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  1. #1

    FROST needs something!!!!

    Heyup dk world

    Well i am normaly not one to post on forums and am happy to just sit back and follow BUT!!!

    I hope blizz read stuff on here /pray and what we discus about can somehow help them to make a difference or small changes that can make things even more fun to play in wow like DK,s and where frost is at the moment for example

    this is not a NEED more dps winge/thread it is more a make frosts rotation flow again!!!! PLS BLIZZ!!!

    to me it seems simple

    NEW RING=change to freezing fog-(ring talent) frozen pulse horn of winter or keep as it is but give Runic Attenuation generate 3 runic power on auto attacks, BUT tbh how many players really use Frostscythe now?? it was a nice bit of fun for first few months in legion but its still so clunky and feels still very out of place in frosts play style

    hope blizz are at least scratching there heads and looking at frost to somehow make our rotation flow again /pray

    it kinda feels like blizz should have given us the tier19 set bonus on last tier of legion lol as after having so much enjoyment with the runic regeneration and rotation before to alas now go back to a fragmented feeling in rotation is a real shame

    anyway, keep up the good work folks and have fun



  2. #2
    Rime procs generating runic power will be sorely missed.

  3. #3
    I think the ring should still be an optional AoE item for frost and give FScythe instead of RM.

    Either way, all frost really needs is a slight % base buff and maybe a slight rework of BoS. They should also make Wratih Walk equal on all 3 specs and for the love of god, make it so that attacks aren't canceling it. We are the only class whose movement enhancing effect cancels if we dare to do something.. as if it wasn't already the worst one.
    Last edited by Cosmic Janitor; 2017-07-08 at 11:47 AM.

  4. #4
    BoS spec should be optional. Not mandatory, any other options we have is terrible compared to it(...and everyone else's), I say buff the other talents. Give us more viable options. BoS is fine as a playstyle- so I personally don't think it should be changed that much, but it shouldn't be our only choice. BoS playstyle gets old real fast...

  5. #5
    Oh it needs something, alright. It needs it's talents reworked, to start with. It needs, as stated above, another option from BoS. If you look at Unholy, most of it's talents have been either viable, or even the best in it's tier at one point or another this xpac. You can use multiple builds as Unholy. That simply cannot be said for Frost. Frost has one option and that's it. I think the other thing that really hurt Frost this tier was the loss of the rime bonus from T19. Frost has no effective on demand AoE now, as a result. That tier bonus should be baked in as a passive.

    And for a spec with such minimal mobility / speed boost options, Frost falls even further behind by the fact that they have junk for ranged abilities. Unholy has a strong dot, CS, Death Coil, and pet damage and they still get the talent that boosts Wraith Walk lol.

    The sooner you guys all stop complaining and just give up on Frost, the sooner the devs will realize it's broken and no one is playing it and look in to a fix.
    Hellborne - US Illidan
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  6. #6
    Well I absolutely hate BoS so replacing that will do me fine.

  7. #7
    Frostscythe should replace frost strike. It's too clunky as it is

  8. #8
    Big changes like balancing all 3 100 talents, maybe making frost scythe baseline and replacing spot with a new talent, etc... wont come till start of next expansion. At best all you can hope for now are tuning fixes to prop frost up. Since TOS seems to favor UH, I would expect the "catch up" buffs to come right before Argus raid launches.

  9. #9
    The Patient Ruunicus's Avatar
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    I think Frost talents should be re-designed with a very simply "Single Target / AOE / Utility" mindset.

    Sure, Patchwork fights (tunneling with no fear of standing in fire) would be a clear set of Single Target talents but most fights would allow for a mixture based on the mechanics. Maybe it would be worthwhile to lose some Single Target DPS to gain a utility for the fight. Maybe taking a mixture of all the talents makes you a somewhat mediocre but very versatile and thus the best overall build for World PVE.

    I feel the choices would be based on deciding between a Single Target or AOE focus and then deciding if you need the Utility instead.

    I would be okay with this style of choice especially if it affected the gameplay instead of just switching button presses. This would mean that Frost would simply be 2 styles of gameplay that don't have to be balanced to be perfect with each other. Mixing some of the talents together could mean an infinite amount of resources but DPS would be sub-par. AOE could very well be bigger DPS numbers overall but only equaling 70% (or lower) of the Single Target's DPS on the main target.

    They don't have to really balance talents with talents, just choice lines with choice lines (to an extent). Mixing Single Target talents with AOE would ONLY mean versatility as the choices would directly affect the skill (Single Target = Obliterate, AOE = Frost Scythe). If a talent boosts Obliterate, make sure it does not boost Frost Scythe. Don't make any talents about skills that both choices would use (Frost Strike, etc.) Utility would be Defensive or Quality of Life only... nothing to do with anything offensive or even resource generation (they should be baked in the talents for ST or AOE).

    An example of gameplay styles could be Single Target/Obliterate is power dependent on Runes and AOE/Frostscythe is super focused on Resource Management and chaining attacks together. i.e. Howling Blast is a talent that changes Icy Touch to Howling Blast. The only difference between the two is that Howling Blast infects ALL targets hit with Frost Fever and Icy Touch only does the one. Same damage from the skill itself. No "real" benefit to ST considering the ST's talent choice of the same tier could be that Icy Touch/Frost Fever counts as an additional Rune or two when using Obliterate on that target (for damage modifying). For Howling Blast, maybe FrostScythe does 10% extra damage to all enemies infected with Frozen Fever (especially if resource generation is tied to Frost Fever)
    Last edited by Ruunicus; 2017-07-08 at 03:22 PM.

  10. #10
    over on the wow class dev forums i suggested that the runes needs to get off the two at a time recharge and should recharge individually and recharge as soon as you use them.
    oblit needs to scale with mastery to make it more nuky and it bugs people that it doesn't do frost damage. Obitiration should be a on demand thing where you get stacks of KM instead of having a full RP bar going oblit Fstr oblit Fstr Oblit fstr. problem with that if you get cc during it Poof buff wasted.

    or replace Obliteration with Merciless Combat and when a mob is at 35% health you do more damage.

    Breath being on the talent tree is to good because everything else is crappy by comparison
    i thought of this following changes to give Frost less downtime and more power
    Runic Empowerment
    You have 1.899 per rp spent to recharge a rune. You have 30-35% chance each time RE triggers to recharge all your runes when 4 or more are on cooldown.

    Death Runes
    Each time a full RE triggers you have 50% chance for your frost runes to become Death Runes and when a Death Rune is comsumed you deal 30% additional shadowfrost damage per rune used.

    also the talent abominations might should be changed to hungering cold for a small area freeze because Rng stuns are no good

  11. #11
    To fix BoS:
    - Hungering Rune Weapon should have a 2 min. cd. (Talent should probably be baseline too, ERW was always bad design. Or at least put on the same tier as Frozen Pulse)
    - Rime procs should give RP.

    To fix other stuff:
    - Glacial Advance needs a buff (this one seems so obvious; its not even buffing the spec, just making a talent viable.)
    - Obliteration needs a way to deal with rime procs, (banking, autocasting, off cd, etc) or shouldn't involve killing machine at all.
    - White walker should be a cd reduction/move speed increase. Just give us what unholy has.

  12. #12
    Field Marshal
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    I agree that it needs something.

    Having best inslot Legendries and great gear for frost and for the fun of it I tried unholy with Talent Ring and KJ trinket and just equip items what had good amount of mastery and some haste on (still had more crit due to frost being main spec) And then without really knowing or being use to the rotation I did way beter dps with it then I could with frost.

    That to me is utter BS. And I like the play style of managing your breath phases and know when to drop my dragon etc.

  13. #13
    Bring back the MOP Soul Reaper!

  14. #14
    Immortal hellhamster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proterra View Post
    Bring back the MOP Soul Reaper!
    Please don't.

  15. #15
    Why not? I also feel a good execute would be amazing to have....

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Icedcoffeee View Post
    To fix BoS:
    - Hungering Rune Weapon should have a 2 min. cd.
    I have to agree with that. Did LFR today as frost for funsies as I have finally scraped together t204p and I realized that I still had a considerable discrepancy between the times of HRW and BoS and I actually still used CoF. Without that it would be even worse..

    It plays kinda terrible overall as with the shorter breaths there is a lot more of the boring part of the rotation. Even the bursty parts during the rotation kinda pale in comparison thanks to unholy's DA being quite a bit stronger.

  17. #17
    Agreed, Hungering should be 2min cd baseline. CoF fits so well with BOS and I realize that blizz is not a fan of one trinket carrying on through multiple tiers, might as well cut the middleman and lower the CD of Hungering. That being said still no buffs to frost (or many of the other bottom feeders) this week...

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Bisque View Post
    Agreed, Hungering should be 2min cd baseline. CoF fits so well with BOS and I realize that blizz is not a fan of one trinket carrying on through multiple tiers, might as well cut the middleman and lower the CD of Hungering. That being said still no buffs to frost (or many of the other bottom feeders) this week...
    Well, My bet is that they will wait until one or more guilds have actually killed KJ on Mythic. If they change the class balance now while the top guilds are progressing on KJ, Imagine the salt in the Rogue/Mage forums.

    After that I expect they will just buff aura again by 3-5 %, then maybe rework some talents for 7.3

  19. #19
    Curious that Blizzard at least attempted to address the talent problems with feral, and even killed the Focused Rage playstyle for arms warriors after seemingly so many players disliked it being the ONLY option. Yet so far Blizzard is content for the BoS setup to be the ONLY choice for frost, and is seemly content with it still being a low-throughput option on top of being the only option.

  20. #20
    problem is, that you need BoS and you need the legy ring to do some good dmg. 2nd problem: if you pop bos and you have to gtfo away from the boss or adds, your damage is just gone. frost dks either need a patchwerk only raid (yeah...not...) or some really tough balancing

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