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  1. #161
    Having played for awhile, I'm going to go ahead and rate myself about an 8. Maybe a 9 if I am truly trying.

    I've always, with the exception of WoD, had a hybrid main. So jumping in to do another role, or switching styles on the fly has always been a thing.

  2. #162
    Awareness : (Not standing in fire) & (positioning)
    Reaction / adaption : (Interrupts & CC) / (one of the players who were assigned to interrupts died. and you step in.) Hope this made sense.
    Team-play: (Throwing offheals and taunts and dps, when not playing the respective roll)
    Tank : (Playing as a tank)
    DPS (Melee) : (Playing melee dps)
    DPS (Ranged) : (Playing ranged dps)
    Healer : (Playing a healer)
    I'm okay. I'd say that I'm an excellent tank (would be terrible if I wasn't considering how long I've been tanking), a solid healer and a mediocre dps.

    My weakness is that I have poor 'twitch' reactions and am easily flustered.

    Awareness: 8
    Reactions: 5
    Team-play: 7
    Tank: 9
    Dps: 4
    Healer: 7

  3. #163
    Awareness : 9
    Reaction / adaption : 10
    Team-play: 10
    Tank : 3
    DPS (Melee) : 8
    DPS (Ranged) : 10
    Healer : 1

    Overall: I would say overall I'm a 8 since I've always played with top 100 ranked guilds.

  4. #164
    Quote Originally Posted by Lebanese Dude View Post
    Awareness : 9
    Reaction / adaption : 9
    Team-play: 10
    Tank : 10
    DPS (Melee) : 9
    DPS (Ranged) : 10
    Healer : 8
    should I ask someone from Serenity to contact you ¨?

  5. #165
    Quote Originally Posted by RoKPaNda View Post
    Enhance your calm. I'm certain the people in the top 10 guilds are 10/10s, but so are a lot of people in this thread who aren't even close to being in top 10 guilds. This game's skill ceiling is exceptionally low.
    With the first part i agree. People overestimate themselves easily because of who they compare themselves with as well as how they place various ranks. I'm curious why you're saying that the skill ceiling is exceptionally low though.

  6. #166
    Awareness : 9 for not standing in fire, but probably a 7 on overall positioning. I'm great at not taking avoidable damage, but tend to stand in odd positions sometimes that require me to move more often than I should on occasion.
    Reaction/Adaptation: I'm good at throwing in interrupts and adjusting the fight as necessary (such as who to rez in emergencies) on the fly because of years of raid leading experience. A solid 8 here, because there's always room for improvement and as I've gotten older and now have a child, my reactions have definitely become a little slower even if still fairly solid.
    Team Play: I generally don't play a lot of things that will off-heal like a shaman might, but if you're referring to using your cooldowns when needed (and not just when called for) to help the raid, probably a 6 or 7. I'm good on my shadow priest with Vampiric Embrace, but I tend to forget Rallying Cry (or whatever it is now) on my warrior, and my rogue's Smoke Bomb was all but untouched because I had a poor keybind for it.
    Tank: I do quite well as a tank, even when undergeared for the content I'm doing, so a decent 8 here. I started tanking mythic HFC when one of our tanks left to get married while still wearing mostly Highmaul gear and a handful of heroic BFC pieces and still managed to clear 5 bosses before we recruited a new tank, all while it was progression for our guild. I may occasionally be slow to pick up an add here and there, but my Blood DK has treated me well for years now.
    Melee: A 9 here. I'm actually very good at melee classes (I mained rogue for BC/Wrath/Cata and part of MoP) but generally the raid group doesn't need more melee because of the way fights are designed, so I don't get to do it very often any more. I'm finally moving back to melee and will be playing either Havoc DH or Outlaw Rogue for Legion, which makes me very happy.
    Ranged: This one depends on the class/spec pretty heavily. For example, I didn't play Arcane or Frost worth a damn on my mage but I do excellent with fire spec because it's the only spec I've played since Vanilla when my mage was my main last. My shadow priest is my bread and butter, and I'm okay at Marks hunter, but I'm god awful at my warlock. I'd go ahead with a 4 or 5 when averaging the overall, but it can range from 2 (warlock) to 8 or 9 (shadow priest) depending on character.
    Healer: This one is tricky, because I've only really mained holy priest as a healer and it hasn't been in a very good spot for far too long to really tell. Last time holy was actually a popular spec for raiding that I was actually healing was ICC, and I was able to keep up with resto druids (notoriously strong during that content) because of my haste and Renew spamming, but for most of MoP/WoD it was depressing trying to do any decent healing if there was a disc priest or holy pally around. 5 or so when holy is in a bad spot, but if holy is in a decent spot like it is right now, I rank somewhere closer to a 7. So we'll average it to a 6.

    Overall: We'll take the averages on the ones where I was split to get a decent total. Ends up putting me a little above a 7 in total for PvE content.

    I'm always working to improve my game knowledge; I have every single class leveled to max level other than a monk, and I'm actively leveling one right now to cover the blind spot I have for that class as well. I test raid/dungeon content on betas and PTR to make sure I can lay forth solid strategies for my guild when it comes to raiding in new content, and I'm always soaking up lore information as well even if it doesn't improve my actual gameplay.

    Was quite an interesting post, and a lot of good answers as well, although some people may be over or underestimating themselves I think.

    [Edit] For the curious, since it seems there's a lot of argument about people massively over-rating themselves, for the current content I managed 11/13 in Mythic before our very casual guild decided to take a break, and did it on three different characters through our progression (Blood DK, shadow/holy priest, fire mage) so I feel I was fairly realistic considering I can play 6 or 7 classes at a mythic raiding level, which is the highest current PvE content available to compare with. I've also raided in some high end guilds previously (WHATEVER WERE AWESOME for a while and weekend runs with Team Ice on Illidan when they were competing for top spot against Blood Legion) and only stepped back from them because of the time commitments that I couldn't make because of my military career and now parenthood.
    Last edited by Cronovey; 2016-08-23 at 12:47 PM.

  7. #167
    Too much self evaluation in this thread, we will never know if you're all good or not. so far it seems to me that after you play for a while 8 becomes average

  8. #168
    Quote Originally Posted by Saybel View Post
    Just as some perspective for people who are trying to talk down everyone in this thread:

    At the last time I was aware that statistics were taken for this (which was in MoP), only a bit over 10% of players had defeated Garrosh Normal. 13.3% players to be precise. That means that anyone who had defeated the encounter could be considered in the top 15% of WoW. Since MMO-C is full of raiders, the majority of people rating themselves above 7 seems to be pretty fair - if you want to go by percentile on logs, that could weed out some players who think too highly of themselves, but even then many players claims would still stand in that area.

    Link to statistics taken in Siege about people who had cleared the content:

    edit: formatting
    Tis true. Though ranking in logs has less to do with your skill and more to do with the overall skill of your raid group. Like, you could take some random LFR mage that doesn't know any mechanics and just spams arcane blast, and given equal gear he would get a better rank on, say, heroic Iron Reaver, than Kuznam would if you had the LFR mage raid with Serenity and you had Kuznam raid with some bottom 50 percentile guild.

  9. #169
    Awareness : 8.5
    Reaction / adaption : 9
    Team-play: All my fury warrior can do is taunt, so 9 because taunting isn't hard xP Had /target tank 1/2 vigilance macros and used to intervene fairly often. Die by the Sword when a tanks about to drop ect.
    Tank : 7 - i'm a bit rusty.
    DPS (Melee) : 10
    DPS (Ranged) : 7
    Healer : N/A

    PvE here.
    Overall: 9

    I main fury warrior and have had some fairly exceptional logs since Cataclysm T11 through to HFC Mythic 13/13. I've raided top tier content for quite a while now and haven't ever really struggled. It's why I sometimes don't understand how other people struggle with this content which I see as 'easy' but I try to keep my mouth shut about it.

    I', certainly not the best, but i've had a lot of DPS rankings from rank 1 to 10 for fury warrior, and a few overall on bosses such as Al'Akir and recently Tyrant Mythic, where I had the top dps overall for around a full month.

    Obviously being a raider is more than just DPS, but as a DPS I consider it my 'role' to do the damage, without dying but still managing to compete. In terms of avoiding damage I consider myself an 85-9/10, but there's a big difference between a 9 and 10 score here xD

  10. #170
    Dreadlord Hawthorne Wipes's Avatar
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    Awareness : 9
    Reaction / adaption : 8
    Team-play: 10
    Tank : 4
    DPS (Melee) : 5
    DPS (Ranged) : 8
    Healer : 9

    pve / pvp
    Overall: 5 in PvP (Great healer, but terrible Dps) and I'd say 7 in PvE.

    I'm very good at avoiding stuff on the floor that kills you, changing priority targets and checking the whole raid in terms of positioning, health, etc..
    The one thing I'm worse is probably at Min/Maxing damage and healing.
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  11. #171
    Scarab Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by tweekzlol View Post
    Please read the rest of the post :/ as you clearly either didn't read it, or do not understand it, or my English is shite. i would like to know which one so i can improve my English if needed........
    You made perfect sense to me.

    Some people are just being extremely silly, frankly. Obviously the sort of people who post here, who know enough about WoW to do so, are likely to be the upper percentiles of players - the top 40% say. Most WoW players barely know their arse from their elbow, in gameplay terms, don't think logically at all, and are driven by emotions and so on, don't read guides, don't double-check their rotation or talent choices, and so on. If you're even doing all that - congrats, you're better than most players!

    But the silly people are basically just assuming we're all claiming to be amazing. We're not. 9/10 tank isn't amazing. It's just better than all but 10% of people when they play a tank. That's not all that good, frankly. I mean, I say 8/10 for healing for me - and a lot of that is just because I think about healing, know which heals to use when (logically, not emotionally), have clique set up and all that stuff, and most healers just do not even cast heals, that's goddamn amazing thing about WoW.

    Literally 60% of healers you get in random dungeons or even less random situations, seem to hate actually casting heals, like they'll only do it if they absolutely must and even then... I mean, if I'm healing, I get tons of "Wow amazing heals" and "OMG PLZ STAY" and so on, and it's not because I'm amazing - I sure as shit am not. It's because most people are AWFUL.

  12. #172
    Bloodsail Admiral Saybel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Laurcus View Post
    Tis true. Though ranking in logs has less to do with your skill and more to do with the overall skill of your raid group. Like, you could take some random LFR mage that doesn't know any mechanics and just spams arcane blast, and given equal gear he would get a better rank on, say, heroic Iron Reaver, than Kuznam would if you had the LFR mage raid with Serenity and you had Kuznam raid with some bottom 50 percentile guild.
    Bad DPS groups are better on some bosses tbqh. Think Iskar, Thogar, Kormrok, Tyrant ect (Unless you count 15s speedkills, of course.) I've not had that many problems ranking except on pure single target bosses when the group is bad - though I can understand what you are saying. IMO ranks don't mean everything, but they say more than having no information whatsoever. I evaulate my positon in this thread for example by the consistency of my parses and I feel that's a justified way to compare things since I do all my other jobs as a tank correctly.
    RIP Breath of Sindragosa - 23/06/2015 - The day fun died.

  13. #173
    Quote Originally Posted by Saybel View Post
    Bad DPS groups are better on some bosses tbqh. Think Iskar, Thogar, Kormrok, Tyrant ect (Unless you count 15s speedkills, of course.) I've not had that many problems ranking except on pure single target bosses when the group is bad - though I can understand what you are saying. IMO ranks don't mean everything, but they say more than having no information whatsoever. I evaulate my positon in this thread for example by the consistency of my parses and I feel that's a justified way to compare things since I do all my other jobs as a tank correctly.
    Rankings are a useful tool no doubt. I'd argue that rankings are the most significant when comparing people from the same guild. Like, if your melee are all ranking 90%+, and you have a rogue that's ranking ~70%, you have a problem of some kind.

    For the most part I was actually talking about 15s speed kills. Though there's a few cases as you noted where that will not produce the absolute best rank. I still think the best possible rank on Tyrant would be a guild where only 1 guy dps's in P3. See if he can kill Tyrant before berserk.

  14. #174
    Awareness : 8/10
    Reaction / adaption : 9/10
    Team-play: 7/10
    Tank : 8/10
    DPS (Melee) : 7/10
    DPS (Ranged) : 5/10
    Healer : 6/10

    pve / pvp
    PVE 8/10
    PVP 6/10
    Overall: 7/10

    To be honest I live a conflict, always I cared to be a better player, learn and do things with a better the performance as a whole. But living in a constant conflict of assuming that I play a game, that many people in my living cycle say that is a stupid thing for teenagers or kids and not good for me (as an adult). So yeah I do fucking suffer and live in a conflict, even loving the game despite of its flwas. My GF, family, etc says this game fucks me up... :-(

  15. #175
    Quote Originally Posted by Mooboy View Post
    I do love that within the first couple of posts the exact reason it's pointless asking people this question becomes clear.

    Actually it didn't, atleast not for me, it is obviously clear that most people on mmo-champion believe them self to be above average, which for all i know could very well be true, but this do explain why most people on mmo-champion feel like the majority of the player base is bad. so it actually did exactly what i asked for.

  16. #176
    Been playing the game since 2005. I raided regularly from BC to the end of Cataclysm, switched to a more "casual" playstyle and didn't raid in MoP or WoD, and am about to jump back into raiding in Legion. My raiding guild was somewhere between casual and hardcore. We got stuff done and held our raiders to certain standards, but we weren't exactly world/server first on anything.

    Awareness : I'd say about a 6-7. I'm not perfect, but I raided for a few years and learned to avoid the more obvious stuff like fire, void zones, etc. When we did fights like Lurker in SSC, I didn't get launched backwards. I also use stuff like DBM that yells at me if I'm standing in some spot I shouldn't be.

    Reaction / adaption : 9. I'm pretty good at jumping in and taking over if someone goes down (assuming it's some job my class/spec is capable of doing). I haven't done any serious raiding since Cataclysm, but as a fury warrior, I used to always be really quick about throwing on a shield, switching to defensive stance, popping defensive cooldowns to give healers recovery time, and grabbing the boss if a tank went down (I used macros for this). I have no idea if that still works, especially since I can't do the "switch to defensive stance" part anymore.

    Team-play: 8. When I did more serious raiding, I was with the same guild that whole time, and we got to the point where we worked really well together.

    Tank : 1. My guild never asked me to tank, and I never wanted to tank. Haven't specced protection for serious purposes since Classic WoW. The closest thing I've done to tanking is the above example I mentioned where I threw on a shield and grabbed the boss if our real tank went down. And that usually only served to give time for a battle res on the real tank (because if we were doing Heroic stuff, I was going to go splat when Shield Wall ended).

    Maybe it's different now, but back when I tanked stuff in Classic WoW, I got tired tanking for assclowns who'd run ahead of me spamming World War 3 AoE on all the targets while I was waiting for the healer to drink, then blame it on me when they died. I switched to fury in BC and never looked back.

    I like to think I'd be ok at tanking if I spent a couple of minutes reading a guide and actually cared about it, but as it stands, if I specced protection and tried jumping into a raid, I'd have no idea what to do anymore.

    DPS (Melee) : 8. My main has been a fury warrior for years, so I like to think I've gotten pretty good at melee DPS in PvE. I regularly read fury warrior discussions and keep on top of changes.

    DPS (Ranged) : About a 5, I guess. My alt is a warlock, and I've played him a decent bit. But I rarely use him for anything more serious than solo content/LFR. I'm not super bad but not particularly good either.

    Healer : 5. My other alt is a holy paladin. I've played him about as much as my warlock. Haven't used him for anything serious since Wrath. I can keep things moving in dungeons and such, but I'm not good enough to compensate for people who stand in fire or do other bad things. If you repeatedly do stupid things while I'm healing for your group, you will probably die because I'll just give up on you and focus on keeping up the people who don't do stupid things.

    PvP : I suck at it. People whine all the time that warriors are overpowered, yet I always seem to get my ass handed to me in duels or if someone decides to gank me out in the world, so I guess it's just me. /shrug. I don't care much for PvP anyway. I dick around in random BGs sometimes when I get bored, but that's about it. I think it's partially because fury warrior is the only thing I play for anything serious, so I'm not familiar enough with other classes/specs to understand counters, strengths, weaknesses, etc. Also, most of the PvP I've done is 1v1 stuff, and there's the whole "We don't balance for 1v1" thing from Blizzard, so that may be it as well.

    PvE: PvE (raiding) as melee DPS has been my main focus for the most part, and I like to think I've gotten really good at it over the years. I mean, I'm not world-first material at all, and if you put me in one of those guilds, the difference between me and the other players would be very obvious. But for the level I play at, I believe I do it reasonably well.
    Last edited by Ciddy; 2016-08-23 at 04:25 PM.

  17. #177
    Quote Originally Posted by Eurhetemec View Post
    9/10 tank isn't amazing. It's just better than all but 10% of people when they play a tank.
    I'm not sure what measuring system you use, but 9/10 means you are 90% competent at what you do. Not that you are better then 90% of people. There could be 50% of people scoring 9/10.

  18. #178
    Awareness : 7
    Reaction / adaption : 6
    Team-play: 5
    Tank : Not sure
    DPS (Melee) : 8
    DPS (Ranged) : 6
    Healer : Not sure

    pve / pvp: PvP
    Overall: 6.5 on bad day, 7.0 on a good day
    When it comes to rated PvP it's best to be honest. A 6.5 or 7.0 for me makes sense in comparison to the many hardcore PvPers out there.
    Last edited by mmoc84fd1101e4; 2016-08-23 at 12:57 PM.

  19. #179
    most people instinctively consider themselves to be average, with slight variations up/down depending on experiences, regardless of their actual skill. this is true in all aspects of life.

    personally i had a experience along this vein when i joined a truly casual guild on one of my alts. to this day i just can't really fathom how those people played the game enjoying LFR, not knowing about any wow news site, and thinking of me as some god for being able to raid lead them through normal, which people pug all the time without serious coordination. I just couldn't imagine someone being that casual about the game based on all my previous experiences.

    i have similar mind boggling thoughts about world first guilds that are somehow able to do bosses pre-nerf with less gear then most people have before even entering the instance.

  20. #180
    Quote Originally Posted by Laurcus View Post
    Tis true. Though ranking in logs has less to do with your skill and more to do with the overall skill of your raid group. Like, you could take some random LFR mage that doesn't know any mechanics and just spams arcane blast, and given equal gear he would get a better rank on, say, heroic Iron Reaver, than Kuznam would if you had the LFR mage raid with Serenity and you had Kuznam raid with some bottom 50 percentile guild.
    This is very true. In addition to this, there are a lot of things that logs can't pick up on such as raid leading and directing players, calling interrupts for rotations, calling cooldowns or rezzes, and various other things that will affect your concentration and overall numbers as well. These things are very important for a raid but not evident on logs, which is why I take most logs with a large grain of salt when looking and comparing them. If you see a log where a few players die early and interrupts are gotten by different players while someone gets a rez or two off and one particular player seems to dip in DPS or healing on that particular pull despite generally averaging higher, you can almost always spot the raid leader.

    Unfortunately, people put so much emphasis on their numeric performance that other important functions of raiding are lost in the mix because of meter whoring for ranks and bragging rights.

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