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  1. #121
    Grommash resurrects Garrosh with his final breath and the power of friendship.

    Garrosh takes Gorehowl back and escapes back to our Azeroth.

    He sails to Northrend and scales Icecrown, then uses a new mineral he happened to discover along the way called 'Metzenite' to fuse his body with Bolvar's.

    Becomes Bolvarrosh Helldragon, the Iron Lich, raising Orc corpses to purge the Scourge of non-Orcish undead.

    Undead-undead Drakkari as the obligatory troll raid.

    Something about Thrall.

  2. #122
    the burning legion, the true one, not the small legion from bc, i'm really certain that at the end of WoD, there will be a beginning of the return of the true mighty burning legion messing around with the orcs of Draenor

  3. #123
    I would like to see the Legion, Emerald Dream (a girl can hope, right?) or Azshara. But it will probably be more Orcs.
    Karma always has the last laugh.

  4. #124
    Blizzard is pretty good at taking fans by surprise with Wow expansions. Honestly I was expecting so many things instead of WoD. When they first played the trailer at Blizzcon I just sat there in silence. I was so upset and confused and frustrated at first but like always, They can pretty much take any idea and make it great. It took me awhile to come around but now I love almost everything about Warlords and I trust Blizzard with what ever comes next. One thing I'm pretty sure of though is that it will continue to come out of know where and shock the hell out of us. It's a bit discouraging for the nerd inside who wants so many things to come. Murlocs, Naga, South Seas, Burning Legion, revisiting old lore... I want so much to have a continuation of Timbermaw lore. I want Murlocs to be playable and I would love them to go into detail on some of the existing Races back stories and lore continuations. To answer the original question though, What is coming? I doubt we will be able to predict it and I bet lots of us will be here again in a few years going Okay! Seriously guys this one is it! No more Pandas, no more time travel! ...WHAT?! TWO HEADED SPACE DRAGONS?!

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