1. #1

    ATR Protection WeakAura Groups

    A few people have posted similar groups already, but I've had a few people asking for mine on my stream chat, so decided I'd post them up here so that I have somewhere to send them while at the same time, helping out anybody who happens across this thread and finds them useful.

    So on the image there are 3 groups.

    Blue: Complete protection warrior group.
    Green: Damage buff uptime tracking
    Yellow: Defensive auras, including externals and raid CDs.

    Protection Warrior Group

    1. Active Mitigation Alert - pops up a shield block icon if it's not on cooldown, and you have 60 or more rage. Shows a barrier icon if shield block is on cooldown.
    2. Shows the time remaining of your Shield Block & Barrier buffs.
    3. Shows Enraged Regeneration or Impending Victory information, depending on which one you have talented.
    4. Shows Ravager information, if you have it talented
    5. Standard tracking of Thunderclap, Pummel, Shield Slam, Revenge, Shield Block and Taunt cooldowns. Shield Slam glows on Sword & Board procs.
    6. Rage Bar (will soon add some coding to make the bar change colour at certain values)
    7. Resolve bar. Capacity of the bar changes depending on value. Below 100% value the bar shows 0-100% resolve. If you reach 100%, the bar will adjust to display 0-200%, and so on...
    8. Shield Block, Last Stand, Demoralizing Shout, Mocking banner cooldowns + cooldown tracking for your level 60 and 90 talent choices.

    Damage Buff Uptimes Group

    Simply tracks how long remains of your damage buffs. Currently containts bloodbath, ravager, bladestorm avatar and also shows unyielding strilkes with stacks.

    Defensive Auras Group

    Shows you the duration of all personal, external and raid cooldown defensives. Those marked with the number 9 (red icons on the image) change colour depending on whether or not you're in range; Red if you are outside of the area of effect, and green if you're inside.

  2. #2
    Hey new level 100 protection warrior here

    I made this account just for this comment. I absolutely love the work you've done on these, they are very clean, well spaced and track everything I need. Took me a while to find the right Weak auras, since I don't like any of the popular ones. Any ways awesome work!

  3. #3
    Definitely going to try this out and make a few modifications for my UI's sake.

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