1. #1

    Twist of Fate or Power Infusion (Shadow)

    I cried a bit inside cause of this


    I really really really wanted Power Infusion so hard as a Spriest since I rerolled years ago but know we have to decide between PI and Twist of Fate, someone else Q_Q about this or is it me who wishes that PI would change with a tier4 spell (http://media.mmo-champion.com/images...iest_tier4.jpg)

    PS: I know that the tier 4 spell list is only for defensive spells but damn, w u no let me haz PI for myself
    Last edited by Bischof; 2011-10-21 at 11:22 PM.
    Im sorry for my bad english :P

  2. #2
    We don't know how good twist of fate is yet, so hard to say which will be best. Hopefully they will be balance it correctly so on a fight where there's a hard burn phase under 25% you'd take twist of fate, and on other fights, or fights that might require hard burns at higher health you can pick power infusion.

  3. #3
    This is why you are able to switch talents per fight basis. On fights like normal ragnaros and Al'akir you want power infusion, whereas on heroic ragnaros and ascendant council you want Twist of fate. Also power infusion is really good if you are boosted, not very good in comparison to your other dps or relatively undergeared.

    Same with Divine star and Archangel. You probably want to use Divine star if you have trouble killing adds on Maloriak while you probably want Archangel on Alysrazor.

  4. #4
    I am Murloc! gaymer77's Avatar
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    I really don't see any priest not picking up PI no matter their spec unless they have 2 pve specs where PI is in one and ToF is in the other. But most people have a pve heals & pve shadow or pve shadow & pvp heals or pve shadow & pvp shadow build they probably won't have 2 pve builds where one is PI and the other is ToF. PI has more utility than ToF as it can be used more than once in most fights and lasts longer than a burn phase does.

  5. #5
    Yes, please remember this if you missed it:

    Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
    You can now change talents as easily as you change glyphs.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by gaymer77 View Post
    I really don't see any priest not picking up PI no matter their spec unless they have 2 pve specs where PI is in one and ToF is in the other. But most people have a pve heals & pve shadow or pve shadow & pvp heals or pve shadow & pvp shadow build they probably won't have 2 pve builds where one is PI and the other is ToF. PI has more utility than ToF as it can be used more than once in most fights and lasts longer than a burn phase does.
    You can't say anything at all until we know what "increases damage" means. That could be a 2% increase or a 200% increase (obviously not but you get the idea).

    Power infusion is actually not that big of a dps increase for spriests as it only really affects the damage of mind flay, as it will gcd cap you on most other spells (at the begining of a new xpac this wont be the case as much but still).

    Not really sure what you mean by lasts longer than a burn phase. PI, even if used perfectly on cooldown, has a 12.5% uptime. Twist of fate can be considered to have a 25% uptime regardless of how long the burn phase lasts.

    My theory is that twist of fate will be favored for most standard fights, especially patchwerk style ones. If the buff is >= 10% it will almost always be favored, as it will provide a 2.5% dps increase, which power infusion could never come close to. Exceptions would be fights that require pi'ing healers or fights with bursty aoe type requirements.
    Last edited by Jellyphant; 2011-10-22 at 01:40 AM.

  7. #7
    Ehh, Mind flay is channeled. And you still have Power Word : Death below 25.

    Got me thinking though, ---Mind Spike also increases the critical strike chance of your next Mind Blast on the target by 30%. Stacks up to 3 times.----

    Mana cost is huge, But I could see getting serendipity opening up with 2 Mind Spike's/mindblast/ Business as usuall. We already have a strong finisher

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Kasmein View Post
    Ehh, Mind flay is channeled. And you still have Power Word : Death below 25.

    Got me thinking though, ---Mind Spike also increases the critical strike chance of your next Mind Blast on the target by 30%. Stacks up to 3 times.----

    Mana cost is huge, But I could see getting serendipity opening up with 2 Mind Spike's/mindblast/ Business as usuall. We already have a strong finisher
    You realize we already have that talent right? And the small damage you might get in opening with that will vastly be overshadowed by TF / PI. I mean hugeeeeeeee.
    Serendipity is only a pvp talent as far as spriests go.

  9. #9
    Yes I realize its a current ability, But I could never get it in shadow before, And it doesn't even provide the crit % now anyways. Everything in the game spends more time above 25% health than they do below 25%, Pvp and Pve. Just a thought man, Don't need to get all nonsensical on me, especially when we have no way of even proving who is right

  10. #10
    @ Jellyphant your'e wrong about PI everthying scales withe tempo including dots, and as a shadow there is no spell you could get gcd except for Mindblast wich already has a cd ... But still you maybe right in general terms there is no way to say wich one is better without knowing the percentage of twist of fate. I for one will most likely take PI because a real on demand dmg cd is what Shadow is lacking right now.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Squawl View Post
    @ Jellyphant your'e wrong about PI everthying scales withe tempo including dots, and as a shadow there is no spell you could get gcd except for Mindblast wich already has a cd ... But still you maybe right in general terms there is no way to say wich one is better without knowing the percentage of twist of fate. I for one will most likely take PI because a real on demand dmg cd is what Shadow is lacking right now.
    That's my point is it doesn't raise the damage of any casted spells (Mind blast) and doesn't really help the cast time of vt (you'll get off one vt cast in a pi and itll be under the gcd cap anyway) and it does not increase the speed of your dots.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Jellyphant View Post
    That's my point is it doesn't raise the damage of any casted spells (Mind blast) and doesn't really help the cast time of vt (you'll get off one vt cast in a pi and itll be under the gcd cap anyway) and it does not increase the speed of your dots.
    False. Higher haste means that you get more ticks out of them, faster. Were you really not paying attention where for the past expansion and a half, haste has been Shadow's best stat?

    Duration goes up, damage goes up, tick frequency goes up, and Mind Flay goes up. The only part of Shadow's rotation that doesn't scale with haste is Mind Blast.

    But decisions, decisions. An actual talent tree that matters? About damn time Blizz.
    Last edited by Kelesti; 2011-10-22 at 06:20 AM.
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  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Kelesti View Post
    But decisions, decisions. An actual talent tree that matters? About damn time Blizz.
    This and so much more. I can not wait to see what interesting choices people make and how they come up to use them. Also being able to change around your talents super easy is going to be crazy. I can't imagine what guide writing is going to be like in the next expansion though.

    Also, every tier has something that sounds interesting. Something that the new twist of fate got me wondering about is if spriests are going to get the spirit = hit conversion as baseline now or if they are scraping that idea totally. I could honestly see a valid argument for either.

  14. #14
    As I've said elsewhere on this forum I'm happy for these changes. Still not entirely sure how it changes much though. Instead of going into a raid with your cookie cutter build you now just have a cookie cutter build per fight. (kind of the same you do with glyphs now but to a much larger extent)

    I just can't see how they can balance PI and twist of fate to be equal choices across all or even most fights. I expect in most scenarios there will be a very obvious choice and the other... not so much. I see the same issues with the yoyo vs AA.

  15. #15
    Twist of Fate + Vampiric Dominance?

    80 Kingslayer Shadow Priest - Spirestone

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