1. #48441
    Hopefully they will tweak it for supports then. I really don't care how my ratings are. If I have to die 10 times to win the game I will do so in a heartbeat which will tank my ratings. But having amazing games and only recieving A+ is kinda infuriating.

  2. #48442
    They don't want to outright state how it works because they're worried about people gaming the system to get those S grades. Its a reasonable concern, but I've already seen plenty of people just stat-padding to get one anyway, its obvious when people want that S more than a win. I'm not sure how much more damage making the information public could do.

    As for getting one as a support, the requirements do seem to be excessive. It took me going 3/2/37 with Nami to get an S-. Getting an S+ is probably nigh impossible. Get that kind of score with Zac and you've got an S+ easy. It could well be that its set up incorrectly and your lack of CS is taken into account, or perhaps placing too many wards trips some sort of system to indicate that you're trying to cheat your way to an S grade. Whatever the reason, its something that should be on Riots radar.

  3. #48443
    Quote Originally Posted by Feederino Senpai View Post
    Well, what if you take a support, lets say Sona, to the midlane, and get good CS etc. That could be a better way to obtain the S rank?
    It could, but thats the thing. We have literally no idea. The system seems inconsistent. People showing games with near identical statlines for similar times of games and their teams score. Yet they end up with an S and an A-, and they have no idea why. It breeds frustration, and still makes people work to try and get the S's without knowing any diea how to.

  4. #48444
    The only times I've gotten S scores on supports were 4 separate games as Taric, Thresh, Leona, and Nami. All of them, I had 1-3 kills, less than 5 deaths, and 25+ assists (plus the regular number of tower kills, damage/healing done, etc). The support system is absolutely broken.

  5. #48445
    Fluffy Kitten Yvaelle's Avatar
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    Jan 2009
    I actually get a fair few S's on supports, my supports are:
    Sona (poke)
    Leona (kill)
    Janna (sustain)

    So things I tend to do differently as a support compared to most support mains:
    - I ward like a motherfucker, my wardscore I consistently rank above 85% of players in every role, but my highest is actually in support, where I ward/ward-kill more than 93% of other support players
    - I tend to get a fair few killing blows, this is because:
    Sona: I build Frost Queen's Claim + Lichbane + (if I'm very ahead) Luden's Echo - so I burst shockingly hard for a support (plus I almost always align my passsive+power chord with my Q)
    Leona: Leona is just a dunk queen, plus I like putting Sunfire on her mostly for RP reasons, and I often run Ignite rather than Exhaust as Leona, because if I'm engaged an an enemy carry they aren't going to do damage anyways
    Janna: Frost Queen's Claim, plus Janna W isn't weak, and I'm often alive deep into teamfights where I can clean-up the low HPs with my great engage / speed

    - I tend to get more CS than most supports
    Sona/Janna: When my ADC needs to back and our lane is going to go under the tower, I'll eat some CS to keep the next wave off the tower, over the course of a game this adds up to a couple extra waves of CS I tend to get over most supports - and it's not stealing
    Leona: I run Relic Shield so I tend to get/share a fair bit of lane CS (and I usually save a charge to get all the cannon minions), plus I build Sunfire which starts picking up CS in late-game, plus I actually like ZZrot on Leona as the games wear on - between ZZrot+Sunfire+Leona's W, she's actually an effective splitpusher in late game, so I've had games with her where I end up doing deep ward runs, and also pushing a wave or two - and ending up with like 150-200 CS on Support Leona

    - Don't die.
    In my experience you need like at least a 5:1 KDA, with at least 4+ killing blows, at least 90 CS, and at least like 40 wards - to get an S on a Support

    - Dragon Control
    As a jungler main, when I support I'm particularly keen to when we have a dragon/baron window, and since all three of my supports are good at duoing dragon - I can make that call comfortably even when our jungler is visibly in top lane: when the enemy isn't expecting it.

    - Don't expert an S in short games. Due to the above concerns, a lot of my supports don't gain a lot of their kill / CS potential until late game. So for example in early game I'm a pretty standard Sona/Janna, but in late game teamfights I suddenly start picking up a few killing blows. As Sona that's because I can giblet bitches if they walk into my bush with R->Q->Q, etc. With Janna it's just because I'm impossible to outrun and Shield AD + W damage is surprisingly effective in late-game 1v1's / chases. As Leona my CS isn't uncommon for a Relic Shield support, at least until we hit mid-late game where suddenly I'm 1-shotting waves with my Sunfire+W damage, and/or dropping ZZrots in my wake before grouping back up for a tower push / teamfight.

    Getting S's on support is about pretending your a carry pretty much

    That, or play Support Annie - hard not to give an S to the 20:0:10 "Support".
    Last edited by Yvaelle; 2016-07-07 at 09:20 PM.
    Youtube ~ Yvaelle ~ Twitter

  6. #48446
    That feeling when your midlaner goes 12/9/12 gets an S- and me as Sona who went 1/0/21 gets another A+. Honestly if you die 9 times as support you are bumped down to a B- or lower. Fix it already rito!

  7. #48447
    The new "Something in Brush" teaser on PBE reminds me of the Velociraptors in Jurassic Park 2.

    It's a shame because i only fall in love with Human/Humanoid champions.
    Last edited by mmocaf0660f03c; 2016-07-08 at 05:29 PM.

  8. #48448
    Don't be fooled! It's a wild Garen and he WILL jump at you the first chance he gets.

    Spin it to win it!

  9. #48449
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowpunkz View Post
    The new "Something in Brush" teaser on PBE reminds me of the Velociraptors in Jurassic Park 2.

    It's a shame because i only fall in love with Human/Humanoid champions.
    Garen Ultimate skin confirmed?

  10. #48450
    Quote Originally Posted by 4KhazModan View Post
    Garen Ultimate skin confirmed?
    Garen unchained freeing his people from the fear of bushes since 2009.
    Violence Jack Respects Women!

  11. #48451
    I've been playing nothing but Illaoi lately. Came back after a ~4 month hiatus, picked her up for some reason or another, and started to learn her. I think I've been getting pretty good.

    Part of the whole thing, I think, is that people don't understand how to play against her at this elo (~Gold); how, I don't know. Seems pretty simple to avoid (basically don't go near her), but outside of laning, I feel, it's hard to avoid a stray E and all but impossible to kill me if I get a great ult off. I'm really enjoying her, thinking I should start doing ranked more seriously. So far, I've won almost all of my matches with her, and I haven't gone negative yet.

    Of course, probably gonna get smacked in my first ranked game. Some Challenger smurf knocking me down a peg :P

  12. #48452
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow the Edgehog View Post
    She's also really strong right now an a ban worthy pick
    As is Ashe an Hec
    Quote Originally Posted by Life-Binder View Post
    U6 easily has the best charcters introduce in SUper, aside from Beerus and BLack

  13. #48453
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow the Edgehog View Post
    I've been playing nothing but Illaoi lately. Came back after a ~4 month hiatus, picked her up for some reason or another, and started to learn her. I think I've been getting pretty good.

    Part of the whole thing, I think, is that people don't understand how to play against her at this elo (~Gold); how, I don't know. Seems pretty simple to avoid (basically don't go near her), but outside of laning, I feel, it's hard to avoid a stray E and all but impossible to kill me if I get a great ult off. I'm really enjoying her, thinking I should start doing ranked more seriously. So far, I've won almost all of my matches with her, and I haven't gone negative yet.

    Of course, probably gonna get smacked in my first ranked game. Some Challenger smurf knocking me down a peg :P
    Welcome to the Illaoi fan club (my favorite champ). She is only a beast because people refuse to learn her.
    I laugh everytime she says "they will learn or they will die"

    I play very defensive with her, i'm the wall they must pass to get to my ADC. Let the fight come to you and not the other way around.

    Gold/Silver players and even some Plat have no idea of what is going on and rage in chat all the time, lol.
    Last edited by mmocaf0660f03c; 2016-07-10 at 08:59 AM.

  14. #48454
    You can even build her full AD (Was that you Shadowpunkz, that tipped me about that?) and it works great, you got so much sustain with your tentacles you actually don't die off easy, and you kinda oneshot anything except heavy tanks.

    Found out Trundle works great vs her, just ult her as she ults and stand there and smack eachother face in while trying to avoid as many tentacle hits as humanly possible, if you got flash up as Trundle the fight is won, as you can just flash out of her ult as she cast it and avoid all those first tentacles that come in as a burst.

    Anyone know about other great picks vs her? Talking about gold elo. Because I have a real hard time vs her, and Trundle only makes it a bit easier..
    Quote Originally Posted by atenime45 View Post
    The 10% reward. It's was unspoken rule that you DONT attack other faction so everyone could enjoy the 10% reward. But now no one cares about that anymore

  15. #48455
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowpunkz View Post
    Welcome to the Illaoi fan club (my favorite champ). She is only a beast because people refuse to learn her.
    I laugh everytime she says "they will learn or they will die"

    I play very defensive with her, i'm the wall they must pass to get to my ADC. Let the fight come to you and not the other way around.

    Gold/Silver players and even some Plat have no idea of what is going on and rage in chat all the time, lol.
    You should pick up a sheen early instead of going Titan imo for the mana so you have more harass, later on you'll have gauntlet for the slow so when you finally do get a good ult in, everyone will get slowed when you W their ass

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Feederino Senpai View Post
    You can even build her full AD (Was that you Shadowpunkz, that tipped me about that?) and it works great, you got so much sustain with your tentacles you actually don't die off easy, and you kinda oneshot anything except heavy tanks.

    Found out Trundle works great vs her, just ult her as she ults and stand there and smack eachother face in while trying to avoid as many tentacle hits as humanly possible, if you got flash up as Trundle the fight is won, as you can just flash out of her ult as she cast it and avoid all those first tentacles that come in as a burst.

    Anyone know about other great picks vs her? Talking about gold elo. Because I have a real hard time vs her, and Trundle only makes it a bit easier..
    Garen is a bitch against her since you can never bully him out of the lane. Irelia too is a cunt if their jungler has a bit of a brain or some hard CC. I've found myself outplaying things like Shen, Kennen, Teemo, Cho, Darius, Ekko, Fiora. It all depends on how keen they are on clearing tentacles as their lane pushes, since time and time again i get a vessel off and they just run back into the tentacles and get smashed before they realize what's up

  16. #48456
    Quote Originally Posted by Maaanwell desi suave View Post
    She's also really strong right now an a ban worthy pick
    As is Ashe an Hec
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowpunkz View Post
    Welcome to the Illaoi fan club (my favorite champ). She is only a beast because people refuse to learn her.
    I laugh everytime she says "they will learn or they will die"

    I play very defensive with her, i'm the wall they must pass to get to my ADC. Let the fight come to you and not the other way around.

    Gold/Silver players and even some Plat have no idea of what is going on and rage in chat all the time, lol.
    Yeah, the last game I linked, poor Darius went like 1/6 in lane (and only got kills once I was busy 1v3ing Graves/Karma/Viktor top lane at their turret). Not sure why he took Heal instead of TP, but he played decently enough outside of that.

    It got to the point where I didn't care if I had Tentacles spawned or not, I was still going to wreck someone. All I need to do is run towards them, Flash -> R and go to town. It happened a few times before I really got rolling, I'd kill Darius and Graves would come in for the clean up, but even if he kills me, I've still got 3 Tentacles in mid-swing that trucked him (I think that's one of my favorite things, to be honest). I think at one point, I was level 17 and the closest person in level was Hecarim behind me at 15? I just played really well.

    Quote Originally Posted by Feederino Senpai View Post
    You can even build her full AD (Was that you Shadowpunkz, that tipped me about that?) and it works great, you got so much sustain with your tentacles you actually don't die off easy, and you kinda oneshot anything except heavy tanks.

    Found out Trundle works great vs her, just ult her as she ults and stand there and smack eachother face in while trying to avoid as many tentacle hits as humanly possible, if you got flash up as Trundle the fight is won, as you can just flash out of her ult as she cast it and avoid all those first tentacles that come in as a burst.

    Anyone know about other great picks vs her? Talking about gold elo. Because I have a real hard time vs her, and Trundle only makes it a bit easier..
    That's primarily what I've been doing, building a ton of AD/health as possible. First 3 items are always Black Cleaver (it's bae), then Sterak's, then Merc's Treads, after that I usually pick up a Dead Man's Plate so I can catch people or move around fairly quickly, Spirit Visage for the sustain, and then decide the last item depending on how things are going (if I'm ahead, Titanic/TriForce, etc). I've never really had mana issues even with all the poking I do, I feel like her mana costs are pretty low so I don't feel the need to do anything special with that.

    Runes I've been running are flat AD Marks and Quints, flat Armor Seals, and flat MR Glyphs. Masteries are 0/12/18.

    But yeah, she feels really strong. IMO, it's a combination of her kit forcing you to know/expect how she plays and general player incompetency (a lot of people at this elo like to chase me right into the fields of Tentacles, for whatever reason). Illaoi is just one of those champions you don't chase unless you know she has no battlefields set up.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Theprejudice View Post
    Garen is a bitch against her since you can never bully him out of the lane. Irelia too is a cunt if their jungler has a bit of a brain or some hard CC. I've found myself outplaying things like Shen, Kennen, Teemo, Cho, Darius, Ekko, Fiora. It all depends on how keen they are on clearing tentacles as their lane pushes, since time and time again i get a vessel off and they just run back into the tentacles and get smashed before they realize what's up
    The only champion I've had a really, really hard time with is Kennen and Teemo. If they're good, Illaoi is just going to get trucked until she gets beefy enough to withstand their poke. Best you can really hope to do until then is land as many Es as possible and try and keep up in farm. They are squishy, so if they get overconfident you can pretty easily turn things around, but it's a real big waiting game.

  17. #48457
    With full AD, I mean full AD. You will oneshot people with your ult, it is so much fun. Cleaver, Deaths Dance and Maw is the first items I go for, then a Steraks if the game isn't over by now. I also pick the Deathfire key mastery for even more poke in lane, as the tentacle healing is sustain enough in most situations.
    You have to play a bit different, more assassin wise, and you should only do it if you got a beefy jungle and/or support on your team. Wait for them to go in, then when everyone is busy and most of the CC is used up, you go in, press R and kills everyone instantly. The Deaths Dance and Maw helps you survive any burst they might have for you.

    Going tanky is the safest way to go though, and she got more than enough base damage to be able to do it, but full AD is hella fun.
    Quote Originally Posted by atenime45 View Post
    The 10% reward. It's was unspoken rule that you DONT attack other faction so everyone could enjoy the 10% reward. But now no one cares about that anymore

  18. #48458
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow the Edgehog View Post
    The only champion I've had a really, really hard time with is Kennen and Teemo. If they're good, Illaoi is just going to get trucked until she gets beefy enough to withstand their poke. Best you can really hope to do until then is land as many Es as possible and try and keep up in farm. They are squishy, so if they get overconfident you can pretty easily turn things around, but it's a real big waiting game.
    A competent Temoo and Kennen are very annoying yeah, pretty much any ranged top laner is gonna be hard for her to deal with. I usually go a Q>E>W build, but for ranged where i can't get close i favor E over Q so the damage transferred is marginally bigger.

  19. #48459
    If you max E, you will take 50% of their HP everytime you hit a E and manage to grab it into the range of your tentacles. So I always max E first, the damage is just so nice. And if they decide to fight you over the soul, they will take a ton more damage and most likely just die, as long as you grab it to your tentacles that is.
    Quote Originally Posted by atenime45 View Post
    The 10% reward. It's was unspoken rule that you DONT attack other faction so everyone could enjoy the 10% reward. But now no one cares about that anymore

  20. #48460
    I always max W first, then E, then Q. Seems to work out best for me.

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