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  1. #101
    Quote Originally Posted by clevin View Post
    Honestly, it's idiotic that they can't get this right. The rules are fairly simple:

    1. Red before yellow (for open world stuff where there are a lot of neutral mobs)
    2. Mobs with which you're in combat before out of combat
    3. In front of the player at a 90 degree cone, then 180. Never tab behind the player.
    4. Closer before farther, i.e always prefer the mob 2 yards away vs 20.
    Also add prio to switch to mobs that are casting something interrupted. Pisses me off when you have 5+ mobs with nameplates stacked on each other. good luck switcing targets on the move lol

  2. #102
    Merely a Setback FelPlague's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by clevin View Post
    Honestly, it's idiotic that they can't get this right. The rules are fairly simple:

    1. Red before yellow (for open world stuff where there are a lot of neutral mobs)
    2. Mobs with which you're in combat before out of combat
    3. In front of the player at a 90 degree cone, then 180. Never tab behind the player.
    4. Closer before farther, i.e always prefer the mob 2 yards away vs 20.
    you do know this is EXACTLY how it works on ptr right?
    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
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  3. #103
    Dreadlord saintminya's Avatar
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    PTR is not the live game though, so it will remain broken until they patch it in. Who knows if it will even work properly when they do though.

  4. #104
    Quote Originally Posted by Regalbeast View Post
    Probably because it's a 12 year old game or something. The targeting system definitely needs an overhaul...but so does lots of other systems.
    it has nothing to do with the age of the game.. tab targeting has been fine until they broke it..

  5. #105
    Just let us tab-target between enemies who are IN COMBAT with us.

    Make it an option or even make it the default, but only the targets we are in combat with matter.

  6. #106
    omg i know right, its so annoying and has been so for quite a while now

  7. #107
    Merely a Setback FelPlague's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by saintminya View Post
    PTR is not the live game though, so it will remain broken until they patch it in. Who knows if it will even work properly when they do though.
    because its working fine on the PTR
    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
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  8. #108
    Elemental Lord clevin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FelPlague View Post
    you do know this is EXACTLY how it works on ptr right?
    I didnt, actually. But then... why hasn't it ALWAYS worked that way? Those rules are stupidly obvious to anyone who's played at all.

    And don't worry they'll break something about it.

  9. #109
    Merely a Setback FelPlague's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by clevin View Post
    I didnt, actually. But then... why hasn't it ALWAYS worked that way? Those rules are stupidly obvious to anyone who's played at all.

    And don't worry they'll break something about it.
    because before it was a buggy mess of what some people want and what others dident

    also you could have just looked at the website youve been on, or multiple people in this thread who have stated thats exactly how it works come 7.2

    and wow you are some jaded child if that is really your outlook on the game, just quit if you hate it that much
    its not healthy to play something you despise

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Craaazyyy View Post
    it has nothing to do with the age of the game.. tab targeting has been fine until they broke it..
    it was broken in late wrath and cata too, aswell as in vanilla
    Last edited by FelPlague; 2017-02-16 at 02:54 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
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  10. #110
    Bloodsail Admiral m4xc4v413r4's Avatar
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    #1 it's not and never was a bug to be fixed
    #2 if you want to use the old tab targeting you can easily do it, look it up

  11. #111
    Elemental Lord clevin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FelPlague View Post
    because before it was a buggy mess of what some people want and what others dident

    also you could have just looked at the website youve been on, or multiple people in this thread who have stated thats exactly how it works come 7.2

    and wow you are some jaded fuck if that is really your outlook on the game, just quit if you hate it that much
    its not healthy to play something you despise
    Fel? Fuck right off please. You've always been annoying as hell and no, no one here actually DID say it was going to work precisely that way. People were merely saying it was 'fixed' in 7.2 which could mean almost anything.

    We KNOW it was a buggy mess. But the rules I outlined are intuitively obvious to anyone who plays - theres no excuse for it ever working differently.

    Welcome to the ignore list. God, this will improve my MMO-C experience - no more of your righteous semi-informed drivel.
    Last edited by clevin; 2017-02-16 at 02:50 AM.

  12. #112
    Merely a Setback FelPlague's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by clevin View Post
    Fel? Fuck right off please. You've always been annoying as hell and no, no one here actually DID say it was going to work precisely that way. People were merely saying it was 'fixed' in 7.2 which could mean almost anything.

    We KNOW it was a buggy mess. But the rules I outlined are intuitively obvious to anyone who plays - theres no excuse for it ever working differently.

    Welcome to the ignore list. God, this will improve my MMO-C experience - no more of your righteous semi-informed drivel.
    ah you are correct, it was not in this thread where i saw like the first post being "this is how it will work" (there is alot about broken tab targeting)

    and incorrect on the "ever working differently"

    heres some examples
    A. above you somone says "i want it to go to targets who are casting instead of those closest to me, that way i dont need to spam tab to get an interupt out"
    B. other people have asked for enemies with the lowest health pools, this way you can easily switch to a low health target
    C. others have stated they even want mobs, not in combat, as this will make tanks pulling multiple packs, and farming old content annoying, as you cant tab target to pull tons of stuff

    3 examples i can see, and agree with, of why people would want to have a different system

    and sorry you got so mad, over a game you hate, by developers you dont give a fuck about...
    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
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  13. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by TEHPALLYTANK View Post
    This, tab-targeting actually worked better in prior expansions. Legion seems to have made the problems involved with tab-targeting significantly worse. I don't remember having the issue of it preferring distant mobs that I'm not in combat with over the ones directly in front of me. The rules for tab-targeting seem to have developed significant issues, with regards to targeting the distant targets over close targets, in a very inconsistent manner.
    Agreed. I guess that I had somehow adapted or compensated for the behaviour that other players are reporting "ever since Wrath" - I had my first issues with tab-targeting when the Legion 7.0 prepatch launched. Up until then, it had always been a predictable and consistent feature as far as I can recall.

    Quote Originally Posted by clevin View Post
    Welcome to the ignore list. God, this will improve my MMO-C experience - no more of your righteous semi-informed drivel.
    Nice, I never knew this forum had an ignore feature! Thanks for the heads up, I'm going to check that out right now.

  14. #114
    Over 9000! Kithelle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xqt View Post
    it was fine until they broke it
    Yup...I don't recall ever having problems with it till I came back for Legion.

  15. #115
    Quote Originally Posted by Ambrodel View Post
    Changes coming in 7.2. Chill...
    They said "changes coming" before. Changes came. Didn't help. So stop telling people to 'chill' when Blizzard has a history of and reputation for shoving their thumb straight up their ass.

  16. #116
    It's been unreliable since Vanilla, just varying degrees of awful throughout the expansions. I remember even in Molten Core I had got used to hitting esc first and then bound target nearest to v so in one quick scoop of my hand I could clear my target and select the one actually closest to me, and not some random mob not anywhere by me. I've complained about it ever since.

    Even the worst of all the failed MMO's have better tab targeting then WoW.

    Happy to see them finally understand the situation after 13 years, I'm so impressed.
    Last edited by blehmeh; 2017-02-16 at 03:28 AM.

  17. #117
    Quote Originally Posted by M4xC4v413r4 View Post
    #2 if you want to use the old tab targeting you can easily do it, look it up
    No, you can't. The fixes don't actually work. "Look it up." And more importantly, feel free to try it for yourself.

    On second thought, don't bother. Because #1 you won't and #2 you'll lie and say you did/have and it works perfectly. Which I'm sure you'll do anyway.

  18. #118
    Quote Originally Posted by Valech View Post
    If I recall correctly, this is not a bug but was implemented as an improvement. It backfired. Someone told me, that they wanted to change tabbing with 7.2. I haveno source for that information.
    Holding tab allows you to see your next tab target. When releasing tab, you retarget your previous target.

    It's somewhat an improvement to dot classes I suppose but a complete fuck-up in all other areas because that internal trigger/countdown is what's likely fucking it up.

    In other words, yes the new feature screwed it, which is usual practice on how to fuck stuff up in the tech industry.

  19. #119
    Bloodsail Admiral m4xc4v413r4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Jabberwock View Post
    No, you can't. The fixes don't actually work. "Look it up." And more importantly, feel free to try it for yourself.

    On second thought, don't bother. Because #1 you won't and #2 you'll lie and say you did/have and it works perfectly. Which I'm sure you'll do anyway.
    Unless they changed something about it in the last patch, it does work. I'm going to check it anyway because unlike you i'm not here commenting just to try and pick up a fight.

  20. #120
    Quote Originally Posted by M4xC4v413r4 View Post
    Unless they changed something about it in the last patch, it does work. I'm going to check it anyway because unlike you i'm not here commenting just to try and pick up a fight.
    Neither am I. And no, it's not working. First hand experience on the subject. But by all means, come back and say how it's miraculously working for you (even though it isn't and won't, because it doesn't). But hey, if you go and lie, maybe Blizzard'll see it and beg you to come join their development team for your loyalty! That's the only reason I can imagine people like you lying about shit like that, anyway.

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