1. #1

    Rogue Power Bars

    RPB have 2 separated barsets, Debuff and Buff.

    Any way to make Buffs and Debuffs bars stack?


    Like that image.

    Dont answer: "use weak auras", i want to use RPB for a different reason.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Xeh.- View Post
    Dont answer: "use weak auras", i want to use RPB for a different reason.
    Use Tell Me When.

    Serious question though, what are you using RPB for that you don't/can't use TMW or WA2 for?

  3. #3
    Was for a friend of mine but i decided to make him what he is looking for in weak auras....

  4. #4
    You have the Option for each Buff/Debuff to let it be displayed on the other bar.

  5. #5
    I use RPB and i have all of them in the same stack. All u do is have the Buffs stacking upwards and the Debuffs stacking downwards and u set the starting position Buff above the Debuff. Combine this by setting each buff/debuff with a priority number and u basically have each buff/debuff appearing in the same place when active.

  6. #6
    I use tell me when

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