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  1. #21
    I have to name one thing? Okay...

    Good: Everything in Suramar. From the quests to the art style to the lore and the convenient teleporters, everything is top notch imo.

    Bad: Artifact weapon system. It's a nice way to progress your character, but it's super grindy and annoying to catch up on alts. 7.1.5 might change my opinion on that though.
    "Leave your personal feedback, don't try to convince them that "everyone" hates something." - Ion Hazzikostas
    It's actually Wowhead, if I quoted directly from Ion the signature would drag out too long.

  2. #22
    GOOD - Mythic+

    BAD - getting screwed by legendary drop rates

  3. #23
    Good - Mythic+ dungeons (still haven't managed to clear anything with three affixes, so still plenty of challenge for my level of play).
    Bad - RNG legendaries (I've been lucky myself, but have watched lots of friends get crappy ones they won't use).

    I can't think of any way for them to have the number of legendaries they have AND have them always be a pleasant surprise (instead of a sore disappointment) whenever they drop. It would have made it feel grindy, but I'd rather the bosses just drop a legendary token you can use to buy whichever one you want the most. Either that or just give each spec one single kick ass legendary that everyone wants instead of a bunch of junk ones.

  4. #24
    Good: Professions. Collecting and upgrading recipes is fun even if the reward factor isn't always there.

    Bad: Some world quests are annoying to complete like when you have to find that one unique mob hiding in a cave or above a cliff and there is no minimap icon to help you locate it.

  5. #25
    good: M+ and making friends through repeat content.

    bad: legendaries and the way that they limit choice and 2ndary balance in spec.

  6. #26

    Plenty to do.


    Too much to do that just feeds the whole multi-layered RNG element to it.

  7. #27
    Being able to log in and always have something to do that will further progress your character. Artifacts and AP are a great system. Kind of sucks that Artifact Knowledge doesn't apply to alts, but I suppose it's getting made easier soon so that's not a big deal.

    The entire gearing system; legendary RNG, titanforging, sockets, and the absurdity of some classes favoring 840 jewellery over 880 because secondaries are so widely varying in power levels.

  8. #28
    Good : World Quests

    Bad : Queueable 5-mans less relevant than ever

  9. #29
    Pandaren Monk Constraint's Avatar
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    Good thing: Suramar. Absolutely love the zone. It's leagues ahead of the other expac zones for mine, and took a fairly tiny expansion world and made it seem a lot bigger.

    Bad thing: Legendaries. Only the most braindead of us didn't see them being a problem as soon as they were announced. But balancing classes around RNG drops, that are completely out of your control, with colossal power-swings attached to them is borderline asinine, and I'm still to understand how seasoned game designers could be so unfathomably stupid.

  10. #30
    Im going to do two
    Because I am a rebel

    World quests
    Legendary system (been playing since legion launch, no legendary, still like the idea behind the system, quit bitching"

    Pvp incentives are bar-non
    Keystones such imo, mythic plus is amazing but random keystones are meh imo

    Overall amazing expansion
    World of Warcraft: Shadowblands
    Diablo Bore.

  11. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Theprejudice View Post
    Reading comprehension
    impossible to only put one good and one bad with legion.

  12. #32
    Good: Awesome expansion all around

    Bad: Legendaries RNG ruining the late game raiding fun for me

  13. #33
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Uselessrouge View Post
    good: artefact weapons and the talents are nice and enjoyable

    bad: legendarys , i have 6 or 7 now but to be honest i think legendarys are the biggest crap they ever introduced into wow... and the spammable mythic +
    your last quote is what is bad about wow today

  14. #34
    Good: Class hall campaigns.

    Bad: Too much RNG.
    "We must now recognize that the greatest threat of freedom for us all is if we go back to eating ourselves out from within." - John Anderson

  15. #35
    -Class Hall campaigns and Artifact Weapons

    -A single questline for every zone plus non open areas. The areas are so densely crowded and disconnected from one another that feel like big dungeons. I was expecting a Nagrand style areas, big and open, with cliffs and plateaus to climb up to.
    Only Suramar is well designed.

  16. #36
    For Azeroth!
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    This coming from a player who came back after 3 year for Legion that's not raiding right now (raided 8 years in a row 2005-2013).

    - World Quests + Titanforged keeping mid-range content & repeated gear drops more relevant.

    - Time gates for Artifact research especially on alts (hopefully mostly fixed after 7.1.5)
    - If Artifact knowledge is "fixed" then I'd have to say Legendary RNG.
    Last edited by Teri; 2016-12-04 at 01:50 PM.

  17. #37
    Good: So much to do, I am a dirty casual as well so if don't want to do something, I don't. Groundbreaking, I know.

    Bad: Hunters. Never been a big fan of hunters but used mine to do JC/Ench but it is just so bad now I really can't be bothered. BM might be the most boring spec ever, MM is a nightmare to work with and doesn't match the idea they built up in alpha at all and while survival is okay it just doesn't seem finished to me.

  18. #38
    Good: more stuff to do than wod
    Bad: classes are boring when compared to what they used to be.

  19. #39
    Good: World quests and lots of ways to advance characters

    Bad: Crafting system\ The death of pugs (couldnt decide which I hated more)
    And shepherds we shall be...

  20. #40
    Stood in the Fire Lazerbrain's Avatar
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    In your head!
    good - world quests (they should add world quests to old world zones too, let the legion invade everywhere.)

    bad- mythic + keystone.

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