OK so my warrior that has both Alchemy and Inscription get's the node markers on their mini-map for both the mine and herb garden whenever they pop up at reset (and sometimes fr the random spawning of carts after in the mine). Now however my warlock and shaman do not get anything showing up besides the Caches from work orders or the one near the town hall.

All addons are the same as well as the settings for anything gathering related or trade skill related. This persists after relogging or restarting the game, I still se on the warrior but not on the other characters. I know it's a minor thing but after getting used to it on my warrior and now having these alts leveling up it's more than a little maddening to have to hunt for these nodes when they where just shown to me previously.

Anyone else having this issue or is it just some weird thing happening to me? Any input would be great and any potential fixes.
