1. #1

    Transmog Auction Addon for Legion

    I'm trying to find the simplest and easiest to handle addon(s) for selling my stockpile of salvage yard transmog items (any boe equips) for the legion wardrobe. Figuring that a lot of people will, like me, want to just fill out their wardrobe with every item appearance regardless of whether or no they will ever use that look.

    But since many different items hold the same appearance and most boe's have random suffixes which makes it hard to sell using auctinator since it scans for specific names.

    I'm trying TSM but it seems overly complicated with a ton of features I don't use.

    I just need something that I can use to mass post the boes at reasonable prices come patch day.

  2. #2
    Maybe Auctionator can do what you need. I haven't used it in a while so not entirely sure.

    As for TSM, it can be complicated to setup, but is extremely powerful once configured. I'd say play around with it and search for videos on YouTube related to xmog auctions and you should find some help with the setup.
    Signature by Caerule

  3. #3
    TSM. If you dont wanna learn it, doesnt matter, you probably wont be fiddling with this in a few weeks.

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