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  1. #1

    Question Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis?

    Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis? If so, share your experience here.

    It happened to me a few years ago. I was waking up from a nap, and I couldn't move at all or speak, but I could see two yellow lights which I was convinced were the eyes of a demon that was sitting on top of me crushing me. Even though I don't really believe in supernatural stuff, at that moment I truly believed it was a demon. It was terrifying, yet pretty awesome at the same time. After I was finally able to move, I looked up online what happened to me and that's when I finally understood what was going on. I had never even heard of sleep paralysis until then.

  2. #2
    yep, it was stupid.
    then went back to sleep

  3. #3
    Brewmaster Khadgar's Avatar
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    Yes it happened to me once, there's a pretty new documentary movie where people with sleep paralysis are visited by Evil Entities, its called the The Nightmare, you should check it out.

  4. #4
    Maybe, but I don't really remember. I'm pretty mentally strong so I don't let superstitions or bad thoughts affect me.

  5. #5
    I've never experienced it, but where I'm from it's known as "The Old Hag".

  6. #6
    Yes I used to get it all the time and my solution has been to not sleep on my back only on my side. Its a scary experience it feels like I'm laying in my room and cant move like I'm looking at myself from the sky and I see a demon in my room and you hear scary sounds while you struggle to try and shake yourself awake

  7. #7
    I never have but have heard of people who have. I've read that it can be pretty nerve racking with hallucinations accompanying it.
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  8. #8
    yeah, i did once when i was like 12.

    i don't remember what time it was, but it was really dark still and i just remember not even being able to scream. at some point i guess i slipped out of the dream and was able to move. it was weird, because it's not like how you usually come out of a dream. there was no black point, my eyes stayed open. i was just finally able to move. i freaked out for a bit and almost cried, but i eventually went back to sleep.

    i didn't see any monsters, but felt its presence and like its hands holding me still.

  9. #9
    I had a dream about being on an alien planet with a purple pyramid and then suddenly woke up with sleep paralysis. Scariest thing that ever happened to me not even being shot or stabbed can compare. Next closest thing was witnessing ball lightning as a kid when i didnt know what it was.

  10. #10
    Yes, a couple of months ago. Was kinda scared at first, then I found it exciting. Then I woke up.

  11. #11
    The Unstoppable Force Ghostpanther's Avatar
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    Yes. Use to happen more often when I was young. Seldom happens now. It is rather common and nothing to worry about. And no, they are not caused by demons.

  12. #12
    The Unstoppable Force Ghostpanther's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Winter Blossom View Post
    No, but my husband has had it numerous times. He tells me it's quite terrifying. It's why I'll always wake him up if he makes any weird sounds, etc.

    Only weird thing I've had happened is I get dreams where I watch my body sleep, and I can't move too far from my body. It feels like an outta body experience.
    That is actually very similar to sleep paralysis. Which some will have nightmares during them and also seem to be able to sit up some, but not move. As if, like you experienced, they are out of the body. And feel presences in the room. Some have speculated this is what the alien abductions stories people have are experiencing. And no, I do not think you have been abducted by aliens. lol.

  13. #13
    Herald of the Titans Maruka's Avatar
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    I get it almost weekly sometimes its worse than others. My main one is i wake up and im paralyzed and feel like i have a huge weight on my chest or if im on my stomach i feel like there is someone right over my back. I see a black shadow sometimes until my eyes and body realize im up.

  14. #14
    A lot of times, but I've learned how to snap out of it when it happens. Haven't had it recently. I usually only get it when I'm overly tired and sleep too late. Since I've started fixing my sleeping habits it hasn't really happened again.

  15. #15
    Twice, once as a kid, i was scared shitless and thought i was going to die. tried to cry out but couldn't make more than a quiet squeal.

    the 2nd time happened years later, but i knew what was happening in this point and just tried to relax. Wich is much harder than it seems, considering you cant move a muscle and your heart is pounding like crazy, adrenaline overload.
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  16. #16
    Honorary PvM "Mod" Darsithis's Avatar
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    Many times. I don't enjoy it.

  17. #17
    More times than I can remember. It's tapered off a bit once I hit my 30s, but it's not fun. It's terrifying to go through as a kid.

    'The Nightmare" really hits the nail on the head, and was an uncomfortable watch. The guy who saw the weird alien-like creatures is closest to what I usually see. But once as a teenager I saw a weird blue spectre hallucination. And another time in my 20s it was the more folkloric hideous hag/witch/spirit. But usually it's alien-type creatures.

  18. #18
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    I've had dreams where I've felt stuck, couldn't get out of, whatever, but never the classic being awake with something in your room or on your chest.

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  19. #19
    Mechagnome AndyF1069's Avatar
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    Three times, all within recent years. It's always terrifying because I don't realise I'm "asleep", I always believe everything that is happening is real. In every single situation I have felt as if I was unable to breathe (usually a part of the dream) and all three times I've genuinely believed I was about to die. The worst was the time I was trying to call out for help and literally couldn't because of the paralysis.

    Once I've snapped out of it and come to my senses, I appreciate it for the freaky phenomena that it is.

  20. #20
    This is probably one of the scariest things I've ever heard of. I researched it for a project once and I have avoided sleeping on my back ever since.

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