1. #3981
    Xin Zhao or Wukong??

    I'm a bit new to game, got like 1 month playtime experience. I watch a lot videos of people playing in high elo to know how good people play a specific champ so i be a little bit prepared.

    I love playing top lane, be a bruiser. It's just so insane, as wukong you can escape pretty nice with his clone, or pretending you used your clone. His damage output is troughough the game pretty decent and his ult is just a wrecking ball!! Juking is awesome with Wu!
    As xin zhao, the 3hit = heal is really nice, you don't need to leave top lane that fast and his Q+E makes it very easy to gank / harass. His ult can be in favor of the enemy team (when he spreads them out) but it could also be usefull in a small area when they focus on the adc or to escape.

    When those 2 champs were free, i played the sh*t out of them! Just bruisin' round.

    Just so you know, i do not have a lot of experience, but i want to play one of them as a main till i get to higher elo (i am lvl 7).

    So... which one would be the best? or both?

  2. #3982
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    Just grab both, if you loved them both

  3. #3983
    I would also say both.
    If you don't especially want to restrict yourself to one champion it's actually a good idea to have two champions you are comfortable with for one position.
    Also, when you have a higher level and ever want to jungle, you would already have a jungler you are comfortable with (Xin Zhao).
    The only reason against getting both is the combined IP cost. If that's not a problem for you, buy both.

  4. #3984
    I'd say Wukong is definitely a top "top" pick if you manage to master him. You rarely see him because he can be outpicked, but he has some mad scaling on his already strong ultimate, combined with some really fun plays. His jungle is okay, but pretty weak since you need the gold.

    Xin is mainly a jungler, probably among the stronger ones still. I'd say he is a weaker toplane pick, but I don't have much experience with him there.

  5. #3985
    Wukong it is then! thanks for giving me some more tops about their champ style, made my decision easier!

    I can almost buy him tihi

  6. #3986
    Are there any champs I should pick up? These are the champs I currently own. I think I need some more teamfight oriented mids.

    Last edited by Pandragon; 2013-05-02 at 03:39 AM.
    If what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Then I should be a god by now.

  7. #3987
    So, I'm not really into playing the ADC/APC role but I'm into playing high damage champs that generally aren't the ones people aim to kill first in the team fights (Lol, yeah, I know.) any suggestions?

    Current ones that I play that don't seem to get bursted down first:

    Gangplank, Olaf, Vi (Don't play a lot of heroes)
    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    Illegal immigration is not a crime.
    Quote Originally Posted by turskanaattori View Post
    What the actual fuck now, internet? Grow a thicker skin and stop being a whiny faggot.

  8. #3988
    okay so i prefer top lane and i am willing to learn how to jungle i currently play nidalee vi nasus and sion top duo or solo it doesnt matter. I am trying to decide what champion to buy next for top lane i am currently sitting on 4800 IP and am thinking between trundle and vladimir and jarvan... i like being bulky and being able to kill champs but i wouldnt mind lane sustain either..i am just wondering who would be a better pick for me

  9. #3989
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    @Pandragon: Ryze seems to be an obvious candidate as is Lux

    @SageKalzi: I'm not sure what you're asking for here.

  10. #3990
    Quote Originally Posted by SageKalzi View Post
    So, I'm not really into playing the ADC/APC role but I'm into playing high damage champs that generally aren't the ones people aim to kill first in the team fights (Lol, yeah, I know.) any suggestions?

    Current ones that I play that don't seem to get bursted down first:

    Gangplank, Olaf, Vi (Don't play a lot of heroes)
    maybe Riven, Darius, Garen type of champs?

  11. #3991
    Quote Originally Posted by Pandragon View Post
    Are there any champs I should pick up? These are the champs I currently own. I think I need some more teamfight oriented mids.
    If you want a teamfight orientated mid you should look at Lissandra

  12. #3992
    Quote Originally Posted by S2omegaS2 View Post
    maybe Riven, Darius, Garen type of champs?
    Never played Riven and have played Darius a couple times when I was a complete noob and both of those sound exactly like what I'm thinking of, thank you.
    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    Illegal immigration is not a crime.
    Quote Originally Posted by turskanaattori View Post
    What the actual fuck now, internet? Grow a thicker skin and stop being a whiny faggot.

  13. #3993
    Rumble or Trundle?

    I pretend to use Trundle in the top lane along in the jungle and Rumble is a very good top.

  14. #3994
    I seem to get bored of all my champions quickly. I think it might be because I never settle on one.
    I like to be tanky, burst with damage + mobile. :/ Seems impossible to find something that suits me!

  15. #3995
    Quote Originally Posted by Flln View Post
    I seem to get bored of all my champions quickly. I think it might be because I never settle on one.
    I like to be tanky, burst with damage + mobile. :/ Seems impossible to find something that suits me!
    Maybe because you want to have your cake and eat it too :P

    You could try Elise.

  16. #3996
    Quote Originally Posted by Flln View Post
    I seem to get bored of all my champions quickly. I think it might be because I never settle on one.
    I like to be tanky, burst with damage + mobile. :/ Seems impossible to find something that suits me!
    Might wanna try out Zac. His damage isn't really super bursty though, but he has the rest, that's for sure.

  17. #3997
    Quote Originally Posted by Flln View Post
    I seem to get bored of all my champions quickly. I think it might be because I never settle on one.
    I like to be tanky, burst with damage + mobile. :/ Seems impossible to find something that suits me!
    Vi is very mobile, scales well with damage oriented items, has a good burst if you are able to land a q -> r -> e -> e combo (or q, e, r e). Only issue with her is that outside of her passive she is not as tanky if you dont build for it. She's also fairly easy to kite if you dont have red buff or are building iceborn gauntlet/frozen mallet (I suggest iceborn as one of the first if you got the income).
    Her jungling ganks are very strong and almost impossible to escape post level 6. She lanes very well and can out trade most others if you can land your Q. Her E also gives her very strong harras. I once played her a lot as a mid champion, and she is shitting on all AD mid assassins in her laning phase. I often however easily get overwhelmed by bruiser in the early levels. I outscale them late game.

    Another champion would be Volibear. He is very mobile, unlike Vi impossible to escape from without the use of ulti, and he has strong damage early game/against squishies. He is also much more naturally tanky, and his damage scales off his health.

    Jarvan would be another one that fits your description. There's in general a lot of bruiser champions that has strong early game damage but it falls off late game. Vi would still be my main suggestion because of her mobility and fairly good damage scaling. When I manage to hit 3-5 full items on Vi in late game SR or ARAM I am able to auto attack down tanks, aoe team fights, and burst down carries, while still tanking everything.
    Last edited by mmoca20fa69a21; 2013-05-04 at 09:20 AM.

  18. #3998
    Looking to add another champion to my ADC collection, I was thinking ezrael or twitch, is it true that ezrael's damage is bad this season?

    Here are the ADC's I own currently: Cait, Draven, Graves, MF, Trist, Varus, Vayne.

  19. #3999
    Quote Originally Posted by Icycoldd View Post
    Looking to add another champion to my ADC collection, I was thinking ezrael or twitch, is it true that ezrael's damage is bad this season?

    Here are the ADC's I own currently: Cait, Draven, Graves, MF, Trist, Varus, Vayne.
    Nope, watch the asian streams and you'll still see a lot of Ezreals playing.

  20. #4000
    Quote Originally Posted by Zelgius View Post
    Nope, watch the asian streams and you'll still see a lot of Ezreals playing.
    Will do, thanks.

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