1. #7621
    Quote Originally Posted by Yvaelle View Post
    If I get an early gank on top, and then can put another one on them - that's pretty much all I do for Top for the rest of that game. If we get them like 2 kills and the 3+ unopposed waves that go with all that, it's up to my Top to deal on their own from there on out.

    It's nice when it works out, because if I know I'm only going to be helping mid/bot, I can have much better presence in the dragon half of the jungle, with wards and invades and such.
    I'm aware. I main top but I'll either jung or sup for 2nd pick. Usually as jung I try to get top rolling, to the point the enemy top doesn't want to leave turret. Free rift, mega clear speed, sit on bot for remainder of game, maybe cover mid to keep my exp advantage going.

    It's really wierd how just like.. far ahead you can get as jungler if left unchecked
    Quote Originally Posted by Life-Binder View Post
    U6 easily has the best charcters introduce in SUper, aside from Beerus and BLack

  2. #7622
    Quote Originally Posted by Yvaelle View Post
    As a jungler, teleport ganks are especially valuable - so often if I land an early top gank and anticipate their top to teleport right back to lane, I'll hang out nearby - go kill a scuttle or something - and then re-gank top.
    there's no jungler, top dies to top at level 1/2, then teleports in and dies again. that's happened multiple times to me this week, maybe i'm not watching enough games to see other people have it happen to their team.

  3. #7623
    Fluffy Kitten Yvaelle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jakeic View Post
    there's no jungler, top dies to top at level 1/2, then teleports in and dies again. that's happened multiple times to me this week, maybe i'm not watching enough games to see other people have it happen to their team.
    Ah yea - I had a Maokai die to Darius like 4 times in a row a few days back, when I kindly asked him to just farm near his tower - he said "...I'm Maokai, he's Darius..."

    The ADC flipped out at him - "No, you're 0:4 Maokai who is 30 CS behind and you're trying to lane push F**KING DARIUS!"

    Weirdest build ever too - guy went Bond of Stone, but then built all AP - like Deathfire Grasp or Thunderlords or at least Grasp might have made sense.... but Bond on an AP Maokai.

    Fortunately I was duo'd with our mid Ahri, so by the time Darius started doom-roaming all the rest of our team was ahead too. Think we won that one anyways, but the Maokai didn't exactly make any friends that night.
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  4. #7624
    I think I'm going to have to become a Kha'Zix 1-trick. Which really pisses me off because I have to be in the right mood to play him.

    Here's a link to my 6 most recent games. Other than a TF Mid game where I basically sat in Botlane all game, my only wins, or even good games, have been as Kha.
    (And the 2 before that were losses as Master Yi. Yes. Even Yi can't carry in this damn ELO where the CC gods get fed before I've finished my first clear)

    He's the only jungler I possess that actually can turn a game around. Because in both of the Kha games in the above screenshot, my team fed at the start, then I just got my Death's Dance and started annihilating them. Which soon shut the people that were complaining I never ganked right up.

    Why is it I'm not allowed to play anything more fun? Kha's fun but not 24/7. I wanna play some Devourer junglers now and then but apparently that just gives my team the go-ahead to commit suicide over and over again until it's too late for me to do anything, then blame me for it.
    Last edited by mmocea80e1e16f; 2016-04-19 at 12:10 PM.

  5. #7625
    Fluffy Kitten Yvaelle's Avatar
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    Shyvana and Warwick are the only Devourer junglers I play. Xin Zhao fits in the same bucket but I dislike his bullshit so much that I refuse to do it (but that's a personal problem).

    Only play the Devourer junglers who can make meaningful ganks before they reach Sated: that's my rule. Shyvana is nice because she can land kills with virtually every dragon - and she gets Dragons so fast compared to most ults - everytime you get a Dragonform - go hit somebody. Also side note but, don't Dragon until they flash (or if you know they have it down). Warwick is similar, his ults are on a longer cooldown - but his late game can be very strong IMO - sometimes that's worth it. If you have a lot of AD / on-hit on your team, his secret power really comes from his W AS buff (people over-focus on his R's lockdown potential).

    Xin Zhao fits the bill too.

    The issue with Devourers like Yi is that they aren't good early game - give me Shyvana or Warwick, and I can pretty much pack my belongings and move into his jungle: and then the enemy team either has to shallow ward to help him see me, or give up lane to try to box me in, or watch Yi ragequit when it's 20 minutes and he's got like 3 Devourer stacks.

    Both of them are kind of support-carries late game. Even tanky Shyvana tends to die a lot in teamfights (no disengage), but not before noming a carry and AOEing their whole team to half health Warwick is a perfect assassin counter - LeBlanc or Talon won't step their ass onto your ADCs so long as you don't use R, which means you can push lanes and shred towers with his W. The key to Warwick early game is to R as often as possible, and the key to late game is to never R so it's always a threat (of course you do, but you'll know when)

    So try those devourers out - personally this isn't my Jungle meta - I can't wait for the mage buffs to potentially bring back the AP Junglers (my home-girls) but if you gotta Devour, do it with someone who maybe doesn't have the late game carry potential of Yi, but also doesn't have the weakness of dissappearing for the first 20 minutes to farm jungle (and lose every lane).
    Last edited by Yvaelle; 2016-04-19 at 05:33 PM.
    Youtube ~ Yvaelle ~ Twitter

  6. #7626
    I've given up Devourer (unless I play Shyv). At this point, it's really just tank carries (Voli, Hecarim), or the gloriousness that is Runedyr. He got a nerf, but it didn't really effect him at all - all everyone has been doing is building Mejai's to make up for the power loss (and we get more % movement speed at 15 stacks anyways).

    Runic Echoes, Lich Bane, Mejai's, then differing items depending on whether you want to go tanky or not. I prefer more AP (Rylai's, Banner, Nashor's, Liandry's, etc)m but some people like others (Frozen Heart, Spirit Visage, etc). With all the % movement speed, it's even worse than when people were building just RE-Iceborn on him and going tank after that. It's a little difficult to pick up, but it's well worth it if you can pull it off (just be prepared for people to bitch at you for not giving out blue buff :v).

  7. #7627
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow the Edgehog View Post
    I've given up Devourer (unless I play Shyv). At this point, it's really just tank carries (Voli, Hecarim), or the gloriousness that is Runedyr. He got a nerf, but it didn't really effect him at all - all everyone has been doing is building Mejai's to make up for the power loss (and we get more % movement speed at 15 stacks anyways).

    Runic Echoes, Lich Bane, Mejai's, then differing items depending on whether you want to go tanky or not. I prefer more AP (Rylai's, Banner, Nashor's, Liandry's, etc)m but some people like others (Frozen Heart, Spirit Visage, etc). With all the % movement speed, it's even worse than when people were building just RE-Iceborn on him and going tank after that. It's a little difficult to pick up, but it's well worth it if you can pull it off (just be prepared for people to bitch at you for not giving out blue buff :v).
    I only run it on Kindred, who's been my go to. Devourer is still amazing on her given it works well with her kit even without it being sated. Sated is just a bonus on her.

    Looking forward to the new Bloodrazor.
    Quote Originally Posted by Connal View Post
    From my perspective it is an uncle who was is a "simple" slat of the earth person, who has religous beliefs I may or may not fully agree with, but who in the end of the day wants to go hope, kiss his wife, and kids, and enjoy their company.
    Connal defending child molestation

  8. #7628
    Yesterday I played 3 games, 2 of them were 4 v 5s and we lost both, one of them took 49 minutes.
    Today, first game, our ADC Kogmaw (i main supp) gets caught by taric and dies to him and ez (I was Sona), and Kog goes AFK, I stay for probably another 7 or 8 minutes and decide I wasn't going to potentially waste more of my life because of some sewer rat, so I AFKed as well, now I am in a lower priority queue (20 minutes) for 5 games, and genuinely hope that Kogmaw dies IRL, he wins AGAIN and I get punished.

  9. #7629
    I play a fair amount of Quinn, but now I add Quinn to the list of champions that need to be Olaf'ed until they can be tinkered with. If you're melee with limited mobility, there is almost nothing you can do against her. Also, Fizz tank needs to burn in a rotten hole.

  10. #7630
    I want this tank meta to end because it's cancer.
    Violence Jack Respects Women!

  11. #7631
    I was Morgana Support, our team was fed as hell, we took mid and botlane inhib turrets, we're up 12k gold. All the sudden our Aurelion Sol Mid (who was quite fed) decides that she needs to constantly try to steal the redside blue buff, while all my wards are prepping for Baron. OVER AND OVER. Sol ended up dying 10 times in 10 minutes from this point, making it so we couldn't even drop the inhibs because it's constantly 4v5. Eventually, the other team claws back to within 4k gold of us, everybody full build and they get her again, solo pushing an inhib while we're pushing out lanes in prep for baron. They run through us 5v4 and get baron, then end game before anybody else spawns. HOW DO YOU DIE THAT MUCH IN A SINGLE GAME!?! ESPECIALLY WHEN YOUR TEAM TELLS YOU TO CHILL AND GROUP UP!?!

  12. #7632
    Fluffy Kitten Yvaelle's Avatar
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    I don't know what the hell happened to Diana but she vanished off the radar this season.

    I tried giving Infernal Diana a try (and she was one of my main carry junglers last season, so I'm fairly comfortable with her) - man what a nightmare. Blow all my burst, nobody dies, tried to go tanky - couldn't secure kills. Tried to go glass cannony, died instantly.

    She feels so squishy now, and her burst combo seems so much lower. Maybe it's just a tank-meta problem, that or did she get like a massive nerf this season that I must have forgotten about?

    On the plus side, I've never played Kha'zix before (minor try-outs in Dominion or ARAM or w/e), but I started thinking about what I want out of a solo queue jungler - and Kha'zix has the right kit for me IMO. He's a top tier duelist due to Isolation, he's got strong ganks due to his Unseen Threat slow, he's got a leap to engage, and if he lands a kill he's got a leap to escape: like Evelynn's Dark Frenzy but better in every way (plus it's lower cooldown, it goes over walls, and it deals big damage).

    He's got a stealth+sprint ultimate that resets his slow+on-hit, so that's another Initiate/Disengage beyond his Leap. Which makes him much stronger as an assassin nowadays than those Junglers who have strong engage, but little or no disengage (Diana, Shyvana).

    He's got a pretty Death Blossom skin (grabbed that with the spare RP from grabbing Infernal Diana).

    If mages make a comeback this patch, he could make a solid return as a counter-pick to all the squishies once the mages end the tank meta.
    Last edited by Yvaelle; 2016-04-26 at 10:43 PM.
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  13. #7633
    I think the main reason Diana feels a bit weaker at the moment is people are picking quite strong counter junglers / early gankers, so you can't do as well in the early game as they can, then it just kinda escalates.

    She certainly isn't any weaker though. Did a game a couple of days ago and ended 16/1/5 in a 30 minute game. Just gotta be more careful about the kinds of team you pick her into now.

    Kha, however. He is the true monster in the jungle. If you can get good at Kha he can be picked into 99% of teams (100% if you ban Poppy), and just dominate. After level 11 with evolved Q and E he's unstoppable. Just gotta build a Death's Dance.

  14. #7634
    Been back playing this game for some weeks now, and gosh how many idiots there is. For real.

    Just need to bring up this last game; I am Ekko top VS Vlad, it goes ok (I die like a moron early, because I forgot he had ignite <.<) but the lane is rather even after that, both in farm and pressure.

    Kata mid is rather challenged, like in her brain. And starts trolling after a shitty gank bot I will come back to later.

    Jax jungle (my premade), is doing his thing, clearing his jungle to get sated and ganking when he can.

    Then there is Lucian bot, with a Sona support. They are losing rather hard (in farm), so me and Jax set up a gank when they ding 6 (I Tp in behind etc), we don't get anything except all their summoners, which in my book is rather good. Then Lucian with 10% HP decide to flash under their turret to simply die instantly, and starts blaming us for forcing him to be the front line. Then he walks up top and dies to Vlad, where I am just behind him but too far behind to E to Vlad. So he dies again and starts to rant in /all chat about Ekko being an idiot that makes him tank bla bla bla.

    This goes on, he never ever groups, Kata decides to troll but stops after 3 deaths because me and Jax are pretty much 2v3/4-ing them. So she starts to group up, Lucian does his thing, and farms lanes and dies 24/7..

    That is the 3rd game I've had in a row with people like that. I don't have perfect games 24/7, and know that making mistakes happens (had an Olaf vs Jayce game earlier where Jayce destroyed me for instance). But people who simply refuse to team up because "meh we are only losing", when we are clearly not if we team up.. Gah!
    Quote Originally Posted by atenime45 View Post
    The 10% reward. It's was unspoken rule that you DONT attack other faction so everyone could enjoy the 10% reward. But now no one cares about that anymore

  15. #7635
    Fluffy Kitten Yvaelle's Avatar
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    Yea I had a game like that the other week where I was jungle on Sejuani, and our Vayne marksmen flipped out at me a few times because she kept chasing so far ahead of our team that she'd either a) end up under an enemy turret and seem suddenly very surprised to be getting shot, or b) chase blind into the enemy jungle far ahead of me and Soraka, and then flip her shit when she walks face first into a 4v1 and gets exploded before we can do anything to help.
    Youtube ~ Yvaelle ~ Twitter

  16. #7636
    The curse of buying a new skin. Considering I have about a 70% win rate with Jungle Sion, I decided to buy his Mecha Zero skin. First game I take it out for a spin, our top Ekko feeds, but he was a ncie enough person. our bot lane feeds, but they remained quiet, and our mid feeds, and decides to be a bitch about it. By 8 minutes I had all of our teams kills (it was 13/5 at the time) and not for want of trying. I got blamed for 'stealing' first blood because a Yasuo dived through me with 10 hp. Of course I was going to auto him, and not risk him escaping. The Ori mid then complains that I'm not fighting when she is when she starts getting caught in the jungle 3v1. Luckily, personally, I had a good game. Just a shame this game was one of the unwinnable ones.

  17. #7637
    Hint to anyone. Do NOT get into Platinum. I have a high feeling 90% of the people in plat are simply boosted. I seriously haven't had worse teams and I got placed in Silver at the beginning of the season.

  18. #7638
    Quote Originally Posted by Led ++ View Post
    Hint to anyone. Do NOT get into Platinum. I have a high feeling 90% of the people in plat are simply boosted. I seriously haven't had worse teams and I got placed in Silver at the beginning of the season.
    Plat is the new low gold.

    Dynamic queue is slowly killing the game.

    Homophobia is so gay.

  19. #7639
    Quote Originally Posted by Ilir View Post
    Plat is the new low gold.

    Dynamic queue is slowly killing the game.
    I don't know what it is, but as a support ... Jesus. It seems half the ADC's I play with (mostly Vaynes) have absolutely no idea what they're doing.

  20. #7640
    Do any Vayne know what they are doing? Except that godlike you will have on your enemy team, that is able to 1v5 your team of course :P

    Good Vaynes are a rare breed for sure.
    Quote Originally Posted by atenime45 View Post
    The 10% reward. It's was unspoken rule that you DONT attack other faction so everyone could enjoy the 10% reward. But now no one cares about that anymore

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