Looking to hit 2k, and trying to figure out what to play. I can't decide. I only jokingly put Blood up. I'll eventually power up my Blood weapon so that I can potentially tank in RBGs if I get a flag map. But I doubt I'd play Blood very seriously in PvP. Just goofing around the last 2 seasons (Spent most of my time on my Monk or my DH), Frost just... I don't. With the amount of mobility and CC the game is rocking now, I feel like I'm always just out of range of everything. If I'm able to get on something, as long as all CDs and SF are up, I can usually nuke someone. But outside of that, it's like, "Guys, wait for me!"

Is the CD reduction on Wraith from Unholy big enough to relearn Unholy/Power my Unholy wep from no AP in it? Or is there some new secret to Frost PvP that I'm missing? What's working for everyone else?

Also, some Comp suggestions for Season 3 would be welcomed. I've mostly been random-ing around with friends, and not worrying too much about Comp. Still looking for Ebola Cleave/Walking Dead?