1. #1

    Cant right click off buffs with SBF anymore..

    I remember her adding an option so that it was possible.. but now the interactive option is buggy.. So was just wondering if anyone knows how I can right click buffs off now? Cheers

  2. #2
    Have you reloaded your ui after checking Set Interactive for that buff group?

  3. #3
    Why yes I have.
    It bugs out and makes like 40 empty buff icons. :/

  4. #4
    I had the same thing happen to me, but a /reload fixed that. As far as I know, setting interactive on buff groups is the only way in SBF to enable right clicking buffs off

  5. #5
    I've found this happens with a lot of buff addons. I have the issue with Raven too. I just use /cancelaura. If it's one I use a lot (I tend to use righteous fury as holy on Beth to help with adds) and I have a macro to cancel it when we're done. Otherwise I'd forget. (lol).

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