1. #1

    Best places for Skinning/Mining/Herbalism?

    Anyone know where can I get fast leathers, ores and herbs on the Broken Isles?

  2. #2
    around Broken isle

  3. #3
    For leathers, try those unicorn things in Val'Sharah. They often come in packs of 2 or more.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Eazy View Post
    Anyone know where can I get fast leathers, ores and herbs on the Broken Isles?
    I started out my questing in Highmountain and found it to be a very rich skinning zone for both scales and leather.

  5. #5
    stormheim is pretty great if you want both types of leather. around the mountain with all the dragons and other animals.

  6. #6
    I prefer Val'Sharah for herbs. Azsuna isn't a bad second choice. Highmountain is just too large, Suramar doesn't always give you herbs plus tracking herbs and mana is annoying. Stormheim doesn't have enough herbs.

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