1. #1281
    Quote Originally Posted by nvn View Post
    I got back into ow recently and I'm already looking to drop it. Terrible casual game with low skill involved and barely to no aim needed on most characters.

    Blizzard managed to basterdize another genre, the only reason this trash is successful is because of the blizzard fanboys.
    Low skill, hardly any need to aim, but you're in here complaining about losses all the time... Riight

  2. #1282
    Quote Originally Posted by Bovinity Divinity View Post
    Everyone else is shit, but you can't carry?
    Yes, same shit as hots. Too many abilities and too little aim needed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zelendria View Post
    Low skill, hardly any need to aim, but you're in here complaining about losses all the time... Riight
    Yes, 75% of this game is character choice and getting combos with ulties. You do that and you get to 60+ even if you can't aim. That's why this isn't a fps.

  3. #1283
    The Unstoppable Force Kelimbror's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bovinity Divinity View Post
    Everyone else is shit, but you can't carry?
    No, no...see...it's just his team that is shit. Clearly the enemies are all normal. Otherwise he would be killing everyone with his skills...pogchamp.

  4. #1284
    Quote Originally Posted by Bovinity Divinity View Post
    So you're the same guy that sits on the LoL boards and whines about Elo Hell, I take it?

    Because everyone you play with is shit. Except you. But you still can't beat the other team reliably enough to rank up. So it's your teams' fault. Because everyone else sucks. But you don't suck, so you should be able to carry. Only you're not carrying. Which means it must be the fault of the only thing you haven't yet blamed: No, not yourself, because you already know you don't suck. The game, obviously.

    So, to recap: You're pro, but your teammates and the game are conspiring to hold you back. Just YOU, personally, because other people are ranking up just fine. Just. You.
    I don't play lol and on hots I reached master before quitting (since that game is trash too). So, no, it's not my fault: I simply can't carry every game, I can make a difference and on the long run I can climb ranks but I totally feel frustrated by the fact than I can lose while I'm being the best player of the match.
    Do you know how many times I chain kill 3 enemies in a row (without any ulti) and then my team can't even take the fucking point? Many times.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kelimbror View Post
    No, no...see...it's just his team that is shit. Clearly the enemies are all normal. Otherwise he would be killing everyone with his skills...pogchamp.

    As I said, I'm killing everyone but it's hard to carry 5 retards every time. Being constantly gold, having to wipe the whole enemy time just to have a chance at winning and then losing because my teammates are terrible isn't fun.

    I win most of my games but when I lose, I lose because other noobs are dragging me down with their incompetence.

    And I repeat, on cs:go a skilled players can destroy the opposition 1vs5 if he's that good. On this casual game you can put any pro in a casual game and he'll probably win at most 65-70% of the times. On cs:go he would win 100% of the times.

    Blizzard is just making casual games to appeal to the masses since the only thing they care for are €€€ or $$$. Every game they released after wow is terrible if we don't consider starcraft 2.
    Last edited by mmoc6cc9359bff; 2016-07-18 at 10:35 PM.

  5. #1285
    Quote Originally Posted by Bovinity Divinity View Post
    "I'm always awesome, my teams just hold me back."

    Except you can't carry a CS:GO game alone if you're playing with people near your own skill level, which is really your gripe here. You think you're just the hottest shit ever, and therefore it must be the fault of the game if you lose since you're carrying so hard. Not that you just got outplayed, or that you weren't actually as awesome as you thought. No, the game is just holding you back somehow.

    If you had a more measured complaint such as, "I don't enjoy the amount of variance that comes with solo pugging." I might see eye to eye with you here. Which, honestly, I think is the actual core of your complaint. But it's not unique to Overwatch, or Blizzard games, or anything else.
    Yes, you can't carry against people around your skill level on cs:go, but you can stomp noobs. On overwatch you simply can't because there's no possibility you are going to miss your abilities; on cs:go people are going to miss shoots, on ow you can just spam granades or arrows with an embarassing hitbox detection.

    On overwatch is much harder to climb because, even against noobs, you can't win every game: if they can combo their ulties they win and you can't do nothing if your team suck. On a real fps you would win every game and the enemy team would ragequit. People who never played fps at the end of the 90s/start of 00s can't really understand it.

    I'm ok at losing with people around my skill, I'm not ok at losing against noobs just because they can spam skills and have the better setup.
    And yes, this is unique to blizzard games since they are the most grindy games around if you talk about ranking up.
    Lol? You can jump to diamond easily if you are good, cs? Same shit. Good luck getting at an high rank without grinding on a blizzard game.

  6. #1286
    Stood in the Fire Actarius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nvn View Post
    Yes, you can't carry against people around your skill level on cs:go, but you can stomp noobs. On overwatch you simply can't because there's no possibility you are going to miss your abilities; on cs:go people are going to miss shoots, on ow you can just spam granades or arrows with an embarassing hitbox detection.

    On overwatch is much harder to climb because, even against noobs, you can't win every game: if they can combo their ulties they win and you can't do nothing if your team suck. On a real fps you would win every game and the enemy team would ragequit. People who never played fps at the end of the 90s/start of 00s can't really understand it.

    I'm ok at losing with people around my skill, I'm not ok at losing against noobs just because they can spam skills and have the better setup.
    And yes, this is unique to blizzard games since they are the most grindy games around if you talk about ranking up.
    Lol? You can jump to diamond easily if you are good, cs? Same shit. Good luck getting at an high rank without grinding on a blizzard game.
    You're fundamentally complaining about the game's mechanics, which is fine. You don't have to like Overwatch. I find it easy to "stomp noobs" in Overwatch, but it's challenging to face off against noobs, save the first few hours of your career. It's because Blizzard has a fairly robust MMR system, sure it's flawed, but it's not like CS:GO, where it's entirely random.

    Random numbers, but say you're in the top 5% of players. It'll probably match you within the top 10% of players, which provides fairly challenging gameplay. In CS:GO, you'll be matched against all players, regardless of skill. If you're in the top 5% of players, 9/10 players you'll pretty much stomp to oblivion, and 1/10 will be a challenge. Simple statistics right there. The longer overwatch is out, and the higher your level, the better MMR will become, and eventually everyone will settle into pretty even games. Not finding noobs to stomp is for the benefit of the noobs. Sure, you feel like a champ owning them (same reason people are bullies irl), but its horribly unenjoyable to be on the receiving end of a stomp. Overwatch tries to match the worst with the worst and the best with the best.

    I remember in the first week, matches varied wildly. Over the last 2-3 weeks however, around 9/10 of my matches are well matched. As time progresses, almost 100% of matches will be close. That's just how robust MMR systems work.

    Your last point: random 'luck shots' or 'pot shot' deaths. In over 100hours of Overwatch, I have never died to a pot shot, and I would venture that almost no one has. If you're Hanzo, you know where enemies are, you know roughly how tall enemies are, and you know you have good-sized hitboxes. That information will have you aim at a specific y-axis location, while varying your x-axis. This provides a high chance of headshots that don't require you aiming at a specific target, just aiming will target's heads will be. That's skillful, sure on the killcam it'll look like pure luck, but I guarantee most Hanzo's are aiming in that direction, at that height, for a reason. Randomly spinning in circles and shooting wildly, those are pot shots. I've never died to one.

    Junkrat: same general idea. You're bombs do AoE, direct hits deal 120 dmg, and you know where enemies will be, or are. Naturally he'll lob in that direction. Shoot at payloads, chokepoints, in the objective during KotH, etc. Being able to accurately predict where enemies will be, is skillful.

    All characters have a toolkit, and it only takes a few moments before you can hold TAB and see the enemy composition. You see a Hanzo/Junkrat? Don't run into predictable areas. Flank, reaper teleport, Pharah fly, Tracer blink, Winston Leap, use Mei's wall to provide cover and run through, fly with D.VA. Etc. This game is about countering. You shouldn't be able to play only Soldier and lolstomp through. This isn't CS:GO, it never tried to be or wanted to. There's a huge array of abilities and skills necessary to be successful. Counters, prediction, avoidance, coordination, etc, are the fundamentals of this game. Aiming is not a fundamental of the game. There are a few heroes where it's useful/necessary, but those are for more of the "pure" fps'ers. The game cannot be won with skillful aiming like CS:GO, so comparing the two is not really fair.

    You win Overwatch by countering the enemies that are dominating your composition. You need to predict common compositions for various areas on maps, and preemptively switch heroes to accommodate. You need to predict suppressing fire. Dying to area suppressors like Hanzo, Junkrat, Pharah, etc, is on you. They're skillfully guessing where you'll be, so you need to be even more skilled by knowing that a corridor or chokepoint will likely receive suppressing fire, and you need to flank or find some way through it - preferably before you predictably run through with Soldier and get owned. Your composition is also all about synergy. It's why 6 widows would almost never win, regardless of aim. They have nothing that works together. Pharah+Zarya, Reinhardt+Torbjorn, Widow+Hanzo/Soldier, Reaper+Mei, etc etc etc. Those win games.

    Overwatch is a complex game, with many layers of interaction. CS:GO you basically shoot stuff, and, by your own admission, a good enough aim will ensure victory.

    You can be the most accurate soldier in the world, and you can still be outplayed - not by someone aiming better (because OW isn't about aim), but simply by someone playing better. Aim helps, but counters, composition, prediction, coordination and avoidance trump aim everyday in OW.

    I should know, because I've tried COD and have a 1/10 KD ratio last I looked. In OW I'm at 11/1 Elims/Death ratio.
    Last edited by Actarius; 2016-07-18 at 11:32 PM.

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  7. #1287
    The Unstoppable Force Kelimbror's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Actarius View Post
    Damn well said.

  8. #1288
    Quote Originally Posted by Kelimbror View Post
    The worst part is you have no control over it. It's too late to leave when you see them, but you know you have to bust your balls and the win will get you nothing...but god forbid you lose with someone that high on your team b/c you are done for.
    Yeah, the feeling is really bad. I tried yesterday a single game, and it obviously ended with losing as mad in gibraltar defense, while not being able to get past second point in attack.

    Defense i played roadhog, getting gold medal on healing having mercy+lucio in my team. Switched to junkrat for attack and stayed most of the time on fire. I mean, i killed their Pharah with Junkrat multiple times, they weren't that good to justify the abysmal loss. They had a nice Zarya, but that's it. They were pretty aggressive but only because the team let them do so and they stayd most of the time far from the cart hunting for kills.

    Again, i'm not bragging about being the best one and i feel that i could play at max around the 50 bracket. Instead i'm at 28 after last night loss - and people is worse every single game, with people just afk-ing or starting to change character each death.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Actarius View Post
    Agree completely. Still remains the fact that given how placement matches were completely random and even when you have a wonderful team 1 random enemy can just leave and make all your effort worth less than zero, the game is not enjoyable at all.

    It's not the game mechanics. They're awesome. The fact that even putting all in the game doesn't reward you s*** becaus eof other people is pretty bad.

    From various feedback gathered around there are basically 2 games running:
    - medium/high ranks where people actually care
    - low ranks where people couldn't care any less about

    The people who care in low rank (and they're quite a bunch) are all leaving because they're simply not able to play in a decent environment.

    - - - Updated - - -

    And another quetsion now: rating change should be tied to peronal performance, am i right? Anyway i just see big loss or gains depending on winning/losing apart the times when someone of the other team leaves and i get a fraction of gain.

    If i was consistently bad, i should see big losses and small gains if i get carried; if i am consistently good i should see the opposite.

    Am i thinking something wrong?
    Non ti fidar di me se il cuor ti manca.

  9. #1289
    Normally it's just 1 or 2 people holding the team back with their weird choices and if you manage them to change it's usually after they notice that they don't do anything (which is a waist of time).

    Also it's part of the mindset, if you have a person`picking Bastion during attack mode when you know that at no point can you stand still for longer then a few seconds you know that player will hold you back.

    Or when you have people picking ''mains'' and refuses to change or when they pick something vital as healer or tank and then decide midway not to play that.

    IN some ways it's more fun to just play quick matches where you can experiment and don't have to really deal with the consequences of stupid picks.

  10. #1290
    The Unstoppable Force Jessicka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ati87 View Post
    Or when you have people picking ''mains''
    I'll admit (after a series of bad losses on comp) I did flip at someone picking WM as it was their 'main' on Nepal. Fortunately they realised their folly when they were achieving absolutely nothing after a minute and switched to Winston; with whom they actually did pretty well.

  11. #1291
    i ocasionaly flip in matches aswell even if its my premade and tell people off to just switch if i see them sucking at the hero they are. i know that it kinda makes me an asshole but the flips usualy end in switches that cause us to win so ill take that as a "win".

    one of those cases was a mercy in our group that was mediocre, the idea was for me to go mercy since i have sinergy with our pharah and both of us are always in the air and even in the air i can also heal and boost people on the ground, but that mercy thought she was the one suposed to go as mercy so i went meh and went roadhog, and 1 min into the match i saw that me going roadhog was not gonna work out and the fact that our mercy couldnt stay in the air and wasent healing that much the party i just flipped my switch and told her straight off to fucking switch and that i was gonna go mercy (she even used the argument of having ult but i just straight up said i dont give a shit), so she switched to lucio and i went mercy and lo and behold we won with the switch. me and pharah were dominating, i was healing the entire party aswell including the lucio and dmg boosting like a champ without ever touching the ground, and so the loss went on to become the win.
    someone else might have gotten it wrong.

  12. #1292
    The Unstoppable Force Jessicka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mordin Solus View Post
    i ocasionaly flip in matches aswell even if its my premade and tell people off to just switch if i see them sucking at the hero they are. i know that it kinda makes me an asshole but the flips usualy end in switches that cause us to win so ill take that as a "win".
    Yeah, I hate it, I'll usually prefer to log if I think I'm going to reach that point. Yesterday was a strange day though. Ended with a bunch of very good matches in full premade though (think we finished up 5-3 which was cool, got me back up a couple of the levels I tanked soloing), so no more solo queuing comp for me, QMs soloed have been good though so that works for me, gives me more choices on Hero.

    We found Lucio + Mercy doesn't work so well on KotH although it's brilliant for everything else. Given I'm usually Mercy in those premades, it's nice to play some other stuff, got some nice winning moves with Bastion and DVa.

  13. #1293
    the match was actualy KOH Lijang tower believe it or not
    someone else might have gotten it wrong.

  14. #1294
    Quote Originally Posted by Jessicka View Post
    I'll admit (after a series of bad losses on comp) I did flip at someone picking WM as it was their 'main' on Nepal. Fortunately they realised their folly when they were achieving absolutely nothing after a minute and switched to Winston; with whom they actually did pretty well.
    But that is 1 min of being useless and 1 min of not actually building the ulti which is often a dealbreaker or saver.

    I've lost enough matches where I said ''good try but they where just better team'' and I can live with those loses. But most of the time we you have people picking useless hero's for those maps when you know they will either suck or just be better of with a different hero.

    Few situations I can see Widowmaker work at offensive I would still see them rather play pharah because I know she won't be useless past the first point and I know that will help in the long run with the ulti building.

  15. #1295
    Quote Originally Posted by Post View Post
    Yup, there are all these hidden gems that are being kept down by the pleb masses in every game. Especially in Overwatch, I know I'd be making team killing plays like I do in CS:GO if it weren't for all these pesky Junkrat grenades flying everywhere through the map randomly.
    Most people you play with if you solo queue are pretty bad, I am sitting at rank 68 now with solo but I don't play often now because my friends quit playing, solo play is frustrating because of how many bad people playing in it

  16. #1296
    Why are you all answering to the troll saying "you can easily be SR60+ by playing like a retard" while he is only SR56 himself ? I think he already dug his own grave.

  17. #1297
    Pandaren Monk ThatsOurEric's Avatar
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    Constantly going back and forth in the 40's.

  18. #1298
    Quote Originally Posted by ThatsOurEric View Post
    Constantly going back and forth in the 40's.
    Same, actually. I did have a wonderful match last night that I won as Lucio in Nepal...but for every match I win I seem cursed to get terrible, terrible players who rage or quit and enforce a loss even if I and other players try our very best to win. So whenever my rank goes up it...tends to go back down after the next match.

  19. #1299
    Mechagnome Sheevah's Avatar
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    The ping pong effect of your ranking in competitive is definitely a buzzkill at times. I've had to log out for a bit after a few occasions. It just isn't worth getting worked up over.

    Win 3 in a row to gain that last half of rating you needed to rank up? Don't get too cocky, the loss you suffer on game 4 will set you below your starting point! If that isn't enough, just watch in amazement as you rank lower than when you started when your next game features a teammate that leaves a couple minutes into the first round!

    Downfalls aside, I can't complain too much. I started at rank 43 after placement matches and have climbed up to 51 in 50-ish games. My only goal for the season as a solo player was to hit rank 45. I've been fortunate enough to participate in some really good games.

  20. #1300
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    I think a lot of the problem with the ranking system is somewhat in player perception of it, and also in that it moves a little too fast. Its not supposed to be just something you keep increasing, which I think a lot of players are treating it as. Its supposed to be a representation of your skill, and it should only really increase if you get materially better at the game. In a lot of ways I think it moves too much too fast, and that messes with people. Even if your skill is properly calibrated and you are playing against people of exactly equal skill, you still will occasionally go on winning or losing streaks, especially small-ish ones of 4 or 5 games here and there. Thats totally normal, and doesnt actually reflect that your skill has changed in any way. And I think the fact that your skill rating moves so much in that span can be confusing or disheartening to some people, especially on the losing end, since the lower you go the more you seem to encounter leavers and otherwise trolling and stuff. I dont really know of a better system or anything, but I think it should really have a little less variance on a game-by-game basis, since that will always cause a bad perception of it from the users end, and thats more damaging to the game as a whole than an actually bad system in all reality.

    Quote Originally Posted by Actarius View Post
    You're fundamentally complaining about the game's mechanics, which is fine. You don't have to like Overwatch. I find it easy to "stomp noobs" in Overwatch, but it's challenging to face off against noobs, save the first few hours of your career. It's because Blizzard has a fairly robust MMR system, sure it's flawed, but it's not like CS:GO, where it's entirely random.

    Random numbers, but say you're in the top 5% of players. It'll probably match you within the top 10% of players, which provides fairly challenging gameplay. In CS:GO, you'll be matched against all players, regardless of skill. If you're in the top 5% of players, 9/10 players you'll pretty much stomp to oblivion, and 1/10 will be a challenge. Simple statistics right there. The longer overwatch is out, and the higher your level, the better MMR will become, and eventually everyone will settle into pretty even games. Not finding noobs to stomp is for the benefit of the noobs. Sure, you feel like a champ owning them (same reason people are bullies irl), but its horribly unenjoyable to be on the receiving end of a stomp. Overwatch tries to match the worst with the worst and the best with the best.
    Huh? CS:GO matches by rank as far as I know. I mean its not throwing Global Elites in with silvers in the same game, which you seem to be implying happens, unless i misunderstand you?

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