1. #1281
    Quote Originally Posted by Control1234 View Post
    I tried reading all the pages but I just couldnt find what I was looking for.. Anyways question is... yesterday was in LFR and Arch I died as I was sitting there I seen my numbers dropping as the fight went on til everyone wiped and I ended up with 39k dps according to Details DM but with Skada and Recount I was at 62k is there a way in settings to keep the meter from dropping?
    Sorry if this was asked before just couldnt find the answer
    39k dps = Effective dps
    62k dps = Active dps.

    Though I was under the impression that Skada showed effective by default and Recount showed active by default. With Details you can change it in the options, I don't have it up right now so I cant tell you exactly but it's quite easy to find.
    Probably running on a Pentium 4

  2. #1282
    I think it's on the main page when y ou open the options, look for 'Time Measure'.

  3. #1283
    i write custom display for gorefiend to show unwanted damage above 100k to corrupted souls. http://pastebin.com/SBGeWFqS
    so i filter out:
    1. damage to 2dds on souls duty because it's intentionaly oneshot
    2. damage from 2 players on souls duty
    3. filter out damage of players<100k (we have penalty if accident damage exceed 100k)
    4. filter out damage from tanks to tanks (our tanks have duty to kill each other souls)...

    now it looks like:
    search code:
    local Combat, CustomContainer, Instance = ...
    local total, top, amount = 0, 0, 0
    local limit=100000
    local bans={}
    for _, actor in ipairs (Combat:GetActorList (DETAILS_ATTRIBUTE_DAMAGE)) do
        local zname=actor:name()
        if not bans[zname] then
            if actor:IsGroupPlayer() then
                for i,ii in pairs(actor.damage_from) do
                    local actor2=Combat:GetActor (DETAILS_ATTRIBUTE_DAMAGE,i)
                    if actor2 and actor2:IsGroupPlayer() and not bans[i]then
                        local amount= actor2.targets[zname]
                        if amount and amount>=limit and not (actor2.isTank and actor.isTank) then
                            CustomContainer:AddValue (actor, amount)
    total, top = CustomContainer:GetTotalAndHighestValue()
    amount = CustomContainer:GetNumActors()
    return total, top, amount
    tooltip code:
    local actor, combat, instance = ...
    local Format = Details:GetCurrentToKFunction()
    local limit=100000
    local bans={}
    for i,ii in pairs(actor.damage_from) do
        local zname=actor:name()
        if not bans[zname] then
            local actor2=combat:GetActor (DETAILS_ATTRIBUTE_DAMAGE,i)
            if actor2 and actor2:IsGroupPlayer() and not bans[i] then
                local amount= actor2.targets[zname]
                if amount and amount>=limit and not(actor.isTank and actor2.isTank) then
                    GameCooltip:AddLine( i, Format( nil, amount ) )
    the problem is even if in reality every soul have separate GUID like "Creature-0-3102-1448-12037-93288-0000xxxxxx" i can't find this separation in Details!. so this custom display works as intended for fast kills with only one set of phases but if fight last longer then 3+mins data of 2 souls of one player merged and numbers become useless because we don't know if this person we lookin receive all this damage during 1st digest or during 2nd or even 3d if we have very long fight... it's seems impossible to separate souls using only api from docs but may be there is another level of hidden tables that i can access so this separation become possible?
    Last edited by ztn; 2016-05-04 at 03:17 PM.

  4. #1284
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigbazz View Post
    39k dps = Effective dps
    62k dps = Active dps.

    Though I was under the impression that Skada showed effective by default and Recount showed active by default. With Details you can change it in the options, I don't have it up right now so I cant tell you exactly but it's quite easy to find.
    ty for the help

  5. #1285
    Quote Originally Posted by ztn View Post
    i write custom display for gorefiend to show unwanted damage above 100k to corrupted souls. http://pastebin.com/SBGeWFqS
    so i filter out:
    1. damage to 2dds on souls duty because it's intentionaly oneshot
    2. damage from 2 players on souls duty
    3. filter out damage of players<100k (we have penalty if accident damage exceed 100k)
    4. filter out damage from tanks to tanks (our tanks have duty to kill each other souls)...

    the problem is even if in reality every soul have separate GUID like "Creature-0-3102-1448-12037-93288-0000xxxxxx" i can't find this separation in Details!. so this custom display works as intended for fast kills with only one set of phases but if fight last longer then 3+mins data of 2 souls of one player merged and numbers become useless because we don't know if this person we lookin receive all this damage during 1st digest or during 2nd or even 3d if we have very long fight... it's seems impossible to separate souls using only api from docs but may be there is another level of hidden tables that i can access so this separation become possible?
    Take in mind that some users in the past reported about problems counting the damage taken from these souls.
    The way the addon catalog players, mobs, etc is by the name, there is no separation for different GUIDs.
    You could get away with some shenanigans with global tables storing how many damage the player did on the first phase 1 and on the second phase 1, subtract the current value with the previous.
    When the boss starts the second phase, store the damage value.

    You may know which phase the boss are with 'Details.encounter_table.phase':
    local phase = Details.encounter_table and Details.encounter_table.phase or 1

    Code would look something like this:

    Combat.CorruptedSouls = Combat.CorruptedSouls or {}
    Combat.CurrentPhase = Combat.CurrentPhase or 1
    local phase = Details.encounter_table and Details.encounter_table.phase or 1
    if (phase == 2 and Combat.CurrentPhase == 1) then
    --store values
    Combat.CurrentPhase = 2
    elseif (phase == 1 and Combat.CurrentPhase == 2) then
    Combat.CurrentPhase = 1
    amount = amount - (Combat.CorruptedSouls [player] or 0)
    CustomContainer:AddValue (actor, amount)

  6. #1286
    I'm trying to report just one of my damaging spells to chat using Details. I'm not even sure if this is possible, but wanted to see if anyone knows how to do this.

  7. #1287
    Quote Originally Posted by smaktat View Post
    I'm trying to report just one of my damaging spells to chat using Details. I'm not even sure if this is possible, but wanted to see if anyone knows how to do this.
    Hi, thanks for posting, I just saw your other thread first and answered there

  8. #1288
    i don't know if it's bug or intended but "first hit" announce module really spam about first hit, but really who want this info? everybody want info about who pull boss and not 1st hit it. 80% pulls made by tank "taunt" spells, 15% pull made by "charge" spells or other debuff spells and only 5% is really damage hit that count Details!. Every time boss is bodypulled or tank pull boss with taunt or any other person with any debuff 1-2sec before timer all raid blame person which Deails! show and this person is innocent . this module brings 30x more harm then profit in current state because everybody think that it shows who really pull the boss... i use Details! for 2 full raids now and really it was only 5-7 pulls out of 50+ with correct announce
    Last edited by ztn; 2016-05-11 at 10:24 AM.

  9. #1289
    I picked up some other error grabbing mods and got this one just now.

    302x Details\core\parser.lua:560: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'amount' (a nil value)
    Details\core\parser.lua:560: in function <Details\core\parser.lua:168>
    (tail call): ?
    (tail call): ?
    self = <table> {
     swing = <function> defined @details\core\parser.lua:149
     RevomeActorFromCache = <function> defined @details\core\parser.lua:3810
     buff = <function> defined @details\core\parser.lua:1234
     heal_absorb = <function> defined @details\core\parser.lua:916
     RefreshFunctions = <function> defined @details\core\parser.lua:3043
     range = <function> defined @details\core\parser.lua:154
     break_cc = <function> defined @details\core\parser.lua:2513
     dispell = <function> defined @details\core\parser.lua:2328
     environment = <function> defined @details\core\parser.lua:2730
     add_debuff_uptime = <function> defined @details\core\parser.lua:1805
     spellcast = <function> defined @details\core\parser.lua:2254
     SetParserFunction = <function> defined @details\core\parser.lua:2992
     ress = <function> defined @details\core\parser.lua:2417
     original_functions = <table> {
     dead = <function> defined @details\core\parser.lua:2584
     spell_dmg = <function> defined @details\core\parser.lua:168
     unbuff = <function> defined @details\core\parser.lua:1604
     SLT_damage = <function> defined @details\core\parser.lua:617
     interrupt = <function> defined @details\core\parser.lua:2150
     add_defensive_cooldown = <function> defined @details\core\parser.lua:2047
     energize = <function> defined @details\core\parser.lua:1934
     rangemissed = <function> defined @details\core\parser.lua:728
     add_buff_uptime = <function> defined @details\core\parser.lua:1843
     buff_refresh = <function> defined @details\core\parser.lua:1468
     heal = <function> defined @details\core\parser.lua:958
     add_bad_debuff_uptime = <function> defined @details\core\parser.lua:1725
     add_cc_done = <function> defined @details\core\parser.lua:1382
     summon = <function> defined @details\core\parser.lua:845
     SLT_healing = <function> defined @details\core\parser.lua:1173
     swingmissed = <function> defined @details\core\parser.lua:724
     missed = <function> defined @details\core\parser.lua:733
    time = 1463087316.69
    who_serial = "Creature-0-2084-0-5-108742-000034EDC8"
    who_name = "Fen Cinderpaw"
    who_flags = 2632
    alvo_serial = "Pet-0-2084-0-5-17252-010002BCE3"
    alvo_name = "Unknown"
    alvo_flags = 4376
    alvo_flags2 = 0
    spellid = 171764
    spellname = "Fireball"
    spelltype = 4
    amount = nil
    overkill = -1
    school = 1
    resisted = nil
    blocked = nil
    absorbed = nil
    critical = false
    glacing = false
    crushing = false
    isoffhand = false
    multistrike = 999
    este_jogador = <table> {
     flag_original = 2632
     damage_from = <table> {
     targets = <table> {
     pets = <table> {
     timeMachine = 10
     friendlyfire_total = 0
     raid_targets = <table> {
     total_without_pet = 0.006794
     monster = true
     on_hold = false
     dps_started = true
     total = 0.006794
     classe = "UNKNOW"
     serial = "Creature-0-2084-0-5-108742-000034EDC8"
     nome = "Fen Cinderpaw"
     spells = <table> {
     friendlyfire = <table> {
     displayName = "Fen Cinderpaw"
     last_dps = 0
     custom = 0
     tipo = 1
     damage_taken = 0.006794
     start_time = 1463087316
     delay = 0
     last_event = 1463087316
    meu_dono = nil
    jogador_alvo = <table> {
     flag_original = 4376
     damage_from = <table> {
     targets = <table> {
     pets = <table> {
     friendlyfire_total = 0
     raid_targets = <table> {
     total_without_pet = 0.001715
     on_hold = false
     dps_started = false
     total = 0.001715
     classe = "PET"
     serial = "Pet-0-2084-0-5-17252-010002BCE3"
     nome = "Unknown"
     spells = <table> {
     friendlyfire = <table> {
     displayName = "Unknown"
     last_dps = 0
     custom = 0
     tipo = 1
     damage_taken = 0.001715
     start_time = 0
     delay = 0
     last_event = 0
    alvo_dono = nil
    (*temporary) = <table>

  10. #1290
    Quote Originally Posted by ztn View Post
    i don't know if it's bug or intended but "first hit" announce module really spam about first hit, but really who want this info? everybody want info about who pull boss and not 1st hit it. 80% pulls made by tank "taunt" spells, 15% pull made by "charge" spells or other debuff spells and only 5% is really damage hit that count Details!. Every time boss is bodypulled or tank pull boss with taunt or any other person with any debuff 1-2sec before timer all raid blame person which Deails! show and this person is innocent . this module brings 30x more harm then profit in current state because everybody think that it shows who really pull the boss... i use Details! for 2 full raids now and really it was only 5-7 pulls out of 50+ with correct announce
    We are aware about this problem, I want to add an option to disable that.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Arieth View Post
    I picked up some other error grabbing mods and got this one just now.
    Got it, try version r6: http://www.wowinterface.com/download...egionBeta.html

  11. #1291
    Playing a Demon Hunter

    5x Details\gumps\janela_info.lua:1327: bad argument #1 to '_unpack' (table expected, got nil)
    [C]: ?
    Details\gumps\janela_info.lua:1327: in function `SetClassIcon'
    Details\gumps\janela_info.lua:166: in function `AbreJanelaInfo'
    Details\gumps\janela_principal.lua:1996: in function <Details\gumps\janela_principal.lua:1945>
    (*temporary) = nil
    (*temporary) = "table expected, got nil"
    7x Details\classes\classe_damage.lua:2720: bad argument #1 to '_unpack' (table expected, got nil)
    [C]: ?
    Details\classes\classe_damage.lua:2720: in function `SetClassIcon'
    Details\classes\classe_damage.lua:2751: in function <Details\classes\classe_damage.lua:2736>
    (tail call): ?
    (tail call): ?
    Details\classes\classe_damage.lua:2172: in function <Details\classes\classe_damage.lua:1542>
    (tail call): ?
    Details\core\control.lua:1469: in function `?'
    DeathNote\libs\AceTimer-3.0\AceTimer-3.0-17.lua:53: in function <DeathNote\libs\AceTimer-3.0\AceTimer-3.0.lua:48>
    (*temporary) = nil
    (*temporary) = "table expected, got nil"
    2x Details\gumps\janela_principal.lua:2126: bad argument #1 to 'unpack' (table expected, got nil)
    [C]: in function `unpack'
    Details\gumps\janela_principal.lua:2126: in function <Details\gumps\janela_principal.lua:2084>
    (*temporary) = nil
    (*temporary) = "table expected, got nil"
    - - - Updated - - -

    Some more! Still playing my Demon Hunter

    5x Details\core\timemachine.lua:102: attempt to index field 'tabelas' (a nil value)
    Details\core\timemachine.lua:102: in function `Reiniciar'
    ...rfaceDetails\classes\container_historico.lua:400: in function `resetar'
    Details\gumps\janela_principal.lua:8545: in function <Details\gumps\janela_principal.lua:8540>
    self = <table> {
     Core = <function> defined  @details\core\timemachine.lua:67
     Desligar = <function> defined  @details\core\timemachine.lua:92
     Reiniciar = <function> defined  @details\core\timemachine.lua:101
     ligada = false
     __index = <table> {
     Ligar = <function> defined  @details\core\timemachine.lua:79
    (*temporary) = <function> defined =[C]:-1
    (*temporary) = nil
    (*temporary) = nil
    (*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'tabelas' (a nil value)"
    3x Details\classes\classe_heal.lua:1134: attempt to index local 'container' (a nil value)
    Details\classes\classe_heal.lua:1134: in function <Details\classes\classe_heal.lua:1004>
    (tail call): ?
    Details\core\control.lua:1368: in function `MontaTooltip'
    Details\gumps\janela_principal.lua:1845: in function <Details\gumps\janela_principal.lua:1841>
    self = <table> {
     flag_original = 1297
     targets_overheal = <table> {
     pets = <table> {
     iniciar_hps = false
     classe = "DEMONHUNTER"
     totalover = 78477.008295
     total_without_pet = 91421.008295
     total = 91421.008295
     targets_absorbs = <table> {
     heal_enemy = <table> {
     colocacao = 1
     on_hold = false
     serial = "Player-970-0010597D"
     totalabsorb = 0.008295
     last_hps = 4145.9305798973
     targets = <table> {
     totalover_without_pet = 0.008295
     healing_taken = 91421.008295
     minha_barra = DetailsBarra_1_1 {
     __index = <table> {
     fight_component = true
     end_time = 1463352862
     nome = "Marsahra"
     spells = <table> {
     grupo = true
     displayName = "Marsahra"
     spec = 577
     healing_from = <table> {
     custom = 0
     last_event = 1463352860
     heal_enemy_amt = 0
     start_time = 1463352858
     delay = 1463352849
     tipo = 2
    instancia = <table> {
     h_baixo = DetailsBottomSideBarHighlight1 {
     __pos = <table> {
     hide_in_combat_type = 1
     menu_icons_size = 0.89999997615814
     segmento = 0
     h_esquerda = DetailsLeftSideBarHighlight1 {
     bg_r = 0.3294
     total_buttons_shown = 5
     last_interaction = 1463366506
     hide_out_of_combat = false
     show_statusbar = false
     is_interacting = true
     color_buttons = <table> {
     rows_showing = 1
     modo = 2
     menu_anchor = <table> {
     _version = <unnamed> {
     instance_button_anchor = <table> {
     rows_created = 8
     LastModo = 2
     icons = <table> {
     skin_custom = ""
     switch_all_roles_in_combat = false
     ponto1 = <table> {
     rolagem = false
     row_info = <table> {
     firstIcon = DetailsClearSegmentsButton1 {
     scroll = Details_ScrollBar1 {
     iniciada = true
     ponto4 = <table> {
     tooltip = <table> {
     lastIcon = <table> {
     barras = <table> {
     horizontalSnap = true
     ignore_mass_showhide = false
     ponto3 = <table> {
     plugins_grow_direction = 1
     rowframe = DetailsRowFrame1 {
     desaturated_menu = false
     auto_hide_menu = <table> {
     attribute_text = <table> {
     window_scale = 1
     ponto2 = <table> {
     oldwith = 204.49018859863
     h_direita = DetailsRightSideBarHighlight1 {
     hide_icon = true
     micro_displays_side = 2
     toolbar_side = 1
     consolidate = false
     meu_id = 1
     bg_g = 0.3294
     rows_max = 50
     atributo = 2
     switch_tank = false
     top = 91421.008295
     bgdisplay = Details_GumpFrame1 {
     switch_all_roles_after_wipe = false
     menu_icons = <table> {
     switch_damager = false
     show_sidebars = true
     bgframe = Details_WindowFrame1 {
     bg_b = 0.3294
     baseframe = DetailsBaseFrame1 {
     switch_damager_in_combat = false
     largura_scroll = 26
     backdrop_texture = "Details Ground"
     ativa = true
     sub_atributo_last = <table> {
     alturaAntiga = 129.99998474121
     break_snap_button = DetailsBreakSnapButton1 {
     menu2_points = <table> {
     last_modo = 2
     barraS = <table> {
     skin = "ElvUI Frame Style"
     h_cima = DetailsTopSideBarHighlight1 {
     following = <table> {
     sub_atributo = 1
     switch_healer = false
     cached_bar_width = 202.49018859863
     menu_points = <table> {
     alert = DetailsAlertFrame1 {
     freeze_texto = <unnamed> {
     showing = <table> {
     freeze_icon = <unnamed> {
     StatusBarSaved = <table> {
     floatingframe = DetailsInstance1BorderHolder {
     v_barras = true
     switch_tank_in_combat = false
     bg_alpha = 0.51
     switch_healer_in_combat = false
     __locked = true
     menu_alpha = <table> {
     snap = <table> {
     rows_fit_in_window = 8
     bars_inverted = false
     strata = "LOW"
     need_rolagem = false
     __snap = <table> {
     stretch_button_side = 1
     hide_in_combat_alpha = 0
     ps_update_frame = DetailsInstance1PsUpdate {
     mostrando = "normal"
     libwindow = <table> {
     statusbar_info = <table> {
     color = <table> {
     row_show_animation = <table> {
     __snapV = false
     __snapH = true
     bgdisplay_loc = 0
     grab_on_top = false
     StatusBar = <table> {
     version = 3
     auto_current = true
     __was_opened = true
     micro_displays_locked = true
     verticalSnap = false
     hide_in_combat = false
     posicao = <table> {
     menu_attribute_string = <table> {
     isLocked = true
     wallpaper = <table> {
     total_bar = <table> {
     bars_sort_direction = 1
     menu_anchor_down = <table> {
     row_height = 15

  12. #1292
    Quote Originally Posted by Arieth View Post
    Playing a Demon Hunter

    5x Details\gumps\janela_info.lua:1327: bad argument #1 to '_unpack' (table expected, got nil)
    Thanks, I'll be looking these errors today.

  13. #1293
    A small issue, or more likely an improvement required: For the Raid Tools -> Announce Interrupts, I would like a {target} so I can see the name of the mob that I interrupted. Thanks!

  14. #1294
    Quote Originally Posted by skmzarn View Post
    A small issue, or more likely an improvement required: For the Raid Tools -> Announce Interrupts, I would like a {target} so I can see the name of the mob that I interrupted. Thanks!
    This makes sense, thanks.

    - - - Updated - - -

    New release for Legion Beta.
    Should fix the spell icons on player tooltips and many other demon hunter related issues.


  15. #1295
    I still get this error but it doesn't completely break Details like it did with the last version. Thank you for the update and your hard work!

    4x Details\classes\classe_heal.lua:1882: Division by zero
    Details\classes\classe_heal.lua:1882: in function <Details\classes\classe_heal.lua:1782>
    (tail call): ?
    Details\gumps\janela_info.lua:4298: in function <Details\gumps\janela_info.lua:4235>
    self = <table> {
     flag_original = 1297
     healing_from = <table> {
     pets = <table> {
     iniciar_hps = false
     heal_enemy_amt = 0
     totalover = 782315.007544
     total_without_pet = 186180.007544
     detalhes = 203794
     total = 186180.007544
     targets_absorbs = <table> {
     heal_enemy = <table> {
     colocacao = 1
     on_hold = false
     serial = "Player-970-0010597D"
     totalabsorb = 0.007544
     last_hps = 6705.4138901609
     targets = <table> {
     totalover_without_pet = 0.007544
     healing_taken = 186180.007544
     minha_barra = DetailsBarra_1_1 {
     fight_component = true
     end_time = 1463422286
     spec = 581
     nome = "Marsahra"
     spells = <table> {
     grupo = true
     displayName = "Marsahra"
     targets_overheal = <table> {
     classe = "DEMONHUNTER"
     custom = 0
     tipo = 2
     start_time = 1463422279
     delay = 1463422264
     last_event = 1463422285
    spellid = 203794
    barra = Details_infobox1_bar_2 {
     0 = <userdata>
     texto_esquerdo = <unnamed> {
     index = 2
     textura = <unnamed> {
     mouse_over = true
     targets = Details_infobox1_bar_2Targets {
     miniframe = <unnamed> {
     _index = 2
     on_focus = false
     isMain = true
     icone = <unnamed> {
     minha_tabela = <table> {
     show = 203794
     spellid = "Marsahra"
     texto_direita = <unnamed> {
    esta_magia = <table> {
     c_amt = 3
     totalabsorb = 0
     targets_overheal = <table> {
     n_max = 0
     targets = <table> {
     n_min = 0
     counter = 5
     overheal = 305363
     total = 10879
     c_max = 10879
     id = 203794
     targets_absorbs = <table> {
     m_crit = 0
     c_curado = 10879
     m_amt = 0
     c_min = 0
     n_curado = 0
     m_healed = 0
     n_amt = 2
     absorbed = 0
    _ = "Consume Soul"
    _ = ""
    icone = 236300
    total = 186180.007544
    overheal = 305363
    meu_total = 316242
    meu_tempo = 28.96875
    total_hits = 5
    index = 1
    data = <table> {
    media = 2175.8
    this_hps = "HPS: 375"
    heal_string = "Heal"
    hits_string = "5"
    cast_string = "Casts: (|cFFFFFF00?|r)"
    misc_actor = <table> {
     flag_original = 1297
     fight_component = true
     buff_uptime_targets = <table> {
     tipo = 4
     nome = "Marsahra"
     spec = 581
     grupo = true
     displayName = "Marsahra"
     pets = <table> {
     buff_uptime = 12
     last_event = 1463422279
     spell_cast = <table> {
     buff_uptime_spells = <table> {
     serial = "Player-970-0010597D"
     classe = "DEMONHUNTER"
    normal_hits = 2
    normal_curado = 0
    media_normal = 0
    T = 0
    (*temporary) = 10879
    (*temporary) = "Heal: 10.9K"
    (*temporary) = ""
    (*temporary) = "Average: 2,175"
    (*temporary) = "HPS: 375"
    (*temporary) = "Hits: 5"
    (*temporary) = <table> {
     bg_end = DetailsPlayerDetailsWindow_DetalheInfoBG_bg_end1 {
     dano_media = <unnamed> {
     dano = <unnamed> {
     bg = DetailsPlayerDetailsWindow_DetalheInfoBG1 {
     nome = <unnamed> {
     dano_porcento = <unnamed> {
     nome2 = <unnamed> {
     dano_dps = <unnamed> {
    (*temporary) = <function> defined =[C]:-1
    (*temporary) = "Division by zero"
    _GetSpellInfo = <function> defined @details\functions\spellcache.lua:206
    info = DetailsPlayerDetailsWindow {
     0 = <userdata>
     bg1 = DetailsPSWBackground {
     barras1 = <table> {
     title_string = <table> {
     Loaded = true
     topleft_report = DetailsJanelaInfoReport2 {
     faded = false
     target_text = "Targets:"
     instancia = <table> {
     mostrando_mouse_over = true
     mostrando = Details_infobox1_bar_2 {
     fading_out = false
     avatar_attribute = <unnamed> {
     target_persecond = false
     options_button = <table> {
     ShowTabs = <function> defined @details\gumps\janela_info.lua:3829
     right_background5 = DetailsPlayerDetailsWindow_right_background5 {
     target_member = "total"
     barras3 = <table> {
     showing = 2
     jogador = <table> {
     apoio_icone_esquerdo = <unnamed> {
     grupos_detalhes = <table> {
     sub_atributo = 1
     right_background4 = DetailsPlayerDetailsWindow_right_background4 {
     atributo = 2
     ativo = true
     bg3_sec_texture = DetailsPlayerDetailsWindow_BG3_SEC_Texture {
     fading_in = false
     extra_frames = <table> {
     hidden = false
     classe_iconePlus = <unnamed> {
     tipo = 1
     report_direita = DetailsJanelaInfoReport4 {
     avatar = <unnamed> {
     bg2_sec_texture = DetailsPlayerDetailsWindow_BG2_SEC_Texture {

  16. #1296
    I was trying the addon out and compared it to skada and i noticed the difference between the two is sometimes small but sometimes also 10k+ dps counting wise wondering if it is something in the code or my sttings are causing it

  17. #1297
    Quote Originally Posted by Arieth View Post
    I still get this error but it doesn't completely break Details like it did with the last version. Thank you for the update and your hard work!

    4x Details\classes\classe_heal.lua:1882: Division by zero
    Details\classes\classe_heal.lua:1882: in function <Details\classes\classe_heal.lua:1782>
    (tail call): ?
    Details\gumps\janela_info.lua:4298: in function <Details\gumps\janela_info.lua:4235>
    Thanks, those 'Division by Zero' only exists on Alpha/Beta/PTR, but I'll fix it anyway.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Starked View Post
    I was trying the addon out and compared it to skada and i noticed the difference between the two is sometimes small but sometimes also 10k+ dps counting wise wondering if it is something in the code or my sttings are causing it
    Depends on the dps setting you're using, to get close results look at /details options > Time Measure, set it to Effective Time.

  18. #1298
    Blademaster Salazaryi's Avatar
    7+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Warlock Den
    Personally I love this addon over the alternatives; however, I do have a question. I like that you can set nicknames for yourself, but are we able to create nicknames for other people within the group such as guild members? Obviously pugs it really doesn't matter, but for guild members I think it would be a fun feature.

  19. #1299
    10+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Recount has a function where every time you enter a raid it pops up asking if you want to reset the data... I really liked that, but every single other aspect of Details! is better! Any chance of adding a feature like that one?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Starked View Post
    I was trying the addon out and compared it to skada and i noticed the difference between the two is sometimes small but sometimes also 10k+ dps counting wise wondering if it is something in the code or my sttings are causing it
    Could it be that you have details configured to report pets separately?

  20. #1300
    Blademaster Salazaryi's Avatar
    7+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Warlock Den
    Quote Originally Posted by Viggers View Post
    Recount has a function where every time you enter a raid it pops up asking if you want to reset the data... I really liked that, but every single other aspect of Details! is better! Any chance of adding a feature like that one?
    Details has that feature already built in.

    /details options
    General Settings > Display
    Tools: > Erase Data (You have the options of Manually | Prompt | Auto)

    Prompt is what you are wanting it to do.

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