1. #1

    How do I show numerical health value on enemies only?

    I always had it setup to only show my numerical values on mouseover, but the enemy values were displayed all the time. I can't get this to work with the new options anymore.
    I find this to be extremely annoying. I can't really see the my healthbar when the number is constantly showing, but I also hate it not being able to see the enemies' exact health all the time.

    Is there a solution for this?

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Zelos View Post
    I can't really see the my healthbar when the number is constantly showing, but I also hate it not being able to see the enemies' exact health all the time.

    Set it to Numeric Value and then put this into an addon with http://addon.bool.no/
    for _, v in pairs({"Player", "Pet"}) do
    	_G[v.."FrameHealthBar"].cvar = nil
    	_G[v.."FrameManaBar"].cvar = nil
    for i = 1, 4 do
    	_G["PartyMemberFrame"..i.."HealthBar"].cvar = nil
    	_G["PartyMemberFrame"..i.."ManaBar"].cvar = nil

    This way Player, Pet and Party will be on mouseover only, while Target is still always showing

    It kind of sucks that gave us less choice to choose what we want

    Last edited by Ketho; 2016-07-22 at 03:45 AM.

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