1. #1

    Casual PvP: State of Holy in BGs

    I am mostly playing wpvp, Casual BGs and some low rating arena with friends and family.
    I am pondering leveling a Holy Paladin, for the gameplay enabled by the L50 talent that lets you melee and heal.

    Can I some feedback on whether that is a viable option for BGs? I am worried about the recent healer damage nerf and feedback that Melee Holy Paladins hit like a wet noddle now, cancelling the whole point of the build. I’m looking for feedback to help decide whether I want to invest the time to test this out.

    If Holy would not be that fun, I’d prob go Destro Lock…

  2. #2
    It's extremely viable.

    Once you get the avenging crusader honor talent you can do insane amounts of damage while passively healing people for a decent amount. That alone makes holy really nice in BGs (and rbgs and arenas) so it's good. I also find it fun but that's subjective and completely up to you so I can't tell you if it's fun or not. I love it though.

  3. #3
    How does that talent compare to the monk 45 talent? it seems very similar with a lower cooldown and longer duration. http://www.wowhead.com/spell=216113/way-of-the-crane

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Thelxi View Post
    How does that talent compare to the monk 45 talent? it seems very similar with a lower cooldown and longer duration. http://www.wowhead.com/spell=216113/way-of-the-crane
    Both are pretty good except with Avenging Crusader the paladin can do more damage within the timeframe of the CD because it speeds up our rotation while allowing us to do more damage and healing at the same time. The monk one just increases damage done and makes you immune to snares.

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