1. #1

    Macro to enable/disable certain Interface options


    I have all "Names" related interface options off when I am exploring and questing. When I want to do an instance with a group, I manually enable some "Names" options to see mob names and nameplates. I was wondering if there is a possibility to make a macro (which I can then bind to a hotkey) to enable/disable certain interface options, so that I will just press a hotkey when I am going in an instance and press again when coming out.

    This is how I have it when in an instance:


    This is how I have it when exploring/questing:


    Thanks for any tips and ideas.

  2. #2
    What have you tried before? You already have some experience with the WoW interface

    Can you try this, otherwise there probably is a (nameplate) addon that can do this
    /run local a,b,c="UnitName","nameplateShow",GetCVar("UnitNameNPC")=="1"and 0 or 1 for _,v in pairs{"NPC","EnemyPlayerName","EnemyMinionName"}do SetCVar(a..v,c)end for _,v in pairs{"All","Enemies","EnemyMinions","EnemyMinus"}do SetCVar(b..v,c)end

    other thread for reference https://eu.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/17615673243

  3. #3
    Thank you very much, it works perfectly. May I ask where you got the terms like "UnitName", "EnemyPlayerName", "EnemyMinionName" etc. just so I know as a reference?

  4. #4

  5. #5

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