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  1. #1

    What kind of Driver are you?

    So, I live in Northern Virginia and commute daily to Alexandria, very close to DC. I would say I was fairly an aggressive driver during college and then when I started to work full-time, I just realized it wasn't worth it to speed or pull absurd moves to maybe get somewhere a few minutes faster. I see some of the most ridiculous things on a daily basis and I am sure a lot of people do. I absolutely hate when people pass from behind me to get in front when already in traffic, makes zero sense. I hate it when people don't use turn signals all at. It's annoying when people need to merge lanes and instead of using their mirrors, they slow down to stop all traffic and look behind them to merge over. Then you see some people hauling ass; is it really worth risking a few thousand dollars of damage or a life to get somewhere a few minutes quicker?

    So, that's my rant. What are you some of your experiences, driving habits, things that bother you that other people do?

  2. #2
    I used to weave in and out of lanes to get ahead but its just not worth the time and effort to get maybe 5 cars ahead of where you were. There's one guy at work I see do this since we take the same route and often I'll end up ahead of him just staying in one lane and merging over when the off ramp comes up.

  3. #3
    I commuted 1.5 hours for a few miles every day in LA. I learned to get good music, pick a lane, and just accept that it takes time.

    I've also, maybe, put my cell phone on the dashboard while it played a movie...I might have done that too...
    Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
    I don't think it's too much to ask people to give feedback based on actual abilities/testing, not hyperbole. (Celestalon)

  4. #4
    My names Jerry and I'm a race car driver.
    I drive so goddamn fast.
    I've never won a checkered flag but I've also never come in last.
    When all you do is WIN WIN WIN

  5. #5
    One who hates slow mf's
    Money talks, bullshit walks..

  6. #6
    I used to own a ‘67 ragtop Mark 1 and ‘71 Stingray coupe. Now I drive a 2001 Toyota Tundra with 136k on it. The last ticket I had was more than 15 years ago, and not single accident in my life. Yeah. I am probably what some people would consider the slow mf.

  7. #7
    Aggessive. I am a Masshole after all.

  8. #8
    Partying in Valhalla
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zombergy View Post
    My names Jerry and I'm a race car driver.
    I drive so goddamn fast.
    I've never won a checkered flag but I've also never come in last.
    <Insert Sick Bass Riffs>

    As for me: I'm in a small town, so there's really not issues with aggressive driving, or really any need to do anything crazy. I still get peeved at the people going 20 or 25 in a 35, though. Particularly when there's two of them taking up both lanes. That and people who take two entire intersections to get up to speed.

  9. #9
    Yeah, I agree with OP it doesn't make sense to drive like a maniac just to arrive 2 minutes earlier at your destination. You can not only ruin your life if you get into a wreck, you can ruin other people's lives too.

    "This will be a fight against overwhelming odds from which survival cannot be expected. We will do what damage we can."

    -- Capt. Copeland

  10. #10
    I normally drive quickly. What I hate the most is the slow drivers. They are the issue most of the time. Drive WITH traffic. GET OUT OF THE LEFT LANE.

  11. #11
    The Insane Kathandira's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cam5778 View Post
    So, I live in Northern Virginia and commute daily to Alexandria, very close to DC. I would say I was fairly an aggressive driver during college and then when I started to work full-time, I just realized it wasn't worth it to speed or pull absurd moves to maybe get somewhere a few minutes faster. I see some of the most ridiculous things on a daily basis and I am sure a lot of people do. I absolutely hate when people pass from behind me to get in front when already in traffic, makes zero sense. I hate it when people don't use turn signals all at. It's annoying when people need to merge lanes and instead of using their mirrors, they slow down to stop all traffic and look behind them to merge over. Then you see some people hauling ass; is it really worth risking a few thousand dollars of damage or a life to get somewhere a few minutes quicker?

    So, that's my rant. What are you some of your experiences, driving habits, things that bother you that other people do?
    I live in NJ. That pretty much says it all.
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  12. #12
    Herald of the Titans Serpha's Avatar
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    Since I bought my dashcam 4 months ago I try my best to obey to highway code.

    I normally drive quickly. What I hate the most is the slow drivers. They are the issue most of the time. Drive WITH traffic. GET OUT OF THE LEFT LANE.
    I'm supposed to drive in the left lane, duh

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Serpha View Post
    Since I bought my dashcam 4 months ago I try my best to obey to highway code.

    I'm supposed to drive in the left lane, duh
    Hah! Sorry, shoulda clarified. (Stay out of the PASSING LANE!)

  14. #14
    Banned A dot Ham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cam5778 View Post
    So, I live in Northern Virginia and commute daily to Alexandria, very close to DC. I would say I was fairly an aggressive driver during college and then when I started to work full-time, I just realized it wasn't worth it to speed or pull absurd moves to maybe get somewhere a few minutes faster. I see some of the most ridiculous things on a daily basis and I am sure a lot of people do. I absolutely hate when people pass from behind me to get in front when already in traffic, makes zero sense. I hate it when people don't use turn signals all at. It's annoying when people need to merge lanes and instead of using their mirrors, they slow down to stop all traffic and look behind them to merge over. Then you see some people hauling ass; is it really worth risking a few thousand dollars of damage or a life to get somewhere a few minutes quicker?

    So, that's my rant. What are you some of your experiences, driving habits, things that bother you that other people do?
    Most people believe they are better than average drivers.

    Statistics on driving proves that not to be true, and if it were insurance companies wouldn't really be needed.

    I used to consider that myself. But when you look at my track record (both recorded and off the record) I am probably a pretty terrible driver.

    I live in California and I hate the drivers here... far too many fucks on the road who are even worse than myself.

    In California the left lane is the "fast lane" and the right lane is the "slow lane"... and there are far too many people who don't observe this. In other states almost no one uses the left lane except for passing, and then you are immediately back into further right lanes.

    There are just too many people in Cali, and most of them are just way too self absorbed. For example it has become common practice for people to hang out... in your blind spot. This is beyond ignorant. For the person perpetrating the act, the purpose is to keep you from changing lanes, and too keep the area in front of them clear. For the person this is being done to... its dangerous, it makes changing lanes difficult, not to mention if you are close enough to be directly in my blind spot... then you're just too damn close.

    I truthfully feel safer driving at 80+ weaving through traffic, than I do driving 65 (the typical speed limit). That might be backwards thinking and perhaps I am just delusional and I am making the roads unsafe for other people. I just feel like I need to be way more on guard and defensive while driving at lower speeds.
    Last edited by A dot Ham; 2016-09-13 at 05:10 PM.

  15. #15
    I'm pretty aggressive when it's possible. I try to sit back and watch the traffic and figure out which lane will let me get around people before I jump into a lane.

    I really don't like being in other peoples way or forcing them to hit their brakes. If someone is driving faster than me coming up behind me I'll do what I can to move over for them, unless I'm already going 15-20 mph over the speed limit. When I pull into traffic I don't take my sweet ass time getting up to speed. I can't stand it when other people pull out in front of me and proceed to act like they're the only ones on the road. Even getting onto the interstate it drives me crazy when people are only going 50-60 mph on the on-ramp when everyone on the interstate is going 70-80, get the fuck up to speed and drive with the rest of the traffic!

    Another thing that really bothers me is people that are afraid to use the gas. Last week I watched this lady trying to merge over and instead of slightly accelerating to get ahead of the person next to her and merge in front of that person, she was slowing down nearly to a stop. This even made people that were in the lane next to us freak out and start slowing down Too many people do that shit. If you don't have to don't slow down to get behind the person next to you, speed up a little bit and get in front of that person.

    There's also those people that rush out in front of you when they're trying to cross the road and you have to slam on your brakes to slow down enough to miss them, but then you look behind you and there's nobody there. Why couldn't they wait just 3-4 seconds for me to pass and they could have had all the time in the world to cross the road?

    I think my biggest pet peeve is people that drive the same exact speed as the person next to them. I don't even understand how people can do that so fucking often and they're just completely oblivious to what they're even doing.

  16. #16
    One thing that bothers me is when there is clearly a car in front of me and I'm going no where yet the guy behind me decides to ride my ass as if that will make me speed up. Like where the fuck does he think I'm going to go? Through the car in front of me?

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Annoying View Post
    <Insert Sick Bass Riffs>
    Haaa, this guy gets it.
    When all you do is WIN WIN WIN

  18. #18
    I'm probably a bad example, overall.

    I'm a meticulous by-the-rules driver. I never speed (intentionally, at least). I never run a yellow "just to make it". I always use my signals early to indicate going out of roundabouts, moving into (and out of) parking spots, and turns in a parking lot. These are all given by law in my country, but less than a tenth of the drivers I encounter on the roads actually obey them.

    I tense up every time I'm on the road. When so many other people seem so careless about the rules we've all agreed to drive by, it puts me on edge because I feel I can no longer trust the guy driving the SUV next to me. If you couldn't figure out how to use your signal light coming out of the roundabout, how am I going to trust you not to come crashing into me when I merge legally, two miles down the road? The first is arguably the simpler simpler of the two, and they failed at that.

    Nothing makes me more angry than when I'm overtaking on a two-lane highway at the legal limit, and some asshole comes ramming up from behind going 20 over the limit and flashing his high beams at me. What on God's green Earth makes you think that you have more right to pass than me, particularly as you're already driving badly enough to lose your license?


    ... as I said. I'm a bad example. I go out of my way to drive by the rules (because that's what I was taught - respect and understanding for the law and my fellow drivers), but get angered, tense and scared when faced with those who don't. Probably boils down to me expecting others to have the same perspective on things, which in and of itself is foolish :P

    EDIT: ib4 Partysaurus Rex hits the comment button. I harbour no illusions about being a good driver, that should be mentioned. I just try to adhere to the common rules everyone agreed to when taking their damn license I have my near-misses, blind spot mishaps, and accidental speeding, definitely.
    Last edited by Maischou; 2016-09-13 at 05:30 PM.

  19. #19
    Pretty tame. 5 over the limit, california rolls. Nothing too terrible.
    Quote Originally Posted by THE Bigzoman View Post
    Meant Wetback. That's what the guy from Home Depot called it anyway.
    If you say pls because it is shorter than please,
    I'll say no because it is shorter than yes.

  20. #20
    I"m a get the fuck out of the way driver.
    Kom graun, oso na graun op. Kom folau, oso na gyon op.


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