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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Jaylock View Post
    Legitimate question. It seems all I see on the official forums and these forums is whine about the supposed "RNG" of the game. So, with that being said, do you think you would have more fun if there was less or no RNG?

    - No Legendaries
    - No Warforged / Titanforged
    - No Tierery Stats on Gear
    - No Gear drops, just points from killing dungeon / raid bosses that you can spend on gear
    - No random or cool events, just everything planned, requiring only time

    In my opinion, if there were no RNG to the game, it wouldn't be a fun game. There would be no element of surprise, just a calculated rail system that only depends on time played.

    "only the Sith deal in absolutes"

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Jaylock View Post
    - No random or cool events, just everything planned, requiring only time
    Which means what exactly?

    And yes, even tho it is you, Jay - I probably would take a more grindy system over RNG. Esp. because many of those systems are grindy in of itself. Yes, there might be the one or two very lucky people that get what they want the first time. But most of them require a lot of doing the same things over and over again to get to what you actually want.
    It is fun until it becomes annoying and tedious.

    Or it promotes apathy. Which is exactly how many people feel atm. They just don't care anymore because of the RNG. Is this fun? You tell me.

  3. #23
    I have no issues at all with Legion. I actually think its the best xpac in several years and I wouldnt change anything about it.

  4. #24
    Immortal SL1200's Avatar
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    Nope Rng don't bother me. I like it. I like the legendary system. I'm cool with part of the game being about luck.

  5. #25
    Titanforging especially has been a highlight for me this expansion.
    Its really not RNG though. I think people don't understand what "random" gear would mean in a game like this.
    Its just a chance to be better than expected.

    But either way, no. The problems I have with Legion have nothing to do with luck. If they fixed a few small quibbles, it would be a perfect expansion for me.
    Owner of ONEAzerothTV
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  6. #26
    I would have more fun if there was less RNG. Keep legendaries but make them not huge dps boosts maybe utility/movement abilities or something with the base item level stats being the dps boost naturally but we know that is never going to change now legendaries are a huge part of this expac like garrison was last expac and it never changed .

    I liked the TBC/WOTLK model when you would know which dungeon to run for gear upgrades and what to expect also saving badges for your unlucky gear slots was nice but I can see how with the current mindset of players they would get bored even faster. They would make the optimal efficiency route and within 2-3 weeks be full geared up. Blizz probably added RNG to keep us subscribed and unable to "perma grind" those items we do want because now everything can titan forge all the way up to 895 so anything could be worth doing.

    when my mythic 4 titanforges to 880 mythic gear.. there is something wrong with the system.

  7. #27
    Yes and No. I do prefer working till I earn something, but others complain that is 'grindy'. I figured Blizz was trying to have a balance of steady grind (artifact power) with chances for instant gratification (TF & Legendary). What's worked for me to maintain a positive outlook was to focus on the one I could control (AP) and trust the others would come in due time. So far that approach has worked; I don't feel disappointed after a mythic kill or Nightbane run as long as I get some sweet AP, and over time I have accumulated 4 legendaries and 888 overall item level (885 equipped). Personally, I could live with all grind and no RNG, but that would drive some of my mates crazy.

    "I Am Vengeance. I Am The Night. I Am Felfáádaern!"

  8. #28
    If I would want everything predictable, I might as well just stick to my RL job...

  9. #29
    I actually like the possibility of your item forging up. It's a motivation to keep playing and doing the same content, which is great.

    What is not great, however, is how pvp gearing works.

  10. #30
    why can't it just go back to wrath style with gear? you had vendors with points you could buy shit from, then you had gear drops from dungeons and raids too.

    that was the best model they ever had.

  11. #31
    Dreadlord Tanthoris's Avatar
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    RNG is fine, warforged is fine, titanforged can be a bit ridiculous at times, tertiary stats are really just pointless so it's not good or bad either way.

    LEGIONDARIES though, screw that, a chance to get one from a list, half being crap, and in that other half there are only 1 or 2 actually good ones, the rest are just utility. A chance to get them from literally anything and it gets to a point where it's unfair how often some people get them and how some people who have played and done raids/mythics STILL haven't gotten one.

    The way the rest of the game works with RNG I think works fine, just make it so sockets aren't a proc and they are like they used to be just not 2-4 sockets on one item. Make JCs useful again!

    On the JC note... Professions need less RNG in them to get patterns for rank ups, and gems/pigments need a better proc ratio from their sources.

  12. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Tonus View Post
    Yes. I'd wholeheartedly support getting rid of the top 3 items on your list. There's no need for legendaries, warforged, or tertiaries.

    Gear drops I'm fine with.

    What random or cool events are there in the game right now?
    Totally this.

  13. #33
    RNG is fine, until it gets out of hand, like with warforged upgrades and legendaries.

    At most, the difference between someone lucky and someone unlucky should only mean maybe a week or two of getting said item, but currently, it can be months of difference, on top of huge theoretical performance disparities between getting the good legendaries and not.
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  14. #34
    Elemental Lord Flutterguy's Avatar
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    I want it out of crafting. Otherwise RNG doesn't really bother me.

  15. #35
    less rng would be better for sure.
    some rng is ok/needed.
    but the current amount of rng is absurd.
    effort=reward, with a chance for a little cherry on top.

    imagine to work somewhere, each day youd spin the wheel to see how much you get paid. you could get between 0% to 200% of average payment. after spinning 0% a couple of days in a row, while lazy larry keeps spinning 200%, it wouldnt be long before youd look for another job.
    Last edited by mmocb8ddf2b91b; 2016-12-27 at 08:54 AM.

  16. #36
    No. There should be RNG. but rareness should be proportional to power:

    for example (might need serious tuning):

    10% chance : normal item
    1% chance : warforged
    0.1% chance : titanforged OR socket
    0.01% chance : titanforged + socket
    0.001% chance : seconddary legendary
    0.0001% chance : powerful legendary

    This way you are going to avoid having half your raid having BIS legendary, and other half crying about it. And it will indeed feel legendary.

  17. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Kreeshak View Post
    This way you are going to avoid having half your raid having BIS legendary, and other half crying about it. And it will indeed feel legendary.
    No, this way everyone except the one lucky bastard complains about it.

    Another "quality" suggestion brought to you by Kreeshak.
    "My successes are my own, but my failures are due to extremist leftist liberals" - Party of Personal Responsibility

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  18. #38
    You swung too far there Jay.

    Remove legendaries and remove serious RNG from rotations. That's all.

    I'm lucky I play a paladin and there's no RNG, but when one arms warrior gets so many more procs than the other which leads to a 50k dps difference, that's a problem imo. Procs here and there are okay (ret pally is a good example) but an entire rotation burdened by RNG would ruin the entire spec for me personally.

    RNG like titanforging and warforging imo is fine. People seem to love it in game. Even when only one person I the raid gets an 885 or 895 Titanforged item everyone goes crazy and says congrats. Feels like the system works and it's not unbalanced really.

    Legendaries though, I feel the opposite. They alter gameplay way too much and they are way too differential. One provides a crazy 40k dps boost while another provides haste? What if you're a class thy has no use for haste? I just don't like the system and I have one BiS legendary, one decent one and one bad one.
    Last edited by Taeldorian; 2016-12-27 at 09:10 AM.

  19. #39
    Completely without RNG, the game would not be fun at all.

    That being said, there is a balance between healthy RNG and unhealthy RNG, and I think WoW has gone too much down the road with RNG.

    Tertiary stats have to go. Give us back sockets the way they were. WF/TF has to go. Maybe retain it for +5 / +10 as it used to be, but not for +50. The whole Legendary shebang is crap. Either make all of them strictly utility, or make it so that only mats drop and the items are crafted via professions, with recipes obtainable by long quests (but predictable).

    The game was actually in a good shape when there was BiS gear and you could list which boss you'd still have to kill to get your BiS gear. The current state of the game is utterly crap. You never know when you will get that socket. You never know when it will WF/TF. Back in the days, raiding was much more social. You could give gear to the people who needed it. There wasn't a problem with giving item X to Person A this time. The next time it drops it would go to Person B. Nowadays, since everything can WF/TF and get sockets or teriary stats, people *have* to be more egoistic in order to get better gear. its not good for the game, its bad for the game.

    the problem is that its not fun getting a huge upgrade. The way the system is designed you get disappointed if its *not* WF/TF or with socket, and only reliefed when it is.

    There is nothing worse then getting the BiS trinket (finally!) only to see that its not WF/TF, and the next week someone else (who likely is far worse then onseself) gets the same item but hugely TF'd. Thats simply not fucking fair, and just plain stupid.

    But completely without RNG, you would only tick off boxes, calculate when you get X, do the minimal amount of stuff to get it and be done. it wouldn#t be much of a game. have you ever seen a game without RNG? I haven't.

  20. #40
    Not everything, but I would skip the legendaries, the warforged, the sockets and some drops, like the hidden appearance for vengeance and such, this expansion is too RNG dependant and too time gated...

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