey comeback. Easy way to dominate toplane right away.
    And a lot of people don't expect it - if you can get in unseen, it's easy to do. You'll die, but his passive secures the buff, so gg.

  17. #47957
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow the Edgehog View Post
    And a lot of people don't expect it - if you can get in unseen, it's easy to do. You'll die, but his passive secures the buff, so gg.
    I love that all this time after his rework, people on your team still go "WTF??" when you suicide to the buff.

  18. #47958
    Totally forgot about that cheese, remember a lot of people did it right after the rework :P
    Quote Originally Posted by atenime45 View Post
    The 10% reward. It's was unspoken rule that you DONT attack other faction so everyone could enjoy the 10% reward. But now no one cares about that anymore

  19. #47959
    For some reason my fps is terrible and is not fixing itself at all.

    I have an i7 2.50 GHz, 16GB Ram and GTX 870M... Why won't it run above 30 fps? I take all the graphics down to very low and nothing changes for the FPS. What's wrong? What should I try to do? Only LoL has the problem and I just installed it again yesterday.

  20. #47960
    Quote Originally Posted by Well View Post
    For some reason my fps is terrible and is not fixing itself at all.

    I have an i7 2.50 GHz, 16GB Ram and GTX 870M... Why won't it run above 30 fps? I take all the graphics down to very low and nothing changes for the FPS. What's wrong? What should I try to do? Only LoL has the problem and I just installed it again yesterday.
    Sure you didn't cap the FPS at 30? There's a 'no fps cap' tickbox too. V-sync disabled? Sure it's not an internet problem?

    I have roughly the same set-up, just an older Gfx card and I'm constantly at around 230 fps or something.

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