1. #1

    When do you spread rend?

    I'm learning warrior and I use simcraft to learn rotations but I'm not sure at when to spread rend in a AoE situation:

    actions.aoe+=/execute,if=((rage>60|active_enemies=2)&cooldown.colossus_smash.remains>execute_time)|debuf f.colossus_smash.up|target.time_to_die<5

    So let me make sure I have this right; You make sure rend is applied to your main target but you do not SPREAD rend to other targets until you have no rage for whirlwind and cooldowns are down?

    is this right? Whilst running taste of blood it seems like a lot of delay.

  2. #2
    That's the theory. In Practice it most likely will mean that you rend the targets instantly, then go back to your rotation, unless you'll cap on rage by doing so.
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  3. #3
    After practicing it for a while it makes a lot of sense, and is quite fluid; don't bother spreading rend until you have some downtime and need rage, which will happen eventually. (and if it doesn't happen, you shouldn't consider spreading rend in the first place.)
    Last edited by Blacken; 2014-12-22 at 02:37 AM.

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