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  1. #121
    The ring damage increase applies while building up the damage and does not effect the final explosion. So canceling can increase dps.

  2. #122
    Quote Originally Posted by Slykz View Post
    Made a weakaura on when to cancel Spirit shift. Keep in mind that i don't actually have the ring myself, so i don't know if it'll work but it should.

    It triggers when Spirit shift has 4 or less seconds left, and ring has 2 or less. Ring is set to 2 seconds instead of 1 to be able to react to it.

    Try and see if it works.
    This weak aura does not work. You cannot check the duration left of Maalus as the buff has no duration if someone else in the raid used the ring (not to mention you check if Maalus is greater than 2 instead of less than 2. Your 2nd trigger is incorrect as well, its just a health check on player.

    I have been working on a weak aura to track rings + shift cancel notification.
    pastebin . com / Dd3P2eZn

    The default intersect is set to 5 seconds (this can be modified in the MaalusSC custom trigger section (change the local intersect to the time you want)

  3. #123
    It's very annoying to use.

    I have to cancel the effect multiple times on most fights (at least I find that annoying, some may find it more 'interactive'). I'm not even completely sure if it's better than using my (700) BHM, seeing as I'm often wasting 30-60% of the (701) SC proc.

    If they absolutely insisted on having this explosion mechanic, they should have at least had you do 100% of your normal damage during the proc, and make the explosion do 30% extra of the damage you dealt during the proc window. Similar to the ring.

    The trinket is fairly boring if you think about it. They may as well just have made it grant you 30% extra damage for the duration. You would lose the split AoE element of it, but honestly in most M encounters I've done, if it does hit multiple targets, they're usually very low prio so you end up wasting the damage.

    All in all I would much prefer for it not to be one of our BiS trinkets for any of the specs.

  4. #124
    got it yesterday on mythic, guess its a good upgrade from ilvl 700 Beating heart but i rly hate the visual effect over the whole screen, its hard to see some boss abilities while the trinket proc is on, is there anyway to get rid of the visual effect without canceling the whole proc ?

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