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  1. #41
    Because we want the loot. Why do you think Thrall just gave away the doomhammer, he knows what's up.

  2. #42
    We didn't kill Grom for some god awful reason, but we have to kill other characters like the Botanist guy who literally did nothing to us ever.

    WoW lore makes no sense.

  3. #43
    Brewmaster Cwimge's Avatar
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    A combination of azeroths military approach to most things and what i like to call the borderlands issue.

    We're not "adventurers" We are loot-crazed vault hunters. Blood soaked mercenaries who will do literally anything for a fistful of gold. We are the problem and even if anduin ordered us into the nighthold to negotiate. Odds are we'd just roll them over regardless
    Wrath baby and proud of it

  4. #44
    Another answer could be that those willing or able to engage in diplomacy are the ones that don't become raid bosses. Grom ended up joining us due to losing his army and the introduction of a common enemy. The Nightfallen as a group started at odds with players at the onset due to their mana addiction until we found some ones in Suramar willing to work towards a common goal. The reason the whole society of Suramar wasn't wiped out was because some officials were willing to negotiate with us to depose those in control. The Death Knights and Illidari weren't all hunted down because they went out of their way to prove they weren't the enemy.

    It's not that we never negotiate, it's just that it doesn't happen very often in raids because raids are usually meant as the die-hard core of whatever enemy we're up against. But yeah, it's rather rare that we're the ones to initiate it.

  5. #45
    If Chronicles Vol. 3 explains some (or hopefully most) of the raids, it'd be interesting to find out if any of the bosses were indeed defeated in non-lethal, perhaps even non-violent ways.

    As for the in-game raids... well, it's a game. The core gameplay mechanics involve combat. Things are going to be solved via combat, so that there is a game for you to play. I would actually enjoy having some choices while questing, nothing as deep or branching like The Witcher, but a bit more variety and decision-making, even if it all led to roughly the same results, and obviously the same rewards.

  6. #46
    Thanks for remind me how stupid are the people of that reddit: We zhouldk ad nejotiati with arTHUS, e waz a resomable goy, vlichard vritt is the woRst

    Man surely the people of that forum don't even read any quest or the dialogues from the bosses

  7. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by Soulwind View Post
    If Chronicles Vol. 3 explains some (or hopefully most) of the raids, it'd be interesting to find out if any of the bosses were indeed defeated in non-lethal, perhaps even non-violent ways.
    That would be nice.

    I wonder about that too, some bosses are impossible to reason with but most of them - why shouldn't we try? Instead Blizzard decides to make Shamans morons and accept Magatha who's still evil Q_Q

    IMO Player Character is the ultimate evil boss of WoW.

  8. #48
    We didn't kill Taran Zhu for example in the monstery... That's a shame.

  9. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by CthulhuFhtagn View Post
    Besides, I've always found it ridiculous in movies when they murder a small town's worth of underlings but then wanna talk and negotiate with the Big Bad.
    Wanted to quoted this part, because it's one of my pet peeve. It really grates me when games/movies/stories are all preachy about "forgiveness" and "not sinking as low as him" or so on, but only when it's about the single worst guy who was under the spotlight. Slaughtering tons of his underlings (which might be fanatics, or regular guys doing their job, or even unwilling but coerced servants) is quickly handwaved about "self-defense" or so (even if you get the jump on them), but all the moral choices hang on how you'll treat with the guy who actually is responsible for it all. Urgh.

    In fact, the opponent we could (and actually did in some quests) the most try to convince, tend to be the regular footsoldiers (many of which switched allegiance from Elisande to us). I don't expect them to often benefit from such scenario, though

  10. #50
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Most raids make sense... LK, Kil'Jaeden, Archimonde, Gul'dan... they were all trying to actively destroy us.

    But other raids? Not so much.

    Vault of Archavon? Those guys were just chilling in their vault, minding their own business when we rolled up and beat the crap out of them. Gruul was previously an Ally of the Alliance forces and was minding his own business out in Blade's Edge. Hell, the trolls of Zul'aman posed almost no existential threat during BC, save for the territories they wanted to maintain in Ghostlands. But for some reason, the Alliance (who had no reason to care) and Horde just had to bust in there and wipe them all out.

    And the dungeons get even foggier. Lost City of the Tol'vir? The Nerfest actually betrayed Al'akir and Deathwing, they would have been great allies. But we roll in and slaughter a city full of people. Aside from the Dark Iron dwarves skulking around in the first part of Uldaman, we had no reason to go messing with the Titan's creations, seeing as they were keeping to themselves. Same goes for Halls of Origination. And I'm not entirely sure what was even going on in Stormstout brewery or why it was important.
    “Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

  11. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by Akka View Post
    Wanted to quoted this part, because it's one of my pet peeve. It really grates me when games/movies/stories are all preachy about "forgiveness" and "not sinking as low as him" or so on, but only when it's about the single worst guy who was under the spotlight. Slaughtering tons of his underlings (which might be fanatics, or regular guys doing their job, or even unwilling but coerced servants) is quickly handwaved about "self-defense" or so (even if you get the jump on them), but all the moral choices hang on how you'll treat with the guy who actually is responsible for it all. Urgh.
    Yeah, it's always been immersion-breaking for me too. Sometimes they will have a whole discussion about mercy, how revenge is bad and bringing the bad guy to justice while casually murdering all his hired security guards who are just doing their jobs. Maybe their commander is working with the villain, but the rest of them probably don't know who he is and what he's done, for all they know the good guys are murderous psychos. Which is probably why they often show them being sadistic thugs so we don't feel bad when they die.
    Last edited by CthulhuFhtagn; 2017-04-22 at 12:11 PM.

  12. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaleredar View Post
    Most raids make sense... LK, Kil'Jaeden, Archimonde, Gul'dan... they were all trying to actively destroy us.

    But other raids? Not so much.

    Vault of Archavon? Those guys were just chilling in their vault, minding their own business when we rolled up and beat the crap out of them. Gruul was previously an Ally of the Alliance forces and was minding his own business out in Blade's Edge. Hell, the trolls of Zul'aman posed almost no existential threat during BC, save for the territories they wanted to maintain in Ghostlands. But for some reason, the Alliance (who had no reason to care) and Horde just had to bust in there and wipe them all out.

    And the dungeons get even foggier. Lost City of the Tol'vir? The Nerfest actually betrayed Al'akir and Deathwing, they would have been great allies. But we roll in and slaughter a city full of people. Aside from the Dark Iron dwarves skulking around in the first part of Uldaman, we had no reason to go messing with the Titan's creations, seeing as they were keeping to themselves. Same goes for Halls of Origination. And I'm not entirely sure what was even going on in Stormstout brewery or why it was important.
    To some of the dungeons. We enter the Halls of Origination to make sure it doesn't fire off and wipe all life on Azeroth, since that place was just a huge weapon left by the titans.
    Uldaman, we simply got paid by some dwarfs (and now blood elfs if horde) to clear out the place, so they can learn more about the Titans.
    Zul'aman, well Zul'jin whom though to be death or something like that, who had returned and made ZA a city again, gaves both sides a pretty good reason to go in there again to wipe them out. Zul'jin wanted revenge on the humans for defeating them the first time (hence the alliances doesn't want them to get to powerful again). Zul'jin also wants revenge on the Horde, since they ''betrayed'' him by having the blood elfs in there ranks now.
    So many of the dungeons do have somewhat of a reason for us to clear out, even Stormstout, since the alchohol were going crazy, because drunk pandas? and brew elementals ain't so friendly and could do some problems for the farms.

    So mabye Blizzard so make it more clear for some raids and dungeons why we are killing everything? As they have done in Legion.

  13. #53
    Because Bribe and Parley don't work on raid bosses.

    "I Am Vengeance. I Am The Night. I Am Felfáádaern!"

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